The River and The Wall


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
At 1,759 miles, the Rio Grande is the fourth-largest river in the United States, beginning in Colorado and running down to South Texas where, as you may have heard, it forms the border between the U.S. and Mexico. The River and the Wall focuses on that hotly contested latter stretch, and while the film’s politics are unavoidably front and center, the overwhelming beauty and pristine awesomeness of Big Bend and the Rio Grande Valley on display here make this anti-border wall rallying cry less a polemic than a breathtaking and visually sumptuous travelogue. By film’s end, the obvious question isn’t “why build a wall,” but “How could you?”

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The River and the Wall


Do y'all realize that building a wall will take land from Texans and cede it to Mexico? I guess that is of no import though. What about the water? It'll belong to Mexico.

Some beautiful country

At 1,759 miles, the Rio Grande is the fourth-largest river in the United States, beginning in Colorado and running down to South Texas where, as you may have heard, it forms the border between the U.S. and Mexico. The River and the Wall focuses on that hotly contested latter stretch, and while the film’s politics are unavoidably front and center, the overwhelming beauty and pristine awesomeness of Big Bend and the Rio Grande Valley on display here make this anti-border wall rallying cry less a polemic than a breathtaking and visually sumptuous travelogue. By film’s end, the obvious question isn’t “why build a wall,” but “How could you?”

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The River and the Wall


Do y'all realize that building a wall will take land from Texans and cede it to Mexico? I guess that is of no import though. What about the water? It'll belong to Mexico.

Some beautiful country

Well then, lets start shooting illegals
Smuggling crack across the Rio Grande!

At 1,759 miles, the Rio Grande is the fourth-largest river in the United States, beginning in Colorado and running down to South Texas where, as you may have heard, it forms the border between the U.S. and Mexico. The River and the Wall focuses on that hotly contested latter stretch, and while the film’s politics are unavoidably front and center, the overwhelming beauty and pristine awesomeness of Big Bend and the Rio Grande Valley on display here make this anti-border wall rallying cry less a polemic than a breathtaking and visually sumptuous travelogue. By film’s end, the obvious question isn’t “why build a wall,” but “How could you?”

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The River and the Wall


Do y'all realize that building a wall will take land from Texans and cede it to Mexico? I guess that is of no import though. What about the water? It'll belong to Mexico.

Some beautiful country

Yep, "how can you" has always been the question, hasn't it. That, and the cost and who's going to pay for it.

Of course the larger question is how some voters can waddle through life without asking those questions.
I think that YOU and your ilk will partially pay for the Wall POGO .
If we actually fixed our system, we wouldnt need a wall.
If there was no incentive for illegals, there would be no illegals.
A wall is just to shut up the rubes because both parties love illegals.
I like the WALL simply because it annoys the libs plus gotta annoy the 'mex' and the 'otm' . If the WALL is builts its the only thing that will be done TNHarley .
I like the WALL simply because it annoys the libs plus gotta annoy the 'mex' and the 'otm' . If the WALL is builts its the only thing that will be done TNHarley .
I agree with that pismoe. But it is needless. That is all we can get because washington doesnt want to fix the problem.
NEEDLESS in some peoples Opinion , As I point out that in 1972 USA Census population was 210 million . In 2010 the census population was ABOUT 310 million . I don't like those numbers . My opinion is that no one has a RIGHT to come to the USA and I think that the USA should be shut down to ALL legal importation . Especially the importation of third worlders TNHarley .
and the WALL Messes up a Scenic view and some buggy butterflies and all I can say is SO WHAT . Im more interested in Sovereignty and less third worlders like 'ilham omar' and that 'talib' .
At 1,759 miles, the Rio Grande is the fourth-largest river in the United States, beginning in Colorado and running down to South Texas where, as you may have heard, it forms the border between the U.S. and Mexico. The River and the Wall focuses on that hotly contested latter stretch, and while the film’s politics are unavoidably front and center, the overwhelming beauty and pristine awesomeness of Big Bend and the Rio Grande Valley on display here make this anti-border wall rallying cry less a polemic than a breathtaking and visually sumptuous travelogue. By film’s end, the obvious question isn’t “why build a wall,” but “How could you?”

