The Solyndra and Fast & Furious Distraction - OWS


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
The Solyndra and Fast & Furious Distraction - OWS

Democratic Leaders are jumping on the MOWS bandwagon. Why? They are an embarrassment?! The ritual chanting, many drugged up snot nosed kids, who none can agree why they are sleeping on the street and cutting class...

Why would a serious political party endorse them and as Pelosi say, "Bless them!" "Bless them" alright. Look at the air time they are getting and Solyndra and Fast and Furious aren't.

Oh, my. Can't help but think this is a very bad PR move. Hope there won't be more feces landing on police cars. Maybe Nancy can call in Merry Maids in quickly to handle another "cover up."
Anything this admin can do to get the spotlight off the growing list of scandals, failed policies, ineptitude and incompetence is a big plus. Of course they're going to welcome the occupiers with open arms.
Obama been armin' dem Hispexican drug cartels...
Fast and Furious weapons were found in Mexico cartel enforcer's home
October 8, 2011 :Reporting from Washington — Guns illegally purchased under the ATF operation were found in April hidden in violence-plagued Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, court records show.
High-powered assault weapons illegally purchased under the ATF's Fast and Furious program in Phoenix ended up in a home belonging to the purported top Sinaloa cartel enforcer in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, whose organization was terrorizing that city with the worst violence in the Mexican drug wars. In all, 100 assault weapons acquired under Fast and Furious were transported 350 miles from Phoenix to El Paso, making that West Texas city a central hub for gun traffickers. Forty of the weapons made it across the border and into the arsenal of Jose Antonio Torres Marrufo, a feared cartel leader in Ciudad Juarez, according to federal court records and trace documents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

The smugglers' tactics — quickly moving the weapons far from ATF agents in southern Arizona, where it had been assumed they would circulate — vividly demonstrate that what had been viewed as a local problem was much larger. Six other Fast and Furious guns destined for El Paso were recovered in Columbus, N.M. "These Fast and Furious guns were going to Sinaloans, and they are killing everyone down there," said one knowledgeable U.S. government source, who asked for anonymity because of the ongoing investigations. "But that's only how many we know came through Texas. Hundreds more had to get through."


This arsenal uncovered by police in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, in April turned out to include weapons from the ATF's ill-fated Fast and Furious operation.

Torres Marrufo, also known as "the Jaguar," has been identified by U.S. authorities as the enforcer for Sinaloa cartel chieftain Joaquin "Chapo" Guzman. The Fast and Furious weapons were found at one of Torres Marrufo's homes April 30 when Mexican police inspected the property. It was unoccupied but "showed signs of recent activity," they said. The basement had been converted into a gym with a wall covered with built-in mirrors. Behind the mirrors they found a hidden room with the Fast and Furious weapons and dozens more, including an antiaircraft machine gun, a sniper rifle and a grenade launcher.

"We have seized the most important cache of weapons in the history of Ciudad Juarez," Chihuahua state Gov. Cesar Duarte said at the time, though he did not know that many of the weapons came from the U.S. and Fast and Furious. Torres Marrufo has been indicted in El Paso, but authorities have been unable to locate and arrest him. In the U.S., intelligence officials consider the Sinaloa cartel the most powerful drug trafficking organization in the world. Weekly reports from U.S. intelligence authorities to the Justice Department in the summer of 2010, at the height of Fast and Furious, warned about the proliferation of guns reaching the Sinaloa cartel.

(And now he is telling us he didn't read the memos on "Fast and Furious". Mr Holder's resume reads as a catalogue of too lazy, too stupid, too careless to do the job, any job. He's probably the perfect man in this post, though, to assist Barack Obama in nullifying the American Constitution and collapsing the American Government in the Van Jones approved "Top down, bottom up" style that Mr Jones has advocated. Mr Holder has to go, and go now!)

"Scandal: The attorney general once again pleads ignorance as some 40 Fast and Furious weapons are found at a Mexican drug lord's home. If the AG doesn't read memos, maybe he can read a subpoena.

