The real reason Republicans and the right are against the health care bill

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Health Insurers Pour Money into GOP Campaigns, Hoping to Limit New Regulations -

Money talks I always say. Republican and heavily right leaning people don't care about the people they care only about the insurance companies who have bought them off, lol. Notice it really isn't the millions of the masses are that are discontented its really the insurance companies, we all know what the masses think:

The Associated Press: AP Poll: Many think health overhaul should do more

And we know know what the Republicans want:

"The industry would love to have a Republican Congress," said Wendell Potter, a former executive at Cigna Corp., one of the country's biggest insurers. "They were very, very successful during the years of Republican domination in Washington."


"Insurers in the past have been able to count on the GOP, which often helped shape the market to the industry's specifications.

Republicans expanded Medicare's use of commercial insurance companies to administer benefits, which has been very profitable for insurers
. With the help of GOP legislation, insurers also have increasingly shifted costs to consumers through high-deductible plans.

And Republicans have pushed to allow insurance companies to sell their plans across state lines, avoiding state regulations. Party leaders have made that a centerpiece of their 2011 healthcare agenda."

Basically as we can see, Republicans care more about making the insurance companies more profitable and not the masses that have no access to health care, the accusations of the health care bill being socialist and communist is just a political somkescreen to cover up the obvious.
It's getting old how whitey has to take care of browny
Blacks have been told to call anyone who opposes National Healthcare as "racist". Bass is just obeying orders.

Once a slave, always a slave.
Little flaw in your scenario Bass. How do Republicans get into office to begin with? Voters decide. The voters don't want your horribly written healthcare law. Also, how do you justify Democratic contributions from said health industry sources? What a joke.
While they will deny it, likely even to themselves, the posts by Mad Scientist and Tank directly above are racist comments and suggest both authors are themselves racists.
I'm not suggesting they are sheet wearing racists, I am suggesting their words demonstrate ignorance when modified by "all".
Not all blacks are on welfare
Not all welfare mothers are black
Not all black women are welfare moms.

I hold the conservative blue collar poster in disdain. But never do I suggest they are all stupid - though some clearly are; nor do I suggest that they all live in trailer parks (some clearly live at home with their mom).

What Mad Scientist and Tank do is continue the climate of hate and fear, because they hate and fear. Isn't that what motivates blue collar Republicans - hate and fear? Listen to their mentors - Palin and Gingrich to name only two - what do they offer but hate and fear (of course "greed is good" too)?
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While they will deny it, likely even to themselves, the posts by Mad Scientist and Tank directly above are racist comments and suggest both authors are themselves racists.
I'm not suggesting they are sheet wearing racists, I am suggesting their words demonstrate ignorance when modified by "all".
Not all blacks are on welfae
Not all welfare mothers are black
Not all black women are wellfare moms.

I hold the conservative blue collar poster in disdain. But never do I suggest they are all stupid - though some clearly are; nor do I suggest that they all live in trailer parks (some clearly live at home with their mom).

What Mad Scientist and Tank do is continue the climate of hate and fear, because they hate and fear. Isn't that what motivates blue collar Republicans - hate and fear? Listen to their mentors - Palin and Gingrich to name only two - what do they offer but hate and fear (of course "greed is good" too)?


The cry of ignorant, clueless racists the world over.
Actually insurers SUPPORTED health care reform.
Now that the law has made it an open ended invitation for gov't to demonize the insurers (see, Sibelius, K) they have second thoughts.
All industries want to minimize regulations on them. All government bureaucrats want to maximize their control over the private sector.
Nothing to see here, except Bass being a jackass and mackdaddy.
Little flaw in your scenario Bass. How do Republicans get into office to begin with? Voters decide. The voters don't want your horribly written healthcare law. Also, how do you justify Democratic contributions from said health industry sources? What a joke.

I guess that's the same for the Democratic party as well....? they get in to office and control because "the people" wanted them there....and rejected the Republicans?

Merry go round, it is....
I had to read it again to see where Bass called someone racist. But, I see what Tank and MS are doing. They are just slinging charges of racism to take meaning away from the word and to ignore the actual reporting from actual news agencies.

Sad shit man...really sad shit
Little flaw in your scenario Bass. How do Republicans get into office to begin with? Voters decide. The voters don't want your horribly written healthcare law. Also, how do you justify Democratic contributions from said health industry sources? What a joke.

I guess that's the same for the Democratic party as well....? they get in to office and control because "the people" wanted them there....and rejected the Republicans?

Merry go round, it is....

More like a pendulum...

While they will deny it, likely even to themselves, the posts by Mad Scientist and Tank directly above are racist comments and suggest both authors are themselves racists.
I'm not suggesting they are sheet wearing racists, I am suggesting their words demonstrate ignorance when modified by "all".
Your the only one using the word "all'.
I love that the first two responses are completely racist and void of any actual information to refute the OP. It's a shame that extremists like this get any real attention and slow this country down from being able to better itself and move forward.
While they will deny it, likely even to themselves, the posts by Mad Scientist and Tank directly above are racist comments and suggest both authors are themselves racists.
I'm not suggesting they are sheet wearing racists, I am suggesting their words demonstrate ignorance when modified by "all".
Not all blacks are on welfare
Not all welfare mothers are black
Not all black women are welfare moms.

I hold the conservative blue collar poster in disdain. But never do I suggest they are all stupid - though some clearly are; nor do I suggest that they all live in trailer parks (some clearly live at home with their mom).

What Mad Scientist and Tank do is continue the climate of hate and fear, because they hate and fear. Isn't that what motivates blue collar Republicans - hate and fear? Listen to their mentors - Palin and Gingrich to name only two - what do they offer but hate and fear (of course "greed is good" too)?

How lucky we are to have you to point out racism, particularly to those who are racist and don't even know they are racist. We really should be more grateful that you find the time to dispense your impressive wisdom.
While they will deny it, likely even to themselves, the posts by Mad Scientist and Tank directly above are racist comments and suggest both authors are themselves racists.
I'm not suggesting they are sheet wearing racists, I am suggesting their words demonstrate ignorance when modified by "all".
Not all blacks are on welfare
Not all welfare mothers are black
Not all black women are welfare moms.

I hold the conservative blue collar poster in disdain. But never do I suggest they are all stupid - though some clearly are; nor do I suggest that they all live in trailer parks (some clearly live at home with their mom).

What Mad Scientist and Tank do is continue the climate of hate and fear, because they hate and fear. Isn't that what motivates blue collar Republicans - hate and fear? Listen to their mentors - Palin and Gingrich to name only two - what do they offer but hate and fear (of course "greed is good" too)?

How lucky we are to have you to point out racism, particularly to those who are racist and don't even know they are racist. We really should be more grateful that you find the time to dispense your impressive wisdom.

And how lucky are we that you grace this site with 40 posts a day of "unbiased" opinions and name calling. :cool:
My favorite part of the whole thread is some idiot thinks this is still a healthcare BILL.

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