The Solution for Preventing Illegal Immigration


May 30, 2014
President Obama is unlawfully granting a form of "amnesty" to millions of illegal immigrants just by ignoring the current immigration law. It is very possible that future presidents will continue to follow in his footsteps and continue to neglect the law. We need to improve the way our immigration system works by giving state and local law enforcement agencies the authority to aggressively pursue their own enforcement policies rather than relying only on whomever or whatever happens to be president.

Here is a unique solution that would permanently prevent any future illegal immigration. In exchange for enacting 100 extremely tough immigration enforcement laws that mostly affect future illegal immigrants, we will grant "legal resident" status (but not citizenship) to most current illegal immigrants. The law needs to be a constitutional amendment to ensure that future congresses will not be able to repeal any of the enforcement laws or water them down. If this type of bill ever becomes law, the United States will never have an illegal immigration problem ever again. Below is the framework that both democrats and republicans will reluctantly vote for.


=========[ ENFORCEMENTS ]=========

* The state, county, and local governments can ENFORCE immigration law along with the federal government if they want, but they would be required to use the United States Congress’ definition for citizens, legal immigrants, and illegal immigrants. The enforcement can be handled like any other unlawful trespassing law within their borders. They can decide to give jail time, fines, and even deport anyone trespassing in the United States. The federal government is not allowed to prevent or penalize states, counties, and local governments for enforcing immigration law. The states are not allowed to prevent or penalize counties and local governments for enforcing immigration law. Counties are not allowed to prevent or penalize local governments for enforcing immigration law.

* The state, county, or local governments can deport anyone found illegally in the United States, and the federal government must pay 75% of the cost of the incarceration and deportation. If anyone harbors an illegal immigrant, that person can be required to pay the full cost of that person's incarceration and deportation.

* The federal, state, and local governments can seize the property (house, car, etc.) of anyone caught in the United States illegally and sell it for a profit. (This will be a very strong incentive for state and local governments to enforce immigration laws.)

* The military will be responsible for assisting the Border Patrol in protecting and securing the United States borders.

* Public schools, colleges, and universities will require students to be citizens or legal residents of the United States to attend. This will stop many future illegal immigrants from bring their families to the United States, because they know that their children will not get an education.

* Mandatory E-Verify for all businesses. Fines and jail time for any employers or human resource manager who does not comply can be levied by the federal, state, and local governments.

* The maximum number of people who can get citizenship or permanent residence is 150,000 a year. This is a dramatic drop from the current 1,000,000 a year. This will give the United States time to assimilate new comers into our culture before adding more. The maximum number of people who can be given refugee status will be 10,000 a year. All new residences will have their fingerprints and DNA permanently added into a federal database. The eligibility of a person to become a United States citizen or resident will be determined though laws passed by congress and will not be determined through policies or executive orders passed by the president.

* A maximum of 2 million foreign visitors into the United States will be allowed at any given time. Congress can change the percentage of how many people are allowed from each visa or legal permission through normal legislative law, but the maximum number of people is fixed at 2 million. Foreign visitors who have not been confirmed as leaving the United States will still be considered to be in the United States, and no new visitors cannot take their position in the queue until they leave or 10 years expire. All new foreign visitors will have their fingerprints permanently added into a federal database.

* A minimum of 80% of the people who are given citizenship or legal permanent residence every year must be able to work, take care of themselves, and must be between the years 18 to 25. This will help ensure that our country will have a good young workforce (rather than aging and dependent immigrants) into the future.

* One of the parents of a child must be an American citizen in order for the child to automatically be considered a citizen of the United States through birth. United States citizenship is never determined by the geographical location of a person's birth.

* Proof of citizenship or legal residency must be given in order to obtain a driver's licenses or ID cards.

* No more dual citizenship. In order for citizens of other countries to be recognized as American citizens, they must officially reject the citizenship of all other countries by officially notify their home country that they reject their citizenship. Congress can define up to 180 days after the person becomes an American citizen for them to submit proof that this has been done or the person’s citizenship will be suspended.

* Anyone who is a national of the United States, whether by birth or naturalization, shall lose his nationality by voting in a political election in a foreign state.

* No federal, state, or local programs that use federal money or state money can give social or financial aid to anyone who is in the United States illegally other than emergency medical care.

* Every United States citizen or legal resident of the United States has legal standing to sue any government agency or official to compel them to implement the full enforcement of immigration laws and ensure that they make a reasonable attempt to verify that they are not giving services or financial aid to people in the United States illegally. If the legal resident wins, he or she will be reimbursed a reasonable amount for court costs and attorney's fees.

* Every government agency has the right to refuse their services to anyone who cannot prove that they are legal residents.

* A specific double-layered fence must protect 95 percent of our southern border or the legal status for people under this program will be suspended after 6 years, until this metric is met.

* An entry/exit system that requires foreign visitors to submit the cost of a return plane ticket to their home country plus an additional 10 percent more before they arrive in the United States. The payment is held by the United States government in exchange for travel ticket vouchers. When the visitors are ready to leave, they can exchange the vouchers for any type of non-refundable travel tickets which has destinations outside of the United States.

* English is the official language of the United States. All federal business with the federal government must be done in English. No government agency will be required or compelled to provide translators except when the person is suspected of a crime. No government agency other than law enforcement or the military is allowed to require knowledge of a foreign language as part of its job requirement, preference, or description.

* The United States will refuse to issue visas to the residents of other countries that refuse to accept their citizens who are being deported.

* No one who is illegally in the United States can be given permission to remain, even by the President of the United States. They must leave the United States for a minimum of 10 years before they can be eligible for lawful re-entry, with the limited exception of the 10,000 a year given refugee status.

* Neither the president nor any federal agencies is allowed to prioritize one group of deportable illegal immigrants over another group of deportable illegal immigrants. All deportable illegal immigrants must be equal in reference to removal priority.

* Anyone who is identified by law enforcements on two separate occasions as being in the United States illegally can never receive citizenship or permanent resident status. They may be eligible for temporary visas.

* No one who is in the United States illegally can be given permission to work, even by the President of the United States. Any higher education degree, professional license, or certification received by a person who is in the United States illegally is to be considered invalid and void.

* No one who is illegally in the United States can be given permission to vote in city, state, or national elections. Proof of citizenship or legal residence is required before an individual is allowed to vote.

* The FBI is required to investigate every candidate for President of the United States to verify that they meet the requirements of the Constitution to be President of the United States. Idealistically, the investigations will begin at least 180 days before Election Day unless the candidate request for it to be done earlier.

* No government agency or organization that is partly supported by federal, state, county, or local money can withhold information in their possession from any immigration enforcement government agency that can be used to identify or deport illegal immigrants.

* Whatever penalty a judge gives to legal residents who breaks a particular law, the penalty will AUTOMATICALLY be 3 times more for anyone who is in the United States illegally. In other words, if a fine is normally $100 for the average citizen, it will be $300 for anyone in the United States illegally. If a judge sentences anyone to 1 year in jail for a particular crime, the sentence will automatically be changed to 3 years if the person is illegally in the United States. The judge cannot lower the penalty to a lesser sentence.

* Any federal, state, or local law enforcement agency can deny bail to anyone in the United States illegally if they choose to. The federal government is not allowed to prevent states and local governments from denying bail. The states are not allowed to prevent local governments from denying bail.

* Every person booked into jail by law enforcement will have their fingerprints run against federal immigration databases whenever reasonably possible to determine if they are in the United States illegally. (Similar to "Secure Communities" programs)

* If a person is in the United States and is convicted of committing murder, attempted murder, manslaughter, rape, or attempted rape while being in the United States illegally, they will AUTOMATICALLY receive a death sentence. The judge cannot lower the penalty to a lesser sentence.

* No one who is in the United States illegally has the right to sue or receive punitive damages in lawsuits for civil crimes committed during the time they were in the United States illegally.

* If anyone proves that a business is knowingly hiring illegal immigrants, that person will receive 5% of any monetary judgment that the business must pay for committing the illegal hirings. Businesses will not hire illegal immigrants if they know the illegal immigrants they hire will squeal on them.

* A person under this program can never sponsor anyone to be a United States citizen or legal resident.

* Immigration judges are allowed to take only 2 issues into account when deciding if a defendant should be deported. 1) Is the defendant in the United States illegally based upon the United States congressionally passed immigration law? 2) Is the defendant a refugee or likely to obtain refugee status? No other factors matter. If anyone is in the United States illegally and is unlikely to be given refugee status, then that person should be deported. This should greatly speed up immigration trials.

* Congress has the power to fire anyone responsible for immigration enforcement if seventy percent of the congressmen in EITHER the House or the Senate sign a partition saying the person responsible is not properly enforcing our immigration laws. Since this only requires a signed petition, it does not have to go through the tougher process that laws go through. The person will never be eligible to hold any federal government job again.


============[ AMNESTY ]============

* We will give the 11 million illegal immigrants who register “legal resident status” and "work visas," but not direct citizenship. Most of the people who are in the United States illegally are more concerned about being able to work in the U.S. without fear of deportation than they are about citizenship. Most cherish the citizenship of their home country more. The registration period will last for only one year after the constitutional amendment becomes law. After that, no one else can register.


