The Republicans are on the Defensive

With all due respect, Hvactac? This is a video of two of the bigger idiots we have operating right now. Bernie Sanders? Really?
Perhaps you'd like to explain why Obama is now trying to paint Republicans as being an "enemy" of the middle class simply because they are reluctant to keep taking money that should be going to fund Social Security to try and prop up this weak economic recovery?

Of course "Bernie's" answer to that is to have the rich pay for it...but then again...that's Bernie's answer to everything. Funny how even Christina Romer (President Obama's former economic advisor) has come out and said that raising taxes on anyone in a weak economy like this would be a mistake, yet that is the only solution that the Democrats are willing to accept. So even a liberal Keyensian like Romer admits this is awful fiscal policy, yet it's still what's being pushed by the progressives.
I like Bernie, Ed not so much. There is some truth to his statement that republicans are between a rock and a hard place on their billionaires first agenda. They need to kick Grover to the curb and remember who actually votes for them.

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