The Republicans AREN'T shutting gov't down; ONLY Dems can do that.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I'm baffled at how people can't grasp this.

It's the job of the HOUSE to pass a budget. That includes GOP and Dem members of the House. Thats the consequence of losing the House, which the Dem's did.

So, the JOB of the House is to propose a budget. They did that.

The gov't ONLY shuts down if the DEMOCRAT Senate and White House don't pass it. It's on their lap. If the gov't shuts down, its because the Dem's allowed it to. But the GOP House did it's job and proposed a budget (BTW, it's a 2011 budget that the DEM HOUSE was supposed to pass in 2010 but never did).

So if the Dem's don't like the GOP House budget, guess what? They should've passed it in 2010 LIKE THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO when the House was theirs, as it's the job of the House to do budget.

Dems didn't do that. They waited. GOP took the House. Now the House does budget. House proposed it. Only Dems can allow the gov't to shutdown.
obama's like the kid that waited till sunday night to start a term paper due monday morning... actually, i was that kid too.
but i'm not PRESIDENT....

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I'm baffled at how people can't grasp this.

It's the job of the HOUSE to pass a budget. That includes GOP and Dem members of the House. Thats the consequence of losing the House, which the Dem's did.

So, the JOB of the House is to propose a budget. They did that.

The gov't ONLY shuts down if the DEMOCRAT Senate and White House don't pass it. It's on their lap. If the gov't shuts down, its because the Dem's allowed it to. But the GOP House did it's job and proposed a budget (BTW, it's a 2011 budget that the DEM HOUSE was supposed to pass in 2010 but never did).

So if the Dem's don't like the GOP House budget, guess what? They should've passed it in 2010 LIKE THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO when the House was theirs, as it's the job of the House to do budget.

Dems didn't do that. They waited. GOP took the House. Now the House does budget. House proposed it. Only Dems can allow the gov't to shutdown.

Amazing how nobody seems to care.

Its the job of the MSM's job to tow the line for the Dems and their liberal agenda. So they are going to frame it the way they want. Which is to blame the Repubes.
If the Dems did their job when it was constitutionally required (make and submit a budget every year) we wouldnt be here in the first place.

Great post Buc :clap2:
I'm baffled at how people can't grasp this.

It's the job of the HOUSE to pass a budget. That includes GOP and Dem members of the House. Thats the consequence of losing the House, which the Dem's did.

So, the JOB of the House is to propose a budget. They did that.

The gov't ONLY shuts down if the DEMOCRAT Senate and White House don't pass it. It's on their lap. If the gov't shuts down, its because the Dem's allowed it to. But the GOP House did it's job and proposed a budget (BTW, it's a 2011 budget that the DEM HOUSE was supposed to pass in 2010 but never did).

So if the Dem's don't like the GOP House budget, guess what? They should've passed it in 2010 LIKE THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO when the House was theirs, as it's the job of the House to do budget.

Dems didn't do that. They waited. GOP took the House. Now the House does budget. House proposed it. Only Dems can allow the gov't to shutdown.

Dems are very very good at portraying perception and tapping into your emotional thoughts.
I'm baffled at how people can't grasp this.

It's the job of the HOUSE to pass a budget. That includes GOP and Dem members of the House. Thats the consequence of losing the House, which the Dem's did.

So, the JOB of the House is to propose a budget. They did that.

The gov't ONLY shuts down if the DEMOCRAT Senate and White House don't pass it. It's on their lap. If the gov't shuts down, its because the Dem's allowed it to. But the GOP House did it's job and proposed a budget (BTW, it's a 2011 budget that the DEM HOUSE was supposed to pass in 2010 but never did).

So if the Dem's don't like the GOP House budget, guess what? They should've passed it in 2010 LIKE THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO when the House was theirs, as it's the job of the House to do budget.

Dems didn't do that. They waited. GOP took the House. Now the House does budget. House proposed it. Only Dems can allow the gov't to shutdown.

