Republicans believed Juanita Broaddrick. The new rape allegation against Trump is more credible.


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Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Just as Hannity revealed republican hypocrisy with his opinion when Pelosi said she wanted to see Trump put in jail, the story of Trump and E. Jean Carrol once again displays the double standards republicans live by.

Republicans believed Juanita Broaddrick. The new rape allegation against Trump is more credible.

“Thank you very much for coming. These four very courageous women have asked to be here and it was our honor to help them. And I think they’re each going to make just an individual, short statement. And then will do a little meeting, and we will see you at the debate.”

With those words, candidate Donald Trump kicked off a news conference just hours before the second presidential debate on Oct. 9, 2016. The brainchild of Stephen K. Bannon, Trump’s campaign chief, the gathering was an effort to blunt the impact of the now-notorious “Access Hollywood” tape, unearthed two days before, on which Trump had boasted of grabbing women by their genitals and doing “anything” to them that he liked.

Sitting with Trump were four women, three of whom claimed to have been subjected to Bill Clinton’s unwelcome sexual advances. One, in particular, was sitting just to Trump’s right.

Her name was Juanita Broaddrick. And she made an accusation of criminal sexual assault.

But today there’s another woman with a similar allegation, against a different powerful man. Her name is E. Jean Carroll.

She, too, says that she was raped — by Donald Trump.

She, too, tells a story about how she was alone with a man. How in 1995 or 1996 that man, Trump, allegedly forced himself upon her. How she tried to fight back. How she tried to push him away and tried to stomp on his foot. How he penetrated her. How she ran out the door. How she told friends. How she didn’t tell the police. Trump also denied the accusations, calling them “fake news” and adding, “She is trying to sell a new book — that should indicate her motivation. It should be sold in the fiction section.”

But Trump called Broaddrick “courageous,” and if Broaddrick was courageous, then certainly Carroll is as well. For Carroll’s story is at least as compelling as Broaddrick’s — if not more so.

And that is because Carroll’s claim, for a number of reasons, actually rests upon a significantly stronger foundation than Broaddrick’s.

For one thing, before she went public with her story, Broaddrick had repeatedly denied that Clinton had assaulted her, even under oath: In an affidavit she had submitted in Paula Jones’s sexual harassment case against Clinton, Broaddrick had sworn that the allegations “that Mr. Clinton had made unwelcome sexual advances toward me in the late seventies … are untrue,” that the press had previously sought “corroboration of these tales,” but that she had “repeatedly denied the allegations.” (Disclosure: I provided behind-the-scenes pro bono legal assistance to Jones’s lawyers.)

For another, Carroll’s account is supported by the sheer number of claims that have now surfaced against Trump — claims in which women have accused Trump of engaging in unwelcome or forcible sexual conduct or assault against them. These claims — all denied by the president — far outnumber the publicized sexual misconduct incidents that involved Clinton, which mostly concerned rumors or allegations of consensual affairs.

And as if to bring things full circle, Carroll’s account is also of course supported by Trump’s depraved remarks on the “Access Hollywood” video, of which there was simply no equivalent in Broaddrick’s case. Whatever else he may have done, Clinton never made a video like that. What Trump described on the video is exactly what Carroll says he did to her.

Finally, no controversy involving Trump would be complete without at least one utterly brazen, easily disprovable Trumpian lie. In his statement denying the rape allegation, he added the claim that “I’ve never met this person in my life.”

If Trump had even bothered to glance at Carroll’s published account, he would have seen a photograph of himself and his then-wife, Ivana, from 1987 ― in which he was amiably chatting with Carroll and her then-husband. By making the absurd and mendacious assertion that he never even met Carroll, Trump utterly annihilates the credibility of his claim that he didn’t assault her.

Republicans or conservatives who promoted Broaddrick’s charges would be hypocritical if they fail to champion Carroll and condemn Trump.

Opinions | Republicans believed Juanita Broaddrick. The new rape allegation against Trump is more credible.
LOL, she can not remember the year, the month or the day it supposedly happened. Anyone Raped would have that date seered in their brain. As for a picture from 1987? Really? Do you remember who you talked to in 1987?
Just as Hannity revealed republican hypocrisy with his opinion when Pelosi said she wanted to see Trump put in jail, the story of Trump and E. Jean Carrol once again displays the double standards republicans live by.

