The Soviet-German War 1941-1945: Myths and Realities: A Survey Essay


Gold Member
Oct 31, 2010
An interesting little essay on some offensives that aren't widely known or discussed in western history books, and pointedly ignored in many Soviet texts. The author's premise is that some 40% of the war isn't covered properly, despite their importance. I wasn't familiar with many of the Ukrainian and Balkan offensives.

Document Details The Soviet-German War 1941-1945 Myths and Realities A Survey Essay

Colonel (Ret) David Glantz
Expert on the Russo-German War

A Leading world expert on the Russo-German War. Colonel Glantz discusses the many
aspects of the war that have been neglected.
* The current state of historiography and archival access,
* a brief sketch of the 40 percent of the war that has gone unreported,
* some of the ongoing controversies associated with the war,
* the legacies of the war on the current Russian psyche, and
* the need for more historians willing and able to work in the field.
The Budapest, Jassy–Kishinev Operation, Belgrade and other minor offensives are well known to WWII historians and while important in their own right are (as most operations during the war) only covered at advanced levels of learning. Heck, how many people know about Metz, Operation Nordwind (the mini-bulge), Narvik, the Saar offensive, etc, etc?
How many people were taught about or have even heard about the Winter War between Finland and the Soviet Union? How many here can tell us what Operation Torch was? And that's just the European Theater and North Africa.
The Budapest, Jassy–Kishinev Operation, Belgrade and other minor offensives are well known to WWII historians and while important in their own right are (as most operations during the war) only covered at advanced levels of learning. Heck, how many people know about Metz, Operation Nordwind (the mini-bulge), Narvik, the Saar offensive, etc, etc?
How many people were taught about or have even heard about the Winter War between Finland and the Soviet Union? How many here can tell us what Operation Torch was? And that's just the European Theater and North Africa.

Well, now erstwhile history buffs here on usm have a handy list of eastern front battles in one pdf they can check out and delve into sometime. And, it's linked to in the OP, so they won't have to wade through assorted conspiritard posts and the 'FDR wuz Evul!!' gibberish to find it.
Joe Stalin and Adolph Hitler were buds in the late 30's while they were planning to conquer the world. What happened? Two monsters double crossed each other? Stalin's army was a joke and the German leadership was clueless. Russians were slaughtered by superior German forces and the Russian winter killed the German army.
Joe Stalin and Adolph Hitler were buds in the late 30's while they were planning to conquer the world. What happened? Two monsters double crossed each other? Stalin's army was a joke and the German leadership was clueless. Russians were slaughtered by superior German forces and the Russian winter killed the German army.

Who is conquering the world now?
Joe Stalin and Adolph Hitler were buds in the late 30's while they were planning to conquer the world. What happened? Two monsters double crossed each other? Stalin's army was a joke and the German leadership was clueless. Russians were slaughtered by superior German forces and the Russian winter killed the German army.

Who is conquering the world now?
I can tell you who is plotting to conquer the world by way of terror and atrocities that would have made Nazis cringe. Dial up beheadings on you-tube and read the Koran.
Joe Stalin and Adolph Hitler were buds in the late 30's while they were planning to conquer the world. What happened? Two monsters double crossed each other? Stalin's army was a joke and the German leadership was clueless. Russians were slaughtered by superior German forces and the Russian winter killed the German army.

Who is conquering the world now?

I can tell you who is plotting to conquer the world by way of terror and atrocities that would have made Nazis cringe. Dial up beheadings on you-tube and read the Koran.

I was talking about the US which has bases all over the world in order to control the world, how is that different to what the Nazis were doing, imo its the same thing.
Joe Stalin and Adolph Hitler were buds in the late 30's while they were planning to conquer the world. What happened? Two monsters double crossed each other? Stalin's army was a joke and the German leadership was clueless. Russians were slaughtered by superior German forces and the Russian winter killed the German army.

Who is conquering the world now?

I can tell you who is plotting to conquer the world by way of terror and atrocities that would have made Nazis cringe. Dial up beheadings on you-tube and read the Koran.

I was talking about the US which has bases all over the world in order to control the world, how is that different to what the Nazis were doing, imo its the same thing.
In case you were in a coma during history class it seems that the U.S. sacrificed about a million of it's best and bravest during the bloody 20th century to save France from the Hun, liberate Europe from the Nazis, save South Korea from the monsters in N.K., and keep South Vietnam keep from being overrun by the Viet Cong. The U.S. might have established bases but there is no evidence that the U.S. occupied the countries it liberated during the 20th century. The U.S. might have made some mistakes but world domination certainly wasn't one of them. The fact of the matter is that France isn't too crazy about the U.S. today even though we spent resources and brave men to liberate it twice during the 20th century. How are we doing "controlling the world"?
the largest mass killings were done by Stalin and his jewish henchmen. Hitler had nothing on Stalin.