The following are restrictions that can cancel an individual’s “legal resident status” and "work visa."

* Illegal immigrants cannot apply for “legal resident status” after they have been arrested by law enforcement and will potential be undergoing deportation proceedings. In other words, they do not get to apply after they get into trouble.

* Only people who can prove that they lived in the United States before January 1, 2013 qualify for legal residency under this program, else people will sneak across the border just to get “residency.”

* People under this program cannot use their "Legal Resident Status" to become U.S. citizens. The person must go back to their home country and follow the normal procedures that every other citizen of their country needs to follow to get U.S. citizenship. They cannot live in the United States during this process.

* People under this program cannot get federal assistance or Social Security, unless they become United States citizens.

* People under this program will lose their “legal resident status” if they are found guilty of any felonies in the past, present, or future.

* People under this program will lose their “legal resident status” if they are found guilty of two future misdemeanors.

* People under this program will lose their “legal resident status” if they are found guilty of two future drunken driving violations.

* People under this program will lose their “legal resident status” if they are found guilty of making, transporting, or distributing drugs.

* People under this program will lose their “legal resident status” if they vote in a federal or state election while they are only legal residences.

* People under this program will lose their “legal resident status” if they participate in any political protest rallies or political protest events.

* People under this program will lose their “legal resident status” if they are found guilty of benefit fraud or tax fraud in the future.

* People under this program will lose their “legal resident status” if they are found guilty of making, using, possessing, or distributing fictitious or stolen identification information for illegal purposes in the future.

=======[ QUESTIONS and ANSWERS ]=======

This bill gives them the ability to live in the United States without fear of deportation as long as they do not break any major criminal laws. This is something that they have been fighting for years to obtain. Since this bill mostly stops future illegal immigrants, I can see a situation where both the pro-amnesty and anti-amnesty groups join forces in order to make Congress pass this constitutional amendment.


The Senate has voted three times to legalize illegal immigrants and we were BARLEY able to stop the legislation in the republican-controlled House of Representatives. If we continue down this same path, we may be able to block them for 2, 5, 10 or even 20 years, but eventually the democrats will regain control over the government and will offer them citizenship and voting rights. No amount of protesting that we do will be able to stop it. The only reason why it has not already passed is that Pres. Obama was more concerned about ObamaCare which became law without a single republican vote? We are going to be steamed-rolled because most republican congressmen are willing to vote for amnesty.

If the Founding Fathers would not have had the wisdom to create the First Amendment, most citizens would have lost the right to free speech and religion a long time ago. If the Founding Fathers would not have had the wisdom to create the Second Amendment, most citizens would have lost the right to bear arms a long time ago. If we do not have the wisdom to pass a bill with lots of enforcements in exchange for legal residence NOW, a future democrat-controlled Congress and White House will pass a bill which has no enforcements and gives illegal immigrants citizenship LATER. From that day forward, the United States will become an "open borders" community and THE ENTIRE WORLD will be given the right to live in the United States. We need to win this battle while we still have the leverage on our side. Trying to keep things like they are is a losing strategy.

I think it is safe to say that every future President of the United States will follow in the footsteps of President Obama and simply find it easier to simply ignore immigration law than to enforce it. This bill enforces illegal immigration on numerous levels, rather than hoping that any current President of the United States will enforce the laws. If this constitutional amendment becomes law, we will end up with A LOT LESS illegal immigrants within a few years. I consider this to be an anti-amnesty bill because it will eventually prevent a lot more amnesties than would occur once the democrats are in control. This type of constitutional amendment is a permanent fix to stopping all future illegal immigration problems.


No. The democrat will demand that illegal immigrants be given “citizenship” rather than just “legal residency,” but most of their pro-amnesty supporters would be completely satisfied with “legal residency” and would be angry at the democrats if they rejected a deal that would do this. The democrats may fracture their support base if they oppose this bill.

No. The republicans will be getting an extremely strong immigration enforcement measure that will likely endure throughout all eternity because it is a constitutional amendment. Future generations will not have to fight over this same topic again. Even though offering the current illegal immigrants the privileges of legal residency is extremely regrettable, America will benefit over the years by defining our immigration law in solid stone NOW. Also, this will be one issue democrats will no longer be able to attack republicans with.


Even if Republicans creates a simple law that just gives legal residency to illegal immigrants this year, democrats will simply push for a bill that will convert the legal residency into citizenship next year. This amendment will prevent illegal immigrants from becoming citizens or voters.

In the current system, ALL OF THE POWER to deport illegal immigrants rest with the President of the United States; which means that if he decides not to enforce the law, then there is nothing that Congress, the Supreme Court, or the People can do about it. My law will allow every law enforcement agencies to be able to deport illegal immigrants. There are only 5000 ICE agents nationwide, but there are 900,000 law enforcements officers nationwide. It is really difficult for 5000 ICE agents to round up 20 million illegal immigrants. This job would be handle better by the law enforcement officers.

Even if the federal government refuses to deport the illegal immigrants, the states, counties, and local cities can deport them on their own, and make a profit at the same time. A number of sections of the law do not even require the President or immigration officials to do anything, but only requires that the laws be in existents so that others can enforce them. These laws turn off ALL THE ENTICING MAGNETS that tempt illegal immigrants to break into United States. They will stop coming on their own.

No. Congress would be prevented from granting legal status to any future illegal immigrants without overturning this constitutional amendment. There will never be another wave if illegal immigrants looking for amnesty.

Instead of making this a large constitutional amendment, I would make it a normal legislative bill called, "The Illegal Immigration Reform Act of 2015," and then create a constitutional amendment saying that "The Illegal Immigration Reform Act of 2015" is now constitutional law.

All constitutional amendments should be brief to avoid legal wrangling over its meanings. It would be more accurate to view this illegal immigration bill as having over 30 INDIVIDUAL Constitutional Amendments in the "Enforcement" section and that no section is in any way depended on the other sections. Each section is totally autonomous and do not interact with the other sections in any way other than they all address the subject of immigration.

Compare this to if the Bill of Rights would have been written as one single Constitutional Amendment, rather than ten. Each section operate by itself and does not require any other sections to operate correctly. The "Restriction" section merely puts limits on the "Amnesty" section, and thus does not modify already existing laws.


No. This bill is far from perfect. I created this bill as more of a "starting point" of ideas and hope that other people smarter than I would improve upon it. I currently have 40 immigration enforcements as part of this law, but I am completely in favor of adding more. This bill will enshrine tough enforcement principles into a solid constitutional amendment. It prevents future Congresses from being able to legalize the next wave of illegal immigrants and it removes the magnets that cause them to sneak to the United States in the first place.

Many groups that claim that their "Rights" are being violated will win over time. It often takes decades for the groups to reshape the minds of society and to get politicians to enact laws favorable to their worldviews, but eventually it does happen. Some of the most notable "Rights Movements" within the last 100 years are, "Women’s Right to Vote," "Black Civil Rights," "Abortion Rights," and "Gay Marriage Rights." All of these groups have fulfilled the bulk of their original goals, but it took decades for them to win. At the beginning of each movement, they encountered a lot of resistance from people who strongly opposed them and felt that if they would simply "stand strong for their principles," they would ultimately prevail against the “Rights Movements.” After several decades, the "Rights" groups would eventually convenience enough people to support their cause and influence enough politicians to enact supporting laws. I see the "Illegal Immigration Rights" groups as just another "Rights Movement" group that will eventually win citizenship for illegal immigrants and open borders for the rest of the world if the situation continues on its current course. Just "standing strong" against illegal immigration will not protect us forever. We need to change the laws NOW so that the pro-amnesty groups cannot change the laws LATER.

Philip Brown

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Dropbox - Illegal Immigration Reform Act
I didn't read through the whole thing . So you know where I'm coming from I oppose ALL immigration into the USA . That being said its looks to me that in the first couple sentences of your solution that you'd be building a 2 class society . That'd never stand imo Philip !!
President Obama is unlawfully granting a form of "amnesty" to millions of illegal immigrants just by ignoring the current immigration law. It is very possible that future presidents will continue to follow in his footsteps and continue to neglect the law. We need to improve the way our immigration system works by giving state and local law enforcement agencies the authority to aggressively pursue their own enforcement policies rather than relying only on whomever or whatever happens to be president.

Here is a unique solution that would permanently prevent any future illegal immigration. In exchange for enacting 100 extremely tough immigration enforcement laws that mostly affect future illegal immigrants, we will grant "legal resident" status (but not citizenship) to most current illegal immigrants. The law needs to be a constitutional amendment to ensure that future congresses will not be able to repeal any of the enforcement laws or water them down. If this type of bill ever becomes law, the United States will never have an illegal immigration problem ever again. Below is the framework that both democrats and republicans will reluctantly vote for.