Republicans believed Juanita Broaddrick. The new rape allegation against Trump is more credible.

“Thank you very much for coming. These four very courageous women have asked to be here and it was our honor to help them. And I think they’re each going to make just an individual, short statement. And then will do a little meeting, and we will see you at the debate.”

With those words, candidate Donald Trump kicked off a news conference just hours before the second presidential debate on Oct. 9, 2016. The brainchild of Stephen K. Bannon, Trump’s campaign chief, the gathering was an effort to blunt the impact of the now-notorious “Access Hollywood” tape, unearthed two days before, on which Trump had boasted of grabbing women by their genitals and doing “anything” to them that he liked.

Sitting with Trump were four women, three of whom claimed to have been subjected to Bill Clinton’s unwelcome sexual advances. One, in particular, was sitting just to Trump’s right.

Her name was Juanita Broaddrick. And she made an accusation of criminal sexual assault.

But today there’s another woman with a similar allegation, against a different powerful man. Her name is E. Jean Carroll.

She, too, says that she was raped — by Donald Trump.

She, too, tells a story about how she was alone with a man. How in 1995 or 1996 that man, Trump, allegedly forced himself upon her. How she tried to fight back. How she tried to push him away and tried to stomp on his foot. How he penetrated her. How she ran out the door. How she told friends. How she didn’t tell the police. Trump also denied the accusations, calling them “fake news” and adding, “She is trying to sell a new book — that should indicate her motivation. It should be sold in the fiction section.”

But Trump called Broaddrick “courageous,” and if Broaddrick was courageous, then certainly Carroll is as well. For Carroll’s story is at least as compelling as Broaddrick’s — if not more so.

And that is because Carroll’s claim, for a number of reasons, actually rests upon a significantly stronger foundation than Broaddrick’s.

For one thing, before she went public with her story, Broaddrick had repeatedly denied that Clinton had assaulted her, even under oath: In an affidavit she had submitted in Paula Jones’s sexual harassment case against Clinton, Broaddrick had sworn that the allegations “that Mr. Clinton had made unwelcome sexual advances toward me in the late seventies … are untrue,” that the press had previously sought “corroboration of these tales,” but that she had “repeatedly denied the allegations.” (Disclosure: I provided behind-the-scenes pro bono legal assistance to Jones’s lawyers.)

For another, Carroll’s account is supported by the sheer number of claims that have now surfaced against Trump — claims in which women have accused Trump of engaging in unwelcome or forcible sexual conduct or assault against them. These claims — all denied by the president — far outnumber the publicized sexual misconduct incidents that involved Clinton, which mostly concerned rumors or allegations of consensual affairs.

And as if to bring things full circle, Carroll’s account is also of course supported by Trump’s depraved remarks on the “Access Hollywood” video, of which there was simply no equivalent in Broaddrick’s case. Whatever else he may have done, Clinton never made a video like that. What Trump described on the video is exactly what Carroll says he did to her.

Finally, no controversy involving Trump would be complete without at least one utterly brazen, easily disprovable Trumpian lie. In his statement denying the rape allegation, he added the claim that “I’ve never met this person in my life.”

If Trump had even bothered to glance at Carroll’s published account, he would have seen a photograph of himself and his then-wife, Ivana, from 1987 ― in which he was amiably chatting with Carroll and her then-husband. By making the absurd and mendacious assertion that he never even met Carroll, Trump utterly annihilates the credibility of his claim that he didn’t assault her.

Republicans or conservatives who promoted Broaddrick’s charges would be hypocritical if they fail to champion Carroll and condemn Trump.

Opinions | Republicans believed Juanita Broaddrick. The new rape allegation against Trump is more credible.

Trump is a serial sexual predator. He even fantasizes about his own daughter. He needs to be put away. Will historians rank him as the first "rapist" president?
Just as Hannity revealed republican hypocrisy with his opinion when Pelosi said she wanted to see Trump put in jail, the story of Trump and E. Jean Carrol once again displays the double standards republicans live by.

Republicans believed Juanita Broaddrick. The new rape allegation against Trump is more credible.

“Thank you very much for coming. These four very courageous women have asked to be here and it was our honor to help them. And I think they’re each going to make just an individual, short statement. And then will do a little meeting, and we will see you at the debate.”

