The Shrinky Dink President. unemployment

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Reality bites for Obamanomics ... just sayin


If the same percentage of adults were in the workforce today as when Barack Obama took office, the unemployment rate would be 11.1 percent. If the percentage was where it was when George W. Bush took office, the unemployment rate would be 13.1 percent.

That helps explain a seeming contradiction in the unemployment numbers — the rate keeps dropping even though job creation has been soft.

In April, the U.S. economy added a mere 115,000 jobs, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data released Friday. In a normal month, that would not even be enough to keep up with new entrants into the labor market. But in this economy, it was enough to drive unemployment from 8.2 percent down to 8.1 percent, the lowest point since January 2009.

The explanation is a little-watched measure known as the “labor force participation rate.” That tracks the number of working-age Americans who are holding a job or looking for one. Between March and April, it dropped by 342,000. But because the official unemployment rate counts only those workers who are actively seeking work, that actually made the unemployment rate go down.

Critics of the Obama administration have been quick to seize on this as the real reason for the falling unemployment rate. In February, the Republican National Committee released a research note on “The Missing Worker,” arguing that “over 3 million unemployed workers have called it quits due to Obamanomics.”

Jobs report shows effects of the incredible shrinking U.S. labor force - The Washington Post
Over the last 3.5 years, Obama has shown no cocnern for the suffering average american. he never sent any of them a check for 15/20K in their time of need,,,,,the hell with the puny 200.00 a week unemployment check,,,with trillions he has pissed off,,,he could of easily sent a check for at least 15K to all americans who made under 50K a year,,,,,instead,,,,where did the money go? anyone know?
Over the last 3.5 years, Obama has shown no cocnern for the suffering average american. he never sent any of them a check for 15/20K in their time of need,,,,,the hell with the puny 200.00 a week unemployment check,,,with trillions he has pissed off,,,he could of easily sent a check for at least 15K to all americans who made under 50K a year,,,,,instead,,,,where did the money go? anyone know?

Solyndra and all the other green companies that contributed to his campaign, heck all his campaign contributors got paid back.

I keep telling these clowns he doesn't give a flying flip about them and they keep defending him. All he cares about is their vote, even if they're dead, as long as they vote for him.
heres a great idea for a Romney/RNC ad,,,,show the long lines of people at unemployment offices,,,,and misc miserable footage of americans suffering,,then show clips of Obama on his million dollar vacation on our tax dollars, and end it with,,,,President Obama says he's for the middle class, and during his 4 years in office has spent (??? whatever the figure is in millions) on vacations,,,,,this is hope and change?
Reality bites for Obamanomics ... just sayin


If the same percentage of adults were in the workforce today as when Barack Obama took office, the unemployment rate would be 11.1 percent. If the percentage was where it was when George W. Bush took office, the unemployment rate would be 13.1 percent.

That helps explain a seeming contradiction in the unemployment numbers — the rate keeps dropping even though job creation has been soft.

In April, the U.S. economy added a mere 115,000 jobs, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data released Friday. In a normal month, that would not even be enough to keep up with new entrants into the labor market. But in this economy, it was enough to drive unemployment from 8.2 percent down to 8.1 percent, the lowest point since January 2009.

The explanation is a little-watched measure known as the “labor force participation rate.” That tracks the number of working-age Americans who are holding a job or looking for one. Between March and April, it dropped by 342,000. But because the official unemployment rate counts only those workers who are actively seeking work, that actually made the unemployment rate go down.

Critics of the Obama administration have been quick to seize on this as the real reason for the falling unemployment rate. In February, the Republican National Committee released a research note on “The Missing Worker,” arguing that “over 3 million unemployed workers have called it quits due to Obamanomics.”

Jobs report shows effects of the incredible shrinking U.S. labor force - The Washington Post

From 2001 to 2008, Republicans, working with China and the Chamber of Commerce moved millions of jobs to China. See, Republicans can create jobs. Just not here.
Obama's policies present a target rich environment for ridicule and political point-scoring by Team Romney. The only question is whether he can exploit all of it.
Reality bites for Obamanomics ... just sayin


If the same percentage of adults were in the workforce today as when Barack Obama took office, the unemployment rate would be 11.1 percent. If the percentage was where it was when George W. Bush took office, the unemployment rate would be 13.1 percent.

That helps explain a seeming contradiction in the unemployment numbers — the rate keeps dropping even though job creation has been soft.

In April, the U.S. economy added a mere 115,000 jobs, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data released Friday. In a normal month, that would not even be enough to keep up with new entrants into the labor market. But in this economy, it was enough to drive unemployment from 8.2 percent down to 8.1 percent, the lowest point since January 2009.

The explanation is a little-watched measure known as the “labor force participation rate.” That tracks the number of working-age Americans who are holding a job or looking for one. Between March and April, it dropped by 342,000. But because the official unemployment rate counts only those workers who are actively seeking work, that actually made the unemployment rate go down.