=========[ ENFORCEMENTS ]=========

* The state, county, and local governments can ENFORCE immigration law along with the federal government if they want, but they would be required to use the United States Congress’ definition for citizens, legal immigrants, and illegal immigrants. The enforcement can be handled like any other unlawful trespassing law within their borders. They can decide to give jail time, fines, and even deport anyone trespassing in the United States. The federal government is not allowed to prevent or penalize states, counties, and local governments for enforcing immigration law. The states are not allowed to prevent or penalize counties and local governments for enforcing immigration law. Counties are not allowed to prevent or penalize local governments for enforcing immigration law.

* The state, county, or local governments can deport anyone found illegally in the United States, and the federal government must pay 75% of the cost of the incarceration and deportation. If anyone harbors an illegal immigrant, that person can be required to pay the full cost of that person's incarceration and deportation.

* The federal, state, and local governments can seize the property (house, car, etc.) of anyone caught in the United States illegally and sell it for a profit. (This will be a very strong incentive for state and local governments to enforce immigration laws.)

* The military will be responsible for assisting the Border Patrol in protecting and securing the United States borders.

* Public schools, colleges, and universities will require students to be citizens or legal residents of the United States to attend. This will stop many future illegal immigrants from bring their families to the United States, because they know that their children will not get an education.

* Mandatory E-Verify for all businesses. Fines and jail time for any employers or human resource manager who does not comply can be levied by the federal, state, and local governments.

* The maximum number of people who can get citizenship or permanent residence is 150,000 a year. This is a dramatic drop from the current 1,000,000 a year. This will give the United States time to assimilate new comers into our culture before adding more. The maximum number of people who can be given refugee status will be 10,000 a year. All new residences will have their fingerprints and DNA permanently added into a federal database. The eligibility of a person to become a United States citizen or resident will be determined though laws passed by congress and will not be determined through policies or executive orders passed by the president.

* A maximum of 2 million foreign visitors into the United States will be allowed at any given time. Congress can change the percentage of how many people are allowed from each visa or legal permission through normal legislative law, but the maximum number of people is fixed at 2 million. Foreign visitors who have not been confirmed as leaving the United States will still be considered to be in the United States, and no new visitors cannot take their position in the queue until they leave or 10 years expire. All new foreign visitors will have their fingerprints permanently added into a federal database.

* A minimum of 80% of the people who are given citizenship or legal permanent residence every year must be able to work, take care of themselves, and must be between the years 18 to 25. This will help ensure that our country will have a good young workforce (rather than aging and dependent immigrants) into the future.

* One of the parents of a child must be an American citizen in order for the child to automatically be considered a citizen of the United States through birth. United States citizenship is never determined by the geographical location of a person's birth.

* Proof of citizenship or legal residency must be given in order to obtain a driver's licenses or ID cards.

* No more dual citizenship. In order for citizens of other countries to be recognized as American citizens, they must officially reject the citizenship of all other countries by officially notify their home country that they reject their citizenship. Congress can define up to 180 days after the person becomes an American citizen for them to submit proof that this has been done or the person’s citizenship will be suspended.

* Anyone who is a national of the United States, whether by birth or naturalization, shall lose his nationality by voting in a political election in a foreign state.

* No federal, state, or local programs that use federal money or state money can give social or financial aid to anyone who is in the United States illegally other than emergency medical care.

* Every United States citizen or legal resident of the United States has legal standing to sue any government agency or official to compel them to implement the full enforcement of immigration laws and ensure that they make a reasonable attempt to verify that they are not giving services or financial aid to people in the United States illegally. If the legal resident wins, he or she will be reimbursed a reasonable amount for court costs and attorney's fees.

* Every government agency has the right to refuse their services to anyone who cannot prove that they are legal residents.

* A specific double-layered fence must protect 95 percent of our southern border or the legal status for people under this program will be suspended after 6 years, until this metric is met.

* An entry/exit system that requires foreign visitors to submit the cost of a return plane ticket to their home country plus an additional 10 percent more before they arrive in the United States. The payment is held by the United States government in exchange for travel ticket vouchers. When the visitors are ready to leave, they can exchange the vouchers for any type of non-refundable travel tickets which has destinations outside of the United States.

* English is the official language of the United States. All federal business with the federal government must be done in English. No government agency will be required or compelled to provide translators except when the person is suspected of a crime. No government agency other than law enforcement or the military is allowed to require knowledge of a foreign language as part of its job requirement, preference, or description.

* The United States will refuse to issue visas to the residents of other countries that refuse to accept their citizens who are being deported.

* No one who is illegally in the United States can be given permission to remain, even by the President of the United States. They must leave the United States for a minimum of 10 years before they can be eligible for lawful re-entry, with the limited exception of the 10,000 a year given refugee status.

* Neither the president nor any federal agencies is allowed to prioritize one group of deportable illegal immigrants over another group of deportable illegal immigrants. All deportable illegal immigrants must be equal in reference to removal priority.

* Anyone who is identified by law enforcements on two separate occasions as being in the United States illegally can never receive citizenship or permanent resident status. They may be eligible for temporary visas.

* No one who is in the United States illegally can be given permission to work, even by the President of the United States. Any higher education degree, professional license, or certification received by a person who is in the United States illegally is to be considered invalid and void.

* No one who is illegally in the United States can be given permission to vote in city, state, or national elections. Proof of citizenship or legal residence is required before an individual is allowed to vote.

* The FBI is required to investigate every candidate for President of the United States to verify that they meet the requirements of the Constitution to be President of the United States. Idealistically, the investigations will begin at least 180 days before Election Day unless the candidate request for it to be done earlier.

* No government agency or organization that is partly supported by federal, state, county, or local money can withhold information in their possession from any immigration enforcement government agency that can be used to identify or deport illegal immigrants.

* Whatever penalty a judge gives to legal residents who breaks a particular law, the penalty will AUTOMATICALLY be 3 times more for anyone who is in the United States illegally. In other words, if a fine is normally $100 for the average citizen, it will be $300 for anyone in the United States illegally. If a judge sentences anyone to 1 year in jail for a particular crime, the sentence will automatically be changed to 3 years if the person is illegally in the United States. The judge cannot lower the penalty to a lesser sentence.

* Any federal, state, or local law enforcement agency can deny bail to anyone in the United States illegally if they choose to. The federal government is not allowed to prevent states and local governments from denying bail. The states are not allowed to prevent local governments from denying bail.

* Every person booked into jail by law enforcement will have their fingerprints run against federal immigration databases whenever reasonably possible to determine if they are in the United States illegally. (Similar to "Secure Communities" programs)

* If a person is in the United States and is convicted of committing murder, attempted murder, manslaughter, rape, or attempted rape while being in the United States illegally, they will AUTOMATICALLY receive a death sentence. The judge cannot lower the penalty to a lesser sentence.

* No one who is in the United States illegally has the right to sue or receive punitive damages in lawsuits for civil crimes committed during the time they were in the United States illegally.

* If anyone proves that a business is knowingly hiring illegal immigrants, that person will receive 5% of any monetary judgment that the business must pay for committing the illegal hirings. Businesses will not hire illegal immigrants if they know the illegal immigrants they hire will squeal on them.

* A person under this program can never sponsor anyone to be a United States citizen or legal resident.

* Immigration judges are allowed to take only 2 issues into account when deciding if a defendant should be deported. 1) Is the defendant in the United States illegally based upon the United States congressionally passed immigration law? 2) Is the defendant a refugee or likely to obtain refugee status? No other factors matter. If anyone is in the United States illegally and is unlikely to be given refugee status, then that person should be deported. This should greatly speed up immigration trials.

* Congress has the power to fire anyone responsible for immigration enforcement if seventy percent of the congressmen in EITHER the House or the Senate sign a partition saying the person responsible is not properly enforcing our immigration laws. Since this only requires a signed petition, it does not have to go through the tougher process that laws go through. The person will never be eligible to hold any federal government job again.


============[ AMNESTY ]============

* We will give the 11 million illegal immigrants who register “legal resident status” and "work visas," but not direct citizenship. Most of the people who are in the United States illegally are more concerned about being able to work in the U.S. without fear of deportation than they are about citizenship. Most cherish the citizenship of their home country more. The registration period will last for only one year after the constitutional amendment becomes law. After that, no one else can register.


The following are restrictions that can cancel an individual’s “legal resident status” and "work visa."

* Illegal immigrants cannot apply for “legal resident status” after they have been arrested by law enforcement and will potential be undergoing deportation proceedings. In other words, they do not get to apply after they get into trouble.

* Only people who can prove that they lived in the United States before January 1, 2013 qualify for legal residency under this program, else people will sneak across the border just to get “residency.”

* People under this program cannot use their "Legal Resident Status" to become U.S. citizens. The person must go back to their home country and follow the normal procedures that every other citizen of their country needs to follow to get U.S. citizenship. They cannot live in the United States during this process.

* People under this program cannot get federal assistance or Social Security, unless they become United States citizens.

* People under this program will lose their “legal resident status” if they are found guilty of any felonies in the past, present, or future.

* People under this program will lose their “legal resident status” if they are found guilty of two future misdemeanors.

* People under this program will lose their “legal resident status” if they are found guilty of two future drunken driving violations.

* People under this program will lose their “legal resident status” if they are found guilty of making, transporting, or distributing drugs.