After Eric Holder was involved in the pardoning of international fugitive Marc Rich, he confessed to not doing a thorough check of Rich's history and background. When he criticized Arizona's immigration law, SB1070, he admitted to not even reading the law. Now, with dead bodies and illegal weapons piled up high in Fast and Furious, Holder says he didn't read the memos.

Holder's "Sgt. Schultz" defense that he knew, saw and heard nothing about the ATF's gun-running operation does not wash with the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, Rep. Darrell Issa." ... d-Ugly.htm
Holder gonna be onna hotseat...
Congressional Investigators to Subpoena Holder in Fast and Furious Probe
October 11, 2011 | Congressional investigators probing the failed anti-gunrunning operation Fast and Furious are sending a new subpoena to Attorney General Eric Holder.
Congressional investigators probing the failed anti-gunrunning operation Fast and Furious are sending a new subpoena to Attorney General Eric Holder -- seeking communications from about a dozen top Justice Department officials, including Holder; his chief of staff, Gary Grindler; and the head of the department's criminal division, Lanny Breuer, Fox News has learned. The subpoena, which could be filed as early as Tuesday, will focus on the Justice Department. The first and only subpoena issued so far dealt with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. That subpoena was issued back in March. In the new subpoena, congressional investigators will apparently demand information regarding the investigation into the death of U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry. Two guns found at Terry's crime scene were linked to the failed operation that allowed more than 2,000 weapons to "walk."

The subpoena is expected to ask for correspondence that Justice Department officials had with the White House about the gun trafficking operation, as well as what information was shared by Justice officials in Mexico. Asked about the development Tuesday, Holder said his department "will undoubtedly comply with them," noting that Justice officials have already sent "thousands of pages of documents up to the Hill." Holder addressed the matter at the end of a press conference about an alleged Iran-tied terror plot foiled by U.S. investigators. "What I want the American people to understand is that in complying with those subpoenas and dealing with that inquiry, that will not detract us from the important business that we have here to do at the Justice Department, including matters like the one that we have announced today," Holder said.

The new subpoena follows a week of back and forth between congressional investigators and Justice Department officials of "who knew what, when." Under scrutiny was Holder's testimony from May 3 when he told Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., that he "probably heard about Fast and Furious for the first time over the last few weeks." Fox News obtained documents addressed to Holder as early as nine months before that, which described the concept of Operation Fast and Furious. On Friday, Holder sent a letter to congressional investigators stating that he does not read every document addressed to him and that they are reviewed by members of his staff. Holder went on to say that none of the reports mentioned the controversial tactics used in Fast and Furious.

On Monday, Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which is investigating the scandal, replied to Holder in a letter saying, "Operation Fast and Furious was the department's most significant gun trafficking case. Whether you realize yet or not, you own Fast and Furious. It is your responsibility.” Issa told "Fox News Sunday" that he was going to issue the subpoena to find out why the top Justice officials are "denying knowing about something that they were briefed on?" "We want to know what and when they knew it," he said. "But more importantly, we have to understand -- at what level of the authorization really come? It wasn't an ATF operation. They were part of that. It was a joint operation in which DEA knew more than ATF." In addition to the congressional investigation being led by Issa and Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith, R-Texas, is calling for a special counsel to look into the matter.

Read more: Congressional Investigators To Subpoena Holder In Fast And Furious Probe | Fox News

See also:

Holder’s honesty before Congress disputed in earlier high-profile cases
Tuesday, October 11, 2011 - An investigation into the Justice Department’s “Fast and Furious” gunrunning probe, which allowed hundreds of weapons to be illegally “walked” into Mexico, is not the first time Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.’s truthfulness has been challenged by members of Congress.
In 2001, the House Government Reform Committee questioned the accuracy of Mr. Holder’s depiction of what he did as deputy attorney general in the last-minute pardon by President Clinton of fugitive financier Marc Rich, whose former wife, Denise Rich, had donated $1.3 million to Democrats. Two years earlier, Mr. Holder came under fire for refusing to tell a Senate committee whether the Justice Department had recommended against Mr. Clinton’s offer of clemency to 16 Puerto Rican nationalists a month after then-Attorney General Janet Reno said their release posed a national security threat.

