The Rise and Fall and Rise of Newt Gingrich


Handsome Devil
Feb 10, 2010
In some grass near you
Bob Cesca: The Rise and Fall and Rise of Newt Gingrich

First, a brief review of his past. Gingrich has exemplified the sanctity of marriage by divorcing twice (once sending divorce papers to his wife while she recovered from cancer) and marrying three times. He allegedly cheated on his first two wives with the subsequent wife. In the shadow of various congressional ethics investigations and following the over-the-top impeachment process against President Clinton as well as the dismal Republican showing in the 1998 midterms, Gingrich was forced out as speaker by other Republicans including John Boehner. He subsequently resigned from Congress. His former congressional staff reportedly referred to Gingrich as a "sociopath."

It's also worth noting for the benefit of strict constructionist tea party people who cherish the original intent of the founding documents, that Gingrich isn't too fond of the Constitution when it comes to national security. In late 2006, Gingrich famously repeated the fear-stricken far-right refrain, You can't have a Constitution if you're dead, when he said he'd restrict free speech rights in order to fight terrorism. Recently, Gingrich said he would ignore the Supreme Court on matters of security, thus exceeding the executive powers enumerated in Article II. If you're a tea party member and you claim to be a constructionist, these remarks ought to knock your tri-cornered hat clean off your skull.

Isn't it facked up how Retardplicans still bash Dems over Clinton's cheating and praise Newt as the latest flavor as if he's perfect and great?
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Peppered throughout Gingrich's time as the flavor of the month were bits of the Southern Strategy. Gingrich is a well-known demagogue who, like Lee Atwater and Frank Luntz, is a master of Orwellian language and dog whistles. (In 1994, Gingrich authored a memo for GOPAC titled Language: A Key Mechanism for Control. You might recognize many of Gingrich's suggested words used in Republican talking points even today.) As such, he's been known to pop off very well calculated bursts of subtle race baiting. For example, in May, Gingrich said, "President Obama is the most successful food stamp president in American history." Hmm. Earlier that month, he compared the success of the mostly white Texas with the failure of the mostly black Detroit. There's also that time in late 2010 when Gingrich invoked Birtherism, saying that President Obama has a "Kenyan, anti-colonial worldview." Later, Gingrich expressed support for a Jim Crow style law requiring an American history test before being allowed to register to vote.

There was also the time in early May when Gingrich told the Christian Broadcasting Network that his love of country forced him to do things that "weren't appropriate," and led to his two divorces. Yes, he loved America so much he just couldn't keep his pants on.

On second thought I see why he's the flavor of the month. His flip flops ae well noted.
Liberals worried about Newt and Freddie Mac- nothing more than a smear campaign.. put your money where your fat mouths are:

about Senator Obama’s statement earlier today is he kept bringing up greed on Wall Street. He’s got two economic advisors. One was leading up his vice-presidential selection campaign, Jim Johnson. He used to work at Fannie Mae. He was a top exec at Lehman Brothers. He made tens of millions of dollars. And the Washington Post had reported that Frank Raines made $90 million in six years as the head of Fannie Mae and that he has been an economic advisor for — for Barack Obama.

It isn’t just Fannie Mae where Obama has a problem. Another close political adviser, in fact the one man responsible for rallying support for Obama early on among Congressional Democrats, is Rep. Rahm Emanuel, who served on the Board of Directors for Freddie Mac after leaving the Clinton White House. According to Freddie Mac insiders, Emanuel during his time on the board opposed every reform proposed by the Bush Administration that would have impacted Freddie and Fannie Mae.

Now all of a sudden it becomes an outrage with libs.. No matter Chris Dodd, no matter Barney Franks, no matter Obama, no matter Rahmbo.. Barack Obama – Fannie Mae Lobbyists’ second favorite senator « JuggaMyNuggaWhat?

Fannie and Freddie have also been places for big Washington Democrats to go to work in the semi-private sector and pocket millions. The Clinton administration's White House Budget Director Franklin Raines ran Fannie and collected $50 million. Jamie Gorelick — Clinton Justice Department official — worked for Fannie and took home $26 million. Big Democrat Jim Johnson, recently on Obama's VP search committee, has hauled in millions from his Fannie Mae CEO job.

Read more: Barack Obama's Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Connection | Fox News

If it's a NOW a big deal then your messiah needs to resign as well as all the Clintonites.
Liberals worried about Newt and Freddie Mac- nothing more than a smear campaign.. put your money where your fat mouths are:

about Senator Obama’s statement earlier today is he kept bringing up greed on Wall Street. He’s got two economic advisors. One was leading up his vice-presidential selection campaign, Jim Johnson. He used to work at Fannie Mae. He was a top exec at Lehman Brothers. He made tens of millions of dollars. And the Washington Post had reported that Frank Raines made $90 million in six years as the head of Fannie Mae and that he has been an economic advisor for — for Barack Obama.