* People under this program will lose their “legal resident status” if they vote in a federal or state election while they are only legal residences.

* People under this program will lose their “legal resident status” if they participate in any political protest rallies or political protest events.

* People under this program will lose their “legal resident status” if they are found guilty of benefit fraud or tax fraud in the future.

* People under this program will lose their “legal resident status” if they are found guilty of making, using, possessing, or distributing fictitious or stolen identification information for illegal purposes in the future.

=======[ QUESTIONS and ANSWERS ]=======

This bill gives them the ability to live in the United States without fear of deportation as long as they do not break any major criminal laws. This is something that they have been fighting for years to obtain. Since this bill mostly stops future illegal immigrants, I can see a situation where both the pro-amnesty and anti-amnesty groups join forces in order to make Congress pass this constitutional amendment.


The Senate has voted three times to legalize illegal immigrants and we were BARLEY able to stop the legislation in the republican-controlled House of Representatives. If we continue down this same path, we may be able to block them for 2, 5, 10 or even 20 years, but eventually the democrats will regain control over the government and will offer them citizenship and voting rights. No amount of protesting that we do will be able to stop it. The only reason why it has not already passed is that Pres. Obama was more concerned about ObamaCare which became law without a single republican vote? We are going to be steamed-rolled because most republican congressmen are willing to vote for amnesty.

If the Founding Fathers would not have had the wisdom to create the First Amendment, most citizens would have lost the right to free speech and religion a long time ago. If the Founding Fathers would not have had the wisdom to create the Second Amendment, most citizens would have lost the right to bear arms a long time ago. If we do not have the wisdom to pass a bill with lots of enforcements in exchange for legal residence NOW, a future democrat-controlled Congress and White House will pass a bill which has no enforcements and gives illegal immigrants citizenship LATER. From that day forward, the United States will become an "open borders" community and THE ENTIRE WORLD will be given the right to live in the United States. We need to win this battle while we still have the leverage on our side. Trying to keep things like they are is a losing strategy.

I think it is safe to say that every future President of the United States will follow in the footsteps of President Obama and simply find it easier to simply ignore immigration law than to enforce it. This bill enforces illegal immigration on numerous levels, rather than hoping that any current President of the United States will enforce the laws. If this constitutional amendment becomes law, we will end up with A LOT LESS illegal immigrants within a few years. I consider this to be an anti-amnesty bill because it will eventually prevent a lot more amnesties than would occur once the democrats are in control. This type of constitutional amendment is a permanent fix to stopping all future illegal immigration problems.


No. The democrat will demand that illegal immigrants be given “citizenship” rather than just “legal residency,” but most of their pro-amnesty supporters would be completely satisfied with “legal residency” and would be angry at the democrats if they rejected a deal that would do this. The democrats may fracture their support base if they oppose this bill.

No. The republicans will be getting an extremely strong immigration enforcement measure that will likely endure throughout all eternity because it is a constitutional amendment. Future generations will not have to fight over this same topic again. Even though offering the current illegal immigrants the privileges of legal residency is extremely regrettable, America will benefit over the years by defining our immigration law in solid stone NOW. Also, this will be one issue democrats will no longer be able to attack republicans with.


Even if Republicans creates a simple law that just gives legal residency to illegal immigrants this year, democrats will simply push for a bill that will convert the legal residency into citizenship next year. This amendment will prevent illegal immigrants from becoming citizens or voters.

In the current system, ALL OF THE POWER to deport illegal immigrants rest with the President of the United States; which means that if he decides not to enforce the law, then there is nothing that Congress, the Supreme Court, or the People can do about it. My law will allow every law enforcement agencies to be able to deport illegal immigrants. There are only 5000 ICE agents nationwide, but there are 900,000 law enforcements officers nationwide. It is really difficult for 5000 ICE agents to round up 20 million illegal immigrants. This job would be handle better by the law enforcement officers.

Even if the federal government refuses to deport the illegal immigrants, the states, counties, and local cities can deport them on their own, and make a profit at the same time. A number of sections of the law do not even require the President or immigration officials to do anything, but only requires that the laws be in existents so that others can enforce them. These laws turn off ALL THE ENTICING MAGNETS that tempt illegal immigrants to break into United States. They will stop coming on their own.

No. Congress would be prevented from granting legal status to any future illegal immigrants without overturning this constitutional amendment. There will never be another wave if illegal immigrants looking for amnesty.

Instead of making this a large constitutional amendment, I would make it a normal legislative bill called, "The Illegal Immigration Reform Act of 2015," and then create a constitutional amendment saying that "The Illegal Immigration Reform Act of 2015" is now constitutional law.

All constitutional amendments should be brief to avoid legal wrangling over its meanings. It would be more accurate to view this illegal immigration bill as having over 30 INDIVIDUAL Constitutional Amendments in the "Enforcement" section and that no section is in any way depended on the other sections. Each section is totally autonomous and do not interact with the other sections in any way other than they all address the subject of immigration.

Compare this to if the Bill of Rights would have been written as one single Constitutional Amendment, rather than ten. Each section operate by itself and does not require any other sections to operate correctly. The "Restriction" section merely puts limits on the "Amnesty" section, and thus does not modify already existing laws.


No. This bill is far from perfect. I created this bill as more of a "starting point" of ideas and hope that other people smarter than I would improve upon it. I currently have 40 immigration enforcements as part of this law, but I am completely in favor of adding more. This bill will enshrine tough enforcement principles into a solid constitutional amendment. It prevents future Congresses from being able to legalize the next wave of illegal immigrants and it removes the magnets that cause them to sneak to the United States in the first place.

Many groups that claim that their "Rights" are being violated will win over time. It often takes decades for the groups to reshape the minds of society and to get politicians to enact laws favorable to their worldviews, but eventually it does happen. Some of the most notable "Rights Movements" within the last 100 years are, "Women’s Right to Vote," "Black Civil Rights," "Abortion Rights," and "Gay Marriage Rights." All of these groups have fulfilled the bulk of their original goals, but it took decades for them to win. At the beginning of each movement, they encountered a lot of resistance from people who strongly opposed them and felt that if they would simply "stand strong for their principles," they would ultimately prevail against the “Rights Movements.” After several decades, the "Rights" groups would eventually convenience enough people to support their cause and influence enough politicians to enact supporting laws. I see the "Illegal Immigration Rights" groups as just another "Rights Movement" group that will eventually win citizenship for illegal immigrants and open borders for the rest of the world if the situation continues on its current course. Just "standing strong" against illegal immigration will not protect us forever. We need to change the laws NOW so that the pro-amnesty groups cannot change the laws LATER.

Philip Brown

YouTube Video link:

This document can be download in Microsoft Word, PDF, HTML, and text format at the following link:
Dropbox - Illegal Immigration Reform Act

You lost me with this. " In exchange for enacting 100 extremely tough immigration enforcement laws that mostly affect future illegal immigrants, we will grant "legal resident" status (but not citizenship) to most current illegal immigrants". No way should amnesty be a bargaining tool for enforcement. We need these people out of our workforce and out of our country.
Like other posters, I am not going to read this entire OP. Bottom line, you either support deportation, or you want a "pathway to citizenship." I can support pathway to citizenship because the requirements are so tough, very, very few will find citizenship. So, basically they are the same providing good reasons to dump them all back over the border.

We are missing the point here. Let's dumb it down for all concerned. I break into your house while you are not home. I help myself to food, your computer and take a nap. You come home and find me asleep. Do you call Welfare Services or a police officer? Well duh! This is a no brainer, deport them all. There is no discussion here. U. S. Laws are being broken.

The current immigration policy is really pretty good, it presents a series of roadblocks to illegals, any way they go. It works for me until we again implement "Operation Wetback." Operation Wetback - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia



Last edited:
President Obama is unlawfully granting a form of "amnesty" to millions of illegal immigrants just by ignoring the current immigration law. It is very possible that future presidents will continue to follow in his footsteps and continue to neglect the law. We need to improve the way our immigration system works by giving state and local law enforcement agencies the authority to aggressively pursue their own enforcement policies rather than relying only on whomever or whatever happens to be president.

Here is a unique solution that would permanently prevent any future illegal immigration. In exchange for enacting 100 extremely tough immigration enforcement laws that mostly affect future illegal immigrants, we will grant "legal resident" status (but not citizenship) to most current illegal immigrants. The law needs to be a constitutional amendment to ensure that future congresses will not be able to repeal any of the enforcement laws or water them down. If this type of bill ever becomes law, the United States will never have an illegal immigration problem ever again. Below is the framework that both democrats and republicans will reluctantly vote for.


=========[ ENFORCEMENTS ]=========

* The state, county, and local governments can ENFORCE immigration law along with the federal government if they want, but they would be required to use the United States Congress’ definition for citizens, legal immigrants, and illegal immigrants. The enforcement can be handled like any other unlawful trespassing law within their borders. They can decide to give jail time, fines, and even deport anyone trespassing in the United States. The federal government is not allowed to prevent or penalize states, counties, and local governments for enforcing immigration law. The states are not allowed to prevent or penalize counties and local governments for enforcing immigration law. Counties are not allowed to prevent or penalize local governments for enforcing immigration law.

