The Real OWS is Online


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
"The Occupy Wall Street movement, now that it has broadened in scope beyond the financial district of Manhattan to attain a truly national — even global — scale has the potential to lay the groundwork for a new generation of start-ups capable of reshaping the financial system in radically new ways.

"These tech start-ups, while officially unaffiliated with the Occupy Wall Street movement, are nonetheless responding to the unmet needs of these protesters, individuals who feel abandoned by the current financial system.

"The breakout company of the Occupy Wall Street movement thus far has been Palo Alto-based WePay, a start-up largely unknown until the protest movement began September 17.

"Over the past 45 days, WePay has become the de facto official way to send money to the 'Occupy' protesters while simultaneously bypassing the largest financial institutions..."

The real Wall Street occupation is online - Ideas@Innovations - The Washington Post

Finance or Democracy?
Wall Street crime or Participatory economics?
:lol: I just saw WePay's founder and CEO, Bill Clerico, on Bravo's Millionaire Matchmaker, last night!

:razz: Awkward little dude, very reminiscent of Bill Gates.
:lol: I just saw WePay's founder and CEO, Bill Clerico, on Bravo's Millionaire Matchmaker, last night!

:razz: Awkward little dude, very reminiscent of Bill Gates.
"The seeds of a technology-based revolution in finance have been planted.

"We have new intermediaries, new payment mechanisms, new ways of measuring market sentiment, new ways of thinking about macro-economic policy and new ways of modeling market risk. But, still, how far have we really come since the crash of 1987?

"Sure, floor traders at the leading exchanges may have been largely replaced with computerized trading programs, but as Jeremy Irons (playing a fictional Wall Street CEO) notes in the penultimate scene of Margin Call, the same types of players have been at work in the financial system for hundreds of years.

"However, there is one fundamental difference now: Those same 1’s and 0’s that transmit trillions of dollars around the world are the same 1’s and 0’s that can become the basis for a digital revolution in finance."

The real Wall Street occupation is online - Ideas@Innovations - The Washington Post

The technological revolution of finance won't change the moral calculus of those "same types of players who have controlled finance for hundreds of years." If the Wall Street parasites who crashed the global economy in '08 start receiving sentences of twenty-five years to life in federal prisons for their crimes, the world is on its way to an economy that works for 99% of the population at the expense of the greediest 1% instead of what we're living through today.
:) Yes, anyone can utilize this Binary revolution to access ECN's, and partake in the - technological revolution of finance - as an individual...and many will utilize their entrepreneurship, and profit immensely from all ends of the spectrum. The trick is, you have to do it yourself, not wait for others to do it for you.
"If the global financial system is going to change, it will require new thinking about the transparency of a system that has become bloated, Byzantine and quite frankly, too complicated for just about anyone to grasp (even the rocket scientists Wall Street banks routinely hire).

"The recently released movie Margin Call (which can be viewed as a fictionalized account of the fall of Lehman) exposes the problems involved when the only person who seems to know what’s going on is a junior analyst, while the CEO is clueless as to how trillions of dollars of paper circulate around the world.

"A single equation to model risk that nobody remembers or understands suddenly has real-world consequences when it proves to be wrong. When the daily interactions of human traders on a physical trading floor is replaced by computers, how do you know what the market is really thinking?"

The market is thinking exactly what the 1% want it to think.
When will people realize Finance Capitalism has little to do with Industrial Capitalism?

The real Wall Street occupation is online - Ideas@Innovations - The Washington Post
It seems as if the shitters in OWS are gravitating towards shariah financial laws, which was probably the direction their handlers were moving them in all along.

It would be a real hoot to find out that the hands really directing these spontaneous movements were a couple of ayatollahs in Iran.
"To the people of the world,

"We, the Los Angeles General Assembly occupying City Hall Park in Downtown Los Angeles urge you to assert your power.

"Exercise your right to peaceably assemble; occupy public space; create a process to address the problems we face, and generate solutions accessible to everyone.

"To all communities that take action and form groups in the spirit of direct democracy, we offer support, documentation, and all of the resources at our disposal.

"Join us and make your voices heard!"

Declaration of Occupation | Occupy Los Angeles
"To the people of the world,

"We, the Los Angeles General Assembly occupying City Hall Park in Downtown Los Angeles urge you to assert your power.

"Exercise your right to peaceably assemble; occupy public space; create a process to address the problems we face, and generate solutions accessible to everyone.

"To all communities that take action and form groups in the spirit of direct democracy, we offer support, documentation, and all of the resources at our disposal.

"Join us and make your voices heard!"

Declaration of Occupation | Occupy Los Angeles


People of the world?

What? Join a love train, love train?

It seems as if the shitters in OWS are gravitating towards shariah financial laws, which was probably the direction their handlers were moving them in all along.

It would be a real hoot to find out that the hands really directing these spontaneous movements were a couple of ayatollahs in Iran.

Do you work for a bank?
"To the people of the world,

"We, the Los Angeles General Assembly occupying City Hall Park in Downtown Los Angeles urge you to assert your power.

"Exercise your right to peaceably assemble; occupy public space; create a process to address the problems we face, and generate solutions accessible to everyone.

"To all communities that take action and form groups in the spirit of direct democracy, we offer support, documentation, and all of the resources at our disposal.

"Join us and make your voices heard!"

Declaration of Occupation | Occupy Los Angeles


People of the world?

What? Join a love train, love train?

A partial list of grievances:

"They have taken our houses through an illegal foreclosure process, despite not having the original mortgage.
"They have taken bailouts from taxpayers with impunity, and continue to give Executives exorbitant bonuses.
"They have perpetuated inequality and discrimination in the workplace based on age, the color of one’s skin, sex, gender identity and sexual orientation.
They have poisoned the food supply through negligence, and undermined the farming system through monopolization.."

Not that you care.

Declaration of Occupation | Occupy Los Angeles
It will be interesting to see how far this goes. The digital revolution, if taken to its ultimate capabilities, could very easily revolutionize the global financial system to the extent that all secrecy and consequent scheming by Wall Street big shots (indeed, even Wall Street big shots themselves) may become a thing of the past.

I know, I'm a dreamer, but the technology certainly exists. After all, what is banking and financing anymore but high speed arithmetic? Paper and coin is a thing of the past. Security is maintained through cybervaults in cyberspace. Credit scores and loan approval can be determined at light speed. We are only a few platforms away from market analysis having any need for human input, save turning on a computer. Soon anyone with internet access will be a Warren Buffett, so long as all information on publically traded companies is diseminated openly and democratically.
When has all information on publicly traded companies ever been disseminated openly and democratically? I would suggest that Warren Buffett and his ilk are unscrupulous rent-seekers and will only be deterred by the white-collar equivalents of three strikes laws. It doesn't seem likely to me those laws will ever come into existence in a political system controlled by the richest 1%.

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