The Sea Around US - 1952


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
Based on a book by Racheal Carson.

At th eend -showed glaciers melting and falling...............................

predicted Armeggeedon
How much of those glaciers have disappeared for good since 1952?
From Arrnhenius in 1896 to Hansen in 1981, the denialists deny that the predictions not only have happened, but at a far faster rate than predicted.

At present, you can look in almost any scientific journal dealing with earth sciences or meteorology and see articles delineating the changes that we are currently seeing the cryosphere, and in the climate.

The reponse of the denialists? Oh, them thar pointy headed librul scientists are in on a worldwide consprirace to make us all communists!

A sad commentary on the mindset of these people.
AFP: Arctic sea ice shrinks to lowest level on record: US

Arctic sea ice has shrunk to its smallest surface area since record-keeping began, taking the world into "uncharted territory" as climate change intensifies, US scientists warned.

Satellite images show the ice cap has melted to 1.32 million square miles (3.4 million square kilometers) as of September 16, the predicted lowest point for the year.

That's the smallest Arctic ice cover since record-keeping began in 1979, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center.

Now that conservatives can no longer deny that the polar caps are shrinking they have to fall back to Plan B which is man has had nothing to do with it. Since over 90% of Scientists support the concept of manmade global warming they are ready to invoke Plan C which is.....Its too late to do anything about it
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From Arrnhenius in 1896 to Hansen in 1981, the denialists deny that the predictions not only have happened, but at a far faster rate than predicted.

At present, you can look in almost any scientific journal dealing with earth sciences or meteorology and see articles delineating the changes that we are currently seeing the cryosphere, and in the climate.

The reponse of the denialists? Oh, them thar pointy headed librul scientists are in on a worldwide consprirace to make us all communists!

A sad commentary on the mindset of these people.

Antarctic Sea Ice Sets Another Record - Forbes

"Antarctic sea ice set another record this past week, with the most amount of ice ever recorded on day 256 of the calendar year (September 12 of this leap year). Please, nobody tell the mainstream media or they might have to retract some stories and admit they are misrepresenting scientific data."


I guess Antarctica is not up on current AGW Bullshit Theory

Why is Antarctica a Denier?
AFP: Arctic sea ice shrinks to lowest level on record: US

Arctic sea ice has shrunk to its smallest surface area since record-keeping began, taking the world into "uncharted territory" as climate change intensifies, US scientists warned.

Satellite images show the ice cap has melted to 1.32 million square miles (3.4 million square kilometers) as of September 16, the predicted lowest point for the year.

That's the smallest Arctic ice cover since record-keeping began in 1979, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center.

Now that conservatives can no longer deny that the polar caps are shrinking they have to fall back to Plan B which is man has had nothing to do with it. Since over 90% of Scientists support the concept of manmade global warming they are ready to invoke Plan C which is.....Its too late to do anything about it

When you say "polar ice", bear in mind that Earth has 2 poles.

Yes, I know that's news to you.

Check the ice accumulation at the other pole
AFP: Arctic sea ice shrinks to lowest level on record: US

Arctic sea ice has shrunk to its smallest surface area since record-keeping began, taking the world into "uncharted territory" as climate change intensifies, US scientists warned.

Satellite images show the ice cap has melted to 1.32 million square miles (3.4 million square kilometers) as of September 16, the predicted lowest point for the year.

That's the smallest Arctic ice cover since record-keeping began in 1979, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center.

Now that conservatives can no longer deny that the polar caps are shrinking they have to fall back to Plan B which is man has had nothing to do with it. Since over 90% of Scientists support the concept of manmade global warming they are ready to invoke Plan C which is.....Its too late to do anything about it

1) Arctic Sea Ice melting is NOT gonna raise the oceans much..

2) There is a catch to claim that you posted..

Arctic sea ice shrinks to lowest level on record: US
(AFP) – 22 hours ago
WASHINGTON — Arctic sea ice has shrunk to its smallest surface area since record-keeping began, taking the world into "uncharted territory" as climate change intensifies, US scientists warned.

Satellite images show the ice cap has melted to 1.32 million square miles (3.4 million square kilometers) as of September 16, the predicted lowest point for the year.

That's the smallest Arctic ice cover since record-keeping began in 1979, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center.

See -- we've only had satellites measuring this stuff for about 30 years. WAAAAY to short a time to panic about climate change. And there's ample evidence that the melts in the mid-30s came very close or EXCEEDED what we're seeing today..