So democrats should accept whatever the right proposes? No matter how radical and bizarre? Is that what you are saying?
I'm baffled at how people can't grasp this.

It's the job of the HOUSE to pass a budget. That includes GOP and Dem members of the House. Thats the consequence of losing the House, which the Dem's did.

So, the JOB of the House is to propose a budget. They did that.

The gov't ONLY shuts down if the DEMOCRAT Senate and White House don't pass it. It's on their lap. If the gov't shuts down, its because the Dem's allowed it to. But the GOP House did it's job and proposed a budget (BTW, it's a 2011 budget that the DEM HOUSE was supposed to pass in 2010 but never did).

So if the Dem's don't like the GOP House budget, guess what? They should've passed it in 2010 LIKE THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO when the House was theirs, as it's the job of the House to do budget.

Dems didn't do that. They waited. GOP took the House. Now the House does budget. House proposed it. Only Dems can allow the gov't to shutdown.

So democrats should accept whatever the right proposes? No matter how radical and bizarre? Is that what you are saying?

RADICAL? What about extreme?
I'm baffled at how people can't grasp this.

It's the job of the HOUSE to pass a budget. That includes GOP and Dem members of the House. Thats the consequence of losing the House, which the Dem's did.

So, the JOB of the House is to propose a budget. They did that.

The gov't ONLY shuts down if the DEMOCRAT Senate and White House don't pass it. It's on their lap. If the gov't shuts down, its because the Dem's allowed it to. But the GOP House did it's job and proposed a budget (BTW, it's a 2011 budget that the DEM HOUSE was supposed to pass in 2010 but never did).

So if the Dem's don't like the GOP House budget, guess what? They should've passed it in 2010 LIKE THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO when the House was theirs, as it's the job of the House to do budget.

Dems didn't do that. They waited. GOP took the House. Now the House does budget. House proposed it. Only Dems can allow the gov't to shutdown.

Dems are very very good at portraying perception and tapping into your emotional thoughts.[/QUOTE]

Yes they are. The call it the Human Shield tactic and are encouraged by their caucus to use the word, "extreme" every chance they get. They don't want anyone to think of HOW we can afford all that utopia and who will be paying for it. The taxpayers of course. Not the 50% who pay NO taxes....:cuckoo:
I'm baffled at how people can't grasp this.

It's the job of the HOUSE to pass a budget. That includes GOP and Dem members of the House. Thats the consequence of losing the House, which the Dem's did.

So, the JOB of the House is to propose a budget. They did that.

The gov't ONLY shuts down if the DEMOCRAT Senate and White House don't pass it. It's on their lap. If the gov't shuts down, its because the Dem's allowed it to. But the GOP House did it's job and proposed a budget (BTW, it's a 2011 budget that the DEM HOUSE was supposed to pass in 2010 but never did).

So if the Dem's don't like the GOP House budget, guess what? They should've passed it in 2010 LIKE THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO when the House was theirs, as it's the job of the House to do budget.

Dems didn't do that. They waited. GOP took the House. Now the House does budget. House proposed it. Only Dems can allow the gov't to shutdown.

So democrats should accept whatever the right proposes? No matter how radical and bizarre? Is that what you are saying?


What I am saying is that if they DON'T accept it, then THAT is why the government shut down. NOT because the GOP House didn't do it's job. If the gov't shuts down, it's because the Dems did so.

Don't like what the GOP House proposed? Don't lose the house in 2010. But they did. The Dem's forced Obamacare, now they suffer the blowback.

But we must be sure we know the reality of the situation.
I'm baffled at how people can't grasp this.

It's the job of the HOUSE to pass a budget. That includes GOP and Dem members of the House. Thats the consequence of losing the House, which the Dem's did.

So, the JOB of the House is to propose a budget. They did that.