It isn’t just Fannie Mae where Obama has a problem. Another close political adviser, in fact the one man responsible for rallying support for Obama early on among Congressional Democrats, is Rep. Rahm Emanuel, who served on the Board of Directors for Freddie Mac after leaving the Clinton White House. According to Freddie Mac insiders, Emanuel during his time on the board opposed every reform proposed by the Bush Administration that would have impacted Freddie and Fannie Mae.

Now all of a sudden it becomes an outrage with libs.. No matter Chris Dodd, no matter Barney Franks, no matter Obama, no matter Rahmbo.. Barack Obama – Fannie Mae Lobbyists’ second favorite senator « JuggaMyNuggaWhat?

Fannie and Freddie have also been places for big Washington Democrats to go to work in the semi-private sector and pocket millions. The Clinton administration's White House Budget Director Franklin Raines ran Fannie and collected $50 million. Jamie Gorelick — Clinton Justice Department official — worked for Fannie and took home $26 million. Big Democrat Jim Johnson, recently on Obama's VP search committee, has hauled in millions from his Fannie Mae CEO job.

Read more: Barack Obama's Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Connection | Fox News

If it's a NOW a big deal then your messiah needs to resign as well as all the Clintonites.

If Obama did the same thing and it was wrong why are you supporting Newt despite him doig the same? Dumbass.

I look forward to seeing Newt's mugshot...
Resign your office Obama.. liberals demand no connection to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae..
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Now Have a Blank Check

Obama gives blank check to Freddie and Fannie. Corruption?

On Christmas Eve, President Obama quietly signed an executive order removing the caps of $200 billion dollars that the Treasury was authorized to spend on each of the two mortgage underwriters. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac now will have access to unlimited Treasury funds through 2012 — this despite the fact that Treasury has so far provided $61 billion to Fannie and $50 billion to Freddie, both formidable sums, but a far cry from the now-abolished $200 billion ceiling.
Intellectual idiot - The Portland Freelancer: Newt Gingrich: An Intellectual Idiot

Serial adulterer - even while impeaching President Clinton - see below

Vietnam draft evader - graduate school deferment (Some deferment - Vietnam War lasted 11 years) - Draft Deferment: Vietnam

Congressional disgrace - Only Speaker of the House to have been disciplined for ethics violations - Newt Gingrich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

High Infidelity

By Steve Benen

But the most notorious of them all is undoubtedly Gingrich, who ran for Congress in 1978 on the slogan, "Let Our Family Represent Your Family." (He was reportedly cheating on his first wife at the time). In 1995, an alleged mistress from that period, Anne Manning, told Vanity Fair's Gail Sheehy: "We had oral sex. He prefers that modus operandi because then he can say, 'I never slept with her.'" Gingrich obtained his first divorce in 1981, after forcing his wife, who had helped put him through graduate school, to haggle over the terms while in the hospital, as she recovered from uterine cancer surgery. In 1999, he was disgraced again, having been caught in an affair with a 33-year-old congressional aide while spearheading the impeachment proceedings against President Clinton.

"High Infidelity" by Steve Benen

Newt Gingrich’s Second Wife Dishes Hard To Esquire: His Money Woes, His Philandering, His Meltdown | TPMMuckraker

Newt Gingrich - SERIAL ADULTERER - SEX ADDICT - Democratic Underground
Oh noes!! Don't look now Barry!!

As I recounted in a Cato Policy Analysis, Fannie and Freddie epitomized the tawdry relationship between businesses that receive special federal breaks and policymakers. Democrats, including Obama’s chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, played a key role in facilitating Fannie and Freddie’s destructive activities. Emanuel, a then recent senior adviser to President Clinton, was appointed by Clinton to Freddie Mac’s board of directors, where he earned $320,000 in compensation and sold company stock worth more than $100,000.

Then there’s the current Office of Management and Budget director, Peter Orszag. In 2002, Fannie Mae commissioned a paper authored by Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz, Jonathan Orszag, and Peter Orszag, who was then at the Brookings Institution. The study concluded that “the probability of default by the GSEs is extremely small.” Oops.

Given the company Obama keeps, it’s not surprising that the administration still hasn’t come up for a plan on what to do with Fannie and Freddie.

The administration has intentionally not incorporated Fannie and Freddie into the federal budget in order to hide the cost to taxpayers. And on Christmas Eve the administration quietly announced that the government would cover all of Fannie and Freddie’s losses beyond the original $400 billion limit through 2012. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the final cost to taxpayers for bailing out Fannie and Freddie will approach that figure, although Wallison calls that projection “optimistic.”

See this essay for more on the problems the federal government

Obama’s Fannie and Freddie Amnesia | Cato @ Liberty
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Now Have a Blank Check

Obama gives blank check to Freddie and Fannie. Corruption?

