The stock market gives Trump 86% chance of winning


Gold Member
Apr 3, 2016
This is an interesting phenomenon. Is it real or coincidence?

Market Indicator Gives Trump An 86% Chance Of Winning The Election | Zero Hedge
You are using poorly managed S&P of the last eight years as your go to beacon?
You are using poorly managed S&P of the last eight years as your go to beacon?

Jake<Trump is the point.

Jake so you still think McMullin can win it all?

Of course he can win- All that needs to happen is for McMullin Mouse to win the 6 electoral votes in Utah, and the clown needs to win all the states that are red, purple or a toss up, and then add one of the solid blue states. Then the republicans in congress can give him the office. The odds are about the same as The bulldyke announcing that she is withdrawing because she has been stricken with a conscience.
Have you not learned that you can form correlations of past events to prediction any outcome as long as you pick the right set of past events. Benjamin Franklin Elementary School has been voting for president for 48 years and they have never been wrong. This year they picked Clinton with a 52% vote.
Business people are a lot smarted than liberals. Alleluia...
The stock market hates uncertain and Donald Trump is about the most uncertain candidate we have ever had. He says his greatest weapon is his unpredictability. He was for the war before he was against the war. He was a democrat before he was republican before he was independent before he was republican. He supported abortions rights before he was against them. He thought gun control was ok but now he doesn't. The Donald Trump in January may not be Donald Trump in November.

Probably what frightens Wall Street the most is without congressional approval, Trump could set aside NAFTA as a means of punishing the Mexicans and that would cause major economic repercussions.
Business people are a lot smarted than liberals. Alleluia...
The stock market hates uncertain and Donald Trump is about the most uncertain candidate we have ever had. He says his greatest weapon is his unpredictability. He was for the war before he was against the war. He was a democrat before he was republican before he was independent before he was republican. He supported abortions rights before he was against them. He thought gun control was ok but now he doesn't. The Donald Trump in January may not be Donald Trump in November.

Probably what frightens Wall Street the most is without congressional approval, Trump could set aside NAFTA as a means of punishing the Mexicans and that would cause major economic repercussions.

Trump could set aside NAFTA

How does a President "set aside" an agreement ratified by Congress?
The stock market goes down when Trump's numbers go up, and vice-versa.

They don't call that site Zero Money for nothing.
semi-agreement. the effects on commodities, Forex, Real estate, fixed income and equities of Trump v. Hillary are all over the map as in the dollar is likely to at least initially crash if Trump wins. While that is good for the US in real terms emerging markets including China might collapse. Who expects clarity when the candidates are:

The biggest war monger since the end of the Civil War.
A reality TV Star
A pothead
and a convicted felon
plus a clown car of lesser known other candidates

If Hillary wins and the GOP doesn't retain control of both houses of congress then guns and survival rations are the only things to invest in
Business people are a lot smarted than liberals. Alleluia...
The stock market hates uncertain and Donald Trump is about the most uncertain candidate we have ever had. He says his greatest weapon is his unpredictability. He was for the war before he was against the war. He was a democrat before he was republican before he was independent before he was republican. He supported abortions rights before he was against them. He thought gun control was ok but now he doesn't. The Donald Trump in January may not be Donald Trump in November.

Probably what frightens Wall Street the most is without congressional approval, Trump could set aside NAFTA as a means of punishing the Mexicans and that would cause major economic repercussions.

Trump could set aside NAFTA

How does a President "set aside" an agreement ratified by Congress?
NAFTA Article 2205:
"A Party may withdraw from this Agreement six months after it provides written notice of withdrawal to the other Parties. If a Party withdraws, the Agreement shall remain in force for the remaining Parties."

Congress does not sign trade treaties but authorizes the president to do so. The signer of the treaty or his successor is recognized as the representative of the nation. Although Trump could give notice of immediate withdrawal, he certainly would not do this because Congress would override him simply by passed a bill to a prevent financial crisis in the US.

What would probably happen is Trump would threaten Mexico to bring them to the bargaining table, possibly with an executive order instructing regulators to prepare for a termination as of some date in the future. If Trump actually did set aside NAFTA, it would create an immediate financial crisis in the US, Mexico, and Canada because without NAFTA, tariffs, regulations, and laws before NAFTA would go into effect reducing imports as well US exports to a crawl. This would be bad for everyone and Trump is well aware of that.

NAFTA - Chapter 22
Trump will not end NAFTA unilaterally or overnight.
That depends on what you call overnight. From his 100 day action plan:
FIRST, I will announce my intention to renegotiate NAFTA or withdraw from the deal under Article 2205. ★ SECOND, I will announce our withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership. ★ THIRD, I will direct the Secretary of the Treasury to label China a currency manipulator.

I think he will add to his plan; deal with the resulting financial crisis.
Trump will not end NAFTA unilaterally or overnight.
That depends on what you call overnight. From his 100 day action plan:
FIRST, I will announce my intention to renegotiate NAFTA or withdraw from the deal under Article 2205. ★ SECOND, I will announce our withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership. ★ THIRD, I will direct the Secretary of the Treasury to label China a currency manipulator.

I think he will add to his plan; deal with the resulting financial crisis.

Negotiation is not pretty. Canada and especially Mexico need the deal more than we do.

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