The Secret of Trump's Appeal


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
While the Pin Head Political Pundits scratch their heads in wonder, the real reason for Trump's popularity is the growing realization that our government's propagandists and their incestuous cohorts in the MSM have been deceiving us for decades with PC manipulations of our language while they undermine our basic values. It is becoming increasingly obvious that these pied pipers are leading us down a rabbit hole to perdition.

To their consternation, Trump is the only candidate who is willing and able to call them out on their perfidy. The other candidates' canned speeches and prepared answers only serve to highlight this distinction. Those who think Trump's appeal will evaporate do so at their own peril.

A final note: Even as a Third Party candidate, Trump would only have to win pluralities in enough States to achieve an Electoral majority. As a result, he can tell Blue States to go pound sand.
So the OP is giving away all of the blue states and imagines that there are sufficient red states to achieve enough EV's to win?

Right now the Dems have 242 EV's and the GOP has 179.

In order to win the Dems only need another 34 EV's from the swing states.

The GOP needs 97.

And yes, that assumes that T-Rump wins 100% of the red states with a plurality. If he misses even one of them then he is trouble.

In the swing states if he is up against Bush-3rd or Rubio and they beat him FL then there is no way for him to recover even if he takes all of the other swing states.
So the OP is giving away all of the blue states and imagines that there are sufficient red states to achieve enough EV's to win?

Right now the Dems have 242 EV's and the GOP has 179.

In order to win the Dems only need another 34 EV's from the swing states.

The GOP needs 97.

And yes, that assumes that T-Rump wins 100% of the red states with a plurality. If he misses even one of them then he is trouble.

In the swing states if he is up against Bush-3rd or Rubio and they beat him FL then there is no way for him to recover even if he takes all of the other swing states.

A Third Party run is hypothetical, and neither B3 or Rubio is going to be nominated. Besides, if Trump's popularity keeps growing, the GOP will have to nominate him. Check out the 1860 election: Lincoln wasn't even on the ballot in most Southern States.
A final note: Even as a Third Party candidate, Trump would only have to win pluralities in enough States to achieve an Electoral majority. As a result, he can tell Blue States to go pound sand.
It's true that American voters are so starved for the kind of brass-balls candor Trump is generously feeding to them their hunger is great enough to divert their attention from the fact that this man's wild promises are for the most part utterly fantastic. These happily deluded voters have closed their eyes to existence of the Congress which must approve implementation of Trump's wild ambitions, such as a wall from one end of the Border to the other, which, in spite of Trump's casually confident declaration to the contrary, would be prohibitively costly -- as well as wholly unnecessary.

While there are some Representatives who will choose to inhabit the warmth of Trump's phenomenal voter approval the majority are wise enough to avoid the consequences of his inevitable failures and disappointments. While Trump has managed to convince a segment of the voting public that he is running for the position of King, the fact remains the Office he aspires to is that of elected Executive with limited powers.
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It's true the American voters are so starved for the kind of brass-balls candor Trump is generously feeding to them their hunger is great enough to divert their attention from the fact that this man's wild promises are for the most part utterly fantastic. These happily deluded voters have closed their eyes to existence of the Congress which must approve implementation of Trump's wild ambitions, such as a wall from one end of the Border to the other, which, in spite of Trump's casually confident declaration to the contrary, would be prohibitively costly -- as well as wholly unnecessary.

Magnificent defense of the status quo. You must think things are going swimmingly!

P.S. What is your REAL objection to a border fence? I sense you would be opposed to it even if it was financed entirely by private donations.
Magnificent defense of the status quo. You must think things are going swimmingly!
Trump's platform is very simple: "I'm going to fix everything. Trust me."

And you are among those who do.

P.S. What is your REAL objection to a border fence? I sense you would be opposed to it even if it was financed entirely by private donations.
Did you ever hear of ladders? The day that construction of Trump's wall begins there is an enterprising Mexican who will begin manufacturing 6-foot expandable-section ladders with attachable hooks.

In addition to the cost, my real objection to Trump's wall is there's a much better way to deal with illegal immigration. That is a mandatory, biometric, counterfeit-proof, addressable citizen ID card, along with serious criminal penalties for hiring undocumented workers. Once it becomes impossible to be hired without a valid citizen ID card, or a green card, and there are prison penalties for being here illegally, the problem of illegal immigration will evaporate like smoke in the wind.

There will be no reason to come here.
Thanks for your candor! I'll bet the Israelis are glad the terrorists haven't discovered ladders yet.

As far as our border goes, do you favor unrestricted entry? (I don't think drug dealers need ID cards to sell their wares.)
Thanks for your candor! I'll bet the Israelis are glad the terrorists haven't discovered ladders yet.
We are concerned with excluding illegally employed lettuce pickers and car-wash wipers, not an armed para-military incursion.

As far as our border goes, do you favor unrestricted entry? (I don't think drug dealers need ID cards to sell their wares.)
Public education in the best and only way to deal with illegal recreational drugs. Not law-enforcement. Over thirty years of abject failure have plainly demonstrated that.

If we prevent illegal drugs from crossing the Mexican border they will find another way in, or they will be produced here. After thirty years of trying everything short of totalitarian police state methods any type of illegal drug one might wish to try is readily available within ten miles of any inhabited part of the United States. And they are cheaper today than they were thirty years ago.

Do you know the word used in reference to trying the same failed experiment over and over and over again and expecting a different result?

Re: drug abuse: It's time to try something else! So don't concern yourself with some Mexican weed coming across the Border. Legalizing it will solve that problem -- along with creating a much-needed new agricultural industry.
1. Your statement about a fence/wall is nonsensical: Why would it be more effective against terrorists than "lettuce pickers?"

2. More than marijuana comes across our southern border. Are you suggesting the legalization of ALL drugs?
1. Your statement about a fence/wall is nonsensical: Why would it be more effective against terrorists than "lettuce pickers?"
I doubt the wall Israel put up is one percent the size of our southern border. And it is closely patrolled by heavily armed IDF troopers who would shoot to kill anyone scaling that wall. It would take at least a full division of U.S. Army MPs to replicate the Israeli situation.

2. More than marijuana comes across our southern border. Are you suggesting the legalization of ALL drugs?

Marijuana and hashish are by far the primary illegal drugs coming across the southern border. The greatest amounts of heroin, crack and cocaine powder arrive here in shipping containers and via live human "mules." All methamphetamine is produced right here along with an appreciable amount of crack.

At this time I am recommending the legalization of marijuana. I am certain that will prove a successful effort, after which it will be time to consider the experimental legalization of heroin and cocaine -- in combination with an intensive public education program.

One step at a time. Slowly and carefully.
At this time I am recommending the legalization of marijuana. I am certain that will prove a successful effort, after which it will be time to consider the experimental legalization of heroin and cocaine -- in combination with an intensive public education program.

One step at a time. Slowly and carefully.

Thank you, Saul Alinski. Your refusal to answer pointed questions is duly noted.

Now back to the OP...

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