Home Events Movies

The River and the Wall


Do y'all realize that building a wall will take land from Texans and cede it to Mexico? I guess that is of no import though. What about the water? It'll belong to Mexico.

Some beautiful country

Yep, "how can you" has always been the question, hasn't it. That, and the cost and who's going to pay for it.

Of course the larger question is how some voters can waddle through life without asking those questions.

Yeah, like who pays for welfare with NOTHING to show for it-at least you can strike matches on a wall.
At 1,759 miles, the Rio Grande is the fourth-largest river in the United States, beginning in Colorado and running down to South Texas where, as you may have heard, it forms the border between the U.S. and Mexico. The River and the Wall focuses on that hotly contested latter stretch, and while the film’s politics are unavoidably front and center, the overwhelming beauty and pristine awesomeness of Big Bend and the Rio Grande Valley on display here make this anti-border wall rallying cry less a polemic than a breathtaking and visually sumptuous travelogue. By film’s end, the obvious question isn’t “why build a wall,” but “How could you?”

Home Events Movies

The River and the Wall


Do y'all realize that building a wall will take land from Texans and cede it to Mexico? I guess that is of no import though. What about the water? It'll belong to Mexico.

Some beautiful country

Dont think we need a wall where there are 300 ft cliffs on either side of the river. I doubt there are very many rock climbers in mehico.
As far as water goes there's these things called pumps and stock tanks.
Besides,cattle do extreme damage to the waterway.
They tear up the river banks causing erosion,not to mention they shit and piss in the water causing more damage to the ecosystem.
Save the planet!!!!
I like the WALL simply because it annoys the libs plus gotta annoy the 'mex' and the 'otm' . If the WALL is builts its the only thing that will be done TNHarley .

Interesting. You like the wall because it "annoys" people. 25 billion bucks plus maintenance, so you can watch people being "annoyed". Isn't that special. Always good to know what people's values are. Stay classy.
yep , I think that you will pay and I am happy to see it POGO !!
I like the WALL simply because it annoys the libs plus gotta annoy the 'mex' and the 'otm' . If the WALL is builts its the only thing that will be done TNHarley .

Interesting. You like the wall because it "annoys" people. 25 billion bucks plus maintenance, so you can watch people being "annoyed". Isn't that special. Always good to know what people's values are. Stay classy.
------------------------------ WILL Do , I like annoying third worlders Pogo . I'm sure that some take the WALL as a personal insult and truth that they aren't wanted by a large segment of USA Society Pogo . ------------------- just another POKE in the eye for the third worlder Pogo .
Man has been migrating since he discovered putting one foot in front of the other took him elsewhere.
In fact, many, if not most of our ancestors migrated here (for the record I'm Irish and Osage Indian) to hopefully improve their lot in life- they were welcomed until they weren't- that's after they were shown to not be trustworthy. Not much has changed. As a whole we still aren't, especially the clowns in empty suits who could fix this issue, and people are still coming here to improve their lot in life. A wall is nothing more than symbolic- much like gated communities the empty suits live in- oh, and walls work both ways- they keep people in as well as out- a lot of the proposed land the wall is to be built on has been in families longer than we are old- it also cedes property to Mexico- the wall becomes the border not the river. The river is on Mexico's side of the wall- using pumps to move it to the US would be an international affair.

BTW, a wall was an idea the "Liberals" proposed- before they didn't (when Trump proposes it because Orange man bad, liberals are Saints- except when they ain't)- this whole thing is just one more in an increasingly long list of shit shows for public consumption and the public wallows in every one of them like pigs wallowing in mud- not a pretty picture of the American public-
I read an interesting quote today credited to P.T. Barnum- Nobody ever lost money underestimating the intelligence of the American public- these political forums would be perfect evidence he's right.

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