The Sad State of American Politics


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
The Dems love investigating Republicans- for no reason other than to find some way to get them out of their way. The investigation into Hillary actually proved that she acted negligently when playing fast and loose with national security but they invented a new rule about intentions to let her off the hook.

Now we have an investigation into Trump that turned up nothing. It's reasonable to take a look at the lies that started the spying and the false premises to investigate both the Trump campaign and the Trump administration. But Dems now want to investigate those who want to investigate the bogus investigation. They want to take Trump down so will do anything to make that happen. They hate Barr because he is investigating the investigators and others who are likely corrupt as hell. That means he must go because he is not about to protect them by covering up the truth. The truth seekers are a real threat.

But they also want Trump gone. They see the polls and know that can't win the next election. They are preparing by importing more illegal voters and just trying to take Trump down so he can't run again or keep using the bias mouthpieces who call themselves media to help destroy Trump. Considering Trump's approval ratings despite their constant efforts, it's clear that more people are onto them than they realize.

Funny that nothing they've done has worked so far. The investigations and the constant whine from liberal media isn't working to change people's minds. The desperation is at a whole new level and nothing is too crazy for them to try.

"We have an investigation investigating why we are investigating an investigation. We will soon be able to answer a number of questions, thanks to the investigation, the investigation of the investigation, and the investigation investigating why we are investigating an investigation. Those questions are:

1) Was the investigation started under false pretenses, using documents known to be fake as justification for a FISA warrant? If so, who was involved?

2) Did the people being illegally investigated obstruct justice? Mueller said that the investigation was never obstructed, so you would think that the answer would be ‘no’, but apparently the House wants to investigate whether or not anyone obstructed the investigation without obstructing the investigation, because that’s suddenly a thing someone can do.

3) Is anyone obstructing the investigation of the investigation, or the investigation of the investigation of the investigation?

4) Are the investigators investigating the investigation of the investigation of the investigation obstructing the investigation of the investigation, or the investigation?

5) Is the investigation of the investigation an obstruction of either the investigation of the investigation of the investigation, or a deflection of the results of the investigation?

6) Do we need to investigate the investigation of the investigation, and/or the investigation of the investigation of the investigation, to see if the investigation of the investigation is obstructing the investigation of the investigation of the investigation, or if the investigation of the investigation of the investigation is obstructing the investigation of the investigation?

7) Did I repeat myself anywhere above? That does not require an investigation, but if you can in any way possibly tell whether or not I did (with any degree of certainty), you might be a genius…"

"Oh – and by the way… Since you can now obstruct justice without obstructing justice, I could take the above questions to a whole new level, repeating each one to see if any of the investigations obstructed any of the other the investigations without obstructing any of the investigations, which is to say, did they do anything to obstruct the investigations that qualifies as obstruction of the investigations, that did not actually obstruct the investigations? I’m not going to take things to that level only because, if I DID take this whole sad state of affairs to that level, it would give everyone a headache, myself included."

The Sad State of American Politics, 2019 | Global Liberty Media - The Counter Narrative
the GOP has been investigating the Clintons since before Adam & Eve

shit comes around, shit goes around

so, the Republicunts didn't learn anything?

Did ANYONE believe this was gonna end well?

jus' sayin' ...........
the GOP has been investigating the Clintons since before Adam & Eve

shit comes around, shit goes around

so, the Republicunts didn't learn anything?

Did ANYONE believe this was gonna end well?

jus' sayin' ...........
Investigating them for nothing ?? As messed up as America is on the ideological front, I'd say they have been justified in investigating the Democrats for a long while now. Did the Dems think that their day wasn't along time coming when it came to policy, influence, and their power being challenged by the other half of the country ??
Yep....sad sad state of affairs......but guess what?.......

If we just let politicians keep doing their thing....maybe it'll all magically get better soon !?!?!

Because that's exactly what's going to happen.....right up to the moment it all falls apart. (it already is, see SanFrancisco and the Federal Deficit)

If you think things are great right now, with MS13 in our schools, drug epidemic gone wild, the borders being overrun and Dems fighting to increase the influx while increasing your taxes to pay for the invasion....give it 10 more years.

