The Sad State of Peer Review..


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
A clearly, very bad, spoof paper was presented for publication to 9 respected science journals.. 5 of them accepted the paper and four published it.. It was total garbage..

Predatory Journals Hit By ‘Star Wars’ Sting

I am still in awe of the ingenuity and creativeness of the writer but it still only took me about 2 minuets to call it garbage.. And I even like Star Wars.. This shows just how totally corrupted and useless the state of our peer review system is...
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Unfortunately for scieince, and us, "science" has reached a place where actual evidence is no longer a requisite. It would seem that mind experiments are good enough to actually be called science now rather than what they are...which is simply musing.
A clearly, very bad, spoof paper was presented for publication to 9 respected science journals.. 5 of them accepted the paper and four published it.. It was total garbage..

Predatory Journals Hit By ‘Star Wars’ Sting

I am still in awe of the ingenuity and creativeness of the writer but it still only took me about 2 minuets to call it garbage.. And I even like Star Wars.. This shows just how totally corrupted and useless the state of our peer review system is...
It started out with absurd grammar. If there were such a word as "midichloria," it would be plural with its singular "midichlorium" or "midichlorion." as in "bacterium" or "criterion." The more you educate yourself, the more jokes you get.
A clearly, very bad, spoof paper was presented for publication to 9 respected science journals.. 5 of them accepted the paper and four published it.. It was total garbage..

Predatory Journals Hit By ‘Star Wars’ Sting

I am still in awe of the ingenuity and creativeness of the writer but it still only took me about 2 minuets to call it garbage.. And I even like Star Wars.. This shows just how totally corrupted and useless the state of our peer review system is...

well, if "neuroskeptic" said so

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