The Socialist Progressive Democrat Party Shaking In Their Boots!


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2015
Yo, watch the man, Donald Trump, also, nice ball cap!!! The Socialist Obama told the Union Border Patrol not to meet him, does that wake you up? Obama doesn`t want the truth to get out about the border!

The people from this border town who were asking him questions didn't sound happy with his prior statements. He avoided most of their questions while claiming the Hispanics love him. When asked what he would do about the estimated 11 million undocumented workers already in the country, he said first thing we have to do is strengthen our borders and then, after that, we'll have plenty of time to talk about it, and then he quickly ended the questions.
Yo, yes, he will probably round them up, if they are breaking "American Law" you know, we have to obey the Laws, or we Americans will be tossed in jail!!!


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