When it blows (and it will eventually) it'll be spectacular.
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The Dems love investigating Republicans- for no reason other than to find some way to get them out of their way. The investigation into Hillary actually proved that she acted negligently when playing fast and loose with national security but they invented a new rule about intentions to let her off the hook.

Now we have an investigation into Trump that turned up nothing. It's reasonable to take a look at the lies that started the spying and the false premises to investigate both the Trump campaign and the Trump administration. But Dems now want to investigate those who want to investigate the bogus investigation. They want to take Trump down so will do anything to make that happen. They hate Barr because he is investigating the investigators and others who are likely corrupt as hell. That means he must go because he is not about to protect them by covering up the truth. The truth seekers are a real threat.

But they also want Trump gone. They see the polls and know that can't win the next election. They are preparing by importing more illegal voters and just trying to take Trump down so he can't run again or keep using the bias mouthpieces who call themselves media to help destroy Trump. Considering Trump's approval ratings despite their constant efforts, it's clear that more people are onto them than they realize.

Funny that nothing they've done has worked so far. The investigations and the constant whine from liberal media isn't working to change people's minds. The desperation is at a whole new level and nothing is too crazy for them to try.

"We have an investigation investigating why we are investigating an investigation. We will soon be able to answer a number of questions, thanks to the investigation, the investigation of the investigation, and the investigation investigating why we are investigating an investigation. Those questions are:

1) Was the investigation started under false pretenses, using documents known to be fake as justification for a FISA warrant? If so, who was involved?

2) Did the people being illegally investigated obstruct justice? Mueller said that the investigation was never obstructed, so you would think that the answer would be ‘no’, but apparently the House wants to investigate whether or not anyone obstructed the investigation without obstructing the investigation, because that’s suddenly a thing someone can do.

3) Is anyone obstructing the investigation of the investigation, or the investigation of the investigation of the investigation?

4) Are the investigators investigating the investigation of the investigation of the investigation obstructing the investigation of the investigation, or the investigation?

5) Is the investigation of the investigation an obstruction of either the investigation of the investigation of the investigation, or a deflection of the results of the investigation?

6) Do we need to investigate the investigation of the investigation, and/or the investigation of the investigation of the investigation, to see if the investigation of the investigation is obstructing the investigation of the investigation of the investigation, or if the investigation of the investigation of the investigation is obstructing the investigation of the investigation?

7) Did I repeat myself anywhere above? That does not require an investigation, but if you can in any way possibly tell whether or not I did (with any degree of certainty), you might be a genius…"

"Oh – and by the way… Since you can now obstruct justice without obstructing justice, I could take the above questions to a whole new level, repeating each one to see if any of the investigations obstructed any of the other the investigations without obstructing any of the investigations, which is to say, did they do anything to obstruct the investigations that qualifies as obstruction of the investigations, that did not actually obstruct the investigations? I’m not going to take things to that level only because, if I DID take this whole sad state of affairs to that level, it would give everyone a headache, myself included."