Read about Mikhailovich Blokin and the rest of Stalin Jews and then come and tell us about Hitler.
the largest mass killings were done by Stalin and his jewish henchmen. Hitler had nothing on Stalin.

Read about Mikhailovich Blokin and the rest of Stalin Jews and then come and tell us about Hitler.
It's true. You can read "Stalin the court of the Red Tsar" by Simon Montefiore for well research information about Stalin. Other sources would indicate doddering old FDR's strange relationship with "Uncle Joe". Stalin and Hitler were two equally matched maniacs and they were allies when it seemed that the United States was run by an incompetent fool. Maniacs can seldom work together and they double crossed each other at the expense of the rest of the world.
the largest mass killings were done by Stalin and his jewish henchmen. Hitler had nothing on Stalin.

Read about Mikhailovich Blokin and the rest of Stalin Jews and then come and tell us about Hitler.
It's true. You can read "Stalin the court of the Red Tsar" by Simon Montefiore for well research information about Stalin. Other sources would indicate doddering old FDR's strange relationship with "Uncle Joe". Stalin and Hitler were two equally matched maniacs and they were allies when it seemed that the United States was run by an incompetent fool. Maniacs can seldom work together and they double crossed each other at the expense of the rest of the world.

I don't think that FDR was entirely a fool. But he did do what the US continues to do.
He attempted to play shit against shit. We did it in Afghanistan ----and we are even doing it
to some extent right now------they let that piece of shit, Penelope-----live in the USA. Obama is licking the asses of terrorists and playing with shit----Carter did it knowingly, Bush did it
reluctantly. Consider Hitler----he played with MUSSOLINI who was really no friend and he played witht the Japanese---no real friend to him
Joe Stalin and Adolph Hitler were buds in the late 30's while they were planning to conquer the world. What happened? Two monsters double crossed each other? Stalin's army was a joke and the German leadership was clueless. Russians were slaughtered by superior German forces and the Russian winter killed the German army.

Who is conquering the world now?

I can tell you who is plotting to conquer the world by way of terror and atrocities that would have made Nazis cringe. Dial up beheadings on you-tube and read the Koran.

I was talking about the US which has bases all over the world in order to control the world, how is that different to what the Nazis were doing, imo its the same thing.
In case you were in a coma during history class it seems that the U.S. sacrificed about a million of it's best and bravest during the bloody 20th century to save France from the Hun, liberate Europe from the Nazis, save South Korea from the monsters in N.K., and keep South Vietnam keep from being overrun by the Viet Cong. The U.S. might have established bases but there is no evidence that the U.S. occupied the countries it liberated during the 20th century. The U.S. might have made some mistakes but world domination certainly wasn't one of them. The fact of the matter is that France isn't too crazy about the U.S. today even though we spent resources and brave men to liberate it twice during the 20th century. How are we doing "controlling the world"?

You're doing pretty good, you have bases everywhere and dare anyone say a word against the US.
FDR was a master politician but, like many others of his era, woefully naive about foreign affairs. One of his first acts was to legally recognize the murderous Soviet Union, thinking that he and Uncle Joe might become buddies. Egged on by his idiot wife, he packed the White House with Soviet sympathizers who turned a blind eye to Stalin's pact with Hitler to conquer Poland. Pearl Harbor allowed him to rehabilitate his misjudgment by making the USSR an indispensable ally to help defeat Hitler and the Axis Powers.
FDR was a master politician but, like many others of his era, woefully naive about foreign affairs. One of his first acts was to legally recognize the murderous Soviet Union, thinking that he and Uncle Joe might become buddies. Egged on by his idiot wife, he packed the White House with Soviet sympathizers who turned a blind eye to Stalin's pact with Hitler to conquer Poland. Pearl Harbor allowed him to rehabilitate his misjudgment by making the USSR an indispensable ally to help defeat Hitler and the Axis Powers.

do not blame Eleanor-----blame the family----both Franklin and Eleanor were aristocrats-----they thought like aristocrats and held their fellow aristocrats over seas in high regard..
I am not suggesting that they were not benevolent

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