The Sixth Mass Extinction is Eliminating the World's Insects

And here the DNR constantly uses helicopters to kill mosquito larvae so disease won't spread.
Why o why does the DNR hate the natural world.
Take a walk in the northern woods naked in June and you will find no shortage of bugs.
Plummeting insect numbers 'threaten collapse of nature'

I trust no one was counting on their family lines carrying on for more than another two generations.

Holy shit Batman, they admitted that LOSS OF HABITAT is the reason! They threw climate change in as the fourth reason because in this political hack scientific world that is essential, sadly. Have to toss some chum in to the fools and fraudsters, but the first three reasons are absolutely factual. Good for them for stating some honest facts!
Mosquitos have a sting that is very painful to some people; they target women in particular, and they can carry both viri and bacteria.

Mosquitos in large numbers are quite fond of humans for a bood blood meal.


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