the sun revolves around the earth


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
since all motion is relative (a body can only move in relation to another body, multiple bodies, or a fixed point within a measurable field as viewed by an outside party- another 'body'), one could image the earth as being stationary and the sun traveling around the Earth. Of course, this requires a much more complex imagining of the motions of the other bodies, which is why it is seldom used (it is far simpler and easier {and therfore more useful} to iomagine or solar system from a fixed perspective which imagines the sun as 'stationary' relative to the orbits of the other bodies). However, one could imagine Earth as the stationary body around which Sol moves while the other bodies orbit Sol and, technically, one wouldn't be incorrect, but rather adopting a non-standard frame of reference for the observation of the movement of the heavenly bodies.

Using this frame of reference, we see that rather than the solar system spinning around a black hole, the black hole orbits the the Earth, getting ever closerand pulling other bodies near to it.

Standard? Definitely not. Useful? Not really? Needlessly complex a model/visualization? A poor choice for a frame of reference for any real application? Perhaps. But technically not wrong...

Next week: we all orbit a single electron....
A Challenger appears!:

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A Challenger appears!:


since all motion is relative (a body can only move in relation to another body, multiple bodies, or a fixed point within a measurable field as viewed by an outside party- another 'body'), one could image the earth as being stationary and the sun traveling around the Earth. Of course, this requires a much more complex imagining of the motions of the other bodies, which is why it is seldom used (it is far simpler and easier {and therfore more useful} to imagine or solar system from a fixed perspective which imagines the sun as 'stationary' relative to the orbits of the other bodies). However, one could imagine Earth as the stationary body around which Sol moves while the other bodies orbit Sol and, technically, one wouldn't be incorrect, but rather adopting a non-standard frame of reference for the observation of the movement of the heavenly bodies.

Using this frame of reference, we see that rather than the solar system spinning around a black hole, the black hole orbits the the Earth, getting ever closerand pulling other bodies near to it.

Standard? Definitely not. Useful? Not really? Needlessly complex a model/visualization? A poor choice for a frame of reference for any real application? Perhaps. But technically not wrong...

Next week: we all orbit a single electron....

Let us romove all other bodies from the heavens. How do you know whether the sun or the Earth has is moving? Yo can't tell until you adopt a given framof reference and observe how any given body moves in relation to another body or a fixedpoint.

It's like asking whether Earth rotates clockwise or counter-clockwise.

Copernicus is point to his preferred frame of reference

Challenger has been defeated

Some interesting statistics:

Only 47 percent of Americans can correctly answer the question, "How long does it take for the earth to travel around the sun one time?"

20 percent believe the sun rotates around the Earth.

20 percent think the Earth circles the sun once a day.

More than 90% CAN'T explain what a molecule is.

More than 75% have no clue what thins the ozone layer.

Only 2% understand what a "scientific theory" is.

64% have no idea what the "scientific method" is or the meaning of "scientific inquiry".

40% of Americans feel confident about the leaders in the scientific and medical communities. Less than 12% feel they are knowledgeable about science.

Less than 40% believe in the science of evolution (more than 80% in all other industrialized nation).

46% said God created man the way he is now less than 10,000 years ago. Statistic unchanged since 1982.

63% believe antibiotics kill viruses.

87% of scientists state that evolution is the result of natural processes with just 32 percent public agreement.

the near consensus among scientists about global warming is not mirrored in the general public. While 84% of scientists say the earth is getting warmer because of human activity such as burning fossil fuels, just 49% of the public agrees.

Scientists are the third most respected profession (after the military and teachers) (funny – science gives the military weapons and tells teachers what to say, they good ones anyway)

77% of scientists agreed with the claim that government scientists were not allowed to report research findings that conflicted with the Bush administration’s point of view.

By this time, everyone knows that less than 6% of scientists identify themselves as Republican

Oh, that home schooling.
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Some interesting statistics:

Only 47 percent of Americans can correctly answer the question, "How long does it take for the earth to travel around the sun one time?"

The sun orbits the earth once every day
20 percent believe the sun rotates around the Earth.

That's not incorrect, as I have shown ;)

20 percent think the Earth circles the sun once a day.

It does, depending on the frame of reference ;)

More than 90% CAN'T explain what a molecule is.

There was a mole in the he Cambridge University Light Entertainment Society who sold the script last year, enabling the3 Stanford team to defeat them in the annual drama competition...

More than 75% have no clue what thins the ozone layer.