The Sad State of American Politics, 2019 | Global Liberty Media - The Counter Narrative
I am in favor of death penalties for those who conspired and coordinated their efforts with corrupt news media moguls in the worst case of treason ever to come from the Democrat political machine. There are an estimated 300 people in the American government people known to have carried out treasonous acts against President Trump. Put them away before they grow. Give them a choice--chair, gas chamber, or injection. And do it the week their trials are over and they are convicted of treason. They've punished America long enough with a $35 million nasty, ugly trial of a sitting American President. We need to send the world a message, that treason here results in getting rid of the problem. And yes, Maxine Waters' plan to assert harassment of Presidential advisers was an act of treason against a President. And yes, Nancy's strict coordination with those in the Democrat Congress to get rid of the President was in fact, treasonous and Pelosi should be tried for treason, also several dirty Democrats who proffered impeachment falsely were Reps Maxine Waters. D-CA, Al Green, D-TX, Rep Yvette D. Clark, D-NY, California Rep. Jared Huffman, Kentucky Rep. John Yarmuth, Wisconsin Rep. Mark Pocan, Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal, New York Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, Texas Rep. Joaquin Castro, Maryland Rep. Jamie Raskin, Texas Rep. Shelia Jackson Lee, California Rep. Nanette Diaz Barragán, California Rep. Ted Lieu, Maine Sen. Angus King (an Independent who caucuses with Democrats), Florida Rep. Ted Deutch, Florida Rep. Frederica Wilson, Washington Rep. Pramila Jayapal, New Jersey Rep. Donald Payne Jr., Massachusetts Rep. Stephen Lynch, Tennessee Rep. Steve Cohen, New York Rep. Adriano Espaillat, Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings, Rhode Island Rep. David Cicilline, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, New York Rep. Jerry Nadler, Senator Chuck Schumer, D-NY, Senator Diane Feinstein, D-CA, and others. Democrats who received contributions from Democrat Activist and attempted Assassin, James Hodgkinson Of Alexandria, Virginia, need to be investigated on aggravated incitement of murder to remove United States Republican Congressmen. This attempted ruination of President Trump promotes the realization and knowledge that there is indeed a Deep State control system in place, and it needs to be classified as a terrorist organization and its members tried with the guilty receiving the ultimate punishment.
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As someone who hated both Hillary and Trump, I have seen this as nothing more the vengeance. Hillary and her minions believe she lost because of an FBI Investigation so they were determined to undermine Trump's Presidency with the same sort of investigation.
I am in favor of death penalties for those who conspired and coordinated their efforts with corrupt news media moguls in the worst case of treason ever to come from the Democrat political machine. There are an estimated 300 people in the American government people known to have carried out treasonous acts against President Trump. Put them away before they grow. Give them a choice--chair, gas chamber, or injection. And do it the week their trials are over and they are convicted of treason. They've punished America long enough with a $35 million nasty, ugly trial of a sitting American President. We need to send the world a message, that treason here results in getting rid of the problem.

That would be so cool......Justice....but if anything it looks we're more likely to just get deeper into the mouth of madness than pull ourselves out.

Americans are waiting for a miracle. But none are on the way.

The Elites, big banks, powerful politicians and 1% ers are milking Americans, and this nation for every penny they can suck out of it before it all comes crashing down....

I'm just wondering where they think they'll go to enjoy all those riches after America is laid to a barren wasteland? China? Mars?
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The Dems love investigating Republicans- for no reason other than to find some way to get them out of their way. The investigation into Hillary actually proved that she acted negligently when playing fast and loose with national security but they invented a new rule about intentions to let her off the hook.

Now we have an investigation into Trump that turned up nothing. It's reasonable to take a look at the lies that started the spying and the false premises to investigate both the Trump campaign and the Trump administration. But Dems now want to investigate those who want to investigate the bogus investigation. They want to take Trump down so will do anything to make that happen. They hate Barr because he is investigating the investigators and others who are likely corrupt as hell. That means he must go because he is not about to protect them by covering up the truth. The truth seekers are a real threat.

But they also want Trump gone. They see the polls and know that can't win the next election. They are preparing by importing more illegal voters and just trying to take Trump down so he can't run again or keep using the bias mouthpieces who call themselves media to help destroy Trump. Considering Trump's approval ratings despite their constant efforts, it's clear that more people are onto them than they realize.

Funny that nothing they've done has worked so far. The investigations and the constant whine from liberal media isn't working to change people's minds. The desperation is at a whole new level and nothing is too crazy for them to try.

"We have an investigation investigating why we are investigating an investigation. We will soon be able to answer a number of questions, thanks to the investigation, the investigation of the investigation, and the investigation investigating why we are investigating an investigation. Those questions are:

1) Was the investigation started under false pretenses, using documents known to be fake as justification for a FISA warrant? If so, who was involved?

2) Did the people being illegally investigated obstruct justice? Mueller said that the investigation was never obstructed, so you would think that the answer would be ‘no’, but apparently the House wants to investigate whether or not anyone obstructed the investigation without obstructing the investigation, because that’s suddenly a thing someone can do.

3) Is anyone obstructing the investigation of the investigation, or the investigation of the investigation of the investigation?

