The religion of peace is at it again. Send them all back..


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
At least 17 killed in bomb attack in Somalia capital
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - At least 17 people were killed and 28 others wounded when a bomb went off outside a hotel near the international airport in Somalia's capital Mogadishu on Monday, medical officials said.

The Al Qaeda-linked Islamist group al Shabaab, which is trying to topple Somalia's weak U.N.-backed government, claimed responsibility for the attack.

I really get infuriated with the dimwitted democrats, but I repeat myself, when they call We the People violent then have to resort to some asshole who in 1990's, over 20 years ago bombed a federal building. This Muzzie attack just happened recently, and keeps happening, and with the 4 bitches of Congress, stirring up racial animosity towards normal US citizens, those radical Muzzies, Obama invited into this country (while he bombed innocent men, women and children of the Islamic Faith), could and will attack the US, like they did in Orlando, San Bernardino, Fort Hood, Boston, etc...etc...etc...

Never before has a peaceful people committed so much murder and mayhem....12th century freaks....

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