But GO right ahead and use this fact to BEAT UP folks who don't believe CO2 is the primary cause --- it amuses the hell out of me...
Back to OP --- Turns out Rachael was a CO2 AGW DENIER !!!!


Pre-Silent Spring, Rachel Carson described patterns of the oceans in The Sea Around Us.

The magazine Popular Science printed excerpts of it in November 1951, drawing most of the article from her chapter, “The Global Thermostat.” The editors illustrated the piece with black-and-white sketches of New York City with the sea lapping partway up the skyscrapers. (And this long before the scientifically flawed “The Day after Tomorrow” hit movie theaters in 2004.)

Carson relied heavily on an oceanographer, Otto Pettersson, who had died in 1941. His theory was that climate alterations were being driven by “events in the deep, hidden places of the ocean.”

Influenced by the position of the Moon and Sun, the submarine tidal action influenced “alternating periods of mild and severe climates,” Carson wrote, adding that the last time the world saw a mild climate, with little ice and snow, was in the year 550, and that such a warm climate would happen again in 2400. She noted that in about 1000, Vikings had sailed through northern oceans. By the 1500s, these routes were frozen and explorers abandoned them.

Way to go Rachael !!!!!!!!!
How much of those glaciers have disappeared for good since 1952?

So wait we should have all the glaciers from the last ice age.....damn this pollution and global warming has been going on for what 12000 years? Wasnt that the last ice age? So fire and cow gas caused global warming til about 100 years ago?
How much of those glaciers have disappeared for good since 1952?

So wait we should have all the glaciers from the last ice age.....damn this pollution and global warming has been going on for what 12000 years? Wasnt that the last ice age? So fire and cow gas caused global warming til about 100 years ago?


here's how they explain it:

See all that ice started melting 14,000 years ago uncovering North America and all of Canada, then about oh, what? "why did that ice melt?" well it just did! It melted because it melted due to its high "meltosity" quotient. No, Im not making up meltosity, it could be a real term some day... and then some short while ago, Earth was in Balance, then mankind starting burning "fossil fuels" and the CO2... stop laughing, I hate when people laugh at me, the CO2 started the melting all over again! I swear!
AFP: Arctic sea ice shrinks to lowest level on record: US

Arctic sea ice has shrunk to its smallest surface area since record-keeping began, taking the world into "uncharted territory" as climate change intensifies, US scientists warned.

Satellite images show the ice cap has melted to 1.32 million square miles (3.4 million square kilometers) as of September 16, the predicted lowest point for the year.

That's the smallest Arctic ice cover since record-keeping began in 1979, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center.

Now that conservatives can no longer deny that the polar caps are shrinking they have to fall back to Plan B which is man has had nothing to do with it. Since over 90% of Scientists support the concept of manmade global warming they are ready to invoke Plan C which is.....Its too late to do anything about it

1) Arctic Sea Ice melting is NOT gonna raise the oceans much..

2) There is a catch to claim that you posted..

Arctic sea ice shrinks to lowest level on record: US
(AFP) – 22 hours ago
WASHINGTON — Arctic sea ice has shrunk to its smallest surface area since record-keeping began, taking the world into "uncharted territory" as climate change intensifies, US scientists warned.

Satellite images show the ice cap has melted to 1.32 million square miles (3.4 million square kilometers) as of September 16, the predicted lowest point for the year.

That's the smallest Arctic ice cover since record-keeping began in 1979, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center.

See -- we've only had satellites measuring this stuff for about 30 years. WAAAAY to short a time to panic about climate change. And there's ample evidence that the melts in the mid-30s came very close or EXCEEDED what we're seeing today..

But GO right ahead and use this fact to BEAT UP folks who don't believe CO2 is the primary cause --- it amuses the hell out of me...

Very good. A definitive statement. So back that statement up. Can you do that? From a credible source?

File:Seaice-1870-part-2009.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
AFP: Arctic sea ice shrinks to lowest level on record: US

Arctic sea ice has shrunk to its smallest surface area since record-keeping began, taking the world into "uncharted territory" as climate change intensifies, US scientists warned.

Satellite images show the ice cap has melted to 1.32 million square miles (3.4 million square kilometers) as of September 16, the predicted lowest point for the year.

That's the smallest Arctic ice cover since record-keeping began in 1979, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center.

