The road to hell is paved with ...


Gold Member
Nov 17, 2012
... with technology. The only undisputed achievement of the 6000 years of technological advancement is the capability of enslaving things, humans, and animals.

When the Book of Revelations mentions who will not get any salvation, it may very well mean those people who subjugate themselves to the mark of the beast, to avoid dying.

Then they will "live" forever but as eternal slaves, a fitting description of hell.

Much more people would want that eternal "life" than to die sometime in the future.

Your take?
You are all slaves, to the system Rome created to subvert the masses.
The devil was symbolised by the
2 horn scarlet beast because:
horn=power, and Rome (scarlet red being their color). They hid their Political power(horn) behind their religious power (horn)=2 horn system enslaved in a system of doing for the authority in the name of and fear of the image of a man they created.
Setting up their kingdom of death they now get your worldly riches and devotion, submission, for sake of promises in death and thus dying for the king and kingdoms thinking you are rewarded (same scam Radicals tell their dupes).
Enslavement to an idol such as Jesus promising eternal life to all who follow his tall tales is indeed servitude esp to the one who has the key to hell... No technology is needed to enter only. Blind belief for the poisonous Vine....

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