The real history of LBJ and Race, Goebbles would be proud


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." -- Josef Goebbles

"Democrats are unwavering in our support of equal opportunity for all Americans. That’s why we’ve worked to pass every one of our nation’s Civil Rights laws..." --

I keep getting challenged to back up the LBJ quotes in my sign line and even though Ive done so repeatedly (I still get no credit for leaving out LBJ's "uppity Negroes" quote), I thought now would be a good time to once and for all lance the stinking boil of Democrat lies around Civil Right Hero LBJ.

In short, LBJ was as racist, always was, always will be. He was Senate Majority Leader when President Eisenhower put forth a Civil Rights Bill and Voting Rights Bill and send in the 82nd Airborne to Little Rock to make the Democrat Governor comply with integrating the public schools.

LBJ knew that the South could not keep blacks down forever and that should the Republicans be successful in pursuing the passage of Civil Rights and Voting Rights, Dems would lose the black vote forever.

Again, in order to break the racist ways of Southern Democrats, it was Republican President Eisenhower who sponsored both Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act and it was LBJ lead Senate who fought tooth and nail against them. Ike finally signed a watered down Civil Rights Bill. Yes, let me repeat that, Republican President Dwight Eisenhower sponsored and signed the first Civil Rights Bill. Did you know that?

"Civil rights became a critical concern during Eisenhower’s administration. In 1954 the Supreme Court ruled that racial segregation in public schools was unconstitutional, but the decision was not universally accepted. The people of the South resisted, and racial tensions mounted. In 1957 the governor of Arkansas ordered National Guard troops to prevent a group of African-American students from enrolling at an all-white high school in Little Rock. Eisenhower was forced to send federal troops to escort the new students to school. Eisenhower also proposed and signed the Civil Rights Act of 1957, which was intended to guarantee the voting rights of all African Americans. This was the first civil rights legislation to pass since Reconstruction. It was followed by the Civil Rights Act of 1960, which was an attempt to further strengthen voting rights by mandating federal inspection of local voter registration polls."

Dwight D. Eisenhower (Ike)

When he became President after participating as a co-conspirator in the assassination of JFK, LBJ had a chance to co-opt the Civil Rights Legislation as his very own, knowing full well he was trading the white votes in the South for the black votes throughout the nation. Eisenhower would have only lost the white votes in the South which was solid Democrat KKK Country anyway.

"This civil rights program about which you have heard so much is a farce and a sham--an effort to set up a police state in the guise of liberty. I am opposed to that program. I fought it in the Congress. It is the province of the state to run its own elections. I am opposed to the anti-lynching bill because the Federal Government has no business enacting a law against one kind of murder than another...(And) if a man can tell you who you must hire, he can tell you who not to employ. I have met this head on." Austin, Texas May 22, 1948 quoted in Quotations from Chairman LBJ, Simon and Schuster, NY 1968

"...LBJ biographer Robert Caro notes that prior to 1957, Johnson “had never supported civil rights legislation—any civil rights legislation,” including anti-lynching legislation. His private behavior toward blacks was appalling. Robert Parker, LBJ’s longtime black employee and limousine chauffeur, claims that Johsnon blasted him daily with a blizzard of bigoted slurs. And even as LBJ was being praised by liberals for his appointment of Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court, behind closed doors LBJ’s cynical brand of “identity politics” became clear. As presidential historian Robert Dallek recounts, LBJ explained his decision to a staff member by saying, “"Son, when I appoint a ****** to the court, I want everyone to know he's a ******."

"The Unknown History of Civil Rights" - Wynton Hall, Hoover Institution

The LBJ "voting against anti lynching" quote is found in several place including the Senate record and his campaign speeches.

"I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years." -- Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One Ronald Kessler's "Inside The White House"

"These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.” -- LBJ

Some more interesting reading here:

and here

Quotes From Democrats On Race & Anti-Semitism - Right Wing News (Conservative News and Views)
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"When he became President after participating as a co-conspirator in the assassination of JFK..."

That's where I stopped reading.

So where did the "I Dare you to back up those quotes, CF!" Brigade disappear to?

What a shocker, LBJ a racist.

What next, FDR sucked and oversaw one of the worst economies in human history?
And yet LBJ is still a racist.

I derailed my own thread by stating the painfully obvious with respect to JFK, RFK, MLK and MX, but oh well.

And one day, people are going to realize that Martin Luther King and Malcolm X were political assassinations to keep the uppity down.
"When he became President after participating as a co-conspirator in the assassination of JFK..."

That's where I stopped reading.

Good choice I think. I was always curious about how the CIA supposedly killed JFK because of how he abandoned the guys at the Bay of Pigs. Yet after they kill him, they don't invade Cuba...seems like a lot of work to go through--killing a President and then not invading Cuba.
"When he became President after participating as a co-conspirator in the assassination of JFK..."

That's where I stopped reading.

Good choice I think. I was always curious about how the CIA supposedly killed JFK because of how he abandoned the guys at the Bay of Pigs. Yet after they kill him, they don't invade Cuba...seems like a lot of work to go through--killing a President and then not invading Cuba.