With those words, candidate Donald Trump kicked off a news conference just hours before the second presidential debate on Oct. 9, 2016. The brainchild of Stephen K. Bannon, Trump’s campaign chief, the gathering was an effort to blunt the impact of the now-notorious “Access Hollywood” tape, unearthed two days before, on which Trump had boasted of grabbing women by their genitals and doing “anything” to them that he liked.

Sitting with Trump were four women, three of whom claimed to have been subjected to Bill Clinton’s unwelcome sexual advances. One, in particular, was sitting just to Trump’s right.

Her name was Juanita Broaddrick. And she made an accusation of criminal sexual assault.

But today there’s another woman with a similar allegation, against a different powerful man. Her name is E. Jean Carroll.

She, too, says that she was raped — by Donald Trump.

She, too, tells a story about how she was alone with a man. How in 1995 or 1996 that man, Trump, allegedly forced himself upon her. How she tried to fight back. How she tried to push him away and tried to stomp on his foot. How he penetrated her. How she ran out the door. How she told friends. How she didn’t tell the police. Trump also denied the accusations, calling them “fake news” and adding, “She is trying to sell a new book — that should indicate her motivation. It should be sold in the fiction section.”

But Trump called Broaddrick “courageous,” and if Broaddrick was courageous, then certainly Carroll is as well. For Carroll’s story is at least as compelling as Broaddrick’s — if not more so.

And that is because Carroll’s claim, for a number of reasons, actually rests upon a significantly stronger foundation than Broaddrick’s.

For one thing, before she went public with her story, Broaddrick had repeatedly denied that Clinton had assaulted her, even under oath: In an affidavit she had submitted in Paula Jones’s sexual harassment case against Clinton, Broaddrick had sworn that the allegations “that Mr. Clinton had made unwelcome sexual advances toward me in the late seventies … are untrue,” that the press had previously sought “corroboration of these tales,” but that she had “repeatedly denied the allegations.” (Disclosure: I provided behind-the-scenes pro bono legal assistance to Jones’s lawyers.)

For another, Carroll’s account is supported by the sheer number of claims that have now surfaced against Trump — claims in which women have accused Trump of engaging in unwelcome or forcible sexual conduct or assault against them. These claims — all denied by the president — far outnumber the publicized sexual misconduct incidents that involved Clinton, which mostly concerned rumors or allegations of consensual affairs.

And as if to bring things full circle, Carroll’s account is also of course supported by Trump’s depraved remarks on the “Access Hollywood” video, of which there was simply no equivalent in Broaddrick’s case. Whatever else he may have done, Clinton never made a video like that. What Trump described on the video is exactly what Carroll says he did to her.

Finally, no controversy involving Trump would be complete without at least one utterly brazen, easily disprovable Trumpian lie. In his statement denying the rape allegation, he added the claim that “I’ve never met this person in my life.”

If Trump had even bothered to glance at Carroll’s published account, he would have seen a photograph of himself and his then-wife, Ivana, from 1987 ― in which he was amiably chatting with Carroll and her then-husband. By making the absurd and mendacious assertion that he never even met Carroll, Trump utterly annihilates the credibility of his claim that he didn’t assault her.

Republicans or conservatives who promoted Broaddrick’s charges would be hypocritical if they fail to champion Carroll and condemn Trump.

Opinions | Republicans believed Juanita Broaddrick. The new rape allegation against Trump is more credible.
This skank is even less credible than the one at the Kavanaugh show trial, ... I mean confirmation hearing.
Trump is a serial sexual predator. He even fantasizes about his own daughter. He needs to be put away. Will historians rank him as the first "rapist" president?
Dude, you're ignorant as hell. People like you only listen to a sound bite or read the headline of a news article and think you know the whole thing.

Trump cracked a joke on television about how he was proud he had an attractive daughter and that he dated younger women and retarded liberals twist that into "he fantasized about his own daughter." Christ almighty.
Trump is a serial sexual predator. He even fantasizes about his own daughter. He needs to be put away. Will historians rank him as the first "rapist" president?
Dude, you're ignorant as hell. People like you only listen to a sound bite or read the headline of a news article and think you know the whole thing.

Trump cracked a joke on television about how he was proud he had an attractive daughter and that he dated younger women and retarded liberals twist that into "he fantasized about his own daughter." Christ almighty.