* The state, county, or local governments can deport anyone found illegally in the United States, and the federal government must pay 75% of the cost of the incarceration and deportation. If anyone harbors an illegal immigrant, that person can be required to pay the full cost of that person's incarceration and deportation.

* The federal, state, and local governments can seize the property (house, car, etc.) of anyone caught in the United States illegally and sell it for a profit. (This will be a very strong incentive for state and local governments to enforce immigration laws.)

* The military will be responsible for assisting the Border Patrol in protecting and securing the United States borders.

* Public schools, colleges, and universities will require students to be citizens or legal residents of the United States to attend. This will stop many future illegal immigrants from bring their families to the United States, because they know that their children will not get an education.

* Mandatory E-Verify for all businesses. Fines and jail time for any employers or human resource manager who does not comply can be levied by the federal, state, and local governments.

* The maximum number of people who can get citizenship or permanent residence is 150,000 a year. This is a dramatic drop from the current 1,000,000 a year. This will give the United States time to assimilate new comers into our culture before adding more. The maximum number of people who can be given refugee status will be 10,000 a year. All new residences will have their fingerprints and DNA permanently added into a federal database. The eligibility of a person to become a United States citizen or resident will be determined though laws passed by congress and will not be determined through policies or executive orders passed by the president.

* A maximum of 2 million foreign visitors into the United States will be allowed at any given time. Congress can change the percentage of how many people are allowed from each visa or legal permission through normal legislative law, but the maximum number of people is fixed at 2 million. Foreign visitors who have not been confirmed as leaving the United States will still be considered to be in the United States, and no new visitors cannot take their position in the queue until they leave or 10 years expire. All new foreign visitors will have their fingerprints permanently added into a federal database.

* A minimum of 80% of the people who are given citizenship or legal permanent residence every year must be able to work, take care of themselves, and must be between the years 18 to 25. This will help ensure that our country will have a good young workforce (rather than aging and dependent immigrants) into the future.

* One of the parents of a child must be an American citizen in order for the child to automatically be considered a citizen of the United States through birth. United States citizenship is never determined by the geographical location of a person's birth.

* Proof of citizenship or legal residency must be given in order to obtain a driver's licenses or ID cards.

* No more dual citizenship. In order for citizens of other countries to be recognized as American citizens, they must officially reject the citizenship of all other countries by officially notify their home country that they reject their citizenship. Congress can define up to 180 days after the person becomes an American citizen for them to submit proof that this has been done or the person’s citizenship will be suspended.

* Anyone who is a national of the United States, whether by birth or naturalization, shall lose his nationality by voting in a political election in a foreign state.

* No federal, state, or local programs that use federal money or state money can give social or financial aid to anyone who is in the United States illegally other than emergency medical care.

* Every United States citizen or legal resident of the United States has legal standing to sue any government agency or official to compel them to implement the full enforcement of immigration laws and ensure that they make a reasonable attempt to verify that they are not giving services or financial aid to people in the United States illegally. If the legal resident wins, he or she will be reimbursed a reasonable amount for court costs and attorney's fees.

* Every government agency has the right to refuse their services to anyone who cannot prove that they are legal residents.

* A specific double-layered fence must protect 95 percent of our southern border or the legal status for people under this program will be suspended after 6 years, until this metric is met.

* An entry/exit system that requires foreign visitors to submit the cost of a return plane ticket to their home country plus an additional 10 percent more before they arrive in the United States. The payment is held by the United States government in exchange for travel ticket vouchers. When the visitors are ready to leave, they can exchange the vouchers for any type of non-refundable travel tickets which has destinations outside of the United States.

* English is the official language of the United States. All federal business with the federal government must be done in English. No government agency will be required or compelled to provide translators except when the person is suspected of a crime. No government agency other than law enforcement or the military is allowed to require knowledge of a foreign language as part of its job requirement, preference, or description.

* The United States will refuse to issue visas to the residents of other countries that refuse to accept their citizens who are being deported.

* No one who is illegally in the United States can be given permission to remain, even by the President of the United States. They must leave the United States for a minimum of 10 years before they can be eligible for lawful re-entry, with the limited exception of the 10,000 a year given refugee status.

* Neither the president nor any federal agencies is allowed to prioritize one group of deportable illegal immigrants over another group of deportable illegal immigrants. All deportable illegal immigrants must be equal in reference to removal priority.

* Anyone who is identified by law enforcements on two separate occasions as being in the United States illegally can never receive citizenship or permanent resident status. They may be eligible for temporary visas.

* No one who is in the United States illegally can be given permission to work, even by the President of the United States. Any higher education degree, professional license, or certification received by a person who is in the United States illegally is to be considered invalid and void.

* No one who is illegally in the United States can be given permission to vote in city, state, or national elections. Proof of citizenship or legal residence is required before an individual is allowed to vote.

* The FBI is required to investigate every candidate for President of the United States to verify that they meet the requirements of the Constitution to be President of the United States. Idealistically, the investigations will begin at least 180 days before Election Day unless the candidate request for it to be done earlier.

* No government agency or organization that is partly supported by federal, state, county, or local money can withhold information in their possession from any immigration enforcement government agency that can be used to identify or deport illegal immigrants.

* Whatever penalty a judge gives to legal residents who breaks a particular law, the penalty will AUTOMATICALLY be 3 times more for anyone who is in the United States illegally. In other words, if a fine is normally $100 for the average citizen, it will be $300 for anyone in the United States illegally. If a judge sentences anyone to 1 year in jail for a particular crime, the sentence will automatically be changed to 3 years if the person is illegally in the United States. The judge cannot lower the penalty to a lesser sentence.

* Any federal, state, or local law enforcement agency can deny bail to anyone in the United States illegally if they choose to. The federal government is not allowed to prevent states and local governments from denying bail. The states are not allowed to prevent local governments from denying bail.

* Every person booked into jail by law enforcement will have their fingerprints run against federal immigration databases whenever reasonably possible to determine if they are in the United States illegally. (Similar to "Secure Communities" programs)

* If a person is in the United States and is convicted of committing murder, attempted murder, manslaughter, rape, or attempted rape while being in the United States illegally, they will AUTOMATICALLY receive a death sentence. The judge cannot lower the penalty to a lesser sentence.

* No one who is in the United States illegally has the right to sue or receive punitive damages in lawsuits for civil crimes committed during the time they were in the United States illegally.

* If anyone proves that a business is knowingly hiring illegal immigrants, that person will receive 5% of any monetary judgment that the business must pay for committing the illegal hirings. Businesses will not hire illegal immigrants if they know the illegal immigrants they hire will squeal on them.

* A person under this program can never sponsor anyone to be a United States citizen or legal resident.

* Immigration judges are allowed to take only 2 issues into account when deciding if a defendant should be deported. 1) Is the defendant in the United States illegally based upon the United States congressionally passed immigration law? 2) Is the defendant a refugee or likely to obtain refugee status? No other factors matter. If anyone is in the United States illegally and is unlikely to be given refugee status, then that person should be deported. This should greatly speed up immigration trials.

* Congress has the power to fire anyone responsible for immigration enforcement if seventy percent of the congressmen in EITHER the House or the Senate sign a partition saying the person responsible is not properly enforcing our immigration laws. Since this only requires a signed petition, it does not have to go through the tougher process that laws go through. The person will never be eligible to hold any federal government job again.


============[ AMNESTY ]============

* We will give the 11 million illegal immigrants who register “legal resident status” and "work visas," but not direct citizenship. Most of the people who are in the United States illegally are more concerned about being able to work in the U.S. without fear of deportation than they are about citizenship. Most cherish the citizenship of their home country more. The registration period will last for only one year after the constitutional amendment becomes law. After that, no one else can register.


The following are restrictions that can cancel an individual’s “legal resident status” and "work visa."

* Illegal immigrants cannot apply for “legal resident status” after they have been arrested by law enforcement and will potential be undergoing deportation proceedings. In other words, they do not get to apply after they get into trouble.

* Only people who can prove that they lived in the United States before January 1, 2013 qualify for legal residency under this program, else people will sneak across the border just to get “residency.”

* People under this program cannot use their "Legal Resident Status" to become U.S. citizens. The person must go back to their home country and follow the normal procedures that every other citizen of their country needs to follow to get U.S. citizenship. They cannot live in the United States during this process.

* People under this program cannot get federal assistance or Social Security, unless they become United States citizens.

* People under this program will lose their “legal resident status” if they are found guilty of any felonies in the past, present, or future.

* People under this program will lose their “legal resident status” if they are found guilty of two future misdemeanors.

* People under this program will lose their “legal resident status” if they are found guilty of two future drunken driving violations.

* People under this program will lose their “legal resident status” if they are found guilty of making, transporting, or distributing drugs.

* People under this program will lose their “legal resident status” if they vote in a federal or state election while they are only legal residences.

* People under this program will lose their “legal resident status” if they participate in any political protest rallies or political protest events.

* People under this program will lose their “legal resident status” if they are found guilty of benefit fraud or tax fraud in the future.

