The Real Reason the Debt Panel Failed.

The super committe on debt is indicative of the failure of Congress.

Had Congress been truly serious, they'd have appointed 12 macroeconomists to hammer out an agreement.

Those economists, not having to worry about the next election, might have been willing to consider compromises that no DEM or REP can make in this political climate.

So yeah, I'm inclined to agree.

This committee was stillborn.
Newsflash: The Dems put ALL their "sacred cows" on the table.

The Republicans didn't put the Bush Tax Cuts on the table, not ever.

They wouldn't budge.

All the polls have the public blaming Republicans for its failure.

That was probably the stupidiest move of the Obama Presidency..signing an extension to the Bush tax cuts. He should have told them to pound sand and saddled them with cutting benefits for the unemployed.

I understand and agree with your sentiments, as that would have been politically advantageous for him to do. However, you will note that Obama doesn't do things solely for political reasons. He actually considers the people. Had he done that many people would have been hurt. Whether temporarily or not, people would have been dangerously without money. That was something he was not willing to gamble and/or play with over political points.

Partisan blindness.... you need to be treated :eusa_hand:

You all make Obama sound like a "Jesus" figure.... I see him as Judas!

That committee was nothing more than a stage show.

Its always the Rep. that have to compromise, but NEVER the Dems.
The super committe on debt is indicative of the failure of Congress.

Had Congress been truly serious, they'd have appointed 12 macroeconomists to hammer out an agreement.

Those economists, not having to worry about the next election, might have been willing to consider compromises that no DEM or REP can make in this political climate.

So yeah, I'm inclined to agree.

This committee was stillborn.

They would not have needed a "super committee".... Where is such a stupid thing mentioned in The Constitution???
However, you will note that Obama doesn't do things solely for political reasons. He actually considers the people. ridiculous. His ONLY consideration is where the money can be best spent to buy votes!

Folks, throw the bums out is NOT a strategy for reclaiming this country to it's founding principles. Conservatives have already started purging progressives from their ranks. As evidenced by the 48-50 constitutional conservatives sent to Congress in 2010.

We need to throw the bums out, but we can't be so short sighted as to throw out the baby with the bath water.

If the democrats retain ANY control of either House or the Exeutive branch, they will view it as a vote of confidence for their big government, big spending socialist policies and continue shoving our heads in the toilet!

The bums that have to go are PROGRESSIVES from BOTH parties!

Vote SMART...NOT mad!
It Failed because it was Designed to Fail.

Were talking about an issue that goes to the very Core of the Ideological Beliefs of Both sides.

The Democrats do not want to Touch Entitlements. They View them as their Greatest achievements, and untouchable. They want to protect the Entitlements as is, using Large Tax increases on the Rich and Business, and Cuts to Defense.

The Republicans do not want to Raise Taxes on anyone, Especially the Rich and Business. They believe we can not sustain this spending, and that Entitlements must be reformed. They are also Not Big on Defense cuts in what they see as a very Dangerous time.

A panel of 6 Hand Picked Republicans, and 6 Hand Picked Democrats was never going to be able to come to an agreement on something they are so fundamentally Opposed on. Unless there were real major Consequences if they Failed.

The So called Trigger we were told about fails to be a Major Consequence as it does not take effect until 2013, and then only 68billion out of 1.2 Trillion that Year.

Both Sides always knew that they would have essentially 2 Years before any real Major cuts to their Sacred Cows would actually happen.

It was all a big shame. A Shell Game. It's a Punt, was a Punt, will be a punt.

We just passed 15 Trillion in Debt and these silly fuck stains are talking about cuts that are a Loaded to the end of the next 10 Years and start out tiny.

Rome continues to Burn people, But this time our leaders are not playing a Fucking Fidel, No these miserable Fucks are Pouring Fuel on the fire and Dancing around calling each other names.

Every Single Incumbent in Every Election should have their ass handed to them. I don't care who ends up controlling what. we need to shake this shit up.


Jesus it's maddening.

It wasn't designed to fail. There just wasn't any real up side for its success as far as individual house and senate members and both political parties were concerned. They're all more concerned about their own reelection prospects and having an issue on which to base their campaigns than they are about solving the nation's problems. The failure of the committee will allow republicans and democrats to demonize each other yet once again all through the 2012 election year.

The only way (other than taking campaign money out of politics) to get their attention that we expect them to solve problems and not prolong them instead is to defeat everyone who's now up for reelection -- especially the 6 House members of the super committee. Send them back home. I think the next freshman class coming in would get the message just fine. And if they don't, vote them out of office en masse as well.
Obama has once again FAILED. He seems to be incapable of leading.

I see this as a 'bipartisan failure'.... except that it was more of a publicity stunt than anything else. They never had any intention of solving it. Both sides recognize that their bases will not tolerate certain decisions, so now they can both 'blame' the other side. And... they get what they really wanted.... massive - and dangerous - cuts. And when those cuts hurt America, they can blame each other for it. And the sheep will buy that. And so it continues.

Meanwhile, they continue with their lies and destruction of the Republic.

Absolutely it was a Bipartisan Failure. To bad the Dems Buddies in the Media are doing a good Job of Selling the "It's all the GOP's Fault" Narrative.
Newsflash: The Dems put ALL their "sacred cows" on the table.

Simply not true. They were not willing to consider Real Reform to Entitlements. All they were willing to talk about were very Small % cuts, not actually fixing the problem.

why would they talk about bigger cuts when the GOP wouldnt do ANY cuts on their sacred cows?

Only a moron would do something like that. If one is so serious about fixing this issue, you put everything on the table. Otherwise you are a hack and shoutn't even bother being part of the conversation.

It's not about Bigger cuts dude.

The Democrats only want to do little things like Raise the Age Req, and Cuts to How much the Doctors get paid.

Republicans want to Reform the System because the System is Failing and Little Cuts and Tweeks wont Fix it. You can't just keep paying the Doctors less. We already have Millions of Doctors not taking Medicare/Caid Because it often pays Far less than Insurance, not even enough to cover Costs in many cases.

So it's not a matter of Offering Bigger cuts, Democrats need to admit there is a problem and Real Reform has to be made now. No More Punting. They refuse to do that, and are just as unreasonable as Republicans on Taxes or Defense.

The Difference is, and Every Economist on Earth will back me up on this, is that Entitlements are the overwhelming BULK of what drives our Debt and Deficit, and are set to Grow in Cost exponentially. Democrats Railed to us all that the Bush Tax Cuts and 2 wars destroyed our Economy. Well Even if you accept their Estimates as to their cost. It was about 2 Trillion over 10 Years. Entitlements alone DWARF that. Yet they pretend they are not a problem, and are off limits to anything but the most tiny Cosmetic Changes.

Entitlement reform of some kind is a must if we are going to lower the amount we Spend over the next 10 years substantially from the 44 Trillion Projected.
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