Every fucked up comment Trump makes, you idiots play off as a joke. I've never heard any other father say if she weren't my daughter, I'd date her. And I know some guys who have daughters that make that Trump girl look like something you find on the bottom of your shoe after walking in a pasture.
LOL, she can not remember the year, the month or the day it supposedly happened. Anyone Raped would have that date seered in their brain. As for a picture from 1987? Really? Do you remember who you talked to in 1987?
How would you know? Have you been raped? I would think a person would do their best to forget about such a thing ever happening to them.

But like the OP says, the same things you are saying here doesn't apply to Broaderick, or does it?
Unfortunately, you can't believe, out of hand, anything that is connected in any way to politics any more.

This is what happens when both tribes enable and advance blatant intellectual dishonesty and hate.

Our wingers are killing us.
Both tribes really aren't the problem.
Unfortunately, you can't believe, out of hand, anything that is connected in any way to politics any more. This is what happens when both tribes enable and advance blatant intellectual dishonesty and hate. Our wingers are killing us.
Both tribes really aren't the problem.
I know. It's the "other" tribe.

A perfect illustration of the problem.
Unfortunately, you can't believe, out of hand, anything that is connected in any way to politics any more.

This is what happens when both tribes enable and advance blatant intellectual dishonesty and hate.

Our wingers are killing us.
Both tribes really aren't the problem.

Extremists from any group ARE the problem.

You can't recognize that fact because you are an extremist.
Just as Hannity revealed republican hypocrisy with his opinion when Pelosi said she wanted to see Trump put in jail, the story of Trump and E. Jean Carrol once again displays the double standards republicans live by.

Republicans believed Juanita Broaddrick. The new rape allegation against Trump is more credible.....e.

Then take it up with the media and the professional lefty activist who have spent the last three years convincing US that any and all such allegations are political bullshit.

Cause you don't even get a listen anymore.
Unfortunately, you can't believe, out of hand, anything that is connected in any way to politics any more.

This is what happens when both tribes enable and advance blatant intellectual dishonesty and hate.

Our wingers are killing us.
Both tribes really aren't the problem.

Extremists from any group ARE the problem.

You can't recognize that fact because you are an extremist.

I'm far from an extremist. Both sides are not the problem here.

The haters believe some nutjob that said she wished she had asked Trump for his Tax Returns on the day her false allocation took place?
I guess they'll expect reparations for being stupid next.
Republicans or conservatives who promoted Broaddrick’s charges would be hypocritical if they fail to champion Carroll and condemn Trump.

Go blow it out your ass. Complete hearsay. If this woman had simply gone to the police back in 1995 or 1993 or 1987 they could have had a semen sample and there would be no doubt. No question whatsoever. There was a galaxy of supporting evidence against Clinton that established a long history and a pattern to lend support to Broadrick's claims including a stained blue dress in the Oval Office. To date best I know, the only "evidence" against Trump is that a very long time ago, he bragged to another guy trying to impress him that beauty contestants hoping to amp up their chances to win willingly were conducive to a little kissing and fondling.

Funny how you talk all day long about how everything Trump says is a lie but on THIS, you believe him?

These latest accusations mean nothing without something physical to back them up. Funny how you derps try to make this non-issue grounds to vote Trump out yet, a couple years ago, you couldn't work hard enough to put Slick Willy and his hench-lady Hillary right back INTO the White House.
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Unfortunately, you can't believe, out of hand, anything that is connected in any way to politics any more.

This is what happens when both tribes enable and advance blatant intellectual dishonesty and hate.

Our wingers are killing us.
Both tribes really aren't the problem.

Extremists from any group ARE the problem.

You can't recognize that fact because you are an extremist.

I'm far from an extremist. Both sides are not the problem here.

Extremists NEVER see themselves as having extreme views. Part of their problem. You are so far out there in nutsville you can't even agree that both parties have a problem!
Trump is a serial sexual predator. He even fantasizes about his own daughter. He needs to be put away. Will historians rank him as the first "rapist" president?
Dude, you're ignorant as hell. People like you only listen to a sound bite or read the headline of a news article and think you know the whole thing.

Trump cracked a joke on television about how he was proud he had an attractive daughter and that he dated younger women and retarded liberals twist that into "he fantasized about his own daughter." Christ almighty.
Pervert Donald Dork did more to indicate lust for his daughter than you include in your post.

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