Critics of the Obama administration have been quick to seize on this as the real reason for the falling unemployment rate. In February, the Republican National Committee released a research note on “The Missing Worker,” arguing that “over 3 million unemployed workers have called it quits due to Obamanomics.”

Jobs report shows effects of the incredible shrinking U.S. labor force - The Washington Post

From 2001 to 2008, Republicans, working with China and the Chamber of Commerce moved millions of jobs to China. See, Republicans can create jobs. Just not here.

And the Democrats, in power since '06 and in total control since '08, have done what about it?
Reality bites for Obamanomics ... just sayin


If the same percentage of adults were in the workforce today as when Barack Obama took office, the unemployment rate would be 11.1 percent. If the percentage was where it was when George W. Bush took office, the unemployment rate would be 13.1 percent.

That helps explain a seeming contradiction in the unemployment numbers — the rate keeps dropping even though job creation has been soft.

In April, the U.S. economy added a mere 115,000 jobs, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data released Friday. In a normal month, that would not even be enough to keep up with new entrants into the labor market. But in this economy, it was enough to drive unemployment from 8.2 percent down to 8.1 percent, the lowest point since January 2009.

The explanation is a little-watched measure known as the “labor force participation rate.” That tracks the number of working-age Americans who are holding a job or looking for one. Between March and April, it dropped by 342,000. But because the official unemployment rate counts only those workers who are actively seeking work, that actually made the unemployment rate go down.

Critics of the Obama administration have been quick to seize on this as the real reason for the falling unemployment rate. In February, the Republican National Committee released a research note on “The Missing Worker,” arguing that “over 3 million unemployed workers have called it quits due to Obamanomics.”

Jobs report shows effects of the incredible shrinking U.S. labor force - The Washington Post

From 2001 to 2008, Republicans, working with China and the Chamber of Commerce moved millions of jobs to China. See, Republicans can create jobs. Just not here.

While the Democrats stood helplessly by and innocently watched I suppose.
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In about 3 weeks, we will get a miserable job report, most likely less than 100K. the trend has been reversing since April. why? simple,,we are in the 6 month period before the election,,,,small buisness want to see Romney win before they start hiring again.
Reality bites for Obamanomics ... just sayin


If the same percentage of adults were in the workforce today as when Barack Obama took office, the unemployment rate would be 11.1 percent. If the percentage was where it was when George W. Bush took office, the unemployment rate would be 13.1 percent.

That helps explain a seeming contradiction in the unemployment numbers — the rate keeps dropping even though job creation has been soft.

In April, the U.S. economy added a mere 115,000 jobs, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data released Friday. In a normal month, that would not even be enough to keep up with new entrants into the labor market. But in this economy, it was enough to drive unemployment from 8.2 percent down to 8.1 percent, the lowest point since January 2009.

The explanation is a little-watched measure known as the “labor force participation rate.” That tracks the number of working-age Americans who are holding a job or looking for one. Between March and April, it dropped by 342,000. But because the official unemployment rate counts only those workers who are actively seeking work, that actually made the unemployment rate go down.

Critics of the Obama administration have been quick to seize on this as the real reason for the falling unemployment rate. In February, the Republican National Committee released a research note on “The Missing Worker,” arguing that “over 3 million unemployed workers have called it quits due to Obamanomics.”

Jobs report shows effects of the incredible shrinking U.S. labor force - The Washington Post

From 2001 to 2008, Republicans, working with China and the Chamber of Commerce moved millions of jobs to China. See, Republicans can create jobs. Just not here.

We bail them out they move
General Motors Leaves U.S. Workers by the Wayside as it Accelerates Operations in China
MAY 18, 2009

General Motors Leaves U.S. Workers by the Wayside as it Accelerates Operations in China - Money Morning

GM to Build New Vehicle at Plant in Mexico
Will invest $500 million at plant in Ramos Arispe Aug. 4, 2010
IndustryWeek : GM to Build New Vehicle at Plant in Mexico
1. Overshadowing April’s small job growth is the overwhelming number of Americans who have given up looking for work and dropped out of the labor force altogether. According to the numbers, 522,000 people simply gave up their job searches. Some grew tired and frustrated. Others perhaps decided to return to school or start retraining, in hope of following a new career path. No matter the reason, they are unemployed and therefore should be counted along with every other person without a job.
Not so. Instead, the official unemployment rate treats this subset of Americans, totaling as many as 88 million people, as if they just vanished.

2. Call it what is, an accounting gimmick intended to make the unemployment rate appear lower by purposely ignoring millions of Americans who should otherwise be listed as unemployed. Compared to the official unemployment rate of 8.1 percent, the civilian labor-participation rate now registers at 63.6 percent, its smallest size since the 1980s.

3. Counting those not in the labor force, but who have indicated a desire to work would put the national unemployment rate somewhere around 11 percent. An alternative measure calculated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U-5 rate, one of six measures calculated monthly that incorporates many of these individuals, reports a jobless rate of 9.5 percent.

