The Source of the White House National Security Leaks

Do You Think Tomas Donilon is the White House Leaker?

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Jan 11, 2011
The Source of the White House National Security Leaks

Obama’s national Security Advisor Thomas E. Donilon shows us exactly how Obama views national Security. But first, let’s gather a little background information. Obama’s original NSC Advisor was General Jones, former Commandant of the Marine Corps and Supreme Commander of NATO Forces with 40 years of honorable military service from Vietnam to the War on Terror. General Jones was treated like a foreigner in the Obama Administration with little to no one on one access to the President, remaining outside his inner circle. In fact, he almost quit over it. Jones was not allowed to pick his own NSC staff which was chalked full of Obama political campaign hacks to keep an eye on him. The White House also engaged in a “whispering campaign against him.” Jones’ wife referred to the crew as “a bunch of Chicago thugs” and Jones own NSC personnel often referenced Obama’s inner circle consisting of Rahm Emanuel, David Axelrod, Robert Gibbs, Denis McDonough, Mark Lippert, as “the Politburo”, the “Water Bugs”, and “the Mafia.” General Jones had the misfortune of working with the likes of Political hacks [such as Hillary Clinton, Tom Donilin, Mark Lippert (who used his Obama connections to get a military commission in the Navy without earning his right of passage through OCS or ROTC), Rahm Emanuel, David Axelrod, Tim Geithner, Eric Holder, and on rare occasions, Michelle Obama], as “the Politburo”, The “Water Bugs”, “The Mafia.” All those politically minded people with a seat at the National Security Council would be enough to make any serious military and diplomatic minded professional want to jump out of a window. Jones was also criticized by white house staffers for working only an 8-10 hour day to which he replied that if you can’t get your work done on time and had to stay late then you were “unorganized.” These are a few incidents that show that the Obama Administration is inept on National Security, however, the man Obama replaced Jones with takes the cake!

Enter Thomas E. Donilon, the new National Security Advisor, who has zero experience in national security or military matters and has spent most of his life as a political operative for the Democrat Party. Donilon is a lawyer who’s worked for Fannie Mae and was a registered lobbyist up until 2005 (Remember Obama saying that lobbyists wont find a place in his white house?). He also did political work for Jimmy Carter and stood in as John Kerry’s debate partner in training for the 2004 election. His foreign policy, national security, or military experience you ask? Zero! Absolutly Nothing! Nada! Zip! In fact, General Jones is said to once have told Donilon that he has “no credibility with the military” in response to Donilons criticism of military commanders. Of course, it is no secret that Jones was for the surge in Afghanistan and Donilon opposed it. Nevertheless, Donilon was the man Obama was itching for to replace Jones. A true political hack that he could count on to follow through with his bidding without all that silly military/foreign policy experienced personnel getting in the way of his own flawed foreign policy ideology.

Today, we are experiencing numerous White House leaks on foreign policy that will no doubt aid and comfort our enemies. The absence of the possible intelligence gathered after the Yemen incident among others will no doubt put more of our troop’s lives in danger. Being that these leaks were leaked to the New York Times to make Obama look good on the national security stage, we must ask where these leakes came from. The only probable source can be Thomas Donilon. It can’t possibly be low ranking intelligence officials because they don’t have access to such a wide array of information. It can’t be high ranking intelligence officials because they know how to keep their mouths shut and they too don’t have such an array of centralized information from different agencies available for leaking. The only place where all that information could have come from, the only place that could benefit from such information, the only place where that information was centralized among a few people, it the White House. And the top suspect is Thomas Donilon, political hack with no military, national security, or foreign policy experience. Thomas Donilon, who was given the prestigious title of National Security Advisor for no other reason that can be determined but for political, and certainly not practical reason.

However, don’t hold your breath. Eric Holder is investigating the matter and is having two special prosecutors with no subpoena authority to compel witnesses to testify, who are not reporting to a judge (but to Holder), one of which who was an Obama campaign contributer since 2003 and the other a Clinton supporter. Trust me when I tell you that these leaks will never get resolved, nor will the investigation be concluded before the election. Furthermore, we cant expect an Attourney General who helped the release of farc terrorists via pardon by Clinton for political kickbacks to actually go after those that help terrorists in their efforts to destroy the west can we?

[ame=]Pat Caddell names Tom Donilon as Obama's leaker - YouTube[/ame]

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Related: Liberal Presidents have an extensive history of shady and treasonous national Security Advisers. See Sandy Berger under Clinton who stole and destroyed top secert documents relating to Clintons handiling, or lack thereof, of terrorists to include Bin Laden before September 11th.
I think when you put the White House, and National security leaks in the same sentence you answered your own question.
I think when you put the White House, and National security leaks in the same sentence you answered your own question.

