The reality check of what Mitt Romney said


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
Now shut the fuck up. We have a failed obama economy to discuss.

[ame=]Reality Check: Is What Mitt Romney Said About the 47% True? - YouTube[/ame]
i dont think you watched the whole video.

he explained why romney's comments were low ball - because the entire 47% are NOT moochers, as Romney implied...........and as the video describes.
i dont think you watched the whole video.

he explained why romney's comments were low ball - because the entire 47% are NOT moochers, as Romney implied...........and as the video describes.

yes I watched it He mention the IRS stats
i dont think you watched the whole video.

he explained why romney's comments were low ball - because the entire 47% are NOT moochers, as Romney implied...........and as the video describes.

yes I watched it He mention the IRS stats

Which should tell you that Romney was wrong for classifying all 47% as hopeless government leeches.

Seniors paid in all their working careers.
Military put their blood on the line, for their Country.
i dont think you watched the whole video.

he explained why romney's comments were low ball - because the entire 47% are NOT moochers, as Romney implied...........and as the video describes.

yes I watched it He mention the IRS stats

And the stats that he mentions did not back up Romney's statements.

Romney really dropped the ball here. If Romney read that quote that was read at the end of the video, nobody would have issues with what he said. Romney just made a really idiotic statement in his video that was released this week.
The reality is that he spoke in sweeping unqualified generalities and showed a striking amount of contempt for nearly half of the people in this country and got a spanking. It does not matter if he was correct in some sense, he was wrong in his shitty attitude and only reinforced his elitist 1% image.
1:31 Says the statement ignores the taxes most Americans are subject to. Then breaks down who the people are that "aren't" paying taxes. The video itself says "true but not the whole story".. I call that deceptive.

The entire "freeloaders?" segment (around 2:00) takes a whopping shit on Romney's statement.

Also of note, most of the states paying the least amount of taxes are GOP states (chart @ 2:56). His own supporters? SMH.

At the end he mops it up, finally getting to the point about bashing Obama on the economy, which doesn't at all take away the fact that Romney's statement was offbase, considering that it included the elderly, veterans, and hard working Americans that don't make enough to pay taxes. The actual figure of Americans who pay no taxes is actually mentioned and it is much, much lower than 47%.

Does this mean you are willing to concede the point that it was a dumb remark to move on?

Also, watch your own videos before posting them.
i dont think you watched the whole video.

he explained why romney's comments were low ball - because the entire 47% are NOT moochers, as Romney implied...........and as the video describes.

yes I watched it He mention the IRS stats

Which should tell you that Romney was wrong for classifying all 47% as hopeless government leeches.

Seniors paid in all their working careers.
Military put their blood on the line, for their Country.

Start listening at 1:15 in the video in 2011 47% of Americans did not pay income taxes.

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