* People under this program will lose their “legal resident status” if they are found guilty of making, using, possessing, or distributing fictitious or stolen identification information for illegal purposes in the future.

=======[ QUESTIONS and ANSWERS ]=======

This bill gives them the ability to live in the United States without fear of deportation as long as they do not break any major criminal laws. This is something that they have been fighting for years to obtain. Since this bill mostly stops future illegal immigrants, I can see a situation where both the pro-amnesty and anti-amnesty groups join forces in order to make Congress pass this constitutional amendment.


The Senate has voted three times to legalize illegal immigrants and we were BARLEY able to stop the legislation in the republican-controlled House of Representatives. If we continue down this same path, we may be able to block them for 2, 5, 10 or even 20 years, but eventually the democrats will regain control over the government and will offer them citizenship and voting rights. No amount of protesting that we do will be able to stop it. The only reason why it has not already passed is that Pres. Obama was more concerned about ObamaCare which became law without a single republican vote? We are going to be steamed-rolled because most republican congressmen are willing to vote for amnesty.

If the Founding Fathers would not have had the wisdom to create the First Amendment, most citizens would have lost the right to free speech and religion a long time ago. If the Founding Fathers would not have had the wisdom to create the Second Amendment, most citizens would have lost the right to bear arms a long time ago. If we do not have the wisdom to pass a bill with lots of enforcements in exchange for legal residence NOW, a future democrat-controlled Congress and White House will pass a bill which has no enforcements and gives illegal immigrants citizenship LATER. From that day forward, the United States will become an "open borders" community and THE ENTIRE WORLD will be given the right to live in the United States. We need to win this battle while we still have the leverage on our side. Trying to keep things like they are is a losing strategy.

I think it is safe to say that every future President of the United States will follow in the footsteps of President Obama and simply find it easier to simply ignore immigration law than to enforce it. This bill enforces illegal immigration on numerous levels, rather than hoping that any current President of the United States will enforce the laws. If this constitutional amendment becomes law, we will end up with A LOT LESS illegal immigrants within a few years. I consider this to be an anti-amnesty bill because it will eventually prevent a lot more amnesties than would occur once the democrats are in control. This type of constitutional amendment is a permanent fix to stopping all future illegal immigration problems.


No. The democrat will demand that illegal immigrants be given “citizenship” rather than just “legal residency,” but most of their pro-amnesty supporters would be completely satisfied with “legal residency” and would be angry at the democrats if they rejected a deal that would do this. The democrats may fracture their support base if they oppose this bill.

No. The republicans will be getting an extremely strong immigration enforcement measure that will likely endure throughout all eternity because it is a constitutional amendment. Future generations will not have to fight over this same topic again. Even though offering the current illegal immigrants the privileges of legal residency is extremely regrettable, America will benefit over the years by defining our immigration law in solid stone NOW. Also, this will be one issue democrats will no longer be able to attack republicans with.


Even if Republicans creates a simple law that just gives legal residency to illegal immigrants this year, democrats will simply push for a bill that will convert the legal residency into citizenship next year. This amendment will prevent illegal immigrants from becoming citizens or voters.

In the current system, ALL OF THE POWER to deport illegal immigrants rest with the President of the United States; which means that if he decides not to enforce the law, then there is nothing that Congress, the Supreme Court, or the People can do about it. My law will allow every law enforcement agencies to be able to deport illegal immigrants. There are only 5000 ICE agents nationwide, but there are 900,000 law enforcements officers nationwide. It is really difficult for 5000 ICE agents to round up 20 million illegal immigrants. This job would be handle better by the law enforcement officers.

Even if the federal government refuses to deport the illegal immigrants, the states, counties, and local cities can deport them on their own, and make a profit at the same time. A number of sections of the law do not even require the President or immigration officials to do anything, but only requires that the laws be in existents so that others can enforce them. These laws turn off ALL THE ENTICING MAGNETS that tempt illegal immigrants to break into United States. They will stop coming on their own.

No. Congress would be prevented from granting legal status to any future illegal immigrants without overturning this constitutional amendment. There will never be another wave if illegal immigrants looking for amnesty.

Instead of making this a large constitutional amendment, I would make it a normal legislative bill called, "The Illegal Immigration Reform Act of 2015," and then create a constitutional amendment saying that "The Illegal Immigration Reform Act of 2015" is now constitutional law.

All constitutional amendments should be brief to avoid legal wrangling over its meanings. It would be more accurate to view this illegal immigration bill as having over 30 INDIVIDUAL Constitutional Amendments in the "Enforcement" section and that no section is in any way depended on the other sections. Each section is totally autonomous and do not interact with the other sections in any way other than they all address the subject of immigration.

Compare this to if the Bill of Rights would have been written as one single Constitutional Amendment, rather than ten. Each section operate by itself and does not require any other sections to operate correctly. The "Restriction" section merely puts limits on the "Amnesty" section, and thus does not modify already existing laws.


No. This bill is far from perfect. I created this bill as more of a "starting point" of ideas and hope that other people smarter than I would improve upon it. I currently have 40 immigration enforcements as part of this law, but I am completely in favor of adding more. This bill will enshrine tough enforcement principles into a solid constitutional amendment. It prevents future Congresses from being able to legalize the next wave of illegal immigrants and it removes the magnets that cause them to sneak to the United States in the first place.

Many groups that claim that their "Rights" are being violated will win over time. It often takes decades for the groups to reshape the minds of society and to get politicians to enact laws favorable to their worldviews, but eventually it does happen. Some of the most notable "Rights Movements" within the last 100 years are, "Women’s Right to Vote," "Black Civil Rights," "Abortion Rights," and "Gay Marriage Rights." All of these groups have fulfilled the bulk of their original goals, but it took decades for them to win. At the beginning of each movement, they encountered a lot of resistance from people who strongly opposed them and felt that if they would simply "stand strong for their principles," they would ultimately prevail against the “Rights Movements.” After several decades, the "Rights" groups would eventually convenience enough people to support their cause and influence enough politicians to enact supporting laws. I see the "Illegal Immigration Rights" groups as just another "Rights Movement" group that will eventually win citizenship for illegal immigrants and open borders for the rest of the world if the situation continues on its current course. Just "standing strong" against illegal immigration will not protect us forever. We need to change the laws NOW so that the pro-amnesty groups cannot change the laws LATER.

Philip Brown

YouTube Video link:

This document can be download in Microsoft Word, PDF, HTML, and text format at the following link:
Dropbox - Illegal Immigration Reform Act

Man these conservative theories on how to stop illegal immigration keep getting kookier and kookier. :cuckoo:
Remove the reason illegals come here. Money. Remove the cause, employers. One million and tens years for every illegal hired.
President Obama is unlawfully granting a form of "amnesty" to millions of illegal immigrants just by ignoring the current immigration law. It is very possible that future presidents will continue to follow in his footsteps and continue to neglect the law. We need to improve the way our immigration system works by giving state and local law enforcement agencies the authority to aggressively pursue their own enforcement policies rather than relying only on whomever or whatever happens to be president.

Here is a unique solution that would permanently prevent any future illegal immigration. In exchange for enacting 100 extremely tough immigration enforcement laws that mostly affect future illegal immigrants, we will grant "legal resident" status (but not citizenship) to most current illegal immigrants. The law needs to be a constitutional amendment to ensure that future congresses will not be able to repeal any of the enforcement laws or water them down. If this type of bill ever becomes law, the United States will never have an illegal immigration problem ever again. Below is the framework that both democrats and republicans will reluctantly vote for.


=========[ ENFORCEMENTS ]=========

* The state, county, and local governments can ENFORCE immigration law along with the federal government if they want, but they would be required to use the United States Congress’ definition for citizens, legal immigrants, and illegal immigrants. The enforcement can be handled like any other unlawful trespassing law within their borders. They can decide to give jail time, fines, and even deport anyone trespassing in the United States. The federal government is not allowed to prevent or penalize states, counties, and local governments for enforcing immigration law. The states are not allowed to prevent or penalize counties and local governments for enforcing immigration law. Counties are not allowed to prevent or penalize local governments for enforcing immigration law.

* The state, county, or local governments can deport anyone found illegally in the United States, and the federal government must pay 75% of the cost of the incarceration and deportation. If anyone harbors an illegal immigrant, that person can be required to pay the full cost of that person's incarceration and deportation.

* The federal, state, and local governments can seize the property (house, car, etc.) of anyone caught in the United States illegally and sell it for a profit. (This will be a very strong incentive for state and local governments to enforce immigration laws.)

* The military will be responsible for assisting the Border Patrol in protecting and securing the United States borders.

* Public schools, colleges, and universities will require students to be citizens or legal residents of the United States to attend. This will stop many future illegal immigrants from bring their families to the United States, because they know that their children will not get an education.

* Mandatory E-Verify for all businesses. Fines and jail time for any employers or human resource manager who does not comply can be levied by the federal, state, and local governments.

* The maximum number of people who can get citizenship or permanent residence is 150,000 a year. This is a dramatic drop from the current 1,000,000 a year. This will give the United States time to assimilate new comers into our culture before adding more. The maximum number of people who can be given refugee status will be 10,000 a year. All new residences will have their fingerprints and DNA permanently added into a federal database. The eligibility of a person to become a United States citizen or resident will be determined though laws passed by congress and will not be determined through policies or executive orders passed by the president.