I would suggest you read the question again. Not that you read anything I posted anyway.
The Source of the White House National Security Leaks

Obama’s national Security Advisor Thomas E. Donilon shows us exactly how Obama views national Security. But first, let’s gather a little background information. Obama’s original NSC Advisor was General Jones, former Commandant of the Marine Corps and Supreme Commander of NATO Forces with 40 years of honorable military service from Vietnam to the War on Terror. General Jones was treated like a foreigner in the Obama Administration with little to no one on one access to the President, remaining outside his inner circle. In fact, he almost quit over it. Jones was not allowed to pick his own NSC staff which was chalked full of Obama political campaign hacks to keep an eye on him. The White House also engaged in a “whispering campaign against him.” Jones’ wife referred to the crew as “a bunch of Chicago thugs” and Jones own NSC personnel often referenced Obama’s inner circle consisting of Rahm Emanuel, David Axelrod, Robert Gibbs, Denis McDonough, Mark Lippert, as “the Politburo”, the “Water Bugs”, and “the Mafia.” General Jones had the misfortune of working with the likes of Political hacks [such as Hillary Clinton, Tom Donilin, Mark Lippert (who used his Obama connections to get a military commission in the Navy without earning his right of passage through OCS or ROTC), Rahm Emanuel, David Axelrod, Tim Geithner, Eric Holder, and on rare occasions, Michelle Obama], as “the Politburo”, The “Water Bugs”, “The Mafia.” All those politically minded people with a seat at the National Security Council would be enough to make any serious military and diplomatic minded professional want to jump out of a window. Jones was also criticized by white house staffers for working only an 8-10 hour day to which he replied that if you can’t get your work done on time and had to stay late then you were “unorganized.” These are a few incidents that show that the Obama Administration is inept on National Security, however, the man Obama replaced Jones with takes the cake!

Enter Thomas E. Donilon, the new National Security Advisor, who has zero experience in national security or military matters and has spent most of his life as a political operative for the Democrat Party. Donilon is a lawyer who’s worked for Fannie Mae and was a registered lobbyist up until 2005 (Remember Obama saying that lobbyists wont find a place in his white house?). He also did political work for Jimmy Carter and stood in as John Kerry’s debate partner in training for the 2004 election. His foreign policy, national security, or military experience you ask? Zero! Absolutly Nothing! Nada! Zip! In fact, General Jones is said to once have told Donilon that he has “no credibility with the military” in response to Donilons criticism of military commanders. Of course, it is no secret that Jones was for the surge in Afghanistan and Donilon opposed it. Nevertheless, Donilon was the man Obama was itching for to replace Jones. A true political hack that he could count on to follow through with his bidding without all that silly military/foreign policy experienced personnel getting in the way of his own flawed foreign policy ideology.

Today, we are experiencing numerous White House leaks on foreign policy that will no doubt aid and comfort our enemies. The absence of the possible intelligence gathered after the Yemen incident among others will no doubt put more of our troop’s lives in danger. Being that these leaks were leaked to the New York Times to make Obama look good on the national security stage, we must ask where these leakes came from. The only probable source can be Thomas Donilon. It can’t possibly be low ranking intelligence officials because they don’t have access to such a wide array of information. It can’t be high ranking intelligence officials because they know how to keep their mouths shut and they too don’t have such an array of centralized information from different agencies available for leaking. The only place where all that information could have come from, the only place that could benefit from such information, the only place where that information was centralized among a few people, it the White House. And the top suspect is Thomas Donilon, political hack with no military, national security, or foreign policy experience. Thomas Donilon, who was given the prestigious title of National Security Advisor for no other reason that can be determined but for political, and certainly not practical reason.

However, don’t hold your breath. Eric Holder is investigating the matter and is having two special prosecutors with no subpoena authority to compel witnesses to testify, who are not reporting to a judge (but to Holder), one of which who was an Obama campaign contributer since 2003 and the other a Clinton supporter. Trust me when I tell you that these leaks will never get resolved, nor will the investigation be concluded before the election. Furthermore, we cant expect an Attourney General who helped the release of farc terrorists via pardon by Clinton for political kickbacks to actually go after those that help terrorists in their efforts to destroy the west can we?

