The spirit of the antichrist rising....


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
I liked this website as it does have some very good information in it on what one can see happening today.

America's "New" Man: Finely Tuned Automaton

excerpt from article;
With respect to his work of “gay” activism, Mr. Robinson said,

This is hard work, but we can do it because it is worthy work and it is Godly work” and further asserted that, “We will live to see the day that the church of Jesus Christ, in whatever form it is, will repent from what it has done to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people the way it has repented for slavery.” (ibid)
How is repenting of harm caused to gays/lesbians the spirit of the antichrist?
How is repenting of harm caused to gays/lesbians the spirit of the antichrist?
Did you read the whole article?

What harm do you think I should repent of? Should I repent for the gays on here calling me hateful because I disagree with them? For that matter should God repent for seeing it as an abomination in His eyes?

Do you think telling someone it is not acceptable behavior to teach and promote to children?

Or is it harmful that I would not allow a gay activist free rights to do or teach whatever they wanted to my children?

This has gone way past just we have rights as many activist went into the schools.
'By the inner logic of their evolutionary thinking, theologians such as Robinson are neo-pagan naturalists pretending to be Christians, hence both subjectivists (moral relativists) and nihilists who by their will to power destroy certainty in the Revealed Word by trashing the Genesis account in the name of science, evolution, and progress, Robinson describes the progressive turmoil and divisiveness ripping apart the Episcopal and Presbyterian churches on behalf of progress, sodomy and lesbianism as “holy chaos.”'

Ignorant rot and nonsense.

The Episcopal Church is not “embrac[ing] sodomy and chaos,” millions of faithful, devote Christians acknowledge the science of evolution, and recognize the humanity of gay Christians and their ability to be faithful Christians; millions of faithful, devote Christians are able to reconcile their faith with evolution, and are just as faithful and devote as any other Christian denomination.

The chaos is caused by fearful Christian fundamentalists, reactionaries, and extremists seeking to manifest conflict and division between and among all Christians, by demanding conformity to their subjective perception of their faith.
When the Christian does harm by not loving his neighbor, then, yes, he is in sin.

Rodishi, you can oppose LGBT without being hateful. Try it.
When the Christian does harm by not loving his neighbor, then, yes, he is in sin.

Rodishi, you can oppose LGBT without being hateful. Try it.
Is that what you do? No I have already seen the stuff you can spew out at anyone who tells you that you are in error by misleading people by attempting twisting to your own version of the Word to match with your desires to make it all perfectly acceptable.

You claim I am promoting hatred because I disagree with the agenda of creating a total secularist humanistic society via false prophets and false teachers.
Purposely destroy the Churches an interview from a man who has already been there.

Former Hitler Youth Whistleblower Warns Of America's Nazi Future (Full Length • HD)

Uploaded on Dec 14, 2010

In this shocking interview available for the first time to Prison subscribers, former Hitler Youth member and World War Two veteran Hilmar Von Campe warns that America's collective turn away from God is greasing the skids for the state to take over as the ultimate authority, threatening a repeat of the rise of National Socialism, as he warns that the Obama White House and the United States government in general now more closely embrace the political doctrines of the Nazis than they do those of the founding fathers.

Hilmar von Campe passed away on Monday, June 18th, 2012.
He will forever be loved, remembered, and thanked for all the work he has done on this earth to promote truth and freedom. In his honor and so that his legacy continues, this website will continually be updated and available to access his articles and to purchase his books.... more at the link.....

edit, I should have included this link in the post for anyone interested;
Amightywind Prophecy 3, Beware of Satanic Plants in the Churches!
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What harm do you think I should repent of? Should I repent for the gays on here calling me hateful because I disagree with them? For that matter should God repent for seeing it as an abomination in His eyes?

These aren't questions you should be asking me, they are questions you should be asking your god.

Let me ask you a question. If I said your faith was was an abomination, how would you feel about that?
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What harm do you think I should repent of? Should I repent for the gays on here calling me hateful because I disagree with them? For that matter should God repent for seeing it as an abomination in His eyes?

These aren't questions you should be asking me, they are questions you should be asking your god.
If God desired me to repent against believing His Word and what He has allowed me to see in being in His Spirit I would surely do so. You asked a question I posed questions back for you to consider. It is not up to me to repent for speaking the truth. It is though through a request given directly to me to warn His people about what will come if they go there.

What harm do you think I should repent of? Should I repent for the gays on here calling me hateful because I disagree with them? For that matter should God repent for seeing it as an abomination in His eyes?

These aren't questions you should be asking me, they are questions you should be asking your god.
If God desired me to repent against believing His Word and what He has allowed me to see in being in His Spirit I would surely do so. You asked a question I posed questions back for you to consider. It is not up to me to repent for speaking the truth. It is though through a request given directly to me to warn His people about what will come if they go there.

How was this request given directly to you? Are the gays/lesbians that you are warning fellow christians?

If not, i would advise that you read Acts 17 for a good example of how early Christians shared their faith with pagans.
When the Christian does harm by not loving his neighbor, then, yes, he is in sin.