4) Are the investigators investigating the investigation of the investigation of the investigation obstructing the investigation of the investigation, or the investigation?

5) Is the investigation of the investigation an obstruction of either the investigation of the investigation of the investigation, or a deflection of the results of the investigation?

6) Do we need to investigate the investigation of the investigation, and/or the investigation of the investigation of the investigation, to see if the investigation of the investigation is obstructing the investigation of the investigation of the investigation, or if the investigation of the investigation of the investigation is obstructing the investigation of the investigation?

7) Did I repeat myself anywhere above? That does not require an investigation, but if you can in any way possibly tell whether or not I did (with any degree of certainty), you might be a genius…"

"Oh – and by the way… Since you can now obstruct justice without obstructing justice, I could take the above questions to a whole new level, repeating each one to see if any of the investigations obstructed any of the other the investigations without obstructing any of the investigations, which is to say, did they do anything to obstruct the investigations that qualifies as obstruction of the investigations, that did not actually obstruct the investigations? I’m not going to take things to that level only because, if I DID take this whole sad state of affairs to that level, it would give everyone a headache, myself included."

The Sad State of American Politics, 2019 | Global Liberty Media - The Counter Narrative
Read the Mueller Report. Don't just take Barr's Cliff Notes version as gospel.
As someone who hated both Hillary and Trump, I have seen this as nothing more the vengeance. Hillary and her minions believe she lost because of an FBI Investigation so they were determined to undermine Trump's Presidency with the same sort of investigation.
Hillary has been abusing innocent enemies long before she graduated from Yale. Her entire political life has been spent on character assassination and strange disappearances of her political enemies. This character assassination continued throughout her Senate term and Secretary of State's job in which she did absolutely nothing to save an American Diplomat in a foreign country from a cruel death at the hands of terrorists on the American soil that is an American Embassy is within the United Nations' statutes. She was a disgrace to the State Department for the cowardice of doing nothing when she could have ordered troops to advance to save his life. Obama flat out declined a helping hand and lied profusely about it.

For those who are too young to recall Benghazi, I recommend reading this: Benghazi: Obama's Actions Amount To A Shameful Dereliction Of Duty
Donald Trump reminds me of the Rodney DangerField character in "CaddyShack". He waltzes in, offends everyone in Bushwood and they can't do anything about it.
There is one huge difference, however: Trump tells the truth. Dangerfield went for the funny bone, which requires a generous heap of deception which doesn't matter because it's just making people laugh that was his joie de vivre.
Donald Trump reminds me of the Rodney DangerField character in "CaddyShack". He waltzes in, offends everyone in Bushwood and they can't do anything about it.
There is one huge difference, however: Trump tells the truth. Dangerfield went for the funny bone, which requires a generous heap of deception which doesn't matter because it's just making people laugh that was his joie de vivre.
True. The political discourse is so absurd right now, I just look for ways to get entertainment value out of what I see and hear.
Donald Trump reminds me of the Rodney DangerField character in "CaddyShack". He waltzes in, offends everyone in Bushwood and they can't do anything about it.
There is one huge difference, however: Trump tells the truth. Dangerfield went for the funny bone, which requires a generous heap of deception which doesn't matter because it's just making people laugh that was his joie de vivre.
True. The political discourse is so absurd right now, I just look for ways to get entertainment value out of what I see and hear.
A blessing on your head, MMike. I don't find much amusement in the Democrat Party that has become too big for its britches. In my family, that kind of behavior resulted in Grandma Mattie's assault with a stinging willow switch onto the back of one's bare back legs. The funny thing is, her switch only took one time to get someone's reverence for behaving within reasonable bounds, and she didn't even have to verbalize what that was because we knew already we had it coming. Besides, it's stupid to make enemies with such a good cook. Her fig preserves on toast at breakfast was second to none. She picked those figs and immediately processed them, even if it was the hottest day of the year. I only received the anointment of wisdom once. That's all it took.
the GOP has been investigating the Clintons since before Adam & Eve

shit comes around, shit goes around

so, the Republicunts didn't learn anything?

Did ANYONE believe this was gonna end well?

jus' sayin' ...........
I have to agree. We've been able to dig shit up on people around her, but not on her. Same with Trump. OP can say we're in a bad state, but it's been the same shit since Obama.