More recently, Mr. Holder was questioned on his refusal to allow Justice Department officials to testify in separate inquiries by Congress and the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights in their handling of the New Black Panther Party civil complaint, in which charges of voter intimidation were ordered dropped after the case had been won in court. In the latest flap, Mr. Holder has been accused of a “lack of trustworthiness” in telling what he knew about the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives‘ Fast and Furious probe. House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell E. Issa, California Republican, said statements made under oath by Mr. Holder about the operation have “proven to be untrue,” adding that his failure to “come clean” with the America public “called into question” his credibility to serve as attorney general.

Mr. Issa and Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, ranking Republican on the SenateJudiciary Committee, who also has been investigating the ATF operation, said more than 2,000 weapons were purchased by straw buyers at Phoenix-area gun shops, then turned over to handlers in the U.S., who transported them to drug smugglers in Mexico. The ATF has acknowledged that it lost control of the weapons after they had been purchased, giving gunrunners nearly a free pass across the border. Two AK-47 assault rifles found in December at the site of the killing of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian A. Terry were traced back to Fast and Furious.

Mr. Holder told the committee he first learned about Fast and Furious in late April or early May, but recently released memos show he received briefing papers and reports on the operation on at least five occasions beginning as early as July 2010. He has denied knowing any specifics of the Fast and Furious probe before April, but he said he took “decisive action” when he finally learned of it, ordering the Office of Inspector General to investigate the matter. Congressional investigators are expected to issue new subpoenas this week for testimony from Mr. Holder; his chief of staff, Gary Grindler; and Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer, who heads the Criminal Division.



Holder Should Be Held Accountable on Several Fronts, Rep. Steve King Says
You have to wonder what percentage of the DOW protesters even watch TV, and how many of them soley rely on PMS-NBC to find what "What's Really Going On In The Country". Do these babies have any idea of how many millionaires live in the USA in respect to Non-Millionaires? if it was One-Percent, we would have 300,000 Millionaires. Last time I heard the report, it's actually quite less. and they expect less than one per-cent of Americans to pay the bill of the other 299,000,000 ????
Now the OWS protests are a manufactured distraction from fast & furious (a program that started under the Bush administration)? Did you ask the entire GOP why they not only endorsed the Tea Party, but got down on their knees and sucked them off in an attempt to avoid being voted out of office?
The subpeonas have been delivered.

The hearings should start soon.

We need a special prosecutor.

Holder needs to go down.
Holder gonna be onna hotseat...
Congressional Investigators to Subpoena Holder in Fast and Furious Probe
October 11, 2011 | Congressional investigators probing the failed anti-gunrunning operation Fast and Furious are sending a new subpoena to Attorney General Eric Holder.
Congressional investigators probing the failed anti-gunrunning operation Fast and Furious are sending a new subpoena to Attorney General Eric Holder -- seeking communications from about a dozen top Justice Department officials, including Holder; his chief of staff, Gary Grindler; and the head of the department's criminal division, Lanny Breuer, Fox News has learned. The subpoena, which could be filed as early as Tuesday, will focus on the Justice Department. The first and only subpoena issued so far dealt with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. That subpoena was issued back in March. In the new subpoena, congressional investigators will apparently demand information regarding the investigation into the death of U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry. Two guns found at Terry's crime scene were linked to the failed operation that allowed more than 2,000 weapons to "walk."

The subpoena is expected to ask for correspondence that Justice Department officials had with the White House about the gun trafficking operation, as well as what information was shared by Justice officials in Mexico. Asked about the development Tuesday, Holder said his department "will undoubtedly comply with them," noting that Justice officials have already sent "thousands of pages of documents up to the Hill." Holder addressed the matter at the end of a press conference about an alleged Iran-tied terror plot foiled by U.S. investigators. "What I want the American people to understand is that in complying with those subpoenas and dealing with that inquiry, that will not detract us from the important business that we have here to do at the Justice Department, including matters like the one that we have announced today," Holder said.

