the robots are coming

Mr. Sauerkraut

Active Member
Dec 23, 2010
Heart of Germany

i´ve seen yeasterday in tv that the us military still have ca. 3500 Jets - and 7000 drones.

What does this mean?

It sounds so smart: A drone ist cheaper. The education of a drone´s pilot is cheaper (2M to 250K). And if it´s shot down, the pilot doesn´t die or becomes a p.o.w..
What´s now by the planes will come an the tanks, the rocket launchers, sea forces, sooner ore later at the troops. What a great future! Doing war anytime and anywhere wIthout losing one single man!

But what will really happen?

Any other side will get an similar technology. And then will robots kill each other on the battlefiels.

And then? The onliest really victims in these wars will be the civillians. There are no civilian-drones and there can´t be.
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Well once skynet become senient and realizes that it's human masters are un-necessary..they will turn. Then we will live in a world of terminators and become batteries for our robot masters. The upshot is we will be jacked into an alternate reality where we can dodge bullets and fly.

Hmm..hard to pick.
Well once skynet become senient and realizes that it's human masters are un-necessary..they will turn. Then we will live in a world of terminators and become batteries for our robot masters. The upshot is we will be jacked into an alternate reality where we can dodge bullets and fly.

Hmm..hard to pick.

UN report wants moratorium on killer robots - "According to the report, the United States, Britain, Israel, South Korea and Japan have developed various types of fully or semi-autonomous weapons."
Robots have already tried to take over America. Fortunately, they failed....for now. :D


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