The only real change in politics is that the political parties have been reversed. Back then, it was a Democrat in charge of executive, a majority of Dems in judicial, and a majority of Republicans in legislative being a thorn in Obama's side. Nothing has fucking changed since Trump except the reversal of party control.

Republicans and Democrats see the world from different view points, but they act the fucking same.
This 1year Trump Spygate and 2 year phony Dem investigation is 1000:1 the worst Criminal GOVT actions I Have ever heard about.

This Coup ran deep, approved from the top. Heads need to roll. This is bananna republic stuff. They planned to cover up their Crimes if they won and use power to falsely prosecute after. They could have just tried to win next time around. But they wanted an edge. They tried to setup DJT.

Edit: i thought Saw5 was the last but on now is Saw..the final Chapter. Had no idea.
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we're living in the digital age. we were told that social media would unify the world, and the opposite is happening. you have all the info in the world at your fingerprints and you still choose to be a narrow-minded bigot? i call it willful ignorance. that's something to worry about!
The Dems love investigating Republicans- for no reason other than to find some way to get them out of their way. The investigation into Hillary actually proved that she acted negligently when playing fast and loose with national security but they invented a new rule about intentions to let her off the hook.

Now we have an investigation into Trump that turned up nothing. It's reasonable to take a look at the lies that started the spying and the false premises to investigate both the Trump campaign and the Trump administration. But Dems now want to investigate those who want to investigate the bogus investigation. They want to take Trump down so will do anything to make that happen. They hate Barr because he is investigating the investigators and others who are likely corrupt as hell. That means he must go because he is not about to protect them by covering up the truth. The truth seekers are a real threat.

But they also want Trump gone. They see the polls and know that can't win the next election. They are preparing by importing more illegal voters and just trying to take Trump down so he can't run again or keep using the bias mouthpieces who call themselves media to help destroy Trump. Considering Trump's approval ratings despite their constant efforts, it's clear that more people are onto them than they realize.

Funny that nothing they've done has worked so far. The investigations and the constant whine from liberal media isn't working to change people's minds. The desperation is at a whole new level and nothing is too crazy for them to try.

"We have an investigation investigating why we are investigating an investigation. We will soon be able to answer a number of questions, thanks to the investigation, the investigation of the investigation, and the investigation investigating why we are investigating an investigation. Those questions are:

1) Was the investigation started under false pretenses, using documents known to be fake as justification for a FISA warrant? If so, who was involved?

2) Did the people being illegally investigated obstruct justice? Mueller said that the investigation was never obstructed, so you would think that the answer would be ‘no’, but apparently the House wants to investigate whether or not anyone obstructed the investigation without obstructing the investigation, because that’s suddenly a thing someone can do.

3) Is anyone obstructing the investigation of the investigation, or the investigation of the investigation of the investigation?

4) Are the investigators investigating the investigation of the investigation of the investigation obstructing the investigation of the investigation, or the investigation?

5) Is the investigation of the investigation an obstruction of either the investigation of the investigation of the investigation, or a deflection of the results of the investigation?

6) Do we need to investigate the investigation of the investigation, and/or the investigation of the investigation of the investigation, to see if the investigation of the investigation is obstructing the investigation of the investigation of the investigation, or if the investigation of the investigation of the investigation is obstructing the investigation of the investigation?

7) Did I repeat myself anywhere above? That does not require an investigation, but if you can in any way possibly tell whether or not I did (with any degree of certainty), you might be a genius…"

"Oh – and by the way… Since you can now obstruct justice without obstructing justice, I could take the above questions to a whole new level, repeating each one to see if any of the investigations obstructed any of the other the investigations without obstructing any of the investigations, which is to say, did they do anything to obstruct the investigations that qualifies as obstruction of the investigations, that did not actually obstruct the investigations? I’m not going to take things to that level only because, if I DID take this whole sad state of affairs to that level, it would give everyone a headache, myself included."

The Sad State of American Politics, 2019 | Global Liberty Media - The Counter Narrative
Read the Mueller Report. Don't just take Barr's Cliff Notes version as gospel.

