The Real Shirley Sherrod


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
Wow. This is one of the most poignant examples of how the Progressive Left exploits poor blacks for their own profit and political power.

Shirley Sherrod underpaid and exploited poor black on her pig farm.

Imagine farm workers doing back breaking labor in the sweltering sun, sprayed with pesticides and paid less than minimum wage. Imagine the United Farm Workers called in to defend these laborers against such exploitation by management. Now imagine that the farm workers are black children and adults and that the managers are Shirley Sherrod, her husband Rev. Charles Sherrod, and a host of others. But it’s no illusion; this is fact.

... What most of Mrs. Sherrod’s supporters are not aware of is the elitist and anti-black-labor role that she and fellow managers of New Communities Inc. (NCI) played. These individuals under-paid, mistreated and fired black laborers–many of them less than 16 years of age–in the same fields of southwest Georgia where their ancestors suffered under chattel slavery.

... Mrs. Sherrod was a key member of the NCI administrative team, which exploited and abused the workforce in the field. The 6,000-acre New Communities Inc. in Lee County promoted itself during the latter part of the 1960s and throughout the 70s as a land trust committed to improving the lives of the rural black poor. Underneath this facade, the young and old worked long hours with few breaks, the pay averaged sixty-seven cents an hour, fieldwork behind equipment spraying pesticides was commonplace and workers expressing dissatisfaction were fired without recourse.

... Worker protest at New Communities eventually garnered some assistance from the United Farm Workers Union in nearby Florida in the person of one of its most formidable organizers, black State Director, the late Mack Lyons....

Former Shirley Sherrod employee accuses her of exploiting black farm laborers | Washington Examiner

I'm beginning to Hope that the Obama Administration is fomenting Real Change (albeit completely unintentional) - the final Outing and Denouement of the Hypocritical Racial Political Structures that victimize the people they claim to be representing.

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