The SCOTUS Decision on ObamaCare.


Locked Account.
Jun 28, 2009
Mansion in Ravi's Head
Well, by golly. It's June.

So, sometime this month, maybe soon, the SCOTUS will hand down the decision that grants ObamaCare a stay of execution or the decision that effectively puts it in the electric chair.

There have been many threads on this topic.

But this one is to round up the final predictions.

Will ObamaCare go down in whole or in large enough part to constitute the same thing?

Or will ObamaCare survive the Court's Constitutional scrutiny in a big enough way to allow it to exist?

My hunch is that it is going down. In fact, because it is such a clusterfuck of a law as it was written (not even including a severability clause), I think it will in effect simply be voided.
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I don't know but going by the comments and questions asked I suspect it will die.

I mean the simple fact the Government thought they could argue on day one it was NOT a tax and on day two that it was is telling.
I don't know but going by the comments and questions asked I suspect it will die.

I mean the simple fact the Government thought they could argue on day one it was NOT a tax and on day two that it was is telling.

That is a pretty big problem.

They want it both ways, but they can't have it both ways.

If it's not a tax, then they can't base it on their taxing authority.

If it is a tax, it ain't apportioned and the 16th Amendment doesn't help them.
Well, by golly. It's June.

So, sometime this month, maybe soon, the SCOTUS will hand down the decision that grants ObamaCare a stay of execution or the decision that effectively puts it in the electric chair.

There have been many threads on this topic.

But this one is to round up the final predictions.

Will ObamaCare go down in whole or in large enough part to constitute the same thing?

Or will ObamaCare survive the Court's Constitutional scrutiny in a big enough way to allow it to exist?

My hunch is that it is going down. In fact, because it is such a clusterfuck of a law as it was written (not even including a severability clause), I think it will in effect simply be voided.

I think it will be overturned in full which is a shame because there are parts of the law that make good sense. However, I can't see where the court will overturn provisions of the law and the mandate to buy health insurance is, in my view, unconstitutional in any measure.
Well, by golly. It's June.

So, sometime this month, maybe soon, the SCOTUS will hand down the decision that grants ObamaCare a stay of execution or the decision that effectively puts it in the electric chair.

There have been many threads on this topic.

But this one is to round up the final predictions.

Will ObamaCare go down in whole or in large enough part to constitute the same thing?

Or will ObamaCare survive the Court's Constitutional scrutiny in a big enough way to allow it to exist?

My hunch is that it is going down. In fact, because it is such a clusterfuck of a law as it was written (not even including a severability clause), I think it will in effect simply be voided.

You know what the truly amazing thing is?

As far as the Obama campaign goes - IT DOESN'T MATTER.

It the SCOTUS upholds - he campaigns as the victorious President who reformed healthcare

if the SCOTUS puts it down - he campaigns against the party that doesn't want people to have health care.
Well, by golly. It's June.

So, sometime this month, maybe soon, the SCOTUS will hand down the decision that grants ObamaCare a stay of execution or the decision that effectively puts it in the electric chair.

There have been many threads on this topic.

But this one is to round up the final predictions.

Will ObamaCare go down in whole or in large enough part to constitute the same thing?

Or will ObamaCare survive the Court's Constitutional scrutiny in a big enough way to allow it to exist?

My hunch is that it is going down. In fact, because it is such a clusterfuck of a law as it was written (not even including a severability clause), I think it will in effect simply be voided.

I have no idea. I do know the SCOTUS often confounds the expectations court watchers and experts. :eusa_shhh:
Well, by golly. It's June.

So, sometime this month, maybe soon, the SCOTUS will hand down the decision that grants ObamaCare a stay of execution or the decision that effectively puts it in the electric chair.

There have been many threads on this topic.

But this one is to round up the final predictions.

Will ObamaCare go down in whole or in large enough part to constitute the same thing?

Or will ObamaCare survive the Court's Constitutional scrutiny in a big enough way to allow it to exist?

My hunch is that it is going down. In fact, because it is such a clusterfuck of a law as it was written (not even including a severability clause), I think it will in effect simply be voided.

You know what the truly amazing thing is?

As far as the Obama campaign goes - IT DOESN'T MATTER.

It the SCOTUS upholds - he campaigns as the victorious President who reformed healthcare

If the SCOTUS puts it down - he campaigns against the party that doesn't want people to have health care.


If the SCOTUS were to uphold that unconstitutional miasma, the incumbent would be the one to get the blame for another incredibly expensive, unworkable, massive government-run clusterfuck.

If (hopefully when) the SCOTUS puts ObamaCare out of OUR misery, the incumbent will lie to paint the GOP as the Party that 'opposes people having health care' but the honest rejoinder to that typical liberal dishonesty will win the day. Because everybody wants folks to have health care. We just don't want the clusterfuck of ObamaCare and all the shit that it entails. A pretty significant and obvious distinction.
Well, by golly. It's June.

So, sometime this month, maybe soon, the SCOTUS will hand down the decision that grants ObamaCare a stay of execution or the decision that effectively puts it in the electric chair.

There have been many threads on this topic.

But this one is to round up the final predictions.

Will ObamaCare go down in whole or in large enough part to constitute the same thing?

Or will ObamaCare survive the Court's Constitutional scrutiny in a big enough way to allow it to exist?