Now that conservatives can no longer deny that the polar caps are shrinking they have to fall back to Plan B which is man has had nothing to do with it. Since over 90% of Scientists support the concept of manmade global warming they are ready to invoke Plan C which is.....Its too late to do anything about it

1) Arctic Sea Ice melting is NOT gonna raise the oceans much..

2) There is a catch to claim that you posted..

Arctic sea ice shrinks to lowest level on record: US
(AFP) – 22 hours ago
WASHINGTON — Arctic sea ice has shrunk to its smallest surface area since record-keeping began, taking the world into "uncharted territory" as climate change intensifies, US scientists warned.

Satellite images show the ice cap has melted to 1.32 million square miles (3.4 million square kilometers) as of September 16, the predicted lowest point for the year.

That's the smallest Arctic ice cover since record-keeping began in 1979, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center.

See -- we've only had satellites measuring this stuff for about 30 years. WAAAAY to short a time to panic about climate change. And there's ample evidence that the melts in the mid-30s came very close or EXCEEDED what we're seeing today..

But GO right ahead and use this fact to BEAT UP folks who don't believe CO2 is the primary cause --- it amuses the hell out of me...

Very good. A definitive statement. So back that statement up. Can you do that? From a credible source?

File:Seaice-1870-part-2009.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, Antarctica.

Still denying your science.

You can ignore it all you want.
How much of those glaciers have disappeared for good since 1952?

Less that the growth of other glaciers.

Oh, did your priests tell you that glaciers are disappearing, and did you believe him?

{A new study published in Nature Geoscience has discovered Himalayan glaciers that are not shrinking at all. They could be getting larger.}

Himalayan glaciers could be growing, new study finds -

You cultists are such stupid fucks.

Religion is a tool of the elite to control the stupid.
AFP: Arctic sea ice shrinks to lowest level on record: US

Arctic sea ice has shrunk to its smallest surface area since record-keeping began, taking the world into "uncharted territory" as climate change intensifies, US scientists warned.

Satellite images show the ice cap has melted to 1.32 million square miles (3.4 million square kilometers) as of September 16, the predicted lowest point for the year.

That's the smallest Arctic ice cover since record-keeping began in 1979, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center.

Now that conservatives can no longer deny that the polar caps are shrinking they have to fall back to Plan B which is man has had nothing to do with it. Since over 90% of Scientists support the concept of manmade global warming they are ready to invoke Plan C which is.....Its too late to do anything about it

When you say "polar ice", bear in mind that Earth has 2 poles.

Yes, I know that's news to you.

Check the ice accumulation at the other pole

Very easy to do.

For the Antarctic;

Now note that there is about a one million square kilometer variation for the whole of the last 30 years, both on the minimum and the maximum.

For the Arctic;

Now note that the maximum varied between 14 and 15 million until 2003. Then it has varied between 13 and 14 million. Untill 1989, the minimum varied between 5 and 5 1/2 million square kilometers. Today that minimum is at 2.3.

For the Antarctic;

Southern Hemisphere Sea Ice Area

Note the tight grouping of the lines at all points on the graph. And that the years are scattered all through the graph. A slight bias for the last 15 years to have a slightly higher coverage, but only sligtly.

For the Arctic;

Northern Hemisphere Sea Ice Area

You can see that there is a steadly downward bias as the years get to where we are at present. And this years melt stands out like a sore thumb.

Arctic and Antarctic sea ice coverage as a whole, for the last 30 years.

From 2003 to present, you can see the definate downward spiral of the global sea ice.
How much of those glaciers have disappeared for good since 1952?

So wait we should have all the glaciers from the last ice age.....damn this pollution and global warming has been going on for what 12000 years? Wasnt that the last ice age? So fire and cow gas caused global warming til about 100 years ago?

So, you are completely bone ignorant on the whole subject. Now why doesn't that surprise me? You 'Conservatives' seem to bone ignorant on most subjects you flap yap about.

Google Milankovic Cycles. But you won't, you prefer to remain in a state of ignorance.
None of the charts, none of them, show the "wider and wider swing with an overall warming trend" as you allege results form AGW

Did you look at the charts before you posted this?
Now Frankie Boy, you can argue that out with Swiss Re and Munich Re. After you get done informing them about your hollow moon.

Did Swiss Re look at the charts that don't show "Wider and wider swing"? Did you make that up?

The world economy is much bigger than it was in the 70's, all those Asian factories pumping out all that soot that changing the albedo of the Arctic.

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