On Christmas Eve, President Obama quietly signed an executive order removing the caps of $200 billion dollars that the Treasury was authorized to spend on each of the two mortgage underwriters. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac now will have access to unlimited Treasury funds through 2012 — this despite the fact that Treasury has so far provided $61 billion to Fannie and $50 billion to Freddie, both formidable sums, but a far cry from the now-abolished $200 billion ceiling.

Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac phase-out plan due from Obama - Feb. 9, 2011
Vitter Questions Continuing Taxpayer Bailouts for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - Latest Headlines -

Nov 04, 2011 (Congressional Documents and Publications/ContentWorks via COMTEX) -- (Washington, D.C.) - U.S. Sen. David Vitter today made the following statement after reports that Freddie Mac is seeking a $6 billion bailout from U.S. taxpayers to cover its losses in the third financial quarter. Fannie Mae is expected to follow suit next week with another multi-billion-dollar bailout request, and the Federal Housing Finance Agency just approved $12.79 million in bonuses to be paid to 10 Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac executives.

Hmmm, the Federal Housing Finance Agency approved bonuses to Freddie and Fannie execs.. FEDERAL AGENCY, BARRY.. BARRY - FEDERAL AGENCY... Say it ain't so!
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Now Have a Blank Check

Obama gives blank check to Freddie and Fannie. Corruption?

On Christmas Eve, President Obama quietly signed an executive order removing the caps of $200 billion dollars that the Treasury was authorized to spend on each of the two mortgage underwriters. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac now will have access to unlimited Treasury funds through 2012 — this despite the fact that Treasury has so far provided $61 billion to Fannie and $50 billion to Freddie, both formidable sums, but a far cry from the now-abolished $200 billion ceiling.

Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac phase-out plan due from Obama - Feb. 9, 2011

And how is that plan working out? The bonuses were a bit high for such a failing institution, don't ya think. What an inept leader.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Now Have a Blank Check

Obama gives blank check to Freddie and Fannie. Corruption?

On Christmas Eve, President Obama quietly signed an executive order removing the caps of $200 billion dollars that the Treasury was authorized to spend on each of the two mortgage underwriters. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac now will have access to unlimited Treasury funds through 2012 — this despite the fact that Treasury has so far provided $61 billion to Fannie and $50 billion to Freddie, both formidable sums, but a far cry from the now-abolished $200 billion ceiling.

Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac phase-out plan due from Obama - Feb. 9, 2011

And how is that plan working out? The bonuses were a bit high for such a failing institution, don't ya think. What an inept leader.

The government doesn't hand out direct bonuses to shareholders and execs you fucking dumbass, so why blame Obama for corruption?
The Yeshiva World Republican Senator Calls On Obama To Cancel Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Bonuses « » Frum Jewish News

Republican Senator Calls On Obama To Cancel Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Bonuses
(Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011)

“I am calling on the president of the United States to cancel those bonuses and explain to the American people, the taxpayers who bailed out Freddie and Fannie, why he continues to reward failure,” Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., said at a news conference Tuesday.

The two housing giants have received about $141 billion in taxpayer funds since the government took them over in 2008 during the financial crisis.

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Politico first reported the $6.46 million in bonuses for the top five officers at Freddie Mac — including $2.3 million for CEO Charles E. Haldeman Jr., who is stepping down next year — and $6.33 million for Fannie Mae officials, including $2.37 million for CEO Michael Williams, for meeting modest goals.

A second bonus installment for Freddie executives in 2010 has yet to be reported to the Securities and Exchange Commission, Politico reported.

White House aides say the president took a lead on cleaning up excessive compensation on Wall Street with the Dodd-Frank bill, but those provisions do not apply to Fannie and Freddie.

“The White House was not involved and nor should it be,” White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said Tuesday.

But during the 2008 presidential campaign, Obama had a slightly more aggressive view.

“I’ve always said that any action with respect to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac needs to put taxpayers first and can’t under any circumstances bail out shareholders or senior management of that company,” Obama said.

Barry, Barry, Barry.. another campaign LIE..
Isn't it facked up how Retardplicans still bash Dems over Clinton's cheating and praise Newt as the latest flavor as if he's perfect and great?

I think that you are drawing comparisons are fallacious.

Gingrich had marriages that failed after about 20 years. A lot of marriages do. the divorce rate in this country is about 50%.

This is quite different from Clinton, who apparently had no impulse control. The testimony of Juanita Brodderick, Kathleen Willy, Paula Jones (remember when you called all of them liars? I do.) show that he'd hit on them if they wanted it or not. He didn't just have a marriage that didn't work out. He hit on anything female that got within range. Even his own staff made a point of never putting an attractive female in a car with him, lest he try something.

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