The Rude Pundit weighs in on Rovergate



This guy is ALWAYS spot on :hail:

Pop Culture Has Its Way With Karl Rove (or The Revenge of Jack Ryan):

One of the things that has failed liberals at every step of the way on stories as seemingly cut and dried as, say, Dick Cheney's relationship with Halliburton is that we've been on the wrong side of the simple vs. complex storyline. See, in order to understand how diabolical the Cheney/Halliburton nexus is, one has to immerse oneself into laws and rules regarding the finances of government officials, the various schemes created for assuring Halliburton would become bloated like dead hippo corpse, and more. Shit, it's just easier to ignore it.

But this time we're finally on the easy-to-understand, anger-inducing side: Karl Rove outed a CIA agent for petty vengeance against her husband. That's all the narrative that's necessary. To counter that, the opposing side needs to entangle itself in legalistic arguments and semantical stunts, the kinds of arguments that always seem to be what liberals are making. Look at the stunning recitation of alleged history, law, and "media bias," all wadded into a huge ball of semen-stained Kleenex for your disposal by Andrew McCarthy (not the one who made a corpse seem alive in Weekend at Bernie's, but, as a writer for the National Review, achieves the same effect). Watch any of your loyal right-wing pundits act like they know the minutiae of rules and legalities. It's positively, breathtakingly, as they would have once said, "Clintonesque."

On Fox "News" last night, Sean Hannity interviewed Michael Isikoff about the Rove/Plame affair, and Isikoff scoffed as Hannity sputtered and tried to claim the story was evidence of "media bias" and that the "law" on revealing covert agents wasn't broken. Isikoff simply told Hannity to take a step back from the ledge and wait until Patrick Fitzgerald's done. Hannity, never a man to be told he looks like a drooling, idiot ape, refused, calling the whole story a media-manufactured "food fight."

What's happening here, with polls showing that very few Americans believe the Bush administration on the whole issue, is the American public, having been fed years of propagandistic books, films, and television shows, since the Cold War, about how magnificent the CIA is in protecting our freedom (despite, you know, having often done quite the opposite), feels as if it's looking out for Jack Ryan. You know Jack Ryan, Tom Clancy's CIA agent, played by AlecBaldwinHarrisonFordBenAffleck in the movies. By this point in a Clancy novel or film, Jack Ryan (or someone) would have grabbed the tweedy, bespectacled, fat, balding asshole politico, who thought a CIA agent's identity was just more political capital to be spent when expedient, and beaten the shit out of him, leaving him bleeding, glasses broken, pissing himself on the floor of the Oval Office. Hell, where do you wanna go with this? Jason Bourne? Sydney Bristow? Bill Cosby on I Spy? George Smiley? James fuckin' Bond? All of the spy glorification in pop culture has made it a cardinal rule: you don't blow someone's cover.

The Rove story has legs because the corporate media that lionizes spies over and over as a way of justifying secret operations against Americans, as well as bullshit like the Contras and more, has taught the public to love them some CIA agents. In a Clancy novel, we know who the villains are: they are just as likely to be the bureaucrats in DC as they are the arms dealers. And both should be dealt with as criminals.

So all Democrats really have to do is stand back and let these fuckers twist in the wind. When we hear Rove told Matt Cooper, "I've said too much already," we know that that's the line of scoundrels and weasels trying to cover their own asses. When we hear the President lower the ethical standards bar by which one can work for the White House all the way to the floor, we know that he's covering for his friend. It's all SOP for those who, it seems more and more each day, are SOL.
Yeah, I read where Fox has pronounced the whole Rove thing as "history." Much the same way that Bush buried the Enron debacle with his "terror warnings."

I am still waiting for Fox to declare an end to the Aruba thing. Then we can stop hearing about that as well.
I want Rove fired if the investigation uncovers that he broke the law. However, from what I have been reading of late...sorry, Gabby...its just not there.

He never tried to get in touch with reporters, never mentioned her as an covert undercover CIA agent. It doesn't appear that he has done much of anything other than say to a reporter who called to talk about something else then changed the subject to not get too excited about the story because Wilson's wife got him the job. Is it in poor taste to insinuate that he only got the job because his wife pulled strings? Perhaps. But there is some evidence to support that claim...while the evidence to support him deliberately outing a woman he knew to be a covert agent at the time (which she wasnt) in order to get back at someone for an op-ed is very flimsy.

In my opinion, this is going to be one of those stories that just fades away. A few weeks from now a small article on page 16 of most newspapers will quietly mention that Rove was found innocent of any wrongdoing and it will go mostly unnoticed and uncommented on by the mainstream media. Democrats and liberals will continue to insist that Rove is more evil than Darth Vadar and that Valerie Plame's life was endangered when Rove set out to get back at Wilson...Republicans and conservatives will continue to insist that there was no evidence that Rove did anything other than offer his opinion to a reporter.
Gem said:
I want Rove fired if the investigation uncovers that he broke the law. However, from what I have been reading of late...sorry, Gabby...its just not there.

He never tried to get in touch with reporters, never mentioned her as an covert undercover CIA agent. It doesn't appear that he has done much of anything other than say to a reporter who called to talk about something else then changed the subject to not get too excited about the story because Wilson's wife got him the job. Is it in poor taste to insinuate that he only got the job because his wife pulled strings? Perhaps. But there is some evidence to support that claim...while the evidence to support him deliberately outing a woman he knew to be a covert agent at the time (which she wasnt) in order to get back at someone for an op-ed is very flimsy.

In my opinion, this is going to be one of those stories that just fades away. A few weeks from now a small article on page 16 of most newspapers will quietly mention that Rove was found innocent of any wrongdoing and it will go mostly unnoticed and uncommented on by the mainstream media. Democrats and liberals will continue to insist that Rove is more evil than Darth Vadar and that Valerie Plame's life was endangered when Rove set out to get back at Wilson...Republicans and conservatives will continue to insist that there was no evidence that Rove did anything other than offer his opinion to a reporter.

Gem, I agree. Remember THIS story started out being about Cheney, that didn't work. Then there was the flap of Gitmo-that stopped, when too much came out about what they eat, what the training was and finally with the Congressional delegation visiting. There was the 'Mission Accomplished' flap of twisting some words, and oh how many during the election.

There will always be some 'story' for the libs to huff and puff about, but in the end, if there is no 'there' there, it will go away.

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