The Oz One Layer, or Oz: Layer One was the first level of hyperspace accessible throught the Wizard's Tower during last week's acid trip. It was thinned by the increase in pressure in Oz Two Layer brought about by rapid expansion of gasses released from the Lion after eating too much menduo

Only 2% understand what a "scientific theory" is.

The Ory, was a common term of endearment for the orator at the MOLES performance. A scientific ory was a student majoring in any of the physical sciences

64% have no idea what the "scientific method" is or the meaning of "scientific inquiry".

A scientific meth od is when one reaches a given meth batche's ld50. A proper inquiry must be performed utilyzing volunteres to dtermine the specific LD50 of a gfven batch

40% of Americans feel confident about the leaders in the scientific and medical communities

This is significantly higher than our recent presidents

. Less than 12% feel they are knowledgeable about science.

Or that the last president (prior to current) was knowledgeable about English either

Less than 40% believe in the science of evolution (more than 80% in all other industrialized nation).

The science of Eve's lotion is a company secret. Rmours still abound, however, that she buys at Wal-mart and puts into plastic bottles from Target.

46% said God created man the way he is now less than 10,000 years ago. Statistic unchanged since 1982.

32% believe John McCain was there...

63% believe antibiotics kill viruses.

83% suspect these numbers are made up, as no source is cited

87% of scientists state that evolution is the result of natural processes with just 32 percent public agreement.

While numerous lab tests show that Eve's lotion is made w/ 100% natural ingredients, 32 percent of people interviewed objected to defining 'natural' as simply 'not supernatural'

the near consensus among scientists about global warming is not mirrored in the general public. While 84% of scientists say the earth is getting warmer because of human activity such as burning fossil fuels, just 49% of the public agrees.

Sears reports record AC sales...

Scientists are the third most respected profession (after the military and teachers) (funny – science gives the military weapons and tells teachers what to say, they good ones anyway)

Yours was the fourth post in this thread..

77% of scientists agreed with the claim that government scientists were not allowed to report research findings that conflicted with the Bush administration’s point of view.

32 percent of those scientists were female. Of them, 80% oppose bush and a further 12& responded 'trimmed' or 'landscaped'

By this time, everyone knows that less than 6% of scientists identify themselves as Republican

100% of my requests for alink to original; poll have gone unanswered

93% of Americans don't care
Some interesting statistics:

Only 47 percent of Americans can correctly answer the question, "How long does it take for the earth to travel around the sun one time?"

20 percent believe the sun rotates around the Earth.

20 percent think the Earth circles the sun once a day.

More than 90% CAN'T explain what a molecule is.

More than 75% have no clue what thins the ozone layer.

Only 2% understand what a "scientific theory" is.

64% have no idea what the "scientific method" is or the meaning of "scientific inquiry".

40% of Americans feel confident about the leaders in the scientific and medical communities. Less than 12% feel they are knowledgeable about science.

Less than 40% believe in the science of evolution (more than 80% in all other industrialized nation).

46% said God created man the way he is now less than 10,000 years ago. Statistic unchanged since 1982.

63% believe antibiotics kill viruses.

87% of scientists state that evolution is the result of natural processes with just 32 percent public agreement.

the near consensus among scientists about global warming is not mirrored in the general public. While 84% of scientists say the earth is getting warmer because of human activity such as burning fossil fuels, just 49% of the public agrees.

Scientists are the third most respected profession (after the military and teachers) (funny – science gives the military weapons and tells teachers what to say, they good ones anyway)

77% of scientists agreed with the claim that government scientists were not allowed to report research findings that conflicted with the Bush administration’s point of view.

By this time, everyone knows that less than 6% of scientists identify themselves as Republican

Oh, that home schooling.

And which Liberal rag did this come from?
Some interesting statistics:

Only 47 percent of Americans can correctly answer the question, "How long does it take for the earth to travel around the sun one time?"

20 percent believe the sun rotates around the Earth.

20 percent think the Earth circles the sun once a day.

More than 90% CAN'T explain what a molecule is.

More than 75% have no clue what thins the ozone layer.

Only 2% understand what a "scientific theory" is.

64% have no idea what the "scientific method" is or the meaning of "scientific inquiry".

40% of Americans feel confident about the leaders in the scientific and medical communities. Less than 12% feel they are knowledgeable about science.

Less than 40% believe in the science of evolution (more than 80% in all other industrialized nation).

46% said God created man the way he is now less than 10,000 years ago. Statistic unchanged since 1982.

63% believe antibiotics kill viruses.