* A maximum of 2 million foreign visitors into the United States will be allowed at any given time. Congress can change the percentage of how many people are allowed from each visa or legal permission through normal legislative law, but the maximum number of people is fixed at 2 million. Foreign visitors who have not been confirmed as leaving the United States will still be considered to be in the United States, and no new visitors cannot take their position in the queue until they leave or 10 years expire. All new foreign visitors will have their fingerprints permanently added into a federal database.

* A minimum of 80% of the people who are given citizenship or legal permanent residence every year must be able to work, take care of themselves, and must be between the years 18 to 25. This will help ensure that our country will have a good young workforce (rather than aging and dependent immigrants) into the future.

* One of the parents of a child must be an American citizen in order for the child to automatically be considered a citizen of the United States through birth. United States citizenship is never determined by the geographical location of a person's birth.

* Proof of citizenship or legal residency must be given in order to obtain a driver's licenses or ID cards.

* No more dual citizenship. In order for citizens of other countries to be recognized as American citizens, they must officially reject the citizenship of all other countries by officially notify their home country that they reject their citizenship. Congress can define up to 180 days after the person becomes an American citizen for them to submit proof that this has been done or the person’s citizenship will be suspended.

* Anyone who is a national of the United States, whether by birth or naturalization, shall lose his nationality by voting in a political election in a foreign state.

* No federal, state, or local programs that use federal money or state money can give social or financial aid to anyone who is in the United States illegally other than emergency medical care.

* Every United States citizen or legal resident of the United States has legal standing to sue any government agency or official to compel them to implement the full enforcement of immigration laws and ensure that they make a reasonable attempt to verify that they are not giving services or financial aid to people in the United States illegally. If the legal resident wins, he or she will be reimbursed a reasonable amount for court costs and attorney's fees.

* Every government agency has the right to refuse their services to anyone who cannot prove that they are legal residents.

* A specific double-layered fence must protect 95 percent of our southern border or the legal status for people under this program will be suspended after 6 years, until this metric is met.

* An entry/exit system that requires foreign visitors to submit the cost of a return plane ticket to their home country plus an additional 10 percent more before they arrive in the United States. The payment is held by the United States government in exchange for travel ticket vouchers. When the visitors are ready to leave, they can exchange the vouchers for any type of non-refundable travel tickets which has destinations outside of the United States.

* English is the official language of the United States. All federal business with the federal government must be done in English. No government agency will be required or compelled to provide translators except when the person is suspected of a crime. No government agency other than law enforcement or the military is allowed to require knowledge of a foreign language as part of its job requirement, preference, or description.

* The United States will refuse to issue visas to the residents of other countries that refuse to accept their citizens who are being deported.

* No one who is illegally in the United States can be given permission to remain, even by the President of the United States. They must leave the United States for a minimum of 10 years before they can be eligible for lawful re-entry, with the limited exception of the 10,000 a year given refugee status.

* Neither the president nor any federal agencies is allowed to prioritize one group of deportable illegal immigrants over another group of deportable illegal immigrants. All deportable illegal immigrants must be equal in reference to removal priority.

* Anyone who is identified by law enforcements on two separate occasions as being in the United States illegally can never receive citizenship or permanent resident status. They may be eligible for temporary visas.

* No one who is in the United States illegally can be given permission to work, even by the President of the United States. Any higher education degree, professional license, or certification received by a person who is in the United States illegally is to be considered invalid and void.

* No one who is illegally in the United States can be given permission to vote in city, state, or national elections. Proof of citizenship or legal residence is required before an individual is allowed to vote.

* The FBI is required to investigate every candidate for President of the United States to verify that they meet the requirements of the Constitution to be President of the United States. Idealistically, the investigations will begin at least 180 days before Election Day unless the candidate request for it to be done earlier.

* No government agency or organization that is partly supported by federal, state, county, or local money can withhold information in their possession from any immigration enforcement government agency that can be used to identify or deport illegal immigrants.

* Whatever penalty a judge gives to legal residents who breaks a particular law, the penalty will AUTOMATICALLY be 3 times more for anyone who is in the United States illegally. In other words, if a fine is normally $100 for the average citizen, it will be $300 for anyone in the United States illegally. If a judge sentences anyone to 1 year in jail for a particular crime, the sentence will automatically be changed to 3 years if the person is illegally in the United States. The judge cannot lower the penalty to a lesser sentence.

* Any federal, state, or local law enforcement agency can deny bail to anyone in the United States illegally if they choose to. The federal government is not allowed to prevent states and local governments from denying bail. The states are not allowed to prevent local governments from denying bail.

* Every person booked into jail by law enforcement will have their fingerprints run against federal immigration databases whenever reasonably possible to determine if they are in the United States illegally. (Similar to "Secure Communities" programs)

* If a person is in the United States and is convicted of committing murder, attempted murder, manslaughter, rape, or attempted rape while being in the United States illegally, they will AUTOMATICALLY receive a death sentence. The judge cannot lower the penalty to a lesser sentence.

* No one who is in the United States illegally has the right to sue or receive punitive damages in lawsuits for civil crimes committed during the time they were in the United States illegally.

* If anyone proves that a business is knowingly hiring illegal immigrants, that person will receive 5% of any monetary judgment that the business must pay for committing the illegal hirings. Businesses will not hire illegal immigrants if they know the illegal immigrants they hire will squeal on them.

* A person under this program can never sponsor anyone to be a United States citizen or legal resident.

* Immigration judges are allowed to take only 2 issues into account when deciding if a defendant should be deported. 1) Is the defendant in the United States illegally based upon the United States congressionally passed immigration law? 2) Is the defendant a refugee or likely to obtain refugee status? No other factors matter. If anyone is in the United States illegally and is unlikely to be given refugee status, then that person should be deported. This should greatly speed up immigration trials.

* Congress has the power to fire anyone responsible for immigration enforcement if seventy percent of the congressmen in EITHER the House or the Senate sign a partition saying the person responsible is not properly enforcing our immigration laws. Since this only requires a signed petition, it does not have to go through the tougher process that laws go through. The person will never be eligible to hold any federal government job again.


============[ AMNESTY ]============

* We will give the 11 million illegal immigrants who register “legal resident status” and "work visas," but not direct citizenship. Most of the people who are in the United States illegally are more concerned about being able to work in the U.S. without fear of deportation than they are about citizenship. Most cherish the citizenship of their home country more. The registration period will last for only one year after the constitutional amendment becomes law. After that, no one else can register.


The following are restrictions that can cancel an individual’s “legal resident status” and "work visa."

* Illegal immigrants cannot apply for “legal resident status” after they have been arrested by law enforcement and will potential be undergoing deportation proceedings. In other words, they do not get to apply after they get into trouble.

* Only people who can prove that they lived in the United States before January 1, 2013 qualify for legal residency under this program, else people will sneak across the border just to get “residency.”

* People under this program cannot use their "Legal Resident Status" to become U.S. citizens. The person must go back to their home country and follow the normal procedures that every other citizen of their country needs to follow to get U.S. citizenship. They cannot live in the United States during this process.

* People under this program cannot get federal assistance or Social Security, unless they become United States citizens.

* People under this program will lose their “legal resident status” if they are found guilty of any felonies in the past, present, or future.

* People under this program will lose their “legal resident status” if they are found guilty of two future misdemeanors.

* People under this program will lose their “legal resident status” if they are found guilty of two future drunken driving violations.

* People under this program will lose their “legal resident status” if they are found guilty of making, transporting, or distributing drugs.

* People under this program will lose their “legal resident status” if they vote in a federal or state election while they are only legal residences.

* People under this program will lose their “legal resident status” if they participate in any political protest rallies or political protest events.

* People under this program will lose their “legal resident status” if they are found guilty of benefit fraud or tax fraud in the future.

* People under this program will lose their “legal resident status” if they are found guilty of making, using, possessing, or distributing fictitious or stolen identification information for illegal purposes in the future.

=======[ QUESTIONS and ANSWERS ]=======

This bill gives them the ability to live in the United States without fear of deportation as long as they do not break any major criminal laws. This is something that they have been fighting for years to obtain. Since this bill mostly stops future illegal immigrants, I can see a situation where both the pro-amnesty and anti-amnesty groups join forces in order to make Congress pass this constitutional amendment.


The Senate has voted three times to legalize illegal immigrants and we were BARLEY able to stop the legislation in the republican-controlled House of Representatives. If we continue down this same path, we may be able to block them for 2, 5, 10 or even 20 years, but eventually the democrats will regain control over the government and will offer them citizenship and voting rights. No amount of protesting that we do will be able to stop it. The only reason why it has not already passed is that Pres. Obama was more concerned about ObamaCare which became law without a single republican vote? We are going to be steamed-rolled because most republican congressmen are willing to vote for amnesty.