Pat Caddell names Tom Donilon as Obama's leaker - YouTube


Though the results of this poll will be meaningless, I did vote. I voted "other"...meaning I think it was either Tom Donilon or someone else in the White House. It was someone under the command of the Commander in Chief.
The Source of the White House National Security Leaks

Obama’s national Security Advisor Thomas E. Donilon shows us exactly how Obama views national Security. But first, let’s gather a little background information. Obama’s original NSC Advisor was General Jones, former Commandant of the Marine Corps and Supreme Commander of NATO Forces with 40 years of honorable military service from Vietnam to the War on Terror. General Jones was treated like a foreigner in the Obama Administration with little to no one on one access to the President, remaining outside his inner circle. In fact, he almost quit over it. Jones was not allowed to pick his own NSC staff which was chalked full of Obama political campaign hacks to keep an eye on him. The White House also engaged in a “whispering campaign against him.” Jones’ wife referred to the crew as “a bunch of Chicago thugs” and Jones own NSC personnel often referenced Obama’s inner circle consisting of Rahm Emanuel, David Axelrod, Robert Gibbs, Denis McDonough, Mark Lippert, as “the Politburo”, the “Water Bugs”, and “the Mafia.” General Jones had the misfortune of working with the likes of Political hacks [such as Hillary Clinton, Tom Donilin, Mark Lippert (who used his Obama connections to get a military commission in the Navy without earning his right of passage through OCS or ROTC), Rahm Emanuel, David Axelrod, Tim Geithner, Eric Holder, and on rare occasions, Michelle Obama], as “the Politburo”, The “Water Bugs”, “The Mafia.” All those politically minded people with a seat at the National Security Council would be enough to make any serious military and diplomatic minded professional want to jump out of a window. Jones was also criticized by white house staffers for working only an 8-10 hour day to which he replied that if you can’t get your work done on time and had to stay late then you were “unorganized.” These are a few incidents that show that the Obama Administration is inept on National Security, however, the man Obama replaced Jones with takes the cake!

Enter Thomas E. Donilon, the new National Security Advisor, who has zero experience in national security or military matters and has spent most of his life as a political operative for the Democrat Party. Donilon is a lawyer who’s worked for Fannie Mae and was a registered lobbyist up until 2005 (Remember Obama saying that lobbyists wont find a place in his white house?). He also did political work for Jimmy Carter and stood in as John Kerry’s debate partner in training for the 2004 election. His foreign policy, national security, or military experience you ask? Zero! Absolutly Nothing! Nada! Zip! In fact, General Jones is said to once have told Donilon that he has “no credibility with the military” in response to Donilons criticism of military commanders. Of course, it is no secret that Jones was for the surge in Afghanistan and Donilon opposed it. Nevertheless, Donilon was the man Obama was itching for to replace Jones. A true political hack that he could count on to follow through with his bidding without all that silly military/foreign policy experienced personnel getting in the way of his own flawed foreign policy ideology.

Today, we are experiencing numerous White House leaks on foreign policy that will no doubt aid and comfort our enemies. The absence of the possible intelligence gathered after the Yemen incident among others will no doubt put more of our troop’s lives in danger. Being that these leaks were leaked to the New York Times to make Obama look good on the national security stage, we must ask where these leakes came from. The only probable source can be Thomas Donilon. It can’t possibly be low ranking intelligence officials because they don’t have access to such a wide array of information. It can’t be high ranking intelligence officials because they know how to keep their mouths shut and they too don’t have such an array of centralized information from different agencies available for leaking. The only place where all that information could have come from, the only place that could benefit from such information, the only place where that information was centralized among a few people, it the White House. And the top suspect is Thomas Donilon, political hack with no military, national security, or foreign policy experience. Thomas Donilon, who was given the prestigious title of National Security Advisor for no other reason that can be determined but for political, and certainly not practical reason.

However, don’t hold your breath. Eric Holder is investigating the matter and is having two special prosecutors with no subpoena authority to compel witnesses to testify, who are not reporting to a judge (but to Holder), one of which who was an Obama campaign contributer since 2003 and the other a Clinton supporter. Trust me when I tell you that these leaks will never get resolved, nor will the investigation be concluded before the election. Furthermore, we cant expect an Attourney General who helped the release of farc terrorists via pardon by Clinton for political kickbacks to actually go after those that help terrorists in their efforts to destroy the west can we?

Pat Caddell names Tom Donilon as Obama's leaker - YouTube


Though the results of this poll will be meaningless, I did vote. I voted "other"...meaning I think it was either Tom Donilon or someone else in the White House. It was someone under the command of the Commander in Chief.

All polls here are meaningless.
What a great complement to this thread.

[ame=]Dishonorable Disclosures - YouTube[/ame]

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