The Religion of Peace….

I'm not gonna lay down because it's a man, posing as a women, that wants me to shut the fuck up.

Whether it's a man, or a woman, I will say they right thing every time. I am about being righteous.

I don't get fooled by people.
Only a good man knows just how bad he is.

A bad man had no clue.
6. Blood cult…or Religion of Peace?

Oh, yes: an adherent must submit his will to the deity, and if the opportunity arises, give his life for it. Martyrdom and suicide are the expressions of submission; human blood purifies the world, the totalist radical’s desire for perfection.
In Sayyid Qutb’s “In the Shade of the Quran,” a thirty-volume commentary, violent jihad is the method of choice, and this is the inspiration for Muslim warriors worldwide.

“The blood of the enemy renews the identity of the lynch mob…Death is not an instrumentality-like the death of the enemy on the battlefield- it has become an end in itself” Laurent Murawiec, “The Mind of Jihad,” p. 8-9

The following was found in a hand-written ‘killing manual’ in the luggage of Mohammad Atta: “You must make your knife sharp and you must not discomfort your animal during the slaughter.”
Mohammed Atta

Here is the poetry of a British woman....a Muslim....exhibiting her creativity:

"A Poem of Praise to Allah by Samina Malik: How To Behead
Hold him
Tie the arms behind his back
And bandage his legs together
Just by the ankles
Blindfold the punk
So that he won’t hesitate as much
For on seeing the sharp pointy knife
He’ll begin to shake
And continuously scream like an eedyat
And jiggle like a jelly
Trust me, this will sure get you angry
It’s better to have at least two or three brothers by your side
Who can hold the fool
Because as soon as the warm sharp knife
Touches his naked flesh
He’ll come to know what’ll happen
It’s not as messy or as hard as some may think,
It’s all about the flow of the wrist.
No doubt that the punk will twitch and scream
But ignore the donkey’s ass
And continue to slice back and forth
You’ll feel the knife hit the wind and food pipe
But don’t stop
Continue with all your might.
About now you should feel the knife vibrate,
You can feel the warm heat being given off,
But this is due to the friction being caused."
How Are These Women Different?
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Ashura festival sees children left covered in blood as devout Muslims use knives to slice their heads open



Ashura festival sees devout Muslims use knives to slice their heads open
It's a recognition Jones, and one can understand the skull as target:

'In Hegel's phenomenology of spirit, the I first emerges when the desiring subject seeks satisfaction by engaging in a struggle for recognition. The desire that initiates and sustains the development of the subject is not satisfied until the I "is at home with itself in its being other."....The formation of the I as we experience it in psychoanalysis," Lacan argues, "is an experience that leads us to oppose any philosophy directly issuing from the Cogito."....Contrary to Hegel's claim that the I is fully realized (and thus desire satisfied) in complete self-consciousness, Lacan contends that the subject is (always [italics]) incomplete and desire (never [it.]) satisfied. The impossibility of complete self-consciousness implies that "I think where I am not" or, conversely, that I am not where I think.'
(Taylor, Refusal of the bar in Lacan and Theological Discourse)


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