The Same Victory Lap For A Winner & A loser!


Sep 23, 2010
Taqiyya the Liar is taking a victory lap for getting his ass kicked by Iran. Iran’s Mullahs are taking a victory lap for administering the ass-kicking:


Iranians Are Euphoric After Nuclear Deal Reached
By Gilad Shiloach and Liran Tzach on Jul 14, 2015 at 05:54 AM

Iranians Are Euphoric After Nuclear Deal Reached

If I had to choose the winner, I would say the Mullahs won. In plain English, a lying sack of shit giving the US the middle finger:


a known traitor:


and the United Nations:


rigged the game.

Whatever you think about Donald Trump he is right about negotiating skills. The Iran Deal proved it:

We don't have our best and our brightest negotiating for us. We have a bunch of losers, we have a bunch of political hacks. We have diplomats. And China puts the people -- hey, look. I know the smartest guys on Wall Street. I know our best negotiators. I know the overrated guys, the underrated guys, the guys that nobody ever heard of that are killers, that are great. We gotta use those people.​

Finally, Retired General Jack Keene, and many others, had it right before the liar, and the traitor, confirmed the Iran Deal. And anybody who says they trust United Nations inspections is a goddamned New World Order liar. A lie that our military people will pay for when they are ordered to fight under the UN flag.

And anybody who says they trust United Nations inspections is a goddamned New World Order liar.
That piece of garbage in the White House is not original. For decades, no policy decision was ever made if it harmed the United Nations in any way. The Iran Deal shows that United Nations approval is of paramount importance to the global government crowd. Does anyone believe that the UN will not bless a deal the liar and the traitor negotiated in order to further empower their beloved United Nations?

White House Iran strategy: Get U.N. blessing before Congress votes
By Nicole Duran • 7/14/15 12:23 PM

White House Iran strategy Get U.N. blessing before Congress votes Washington Examiner

NOTE: Mike Huckabee is the only presidential wannabe who said he would get out of the United Nations. That includes all of the wannabes in every presidential election after the UN open for business in 1945.

Thankfully, the press is not using their favorite misnomer to include John Kerry among World Leaders. Frankly, world powers is not much better.

Iran, world powers reach nuke deal
By Charles Hoskinson
07/14/15 06:34 AM

Political News and Political Analysis about Congress the President and federal government.

Five of the six that negotiated the deal are permanent Security Council nuclear powers.

USA, Russia, China, France, UK. (Why was Germany number six?)

In addition to the five named above, these four also have nuclear weapons, and are UN member states:

Israel, India, Pakistan and North Korea.

In my opinion, nuclear weapons makes a country a world power.

Israel with less than 8 million people has the most too lose when Iran joins the nuclear club, yet Israel did not meet the criterion for world power status, nor was India with 1,210,193,422 people, Pakistan with 189,956,000 people, North Korea with 24,052,231 people.

Conclusion: Israel is a titular world power because of its small population and size.

Netanyahu: Nuclear Deal with Iran ‘A Bad Mistake of Historic Proportions’
BY: David Rutz — July 14, 2015 8:23 am​

NOTE: North Koreans are screwballs; nevertheless, they have to be wondering why Iran’s screwballs are being given a free pass to bomb the piss out of their perceived enemies.

Finally, John Kerry is looking a lot like another second-rate negotiator:


Neville Chamberlain
Sean Hannity and Dick Cheney hit the important objections to the Iran Deal:

I can answer Dick Cheney’s question:

Dick Cheney torches Iran deal: 'What the hell is the president thinking?'
Colin Campbell
Jul. 15, 2015, 8:25 AM

Dick Cheney torches Iran deal - Business Insider

Answer: He is thinking about what is best for the United Nations. Should the Congress stop the Iran Deal by going all the way to overriding his sure-to- come-veto, the United Nations will take the biggest hit.

The deciding factor for nuclear should be self-defense. Over 180 countries do not have nuclear weapons. Those countries large enough for aggression do not have nuclear weapons. Basically, three out of the nine countries with nuclear weapons, Russia, China and North Korea are aggressive. Iran will soon join the list of aggressors harboring expansion by force If you like numbers, 33 percent will soon become 40 percent, or 4 out of ten on the wrong side. Note that a nuclear Iran’s Mullahs will have more destructive power in their hands than did Germany, Italy, and Japan had in WWII.

Killing the Cold War myth kept alive by the United Nations is the only good thing that can come out of the Iran Deal: “If everybody has atomic bombs nobody will use them.” The myth made no more sense than was NOT arming every peaceful country with traditional weapons of war for self-defence. The aggressors will always use any weapon they have the instant they think they can win. Iran’s Mullahs are the same. Worse, if they are convinced Allah is on their side.

Ultimately, the United Nations will drag civilization kicking and screaming all the way to nuclear holocaust in the name of a one government world.

Questions: Why the hell does the United Nations get to decide which country is a world power? Why was non-nuclear Germany sitting with five nuclear countries?

Finally, I am tired of hearing the Chicago sewer rat’s concern for his foreign policy legacy resting on the Iran Deal. The only legacy he wants is the one he has been striving towards from the day he took office —— being instrumental in handing this country’s sovereignty to the United Nations. Can you just imagine him dreaming about being remembered as the Father of Global Government. That would surely put George Washington in his place.

Remember that the sewer rat is after the Secretary General’s job. Should he get the job, he will be in a position to put the finishing touches on the betrayals he committed in the White House.

See this thread:

Finally, I am tired of hearing the Chicago sewer rat’s concern for his foreign policy legacy resting on the Iran Deal. The only legacy he wants is the one he has been striving towards from the day he took office —— being instrumental in handing this country’s sovereignty to the United Nations. Can you just imagine him dreaming about being remembered as the Father of Global Government. That would surely put George Washington in his place.
Karin McQuillan makes a pretty case for Taqiyya the Liars legacy:

Rush has been arguing lately that Obama is pushing the Iran deal as his "legacy." Rush doesn't get our truly anti-American president. "Legacy" makes it sound as if Obama thinks the Iran deal is a positive accomplishment. As if Obama believes his own speeches that it will stop a nuclear Iran, make the mullahs like us, and promote peace in the Middle East. This is the school of thought that sees Obama as naïve or inept, but not evil.

To understand the true nature of the legacy President Obama is aiming for, we need only go back to the full quote of "God damn America" from Obama's spiritual guide and mentor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright.

God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme.​


And it's a twofer for Obama. In such a Middle East, Israel will be in grave danger. Obama loathes Israel because it is as a successful white Western outpost of civilization, making all the brown nations around it look even more like losers. How terribly unfair. Well, the Iran deal will correct that, too.

Obama has already handed the mullahs almost $12 billion this summer, to prove his good intentions to Iran.


Obama's answer to Senator Cruz? "This is Iran's money."

Iran's money, Iran's right to spend it on terrorism, and God damn America.

That is the "legacy" Obama has dreamed of his whole life.

August 16, 2015
Rush is wrong on Obama's 'legacy' interest in a nuclear Iran
By Karin McQuillan

Blog Rush is wrong on Obama s legacy interest in a nuclear Iran

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