87% of scientists state that evolution is the result of natural processes with just 32 percent public agreement.

the near consensus among scientists about global warming is not mirrored in the general public. While 84% of scientists say the earth is getting warmer because of human activity such as burning fossil fuels, just 49% of the public agrees.

Scientists are the third most respected profession (after the military and teachers) (funny – science gives the military weapons and tells teachers what to say, they good ones anyway)

77% of scientists agreed with the claim that government scientists were not allowed to report research findings that conflicted with the Bush administration’s point of view.

By this time, everyone knows that less than 6% of scientists identify themselves as Republican

Oh, that home schooling.

According to the US government, 2.9% of students are homeschooled, and yet you attribute huge percentages of Americans being ignorant to homeschooling.

Clearly, YOU learned your math "skills" in public school. :eusa_whistle:
Let us r(e)move all other bodies from the heavens. How do you know whether the sun or the Earth is moving? Yo(u) can't tell until you adopt a given fram(e) of reference and observe how any given body moves in relation to another body or a fixed point.
It's like asking whether (the) Earth rotates clockwise or counter-clockwise.
Copernicus is point(ing) to his preferred frame of reference.

You can't engage in speculation without any frame of reference. You have to take what is known then hypothesize about what may be.
It is known that the Earth rotates around the Sun. If you think that perhaps the Universe or our Sun rotates around some larger Universe then you may speculate all you want.
Some interesting statistics:

Only 47 percent of Americans can correctly answer the question, "How long does it take for the earth to travel around the sun one time?"

20 percent believe the sun rotates around the Earth.

20 percent think the Earth circles the sun once a day.

More than 90% CAN'T explain what a molecule is.

More than 75% have no clue what thins the ozone layer.

Only 2% understand what a "scientific theory" is.

64% have no idea what the "scientific method" is or the meaning of "scientific inquiry".

40% of Americans feel confident about the leaders in the scientific and medical communities. Less than 12% feel they are knowledgeable about science.

Less than 40% believe in the science of evolution (more than 80% in all other industrialized nation).

46% said God created man the way he is now less than 10,000 years ago. Statistic unchanged since 1982.

63% believe antibiotics kill viruses.

87% of scientists state that evolution is the result of natural processes with just 32 percent public agreement.

the near consensus among scientists about global warming is not mirrored in the general public. While 84% of scientists say the earth is getting warmer because of human activity such as burning fossil fuels, just 49% of the public agrees.

Scientists are the third most respected profession (after the military and teachers) (funny – science gives the military weapons and tells teachers what to say, they good ones anyway)

77% of scientists agreed with the claim that government scientists were not allowed to report research findings that conflicted with the Bush administration’s point of view.

By this time, everyone knows that less than 6% of scientists identify themselves as Republican

Oh, that home schooling.

And which Liberal rag did this come from?

Most of it came from the Beltway Boys.
Some interesting statistics:

Only 47 percent of Americans can correctly answer the question, "How long does it take for the earth to travel around the sun one time?"

20 percent believe the sun rotates around the Earth.

20 percent think the Earth circles the sun once a day.

More than 90% CAN'T explain what a molecule is.

More than 75% have no clue what thins the ozone layer.

Only 2% understand what a "scientific theory" is.

64% have no idea what the "scientific method" is or the meaning of "scientific inquiry".

40% of Americans feel confident about the leaders in the scientific and medical communities. Less than 12% feel they are knowledgeable about science.

Less than 40% believe in the science of evolution (more than 80% in all other industrialized nation).

46% said God created man the way he is now less than 10,000 years ago. Statistic unchanged since 1982.

63% believe antibiotics kill viruses.

87% of scientists state that evolution is the result of natural processes with just 32 percent public agreement.

the near consensus among scientists about global warming is not mirrored in the general public. While 84% of scientists say the earth is getting warmer because of human activity such as burning fossil fuels, just 49% of the public agrees.

Scientists are the third most respected profession (after the military and teachers) (funny – science gives the military weapons and tells teachers what to say, they good ones anyway)

77% of scientists agreed with the claim that government scientists were not allowed to report research findings that conflicted with the Bush administration’s point of view.

By this time, everyone knows that less than 6% of scientists identify themselves as Republican

Oh, that home schooling.

According to the US government, 2.9% of students are homeschooled, and yet you attribute huge percentages of Americans being ignorant to homeschooling.

Clearly, YOU learned your math "skills" in public school. :eusa_whistle:

and yet you attribute huge percentages of Americans being ignorant to homeschooling.

Or did I just make an "offhand" comment?
Some interesting statistics:

Only 47 percent of Americans can correctly answer the question, "How long does it take for the earth to travel around the sun one time?"