The gov't ONLY shuts down if the DEMOCRAT Senate and White House don't pass it. It's on their lap. If the gov't shuts down, its because the Dem's allowed it to. But the GOP House did it's job and proposed a budget (BTW, it's a 2011 budget that the DEM HOUSE was supposed to pass in 2010 but never did).

So if the Dem's don't like the GOP House budget, guess what? They should've passed it in 2010 LIKE THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO when the House was theirs, as it's the job of the House to do budget.

Dems didn't do that. They waited. GOP took the House. Now the House does budget. House proposed it. Only Dems can allow the gov't to shutdown.

So democrats should accept whatever the right proposes? No matter how radical and bizarre? Is that what you are saying?

RADICAL? What about extreme?

OK, "Radical" AND "extreme".
I'm baffled at how people can't grasp this.

It's the job of the HOUSE to pass a budget. That includes GOP and Dem members of the House. Thats the consequence of losing the House, which the Dem's did.

So, the JOB of the House is to propose a budget. They did that.

The gov't ONLY shuts down if the DEMOCRAT Senate and White House don't pass it. It's on their lap. If the gov't shuts down, its because the Dem's allowed it to. But the GOP House did it's job and proposed a budget (BTW, it's a 2011 budget that the DEM HOUSE was supposed to pass in 2010 but never did).

So if the Dem's don't like the GOP House budget, guess what? They should've passed it in 2010 LIKE THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO when the House was theirs, as it's the job of the House to do budget.

Dems didn't do that. They waited. GOP took the House. Now the House does budget. House proposed it. Only Dems can allow the gov't to shutdown.

So democrats should accept whatever the right proposes? No matter how radical and bizarre? Is that what you are saying?


What I am saying is that if they DON'T accept it, then THAT is why the government shut down. NOT because the GOP House didn't do it's job. If the gov't shuts down, it's because the Dems did so.

Don't like what the GOP House proposed? Don't lose the house in 2010. But they did. The Dem's forced Obamacare, now they suffer the blowback.

But we must be sure we know the reality of the situation.

The American people were angry Democrats didn't clean up Republican's financial mess fast enough, NOT because of the health care bill.

Call it "Obamacare" and Americans didn't like it. Explain what it does and Americans like it. That's because Republicans are so very good at getting a lie across.

Remember when Obama wanted to shut down Guantanamo and Republicans went on the offensive with, "Obama wants to release terrorists onto your city streets"? Even though that was ridiculous, Republicans terrorized Americans into believing that, hammering that lie home over and over again.

Think about the other lies their leadership has told over the last two years. There's so many to choose from. Starting with "Obamacare".
maybe the president is stoned all the time, maybe he bought a new vaporizer and has to "test it out". maybe the weed makes him paranoid so he can't focus... maybe he's trying to remember where he put his birth certificate.
So democrats should accept whatever the right proposes? No matter how radical and bizarre? Is that what you are saying?


What I am saying is that if they DON'T accept it, then THAT is why the government shut down. NOT because the GOP House didn't do it's job. If the gov't shuts down, it's because the Dems did so.

Don't like what the GOP House proposed? Don't lose the house in 2010. But they did. The Dem's forced Obamacare, now they suffer the blowback.

But we must be sure we know the reality of the situation.

The American people were angry Democrats didn't clean up Republican's financial mess fast enough, NOT because of the health care bill.

Call it "Obamacare" and Americans didn't like it. Explain what it does and Americans like it. That's because Republicans are so very good at getting a lie across.

Remember when Obama wanted to shut down Guantanamo and Republicans went on the offensive with, "Obama wants to release terrorists onto your city streets"? Even though that was ridiculous, Republicans terrorized Americans into believing that, hammering that lie home over and over again.

Think about the other lies their leadership has told over the last two years. There's so many to choose from. Starting with "Obamacare".


So you think the people were pissed that Dem's didn't fix the GOP's fuck they decided to give power back to the GOP?

Dude, if you believe that, you're hopeless. The Dem's straight spooked the shit out of people with their radical far left frenzy from 08-10.