If the Founding Fathers would not have had the wisdom to create the First Amendment, most citizens would have lost the right to free speech and religion a long time ago. If the Founding Fathers would not have had the wisdom to create the Second Amendment, most citizens would have lost the right to bear arms a long time ago. If we do not have the wisdom to pass a bill with lots of enforcements in exchange for legal residence NOW, a future democrat-controlled Congress and White House will pass a bill which has no enforcements and gives illegal immigrants citizenship LATER. From that day forward, the United States will become an "open borders" community and THE ENTIRE WORLD will be given the right to live in the United States. We need to win this battle while we still have the leverage on our side. Trying to keep things like they are is a losing strategy.

I think it is safe to say that every future President of the United States will follow in the footsteps of President Obama and simply find it easier to simply ignore immigration law than to enforce it. This bill enforces illegal immigration on numerous levels, rather than hoping that any current President of the United States will enforce the laws. If this constitutional amendment becomes law, we will end up with A LOT LESS illegal immigrants within a few years. I consider this to be an anti-amnesty bill because it will eventually prevent a lot more amnesties than would occur once the democrats are in control. This type of constitutional amendment is a permanent fix to stopping all future illegal immigration problems.


No. The democrat will demand that illegal immigrants be given “citizenship” rather than just “legal residency,” but most of their pro-amnesty supporters would be completely satisfied with “legal residency” and would be angry at the democrats if they rejected a deal that would do this. The democrats may fracture their support base if they oppose this bill.

No. The republicans will be getting an extremely strong immigration enforcement measure that will likely endure throughout all eternity because it is a constitutional amendment. Future generations will not have to fight over this same topic again. Even though offering the current illegal immigrants the privileges of legal residency is extremely regrettable, America will benefit over the years by defining our immigration law in solid stone NOW. Also, this will be one issue democrats will no longer be able to attack republicans with.


Even if Republicans creates a simple law that just gives legal residency to illegal immigrants this year, democrats will simply push for a bill that will convert the legal residency into citizenship next year. This amendment will prevent illegal immigrants from becoming citizens or voters.

In the current system, ALL OF THE POWER to deport illegal immigrants rest with the President of the United States; which means that if he decides not to enforce the law, then there is nothing that Congress, the Supreme Court, or the People can do about it. My law will allow every law enforcement agencies to be able to deport illegal immigrants. There are only 5000 ICE agents nationwide, but there are 900,000 law enforcements officers nationwide. It is really difficult for 5000 ICE agents to round up 20 million illegal immigrants. This job would be handle better by the law enforcement officers.

Even if the federal government refuses to deport the illegal immigrants, the states, counties, and local cities can deport them on their own, and make a profit at the same time. A number of sections of the law do not even require the President or immigration officials to do anything, but only requires that the laws be in existents so that others can enforce them. These laws turn off ALL THE ENTICING MAGNETS that tempt illegal immigrants to break into United States. They will stop coming on their own.

No. Congress would be prevented from granting legal status to any future illegal immigrants without overturning this constitutional amendment. There will never be another wave if illegal immigrants looking for amnesty.

Instead of making this a large constitutional amendment, I would make it a normal legislative bill called, "The Illegal Immigration Reform Act of 2015," and then create a constitutional amendment saying that "The Illegal Immigration Reform Act of 2015" is now constitutional law.

All constitutional amendments should be brief to avoid legal wrangling over its meanings. It would be more accurate to view this illegal immigration bill as having over 30 INDIVIDUAL Constitutional Amendments in the "Enforcement" section and that no section is in any way depended on the other sections. Each section is totally autonomous and do not interact with the other sections in any way other than they all address the subject of immigration.

Compare this to if the Bill of Rights would have been written as one single Constitutional Amendment, rather than ten. Each section operate by itself and does not require any other sections to operate correctly. The "Restriction" section merely puts limits on the "Amnesty" section, and thus does not modify already existing laws.


No. This bill is far from perfect. I created this bill as more of a "starting point" of ideas and hope that other people smarter than I would improve upon it. I currently have 40 immigration enforcements as part of this law, but I am completely in favor of adding more. This bill will enshrine tough enforcement principles into a solid constitutional amendment. It prevents future Congresses from being able to legalize the next wave of illegal immigrants and it removes the magnets that cause them to sneak to the United States in the first place.

Many groups that claim that their "Rights" are being violated will win over time. It often takes decades for the groups to reshape the minds of society and to get politicians to enact laws favorable to their worldviews, but eventually it does happen. Some of the most notable "Rights Movements" within the last 100 years are, "Women’s Right to Vote," "Black Civil Rights," "Abortion Rights," and "Gay Marriage Rights." All of these groups have fulfilled the bulk of their original goals, but it took decades for them to win. At the beginning of each movement, they encountered a lot of resistance from people who strongly opposed them and felt that if they would simply "stand strong for their principles," they would ultimately prevail against the “Rights Movements.” After several decades, the "Rights" groups would eventually convenience enough people to support their cause and influence enough politicians to enact supporting laws. I see the "Illegal Immigration Rights" groups as just another "Rights Movement" group that will eventually win citizenship for illegal immigrants and open borders for the rest of the world if the situation continues on its current course. Just "standing strong" against illegal immigration will not protect us forever. We need to change the laws NOW so that the pro-amnesty groups cannot change the laws LATER.

Philip Brown

YouTube Video link:

This document can be download in Microsoft Word, PDF, HTML, and text format at the following link:
Dropbox - Illegal Immigration Reform Act

Man these conservative theories on how to stop illegal immigration keep getting kookier and kookier. :cuckoo:

Yeah, the Democrats solution makes so much more sense (insert rolling eyes here) by granting amnesty. This will just encourage the next 10 million to come here waiting for the next amnesty. When does it end? When the entire third world's poor and illiterate are here outnumbering our own citizens? Yeah, that makes perfect sense.....NOT!
Like other posters, I am not going to read this entire OP. Bottom line, you either support deportation, or you want a "pathway to citizenship." I can support pathway to citizenship because the requirements are so tough, very, very few will find citizenship. So, basically they are the same providing good reasons to dump them all back over the border.

We are missing the point here. Let's dumb it down for all concerned. I break into your house while you are not home. I help myself to food, your computer and take a nap. You come home and find me asleep. Do you call Welfare Services or a police officer? Well duh! This is a no brainer, deport them all. There is no discussion here. U. S. Laws are being broken.

The current immigration policy is really pretty good, it presents a series of roadblocks to illegals, any way they go. It works for me until we again implement "Operation Wetback." Operation Wetback - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia



Nice try but no cigar. There is no "operation w*tback" on the table. Remove the incentives for them to remain here and they will leave on their own. And by the way, it isn't only Mexicans here illegally.
I actually agree with all the previous posts that say it is a bad idea to give people who broke into our country legal status. The only reason why I even considered it is that I believe the illegal immigrants will get amnesty within the next 10 years; no matter how hard the pro-enforcement community protest against it. It will most likely happen when the democrats have control over both Houses of Congress and it would not matter if the president is a democrat or republican. Rather than waiting for congress to pass another bill similar to the Senate Immigration Bill that gives citizenship to all illegal immigrants and no real enforcements, I would rather pass a bill that gives very strict enforcements on many levels and prevents the president or congress from legalizing any future waves of illegal immigrants.

Like I said, from my viewpoint, they are going to get citizenship no matter what we do. I am just trying to minimize the damage.
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I actually agree with all the previous posts that say it is a bad idea to give people who broke into our country legal status. The only reason why I even considered it is that I believe the illegal immigrants will get amnesty within the next 10 years; no matter how hard the pro-enforcement community protest against it. It will most likely happen when the democrats have control over both Houses of Congress and it would not matter if the president is a democrat or republican. Rather than waiting for congress to pass another bill similar to the Senate Immigration Bill that gives citizenship to all illegal immigrants and no real enforcements, I would rather pass a bill that gives very strict enforcements on many levels and prevents the president or congress from legalizing any future waves of illegal immigrants.

Like I said, from my viewpoint, they are going to get citizenship no matter what we do. I am just trying to minimize the damage.

You're wrong, they aren't going to get amnesty or citizenship. Doing so would not minimize the damage anyway it would increase it.
“President Obama is unlawfully granting a form of "amnesty" to millions of illegal immigrants just by ignoring the current immigration law.”

This is a lie and factually wrong – consequently the entire premise of your thread fails.

“The state, county, and local governments can ENFORCE immigration law along with the federal government if they want...”


See Arizona v. US.

An undocumented immigrant is not 'illegal' until such time as he as been found guilty of unauthorized entry into the country in a court of law. All persons in the United States are entitled to due process of the law, including those undocumented.

Indeed, the president's deferred prosecution policy recognizes the due process rights of immigrants, as well as being perfectly lawful and Constitutional.
if asking me , well I oppose ALL types of immigration 'eatmore' , I mean sure if you want to import a Warner Von Braun then that single scientist , well that's ok . If asking Unkatore , well he likes immigration , he thinks that the USA owes immigration favors to everyone in the world . I get this impression from talking to him in earlier threads about all forms of immigration . He likes diversity and dissolution of the USA or something . ---------------- Me , I mainly oppose All immigration because I don't like seeing population growth in the USA !!

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