The social counterrevolution in America and the tasks of the working class


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
Two and a half years after the Wall Street collapse and multi-trillion dollar bail-out of corporate swindlers, the ruling class is carrying out a savage and unprecedented assault on the living standards and basic social rights of tens of millions of working class families in the United States. Against the backdrop of an intractable recession, with long term unemployment at its highest level since the 1930s, the political elite—Democrats and Republicans alike—are engaged in a bipartisan campaign to destroy crucial social programs upon which the working class depends.
What is unfolding in the United States is a social counter-revolution—the ruthless and systematic destruction of the fundamental gains and social rights won by the working class over a century of struggle.
On health care, the Obama administration and congressional Republicans are conspiring to cut trillions of dollars in Medicare and Medicaid, the programs for the elderly and poor. One study estimates that a proposal from Republicans to cut Medicaid—which the Obama administration has refrained from publicly criticizing—would raise the number of people without coverage by 44 million over the next decade. State governments throughout the country, bankrupted by the economic crisis and starved of resources by the federal government, are carrying out their own sharp cuts in services and eligibility.
The social counterrevolution in America and the tasks of the working class
What is unfolding in the United States is a social counter-revolution—the ruthless and systematic destruction of the fundamental gains and social rights won by the working class over a century of struggle.

Indeed – and others and I are fighting against this destruction from the judicial redoubt.
Your talking point phrases mean nothing

Really? WHY are they rioting? Because the Government cannot honor the Socialist Contract they've built up for decades and cannot remain true to the promise of Socialism as it is trying to be foisted in this Republic?


[ame=]YouTube - Riots erupt as Greece asks for bailout[/ame]
Two and a half years after the Wall Street collapse

No, what collapsed was the crazy economic policy which originated at [1600] Pennsylvania Avenue .

multi-trillion dollar bail-out of corporate swindlers,

They should have not been bailed out by the bureaucrats who reside at [1600] Pennsylvania Avenue .

the ruling class is carrying out a savage and unprecedented assault on the living standards and basic social rights of tens of millions of working class families in the United States.

You are kidding.

The parasites have the right to compel the taxpayers to support them?

Against the backdrop of an intractable recession, with long term unemployment at its highest level since the 1930s, the political elite—Democrats and Republicans alike—are engaged in a bipartisan campaign to destroy crucial social programs upon which the working class depends.

Convince the folks at [1600] Pennsylvania Avenue to cease and desist intervening in the economy.

On health care, the Obama administration and congressional Republicans are conspiring to cut trillions of dollars in Medicare and Medicaid, the programs for the elderly and poor.

Prior to 1965 - before medicare/medicaid went into effect - health care was relatively affordable. After the programs went into effect the poor could no longer afford healthcare.

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Two and a half years after the Wall Street collapse

No, what collapsed was the crazy economic policy which originated at [1600] Pennsylvania Avenue .

multi-trillion dollar bail-out of corporate swindlers,

They should have not been bailed out by the bureaucrats who reside at [1600] Pennsylvania Avenue .

You are kidding.

The parasites have the right to compel the taxpayers to support them?

Against the backdrop of an intractable recession, with long term unemployment at its highest level since the 1930s, the political elite—Democrats and Republicans alike—are engaged in a bipartisan campaign to destroy crucial social programs upon which the working class depends.

Convince the folks at [1600] Pennsylvania Avenue to cease and desist intervening in the economy.

On health care, the Obama administration and congressional Republicans are conspiring to cut trillions of dollars in Medicare and Medicaid, the programs for the elderly and poor.

Prior to 1965 - before medicare/medicaid went into effect - health care was relatively affordable. After the programs went into effect the poor could no longer afford healthcare.


Lyndon Johnson and the Great Society

And how much has it cost the taxpayers? Billions? Trillions? Does it work?

Apparently not...because we see the same complaints as appaeared then...only magnified as the population has increased.

It's unsustainable...just ask the EU...​
Democrats want to address the problems.

Republicans want to stop abortion, gay rights and school lunches.

Yea, their agenda is exactly the same.
Two and a half years after the Wall Street collapse

No, what collapsed was the crazy economic policy which originated at [1600] Pennsylvania Avenue .

They should have not been bailed out by the bureaucrats who reside at [1600] Pennsylvania Avenue .

You are kidding.

The parasites have the right to compel the taxpayers to support them?

Convince the folks at [1600] Pennsylvania Avenue to cease and desist intervening in the economy.

On health care, the Obama administration and congressional Republicans are conspiring to cut trillions of dollars in Medicare and Medicaid, the programs for the elderly and poor.

Prior to 1965 - before medicare/medicaid went into effect - health care was relatively affordable. After the programs went into effect the poor could no longer afford healthcare.


Lyndon Johnson and the Great Society

And how much has it cost the taxpayers? Billions? Trillions? Does it work?

Apparently not...because we see the same complaints as appaeared then...only magnified as the population has increased.

It's unsustainable...just ask the EU...​

I'm pretty sure your answer is "kill them".

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