The Relationship with North Korea will Not Bring Prosperity to the South America.

Jul 28, 2014
We, North Korean Government in Exile, escaped from north korea to seek human freedom at the risk of our life. On behalf of 24million north korean people and defectors around the world, we established temporary government in exile. It will replace 'Kim Jong-un regime' that treat north korean people like a slave.

In the monitoring of current movements in North Korea we found that North Korea tried to improve its relationship with various countries in South America to find a way out of its current economic impasse and the diplomatic isolation. North Korea is working busily to establish an embassy in Venezuela and reconcile the friendly relationship with Cuba of which the long cordial relationship has been hit by the incident of Cheongcheongang Vessel where the MIG 21 parts were found.

Also, North Korea is tenaciously trying to find a new international channel through various occasions, among the countries they hasn’t yet established diplomatic relationship with. However, we are writing this letter to advertise our belief that the relationship with North Korea will not bring prosperity to the South American countries according to what we know about the nature of North Korean regime.

First, think what kind of benefit these countries can get through any type of diplomatic relationship with North Korea, whether it is building a new channel for relationship or establishing the North Korean embassy. As you can acknowledge from the aforementioned incident of Cheongcheongang Vessel many international sanctions were imposed on North Korea including the ones for weapon smuggling and nuclear weapon threatening. Once the embassy has been established in your country North Korean diplomats and workers will enter into your country. These diplomats will abuse their diplomatic privilege to sell illegal products such as the cigars, wines, and drugs through the black market dealings. And it is likely that North Korean workers will commit various types of illegal activities such as robberies and thefts breaking the order of your country. This is an easy prediction to make based on the previous actions of North Korea. Also, it is apparent that Kim Jongun, man of unforeseeable actions, would not act like an ordinary leader in representing his country. Therefore, improving the diplomatic relationship with North Korea, a country which is exposed to international sanctions for nuclear weapon threats and violation of human rights will not help your country in building better international image of your country nor bring any actual profit to your country.

Countries in South America have long history of friendly relationship with Korea. Columbia dispatched its troops to help Korea in the Korean War and Chile and Peru signed FTA with Korean government. And the Korea is currently building relationship with other countries in South America as the size of the international trade gets bigger every year. I think it is more beneficiary for the South American countries to establish friendly relationship with Korea looking at the rising popularity of Korean dramas and K-pop in many South American countries.

Kim Jongun is not spending the money he earns from international trading for the North Korean people. It will all go to his private wallet and developing the nuclear weapons. He has no intention to save the starving people and inhumanly treated prisoners in prison for political crimes. Moreover, he is determined in making nuclear weapon and his weapon is threatening world peace. Kim Jongun is not a proper leader of a nation. The reason why North Korea is dealing to make new diplomatic international channels in South America are because he has nowhere else to go. Accepting their offer in establishing a friendly relationship with North Korea will not help your country. Instead, I hope South American countries will help North Korea so that it can get rid of the disgraceful title of ‘troublesome country.’ Please consider the facts in my letter and make a better decision for your country.

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