I suppose "America" doesn't like Obamacare that much, as every freakin corporation in the country and unions are begging for a waiver, like 40,000 granted!!! If it's so great, why do unions not want in?

And notice that Gitmo didn't close, because, well, they had nowhere to put the ragheads. We were right on that issue. Sorry.
maybe the president is stoned all the time, maybe he bought a new vaporizer and has to "test it out". maybe the weed makes him paranoid so he can't focus... maybe he's trying to remember where he put his birth certificate.
Bush is no longer the president.
So democrats should accept whatever the right proposes? No matter how radical and bizarre? Is that what you are saying?


What I am saying is that if they DON'T accept it, then THAT is why the government shut down. NOT because the GOP House didn't do it's job. If the gov't shuts down, it's because the Dems did so.

Don't like what the GOP House proposed? Don't lose the house in 2010. But they did. The Dem's forced Obamacare, now they suffer the blowback.

But we must be sure we know the reality of the situation.

The American people were angry Democrats didn't clean up Republican's financial mess fast enough, NOT because of the health care bill.

Call it "Obamacare" and Americans didn't like it. Explain what it does and Americans like it. That's because Republicans are so very good at getting a lie across.

Remember when Obama wanted to shut down Guantanamo and Republicans went on the offensive with, "Obama wants to release terrorists onto your city streets"? Even though that was ridiculous, Republicans terrorized Americans into believing that, hammering that lie home over and over again.

Think about the other lies their leadership has told over the last two years. There's so many to choose from. Starting with "Obamacare".

Ah the 'whole rebublicab's mess' when dems have had control for the last what 4 or 5 years? And if I recall correctly it was a BI-partisan measure which would not fund the closing of GTMO. Obama made promises he could not keep.
I'm baffled at how people can't grasp this.

It's the job of the HOUSE to pass a budget. That includes GOP and Dem members of the House. Thats the consequence of losing the House, which the Dem's did.

So, the JOB of the House is to propose a budget. They did that.

The gov't ONLY shuts down if the DEMOCRAT Senate and White House don't pass it. It's on their lap. If the gov't shuts down, its because the Dem's allowed it to. But the GOP House did it's job and proposed a budget (BTW, it's a 2011 budget that the DEM HOUSE was supposed to pass in 2010 but never did).

So if the Dem's don't like the GOP House budget, guess what? They should've passed it in 2010 LIKE THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO when the House was theirs, as it's the job of the House to do budget.

Dems didn't do that. They waited. GOP took the House. Now the House does budget. House proposed it. Only Dems can allow the gov't to shutdown.

Dems are very very good at portraying perception and tapping into your emotional thoughts.

While they remain detached...except when it comes to ELECTION TIME...
So democrats should accept whatever the right proposes? No matter how radical and bizarre? Is that what you are saying?


What I am saying is that if they DON'T accept it, then THAT is why the government shut down. NOT because the GOP House didn't do it's job. If the gov't shuts down, it's because the Dems did so.

Don't like what the GOP House proposed? Don't lose the house in 2010. But they did. The Dem's forced Obamacare, now they suffer the blowback.

But we must be sure we know the reality of the situation.

The American people were angry Democrats didn't clean up Republican's financial mess fast enough, NOT because of the health care bill.

Call it "Obamacare" and Americans didn't like it. Explain what it does and Americans like it. That's because Republicans are so very good at getting a lie across.

Remember when Obama wanted to shut down Guantanamo and Republicans went on the offensive with, "Obama wants to release terrorists onto your city streets"? Even though that was ridiculous, Republicans terrorized Americans into believing that, hammering that lie home over and over again.

Think about the other lies their leadership has told over the last two years. There's so many to choose from. Starting with "Obamacare".

And yet as to OBAMACARE...? The Waivers number over 1,000 doesn't it?

Gee? What's WRONG with this picture? IF it was so grand? WHY the waivers? WHY do the Unions and other that were FOR it FILE for WAIVERS?
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