Rodishi, you can oppose LGBT without being hateful. Try it.
Is that what you do? No I have already seen the stuff you can spew out at anyone who tells you that you are in error by misleading people by attempting twisting to your own version of the Word to match with your desires to make it all perfectly acceptable. You claim I am promoting hatred because I disagree with the agenda of creating a total secularist humanistic society via false prophets and false teachers.
Nonsense, I simply proclaim the Word as it is Written.

I disagree with your hatred in which you push your agenda.

My advise is simply to follow St. Mark and St. Paul's advice on this matter instead of attempt to counsel the apostles.
Purposely destroy the Churches an interview from a man who has already been there.

Former Hitler Youth Whistleblower Warns Of America's Nazi Future (Full Length • HD)

Uploaded on Dec 14, 2010

In this shocking interview available for the first time to Prison subscribers, former Hitler Youth member and World War Two veteran Hilmar Von Campe warns that America's collective turn away from God is greasing the skids for the state to take over as the ultimate authority, threatening a repeat of the rise of National Socialism, as he warns that the Obama White House and the United States government in general now more closely embrace the political doctrines of the Nazis than they do those of the founding fathers.

Hilmar von Campe passed away on Monday, June 18th, 2012. He will forever be loved, remembered, and thanked for all the work he has done on this earth to promote truth and freedom. In his honor and so that his legacy continues, this website will continually be updated and available to access his articles and to purchase his books.... more at the link.....edit, I should have included this link in the post for anyone interested;
Amightywind Prophecy 3, Beware of Satanic Plants in the Churches!
Von Campe's claim is typical of the Nazi Big Lie technique. But . . . it is true that unlike the Founders . . . we don't practice Negro Chattel Slavery . . . women and other minorities have the vote . . . we try to take care of the widow, the orphan, the poor, the ill, the lame . . . we have a safety net . . . we have a tax-exempt status for churches and other charitable institutions. This is not Nazism.

What harm do you think I should repent of? Should I repent for the gays on here calling me hateful because I disagree with them? For that matter should God repent for seeing it as an abomination in His eyes?

These aren't questions you should be asking me, they are questions you should be asking your god.
If God desired me to repent against believing His Word and what He has allowed me to see in being in His Spirit I would surely do so. You asked a question I posed questions back for you to consider. It is not up to me to repent for speaking the truth. It is though through a request given directly to me to warn His people about what will come if they go there.

How was this request given directly to you? Are the gays/lesbians that you are warning fellow christians?

If not, i would advise that you read Acts 17 for a good example of how early Christians shared their faith with pagans.
Some what odd that you would ask. It is a lengthier story than I wish to write about here at the moment. I received that message from an unlikely messenger when I was 11 years old. I have shared it with fellow believers and many asked me if they could share that incident with other believers that they knew. If one can open their hearts and minds All receive a piece, a portion or part to hold onto. Sometimes the message is held in limbo until we are ready to hear it or the Lord has prepared us to act upon it.

I don't mind sharing my faith with anyone as long as it is not an inquisition.

I have had various people come and sit with me to talk that some in certain religious circles would possibly despise such as Transvestites, gays and others (there are those who are believers on Jesus's Word yet they do also understand that the choices that they make or have made along the way do bring or have brought them misery that they have lived in the flesh). I also shared some of that here online. For some it was an absolute denial that such things could or would happen and that really does not help anyone in an open forum such as this.
Nothing morally wrong with promoting hatred when it is the fact & rightful consequence. Not to mention being legal. The question is whether the premise is correct.

As for me, I am not really a Christian. There is nothing wrong with it. Everybody has a freedom with religion or pursuing a religion only half-way.
How is repenting of harm caused to gays/lesbians the spirit of the antichrist?
Did you read the whole article?

What harm do you think I should repent of? Should I repent for the gays on here calling me hateful because I disagree with them? For that matter should God repent for seeing it as an abomination in His eyes?

Do you think telling someone it is not acceptable behavior to teach and promote to children?

Or is it harmful that I would not allow a gay activist free rights to do or teach whatever they wanted to my children?

This has gone way past just we have rights as many activist went into the schools.

Just because one speaks out against something God is against --doesn't mean it is hatred. I would say, one with the spirit of Jesus in ones heart, would speak out against things God dislikes--because of this fact---All of us are created by God and given life, as a single human family. And since Gods word is clear at 1Cor 6:9-11-- those who practice these things--will not enter Gods kingdom, so if one loves their fellow man and they are doing things against Gods will to keep them from eternal life, one certainly would want to show the facts in a loving way to them. Its not just homosexuality, many things are listed there.
But the only ones promoting their sin are the homosexuals, in parades and the such, falsely reasoning that because they love each other it should be ok. But to God it is not ok.

The spirit of antichrist has been around for 1000,s of years--let me show you both

There are two paths in reality coming out of the mortal heart

1) the spirit of Jesus = Love, peace, unity-- turn the other cheek, forgive them Father, they know not what they do. If your enemy is hungry-feed him--if thirsty, give him a drink, return evil for evil to no one, return love your enemy--vengeance is mine said the Lord.

2) spirit of antichrist = Fear, hate, calamity, division--fear your enemy, let anger build to hatred, return evil for evil( some is premeditated) even as far as to kill your enemy, take vengeance for pride and self.
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