4. The U-5 rate specifically calculates those who are considered “marginally attached” to the workforce, meaning these individuals are not in the labor force, but are available and ready to work. Since these individuals are not recorded as looking for work in the weeks preceding the monthly jobs survey, they are not counted in the official unemployment rate.

5. The fact that more Americans are dropping out of the workforce than new jobs are being created is troubling. At the same time, it is disingenuous for the White House to take credit for miscalculated job growth while millions of Americans are frustrated and discouraged to the point that they are giving up their job searches.

6. Addressing this backslide in the labor force presents a significant policy challenge, but no less important is coming to the realization that these unemployed Americans are as much a part of this country as those who the federal government selectively counts and highlights each month when the official unemployment rate is announced.

7. They deserve to be counted. And factoring them into the calculation should not be viewed as an attempt to perpetuate grandstanding or finger-pointing. The value is in the insight and understanding provided to policymakers, taxpayers and anyone else with a real interest in job creation and economic recovery, based on a reliable and honest assessment of the actual unemployment situation.

8. Several months ago, I introduced H.R. 4128, the Real Unemployment Calculation Act in the House of Representatives. The legislation would force the Bureau of Labor Statistics to cite the current U-5 calculation - consisting of people marginally attached to the workforce - as the primary unemployment measurement of the federal government.
Every administration and lawmaker has an obligation to be straightforward and truthful with the American people. Calling attention to a lower unemployment rate, knowing full well that millions of Americans are on the sidelines and going uncounted, is an attempt to mislead others on the conditions that most Americans know exist.

9. Americans are always eager for the truth, no matter how hard it is to take. Continuing to distract and base policy on questionable or incomplete information is a disservice to every American, working or not, who is committed to a successful and prosperous future for themselves and the entire country.

Rep. Duncan D. Hunter is a California Republican.

HUNTER: The real unemployment rate - Washington Times
From 2001 to 2008, Republicans, working with China and the Chamber of Commerce moved millions of jobs to China. See, Republicans can create jobs. Just not here.

Explain this you partisan hack, China offshores manufacturing to the U.S. - Apr. 24, 2012
More Chinese manufacturers have been launching their own U.S. facilities in the last five years, said Thilo Hanemann, research director at Rhodium Group, a New York-based economic advisory group.
5 years. Who was in President 5 years ago?
Take off your partisan bullshit glasses.
Reality bites for Obamanomics ... just sayin


If the same percentage of adults were in the workforce today as when Barack Obama took office, the unemployment rate would be 11.1 percent. If the percentage was where it was when George W. Bush took office, the unemployment rate would be 13.1 percent.
How dare those Boomers retire! Don't they know they must stay in the workforce till they drop dead from exhaustion so people who hate America can claim the unemployment rate is higher.
From 2001 to 2008, Republicans, working with China and the Chamber of Commerce moved millions of jobs to China. See, Republicans can create jobs. Just not here.

Explain this you partisan hack, China offshores manufacturing to the U.S. - Apr. 24, 2012
More Chinese manufacturers have been launching their own U.S. facilities in the last five years, said Thilo Hanemann, research director at Rhodium Group, a New York-based economic advisory group.
5 years. Who was in President 5 years ago?
Take off your partisan bullshit glasses.
Your fellow traveler has the answer for you! :lol:
And the Democrats, in power since '06 and in total control since '08, have done what about it?
Reality bites for Obamanomics ... just sayin


If the same percentage of adults were in the workforce today as when Barack Obama took office, the unemployment rate would be 11.1 percent. If the percentage was where it was when George W. Bush took office, the unemployment rate would be 13.1 percent.
How dare those Boomers retire! Don't they know they must stay in the workforce till they drop dead from exhaustion so people who hate America can claim the unemployment rate is higher.

What's up streeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetch...:lol:
Reality bites for Obamanomics ... just sayin


If the same percentage of adults were in the workforce today as when Barack Obama took office, the unemployment rate would be 11.1 percent. If the percentage was where it was when George W. Bush took office, the unemployment rate would be 13.1 percent.
How dare those Boomers retire! Don't they know they must stay in the workforce till they drop dead from exhaustion so people who hate America can claim the unemployment rate is higher.

More partisan hack bullshit.
Statements like the above in blue are naught but garbage that appeal to fools and are made by fools.
for the last three years the libs have been on every news outlet telling us that the economy is growing,,,,,and till this day they still claim it,,,,now seriously,,,what do you think the 20 or so million are saying back to their television sets?
Reality bites for Obamanomics ... just sayin


If the same percentage of adults were in the workforce today as when Barack Obama took office, the unemployment rate would be 11.1 percent. If the percentage was where it was when George W. Bush took office, the unemployment rate would be 13.1 percent.
How dare those Boomers retire! Don't they know they must stay in the workforce till they drop dead from exhaustion so people who hate America can claim the unemployment rate is higher.

More partisan hack bullshit.
Statements like the above in blue are naught but garbage that appeal to fools and are made by fools.
Sure, people who love this great country want the UE rate higher. :cuckoo:

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

October 31, 2008
RUSH:* Joe the Plumber.* Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

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