My hunch is that it is going down. In fact, because it is such a clusterfuck of a law as it was written (not even including a severability clause), I think it will in effect simply be voided.

I have no idea. I do know the SCOTUS often confounds the expectations court watchers and experts. :eusa_shhh:


Which is why this is set up as just a prediction, not as a guarantee.
Does any of this really matter? If the court voids Obamacare the GOP will, at that point OWN the health care issue. Should that happen they are even now scrambling to replace popular provisions now in force.

The American system, as it stands now, cannot be defended by rational argument. (not that that matters in the political ring) It is a total failure that has no redeeming features.

It is multiple times more expensive that any the other government programs. The outcomes suck. It is not even available to about 20% of the population at any given time. It is bankrupting a significant part of the population.

This is what the GOP will be defending.
Nancy Pelosi said she's "...about half way through reading it. It's worse than reading Game of Thrones! There's so much to keep track of that I sometimes fall asleep when I'm rereading it"
I believe it will be overturned. How could it not be?
And we should all beg on our knees that it is overturned..can you only imagine the fraud and overspending that would occur??
Does any of this really matter? If the court voids Obamacare the GOP will, at that point OWN the health care issue. Should that happen they are even now scrambling to replace popular provisions now in force.

The American system, as it stands now, cannot be defended by rational argument. (not that that matters in the political ring) It is a total failure that has no redeeming features.

It is multiple times more expensive that any the other government programs. The outcomes suck. It is not even available to about 20% of the population at any given time. It is bankrupting a significant part of the population.

This is what the GOP will be defending.

Aren't there less people covered by health coverage since Obamacare passed?
Kagan must have told Obama he lost, that's why he made the revisit Obamacare comment at his $40,000 a plate fundraiser
Well, by golly. It's June.

So, sometime this month, maybe soon, the SCOTUS will hand down the decision that grants ObamaCare a stay of execution or the decision that effectively puts it in the electric chair.

There have been many threads on this topic.

But this one is to round up the final predictions.

Will ObamaCare go down in whole or in large enough part to constitute the same thing?

Or will ObamaCare survive the Court's Constitutional scrutiny in a big enough way to allow it to exist?

My hunch is that it is going down. In fact, because it is such a clusterfuck of a law as it was written (not even including a severability clause), I think it will in effect simply be voided.

I have no idea. I do know the SCOTUS often confounds the expectations court watchers and experts. :eusa_shhh:

I don't see how the government can make you buy health insurance. You can opt out of driving and avoid having to buy car insurance but you can't opt out of your body.

I'd be shocked if it is left standing--that part of the law.
The ACA will obviously be invalidated by the Court, that’s for certain.

The tragedy is there’ll be no effort to amend the current law or reintroduce new reforms. Millions of Americans will continue to suffer needlessly, a consequence of ignorance and partisanism, not the Constitution or the law.

I think it will be overturned in full which is a shame because there are parts of the law that make good sense.

The Supreme Court can neither repeal nor amend legislation. If struck down the ACA will remain in effect unless repealed by Congress. The provisions concerning the states simply won’t be enforced. Congress could also remove the offending sections, keeping popular provisions in place. But obviously republicans won’t allow that to happen.

I don't see how the government can make you buy health insurance.

It can’t. And the ACA doesn’t ‘make’ anyone to do anything, either; the IM is a bluff, the law clearly states that those who refuse to participate may not be subject to criminal or civil penalties.
The ACA will obviously be invalidated by the Court, that’s for certain.

The tragedy is there’ll be no effort to amend the current law or reintroduce new reforms. Millions of Americans will continue to suffer needlessly, a consequence of ignorance and partisanism, not the Constitution or the law.

I think it will be overturned in full which is a shame because there are parts of the law that make good sense.

The Supreme Court can neither repeal nor amend legislation. If struck down the ACA will remain in effect unless repealed by Congress. The provisions concerning the states simply won’t be enforced. Congress could also remove the offending sections, keeping popular provisions in place. But obviously republicans won’t allow that to happen.

I don't see how the government can make you buy health insurance.

It can’t. And the ACA doesn’t ‘make’ anyone to do anything, either; the IM is a bluff, the law clearly states that those who refuse to participate may not be subject to criminal or civil penalties.

The law CLEARLY states if you refuse to participate you are FINED ( or taxed depending on which day of the Court case we want to talk about) for failure to participate. And they will use the IRS to collect.
The ACA will obviously be invalidated by the Court, that’s for certain.

The tragedy is there’ll be no effort to amend the current law or reintroduce new reforms. Millions of Americans will continue to suffer needlessly, a consequence of ignorance and partisanism, not the Constitution or the law.

I think it will be overturned in full which is a shame because there are parts of the law that make good sense.

The Supreme Court can neither repeal nor amend legislation. If struck down the ACA will remain in effect unless repealed by Congress. The provisions concerning the states simply won’t be enforced. Congress could also remove the offending sections, keeping popular provisions in place. But obviously republicans won’t allow that to happen.

I don't see how the government can make you buy health insurance.

It can’t. And the ACA doesn’t ‘make’ anyone to do anything, either; the IM is a bluff, the law clearly states that those who refuse to participate may not be subject to criminal or civil penalties.

The law CLEARLY states if you refuse to participate you are FINED ( or taxed depending on which day of the Court case we want to talk about) for failure to participate. And they will use the IRS to collect.

Except that there is other provisions that prevent the IRS from collecting.

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