The Sandra Bernhard Monstrosity

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
But then there’s the video (posted at the Jewish Community Center website) of Bernhard saying about Sarah Palin, “Don’t you fucking reference the Old Testament, bitch. You stay with your goyish, crappy, shiksa-funky [or is it "shiksa-fucking"?] bullshit. Don’t you touch my Old Testament, you bitch. Because we have left it open to interpretation. It is no longer taken literally. You whore …”

So the moral high ground comes from having the correct interpretation of the Bible? I thought that was the sort of thing that people like Palin are accused of. How very quaint coming from this super edgy and ultra-chic Jewish-lesbian radical.

This sort of invective ruins careers if one substitutes, say, anti-black invective for Bernhard's anti-goy rant. Heard from Michael Richards lately? Bernhard can refer to the New Testament as “goyish, crappy, shiksa-funky bullshit” and it’s a great career move. She gets rave reviews in the mainstream media, including the Washington Post. The audience can be heard laughing and clapping appreciatively in the background while she says it, and Ari Roth, the artistic director, informs us that there are standing ovations after every performance.

Roth’s defense of the indefensible is a masterpiece of double-think: “There is a message of hope and ecumenical tolerance at the heart of what we’re trying to achieve here. Even in Sandra’s show. It’s complicated. It isn’t hate ful [sic]. There’s hope for all of us.”

Yeah, it’s complicated. Love is hate. Up is down. Black is white. Orwell would love it.

Occidental Observer
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Sandra Bernhard is an ass-clown.

What a hideous troll. Her face looks like it caught fire and someone tried to put it out with a pitchfork.

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“Don’t you fucking reference the Old Testament, bitch. You stay with your goyish, crappy, shiksa-funky [or is it "shiksa-fucking"?] bullshit. Don’t you touch my Old Testament, you bitch

Racist blather.
Old testament rocks.... this thread alone tells me that you are NT frauds...

Sandra Bernhard's comments tells me she's a classic liberal - big on telling others they have to be tolerant and accepting of others, not so much when it applies personally.
She should have stayed on the kibbutz!

~~~irrelevant comment removed~~~
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I'd love to know what jillian thinks of this business (calling Sarah Palin a shiksa whore, etc.). Will she defend it outright? Spin it somehow? Denounce it?

Step forward! Here's your tribe, telling it the way they feel it. Only where I am confined to Internet anonymity, she's making millions. But I'm bad, and Sandra Bernhard is "edgy." Now you know how thinking people become anti-Semites!
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Her Comments about Black men assaulting Sarah Palin , is supposed to be some
kind of sick White Woman fantasy. Most Black men I know prefer Black Women.
So this Sandra Bernhardt insane comments must indicate some kind of mental condition.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! On which planet?

On Earth black men prefer white women. Problem is most white women won't have anything to do with them.

No,Stoner, all you white people must realize that Black men Prefer their own
women,Black Women, not White Women.And you White men need to stick to your own White women.!
dude.. while there are some FINE black women I think it's pretty clear that the whole jungle fever thing is pretty much a one way street...
I read somewhere that a lot of white women have this fantasy of being raped by black
men. So, the Sandra Bernhardt out burst must be so kind of release of that sick twisted
White woman fantasy.
Bernhardt (a jew with a German last name) ain't what she used to be.. when she started out she was funny.. now she is nothing but poor crap... and living poor in NY...

She looks like crap to.She has those whore lips, and that hooker disposition.
What kind of a white sarcastic Bitch is she???.

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