The Right-Wing Fringe Threatens the Republican Party

Which right-wing fringe?.....The party is noting but a bunch of squishes, fundies and neocons, none of whom really support anything resemblng what a Taft or Goldwater would do.
You'd disagree with Goldwater, totally. He was a true Libertarian.
Can you at least try to fake knowing what the hell you're talking about.
And just to add to that even though it's kinda OT, the much-hated-by-the-right former President Carter was a sub commander in the Navy.
Lieuitenants don't get commands of submarines, FYI.

Ah crap, you're right! :redface:

Ok, he still served honorably in the Navy under Adm. Rickover, though.
Yes, he did. And, for the record, I don't hate him. I don't hate buffoons; they can't help themselves. And, IMO, he is a buffoon.
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Ahhh...there you go assuming again...Steele was selected for one reason be the lightning rod for the left to focus on....this way the Republicans can field other potential heads/candidates without too much left wing loon vitriol being directed their way. A clever strategy indeed if you choose to apply Sun Tzu's principles of warfare to the political spectrum.

If that's the case, then their "clever strategy" failed. In the age of the Internet, such strategies are always going to fail. People aren't just going to concern themselves with Steele's idiot comments. If any of the others say something stupid, it will be focused on.

Negative. You are just to blinded by hatred to see the roots growing beneath your is always the case with the Democrats....too focused on the distractors...and not on what's important.
It's not exactly head in name only. Considering a group of people considered him the person to be the voice for the party. Like to know what drugs they were doing. :lol:

Ahhh...there you go assuming again...Steele was selected for one reason be the lightning rod for the left to focus on....this way the Republicans can field other potential heads/candidates without too much left wing loon vitriol being directed their way. A clever strategy indeed if you choose to apply Sun Tzu's principles of warfare to the political spectrum.

BHO is an excellent practicioner of the Sun Tzu method of strategy. The GOP never, ever knew what hit them and simply could not hit back effectively. They flailed and failed.

That is exactly what FDR did to the Pubs. And that is what will happen in 2012: another GOP failure.

No he isn't. If he was he would be keeping his enemies closer than his other words...he would be bitch-slapping Pelosi and telling her to give the Republicans what they want in the healthcare bill. This way he has an out. He's playing right into the Republican strategy....being played like a hillbilly fiddle....ha ha ha ha ha ha.

You Starkey....are another one too stupid to keep up.
PubliusInfinitum said:
Toro said:
Dude said:
Mmmmmmmm....The strawman.....I follow now.....

Not in the least. Remember, these criticisms are coming from the right, not the left.

If the Republicans can be painted as people who think Obama is the anti-Christ, they will have a hard time.

These criticisms are not coming from the Right... they're coming from the False Right, OKA: Independent, Moderate, Centrist, Progressives who would have you believe that they are amongst 'the right; thus such is coming from the Left... who are either overtly trying to deceive their audience or who are working from a self-delusion.

Understand that what Toro is projecting here is the the Right is criticising itself, through the suggestion that what it should be: IS LEFT...

No snappy come backs?
Does any one else find it hilariously funny that we're getting lectured about the Fringe from Democrats, a Party that votes with Socialist Bernie Sanders 96% of the time and has a President that spend 20 years in a Fringe Black Separatist Church listening to Rev Wrong talk about Greedy White People and how we deserved 9/11?

Bernie Sanders on his worst day is a 100x smarter than you on your best day.

Shouldn't you be busy planning for when the Government comes to take you and your guns away? :eusa_eh:

Bernie Sanders, Not unlike yourself, is an imbecile... but hey... What Leftist isn't?
PubliusInfinitum said:
Toro said:
Not in the least. Remember, these criticisms are coming from the right, not the left.

If the Republicans can be painted as people who think Obama is the anti-Christ, they will have a hard time.

These criticisms are not coming from the Right... they're coming from the False Right, OKA: Independent, Moderate, Centrist, Progressives who would have you believe that they are amongst 'the right; thus such is coming from the Left... who are either overtly trying to deceive their audience or who are working from a self-delusion.

Understand that what Toro is projecting here is the the Right is criticising itself, through the suggestion that what it should be: IS LEFT...

No snappy come backs?
Actually, Reason magazine is a libertarian publication and a very credible source of information.

Which makes their invocation of the strawman argument a bit of a dissapointment to me.
PubliusInfinitum said:
Toro said:
Not in the least. Remember, these criticisms are coming from the right, not the left.

If the Republicans can be painted as people who think Obama is the anti-Christ, they will have a hard time.

These criticisms are not coming from the Right... they're coming from the False Right, OKA: Independent, Moderate, Centrist, Progressives who would have you believe that they are amongst 'the right; thus such is coming from the Left... who are either overtly trying to deceive their audience or who are working from a self-delusion.

Understand that what Toro is projecting here is the the Right is criticising itself, through the suggestion that what it should be: IS LEFT...

No snappy come backs?

I generally don't pay attention to what you write PI. You should know that by now.

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