The new subpoena follows a week of back and forth between congressional investigators and Justice Department officials of "who knew what, when." Under scrutiny was Holder's testimony from May 3 when he told Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., that he "probably heard about Fast and Furious for the first time over the last few weeks." Fox News obtained documents addressed to Holder as early as nine months before that, which described the concept of Operation Fast and Furious. On Friday, Holder sent a letter to congressional investigators stating that he does not read every document addressed to him and that they are reviewed by members of his staff. Holder went on to say that none of the reports mentioned the controversial tactics used in Fast and Furious.

On Monday, Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which is investigating the scandal, replied to Holder in a letter saying, "Operation Fast and Furious was the department's most significant gun trafficking case. Whether you realize yet or not, you own Fast and Furious. It is your responsibility.” Issa told "Fox News Sunday" that he was going to issue the subpoena to find out why the top Justice officials are "denying knowing about something that they were briefed on?" "We want to know what and when they knew it," he said. "But more importantly, we have to understand -- at what level of the authorization really come? It wasn't an ATF operation. They were part of that. It was a joint operation in which DEA knew more than ATF." In addition to the congressional investigation being led by Issa and Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith, R-Texas, is calling for a special counsel to look into the matter.

Read more: Congressional Investigators To Subpoena Holder In Fast And Furious Probe | Fox News

See also:

Holder’s honesty before Congress disputed in earlier high-profile cases
Tuesday, October 11, 2011 - An investigation into the Justice Department’s “Fast and Furious” gunrunning probe, which allowed hundreds of weapons to be illegally “walked” into Mexico, is not the first time Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.’s truthfulness has been challenged by members of Congress.
In 2001, the House Government Reform Committee questioned the accuracy of Mr. Holder’s depiction of what he did as deputy attorney general in the last-minute pardon by President Clinton of fugitive financier Marc Rich, whose former wife, Denise Rich, had donated $1.3 million to Democrats. Two years earlier, Mr. Holder came under fire for refusing to tell a Senate committee whether the Justice Department had recommended against Mr. Clinton’s offer of clemency to 16 Puerto Rican nationalists a month after then-Attorney General Janet Reno said their release posed a national security threat.

More recently, Mr. Holder was questioned on his refusal to allow Justice Department officials to testify in separate inquiries by Congress and the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights in their handling of the New Black Panther Party civil complaint, in which charges of voter intimidation were ordered dropped after the case had been won in court. In the latest flap, Mr. Holder has been accused of a “lack of trustworthiness” in telling what he knew about the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives‘ Fast and Furious probe. House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell E. Issa, California Republican, said statements made under oath by Mr. Holder about the operation have “proven to be untrue,” adding that his failure to “come clean” with the America public “called into question” his credibility to serve as attorney general.

Mr. Issa and Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, ranking Republican on the SenateJudiciary Committee, who also has been investigating the ATF operation, said more than 2,000 weapons were purchased by straw buyers at Phoenix-area gun shops, then turned over to handlers in the U.S., who transported them to drug smugglers in Mexico. The ATF has acknowledged that it lost control of the weapons after they had been purchased, giving gunrunners nearly a free pass across the border. Two AK-47 assault rifles found in December at the site of the killing of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian A. Terry were traced back to Fast and Furious.

Mr. Holder told the committee he first learned about Fast and Furious in late April or early May, but recently released memos show he received briefing papers and reports on the operation on at least five occasions beginning as early as July 2010. He has denied knowing any specifics of the Fast and Furious probe before April, but he said he took “decisive action” when he finally learned of it, ordering the Office of Inspector General to investigate the matter. Congressional investigators are expected to issue new subpoenas this week for testimony from Mr. Holder; his chief of staff, Gary Grindler; and Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer, who heads the Criminal Division.



Holder Should Be Held Accountable on Several Fronts, Rep. Steve King Says

Wonder if Holder will end up under Barry's big assed bus??
Now the OWS protests are a manufactured distraction from fast & furious (a program that started under the Bush administration)? Did you ask the entire GOP why they not only endorsed the Tea Party, but got down on their knees and sucked them off in an attempt to avoid being voted out of office?

