The Real Reason the U.S. Wants to Overthrow Venezuela

Since 1998, the United States of America has tried to overthrow the government of Venezuela. What threatened the government of the United States since then was the Bolivarian dynamic set in motion by the election of Hugo Chávez as president of Venezuela that year. Chávez won the elections with a mandate from Venezuela’s workers and poor to overhaul the country to tend to their long-neglected needs.

Venezuela, with the world’s largest proven oil reserves, had enriched the U.S.-based oil companies and its own oligarchy. Venezuela’s key oil minister in the early 1960s (and architect of OPEC—the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonso rightly called oil the “devil’s excrement.” It promised so much and delivered so little. Chávez arrived as the embodiment of popular hope. He threatened the oil companies and the oligarchy, which is why the United States tried to overthrow him.

The first attempt at a coup came in 2002, when the United States egged on the military and the oligarchy to overthrow Chávez. They failed. He was supremely popular, the Chavista base eager for change that would improve their lives. They had no faith in the United States or the oligarchy, both of whom had suffocated them for the past century.

Never has the Monroe Doctrine—which the United States invoked to control the American hemisphere—done much good for the millions of people from the southern tip of Argentina to the northern reaches of Canada. It has helped along the big corporations and the oligarchs, but not the ordinary people—the base of the Chavistas.

The residue of that base lined up this Sunday to sign a pledge in public against a new U.S. diplomatic and military intervention, against economic war. What drives the United States to persist in its interventions—diplomatic, economic and military—against the Venezuelan government ?

The Real Reason the U.S. Wants to Overthrow Venezuela

This is nothing new to U.S. foreign policy.
A Century of U.S. Intervention Created the Immigration Crisis
Everything you say may be true but what Venezuela suffers from today is a lethal combination of ideology and authoritarianism. It never really matters what the ideology is or who the strong man is, the results are the same. Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, Khomeini, doesn't matter.
Petrodollar. Can't have major oil producers selling oil in other currency denominations, gold, food, etc. only USD

Stop playing ball? Then you get some freedom shoved directly up your ass

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