And they don't whack Castro either, how hard could that be?
The real killers (as in opposition to 'unreal' killers?) of JFK were the Vietnamese supporters of the Diem brothers who were murdered several weeks earlier. The Vietnamese believed JFK had betrayed the Diems. They were right.
"When he became President after participating as a co-conspirator in the assassination of JFK..."

That's where I stopped reading.

someone in denial that does not want to see the evidence.Him and Dick Nixon both were involved.Dick even much more so involved.Since world net troll candy corn troll boy replied its not true,its true.
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"When he became President after participating as a co-conspirator in the assassination of JFK..."

That's where I stopped reading.

JKF, RFK, MLK and Malcolm X.

All assassinated by the CIA and covered up by J Edgar Hoovers FBI.Must have been why LBJ was such good buddies with fellow racist J Edgar Hoover.Dick Nixon must have been as well since he was very good buddies with Hoover as also and with Johnson.LBJ and Nixon had a friendship that went way back to the 50's and LBj was neighbors with Hoover.
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LBJ, like many Southerners, learned to change by the early 1950s. Check and see when he ended the race restriction covenant on his property deeds. Long before 1963, 4, 5. But I love guys like Ep above, because they make correcting them so easy.
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." -- Josef Goebbles

"Democrats are unwavering in our support of equal opportunity for all Americans. That’s why we’ve worked to pass every one of our nation’s Civil Rights laws..." --

I keep getting challenged to back up the LBJ quotes in my sign line and even though Ive done so repeatedly (I still get no credit for leaving out LBJ's "uppity Negroes" quote), I thought now would be a good time to once and for all lance the stinking boil of Democrat lies around Civil Right Hero LBJ.

In short, LBJ was as racist, always was, always will be. He was Senate Majority Leader when President Eisenhower put forth a Civil Rights Bill and Voting Rights Bill and send in the 82nd Airborne to Little Rock to make the Democrat Governor comply with integrating the public schools.

LBJ knew that the South could not keep blacks down forever and that should the Republicans be successful in pursuing the passage of Civil Rights and Voting Rights, Dems would lose the black vote forever.

Again, in order to break the racist ways of Southern Democrats, it was Republican President Eisenhower who sponsored both Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act and it was LBJ lead Senate who fought tooth and nail against them. Ike finally signed a watered down Civil Rights Bill. Yes, let me repeat that, Republican President Dwight Eisenhower sponsored and signed the first Civil Rights Bill. Did you know that?

"Civil rights became a critical concern during Eisenhower’s administration. In 1954 the Supreme Court ruled that racial segregation in public schools was unconstitutional, but the decision was not universally accepted. The people of the South resisted, and racial tensions mounted. In 1957 the governor of Arkansas ordered National Guard troops to prevent a group of African-American students from enrolling at an all-white high school in Little Rock. Eisenhower was forced to send federal troops to escort the new students to school. Eisenhower also proposed and signed the Civil Rights Act of 1957, which was intended to guarantee the voting rights of all African Americans. This was the first civil rights legislation to pass since Reconstruction. It was followed by the Civil Rights Act of 1960, which was an attempt to further strengthen voting rights by mandating federal inspection of local voter registration polls."

Dwight D. Eisenhower (Ike)

When he became President after participating as a co-conspirator in the assassination of JFK, LBJ had a chance to co-opt the Civil Rights Legislation as his very own, knowing full well he was trading the white votes in the South for the black votes throughout the nation. Eisenhower would have only lost the white votes in the South which was solid Democrat KKK Country anyway.

"This civil rights program about which you have heard so much is a farce and a sham--an effort to set up a police state in the guise of liberty. I am opposed to that program. I fought it in the Congress. It is the province of the state to run its own elections. I am opposed to the anti-lynching bill because the Federal Government has no business enacting a law against one kind of murder than another...(And) if a man can tell you who you must hire, he can tell you who not to employ. I have met this head on." Austin, Texas May 22, 1948 quoted in Quotations from Chairman LBJ, Simon and Schuster, NY 1968

"...LBJ biographer Robert Caro notes that prior to 1957, Johnson “had never supported civil rights legislation—any civil rights legislation,” including anti-lynching legislation. His private behavior toward blacks was appalling. Robert Parker, LBJ’s longtime black employee and limousine chauffeur, claims that Johsnon blasted him daily with a blizzard of bigoted slurs. And even as LBJ was being praised by liberals for his appointment of Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court, behind closed doors LBJ’s cynical brand of “identity politics” became clear. As presidential historian Robert Dallek recounts, LBJ explained his decision to a staff member by saying, “"Son, when I appoint a ****** to the court, I want everyone to know he's a ******."

"The Unknown History of Civil Rights" - Wynton Hall, Hoover Institution

The LBJ "voting against anti lynching" quote is found in several place including the Senate record and his campaign speeches.

"I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years." -- Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One Ronald Kessler's "Inside The White House"

"These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.” -- LBJ

Some more interesting reading here:

and here

Quotes From Democrats On Race & Anti-Semitism - Right Wing News (Conservative News and Views)

What el BJ Sycophant Moved this Thread?... :lol:



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