Yep it was planned during the Bush administration.

Bush and his boys have been gone for 3 years. (In case its escaped your notice)

Holder has been in charge for three years and could have put a stop to it at anytime.

Oh wait. I forgot. He didn't know about it. He doesn't read any of his memos.

Silly me.
Criticizing fast & furious is one thing, but accusing Dems of hijacking OWS as a distraction from F&F is just plain ridiculous.
Now the OWS protests are a manufactured distraction from fast & furious (a program that started under the Bush administration)? Did you ask the entire GOP why they not only endorsed the Tea Party, but got down on their knees and sucked them off in an attempt to avoid being voted out of office?

Yep it was planned during the Bush administration.

Bush and his boys have been gone for 3 years. (In case its escaped your notice)

Holder has been in charge for three years and could have put a stop to it at anytime.

Oh wait. I forgot. He didn't know about it. He doesn't read any of his memos.

Silly me.

So, I'm assuming you wan to see Bush administration officials investigated.
Now the OWS protests are a manufactured distraction from fast & furious (a program that started under the Bush administration)? Did you ask the entire GOP why they not only endorsed the Tea Party, but got down on their knees and sucked them off in an attempt to avoid being voted out of office?

Yep it was planned during the Bush administration.

Bush and his boys have been gone for 3 years. (In case its escaped your notice)

Holder has been in charge for three years and could have put a stop to it at anytime.

Oh wait. I forgot. He didn't know about it. He doesn't read any of his memos.

Silly me.

But, but, but the e mails......oh. He doesn't read memos.
Now the OWS protests are a manufactured distraction from fast & furious (a program that started under the Bush administration)? Did you ask the entire GOP why they not only endorsed the Tea Party, but got down on their knees and sucked them off in an attempt to avoid being voted out of office?

Yep it was planned during the Bush administration.

Bush and his boys have been gone for 3 years. (In case its escaped your notice)

Holder has been in charge for three years and could have put a stop to it at anytime.

Oh wait. I forgot. He didn't know about it. He doesn't read any of his memos.

Silly me.

I am still waiting for Sargeant Schultz and Chrissy's Vibrating Thighs to mention this. Been watching their reruns for three weeks, Romney being a MORMON is still More Important!
Criticizing fast & furious is one thing, but accusing Dems of hijacking OWS as a distraction from F&F is just plain ridiculous.

The distraction from FF was the Iranian deal.

The Feds have know about this for months and Holder gave the go ahead just as soon as they are getting the e-mails and info on FF.

Not ridiculous at all. Its just what I would have done.
Yep it was planned during the Bush administration.

Bush and his boys have been gone for 3 years. (In case its escaped your notice)

Holder has been in charge for three years and could have put a stop to it at anytime.

This is a valid criticism of the Obama administration and there are many others along the same lines that could be offered, things that Bush started and Obama should have stopped but hasn't.

However, to say that Occupy Wall Street is intended to divert attention from these things is plain silly. Obama has no control over OWS. It's a genuine popular movement, not a creation of his administration.
Doc Dump: White House Knew

The map is damning evidence of a massive cover-up.

Newell and officials as high up as the White House have denied any knowledge of guns being allowed to "walk" into Mexico. Yet the evidence is clear that they were and that the White House knew. Even worse, ATF agents in Mexico and even the Mexican government were kept in the dark.

"These guns went to ruthless criminals," Carlos Canino, ATF acting attache to Mexico recently told Rep. Darrell Issa's House Oversight Committee, adding that "we in Mexico ... were never aware of the policy to walk guns" into Mexico.

Among the thousands of guns allowed to be "walked," Canino testified, "34 were .50-caliber sniper rifles. That is approximately the number of sniper rifles a Marine infantry regiment takes into battle."

The battle that rages along our southern border is a self-inflicted wound by administration-supplied weaponry. And the trail of spent bullets leads all the way to the White House.
IBD Editorial

Doc Dump: White House Knew -

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