Reading a report prepared by Clinton donors requires a keen lawyers mind to sort thru the bullshit and get to the truth. The truth is that there was no collusion and no obstruction. Its Barr's report, the DOJ experts and Rod Rosenstein agree with Barr's call. The dems don't have anything to do but re-investigate what has been settled. They want headlines from their MSM, that's all the "investigation" is about, and Trump is not cooperating.
The Dems love investigating Republicans- for no reason other than to find some way to get them out of their way. The investigation into Hillary actually proved that she acted negligently when playing fast and loose with national security but they invented a new rule about intentions to let her off the hook.

Now we have an investigation into Trump that turned up nothing. It's reasonable to take a look at the lies that started the spying and the false premises to investigate both the Trump campaign and the Trump administration. But Dems now want to investigate those who want to investigate the bogus investigation. They want to take Trump down so will do anything to make that happen. They hate Barr because he is investigating the investigators and others who are likely corrupt as hell. That means he must go because he is not about to protect them by covering up the truth. The truth seekers are a real threat.

But they also want Trump gone. They see the polls and know that can't win the next election. They are preparing by importing more illegal voters and just trying to take Trump down so he can't run again or keep using the bias mouthpieces who call themselves media to help destroy Trump. Considering Trump's approval ratings despite their constant efforts, it's clear that more people are onto them than they realize.

Funny that nothing they've done has worked so far. The investigations and the constant whine from liberal media isn't working to change people's minds. The desperation is at a whole new level and nothing is too crazy for them to try.

"We have an investigation investigating why we are investigating an investigation. We will soon be able to answer a number of questions, thanks to the investigation, the investigation of the investigation, and the investigation investigating why we are investigating an investigation. Those questions are:

1) Was the investigation started under false pretenses, using documents known to be fake as justification for a FISA warrant? If so, who was involved?

2) Did the people being illegally investigated obstruct justice? Mueller said that the investigation was never obstructed, so you would think that the answer would be ‘no’, but apparently the House wants to investigate whether or not anyone obstructed the investigation without obstructing the investigation, because that’s suddenly a thing someone can do.

3) Is anyone obstructing the investigation of the investigation, or the investigation of the investigation of the investigation?

4) Are the investigators investigating the investigation of the investigation of the investigation obstructing the investigation of the investigation, or the investigation?

5) Is the investigation of the investigation an obstruction of either the investigation of the investigation of the investigation, or a deflection of the results of the investigation?

6) Do we need to investigate the investigation of the investigation, and/or the investigation of the investigation of the investigation, to see if the investigation of the investigation is obstructing the investigation of the investigation of the investigation, or if the investigation of the investigation of the investigation is obstructing the investigation of the investigation?

7) Did I repeat myself anywhere above? That does not require an investigation, but if you can in any way possibly tell whether or not I did (with any degree of certainty), you might be a genius…"

"Oh – and by the way… Since you can now obstruct justice without obstructing justice, I could take the above questions to a whole new level, repeating each one to see if any of the investigations obstructed any of the other the investigations without obstructing any of the investigations, which is to say, did they do anything to obstruct the investigations that qualifies as obstruction of the investigations, that did not actually obstruct the investigations? I’m not going to take things to that level only because, if I DID take this whole sad state of affairs to that level, it would give everyone a headache, myself included."

The Sad State of American Politics, 2019 | Global Liberty Media - The Counter Narrative
Read the Mueller Report. Don't just take Barr's Cliff Notes version as gospel.

Why would you say that? Everyone on this forum knows that the liberalism from which you suffer, is caused by the inability to read for comprehension.
Donald Trump reminds me of the Rodney DangerField character in "CaddyShack". He waltzes in, offends everyone in Bushwood and they can't do anything about it.

Actually he always reminded me of Dangerfield's character in the movie Going Back to School.

A round peg in a square hole, Dangerfield in his older age joined college as a student to help his son. He was a rich guy who bought anything he wanted, and did. But he played an average ordinary guy in most other ways. The establishment administration hated his guts, but with his childlike humorous personality, he won over the entire student body and became a hero.

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