The sinister plot to steal your soul and sell your DNA for profit 1984


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Global Intel Hub 4/20/2019 Basel, Switzerland — Zero Hedge Exclusive —

This evidence shows a coordinated plan to steal your soul and sell it as a profit based on your DNA. This is supported by law and yet another example of Demorats criminalizing business activity (signed in by Bill Clinton, a product of Bill Bradley - 2 Demorats). Welcome to the New World Order in operation 'corpus vile'.

This may sound like a sci fi movie plot – but as you read on, you will see that this story will prove the adage that often truth is stranger than fiction. Before getting into the gory details, we need a bit of history so let’s go back to the year 1984. In this year two movements began which at the time were not likely connected, which will be the topic of this article.

  1. The Human Genome Project
The sinister plot to steal your soul and sell your DNA for profit 1984 | Zero Hedge | Zero Hedge

There are some who will have a higher intelligence than a leftist moron and they can see exactly what reality is....................

MindWars, are you retarded? Why can't you post original commentary and links rather than a cut and paste of mish mash of idiocy that is not yours?
MindWars, are you retarded? Why can't you post original commentary and links rather than a cut and paste of mish mash of idiocy that is not yours?
Also, no more dumbass conspiracy crap.That shit is corny.
Also, no more dumbass conspiracy crap.That shit is corny.
If you can't find fault with the issue itself attacking the source is a cowardly, lazy and pitiful way to dismiss what you cannot dispute legitimately.
The source is Mindwars, who has a long history of posting utter bullshit on these forums. I dont trust a word she posts and im not going to research every thread she fucking makes. In other words, shut your dumb ass up.

Stealing souls and DNA? Pff... :laugh:
The source is Mindwars, who has a long history of posting utter bullshit on these forums. I dont trust a word she posts and im not going to research every thread she fucking makes.
Then you just admitted you have no idea if what she posted was valid or not. That doesn't make you look very smart or honest, does it.
Therefor by your own standard I can simply call anything you post in the future to be busllshit! See how that works?

In other words, shut your dumb ass up.
I think not.
The source is Mindwars, who has a long history of posting utter bullshit on these forums. I dont trust a word she posts and im not going to research every thread she fucking makes.
Then you just admitted you have no idea if what she posted was valid or not. That doesn't make you look very smart or honest, does it.
Therefor by your own standard I can simply call anything you post in the future to be busllshit! See how that works?

In other words, shut your dumb ass up.
I think not.
Shes dumb, her threads are dumb, and youre dumb for sticking up for her, but that probably because youre a weirdo conspiracy nut like her. You suck. Shut up.
Shes dumb, her threads are dumb, and youre dumb for sticking up for her, but that probably because youre a weirdo conspiracy nut like her. You suck. Shut up.
If her thread was dumb all the more reason why you should just explain why it was whacked out. It should be easy for an obvious genius like you. But that seems to be far beyond your capabilities.

It's not my fault you are such a dope.

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