20 percent believe the sun rotates around the Earth.

20 percent think the Earth circles the sun once a day.

More than 90% CAN'T explain what a molecule is.

More than 75% have no clue what thins the ozone layer.

Only 2% understand what a "scientific theory" is.

64% have no idea what the "scientific method" is or the meaning of "scientific inquiry".

40% of Americans feel confident about the leaders in the scientific and medical communities. Less than 12% feel they are knowledgeable about science.

Less than 40% believe in the science of evolution (more than 80% in all other industrialized nation).

46% said God created man the way he is now less than 10,000 years ago. Statistic unchanged since 1982.

63% believe antibiotics kill viruses.

87% of scientists state that evolution is the result of natural processes with just 32 percent public agreement.

the near consensus among scientists about global warming is not mirrored in the general public. While 84% of scientists say the earth is getting warmer because of human activity such as burning fossil fuels, just 49% of the public agrees.

Scientists are the third most respected profession (after the military and teachers) (funny – science gives the military weapons and tells teachers what to say, they good ones anyway)

77% of scientists agreed with the claim that government scientists were not allowed to report research findings that conflicted with the Bush administration’s point of view.

By this time, everyone knows that less than 6% of scientists identify themselves as Republican

Oh, that home schooling.

According to the US government, 2.9% of students are homeschooled, and yet you attribute huge percentages of Americans being ignorant to homeschooling.

Clearly, YOU learned your math "skills" in public school. :eusa_whistle:

and yet you attribute huge percentages of Americans being ignorant to homeschooling.

Or did I just make an "offhand" comment?

Amazingly enough, WHY you made a dumbass remark is irrelevant to the fact that it was a dumbass remark.
The truly upsetting thing: The people who did this "poll" don't even know scientific language well enough to be whining about other people.
Let us r(e)move all other bodies from the heavens. How do you know whether the sun or the Earth is moving? Yo(u) can't tell until you adopt a given fram(e) of reference and observe how any given body moves in relation to another body or a fixed point.
It's like asking whether (the) Earth rotates clockwise or counter-clockwise.
Copernicus is point(ing) to his preferred frame of reference.

You can't engage in speculation without any frame of reference. You have to take what is known then hypothesize about what may be.
It is known that the Earth rotates around the Sun. If you think that perhaps the Universe or our Sun rotates around some larger Universe then you may speculate all you want.

I do not believe that you can postulate that the sun orbits the earth AND that the other planets orbit the sun. It doesn't work.

Sure you can. If you adopt the frame of reference which uses the center of the Earth as its fixed position, then the sun will move around the Earth as other planets continue to move around the sun.

Get a motorized model of the solar system (need no tbe to scale) and turn it on. Now grab Earth and pick up the entire device so that Earth stays put in your hands whole everything else moves. You have now adopted a frame of reference which uses Earth as its 'fixed point' from which it might observe the relative motions of the other bodies .

On a smaller scale:

A man stands on a flatbed truck. The truck drives down the road at 60mph. The man throws the ball towards the front of the truck at 90 mph. A car is passing the truck in the opposite direction at 52 miles per hour, and someone is standing on the side of thr road.

Now, the apparent (relative) speed with which the pass is moving is different for the different bodies involved. This is a simple exercise in classical mechanics and Newtonian relativity (the speeds not being sufficient to require using Einsteinian relativity, as Newton gives us a close enough approximation of the numbers)

Now, instead of being the car, the pitcher, the driver, or the guy on the side of the road, picture all this movement from the frame of reference of the ball. Describe how everything else moves in relation to you.
On a smaller scale:
A man stands on a flatbed truck. The truck drives down the road at 60mph. The man throws the ball towards the front of the truck at 90 mph. A car is passing the truck in the opposite direction at 52 miles per hour, and someone is standing on the side of thr road.
Now, the apparent (relative) speed with which the pass is moving is different for the different bodies involved. This is a simple exercise in classical mechanics and Newtonian relativity (the speeds not being sufficient to require using Einsteinian relativity, as Newton gives us a close enough approximation of the numbers)
Now, instead of being the car, the pitcher, the driver, or the guy on the side of the road, picture all this movement from the frame of reference of the ball. Describe how everything else moves in relation to you.
You just described Einsteins' Theory but of course he used trains as example. But nowhere, noway, nohow would he have ever said that the Sun rotates around the Earth. Except perhaps as a joke to show how ridiculous someone elses' theories are.
Maybe if you built a time machine and went back a few thousand years you could get away with that but not now, not today.

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