The Real Conservative Party Today?

So wonderful to see these hateful conservatives busy hating each other. Maybe the real conservatives, the Eisenhower conservatives, will have a chance to take the Republican Party back again.

Could this member please quote an example of that speech which she feels exemplifies 'hate' and show a distinction between 'hate' speech and speech which serves to oppose that with which the speaker disagrees?

Ya see kids... the basic tenet of the Political Correctness is to blur the language; to strip it of contrast, thus make it difficult if not impossible to effectively communicate... this under the guise of being 'polite;' the initial idea was that we wouldn't call someone a 'cripple' because that made the cripple feel bad… so instead we learned to refer to cripples as one with a 'physical handicap'... Again the idea was to spare their feelings, so garbage men became 'sanitation engineers' and car mechanics became 'technicians' and so on...

What we didn't realize was that in so doing we would rinse the means to reason from the culture... by rejecting the sharp contrasts; we quickly began to lose the means to separate one concept from another; it was not polite to emphasize contrasts…

Political correctness is a tool of deceit; it serves to blur the meaning of words... We embraced it and as a result our culture is now trained to avoid using certain words... we ‘believe’ that some words are 'bad' and those associated with those words are to be avoided and "hate" is a great example...

"HATE" is a word which indicates irrational fear and rejection of whatever is hated, on grounds which are not reasonable; we've been told we should NEVER HATE ANYTHING... Which is absolute nonsense; the list of that which is to be held in passionate enmity, despised, loathed and otherwise detested is extensive... yet can you think of anything which is OK to publically declare as something you 'hate'?; probably not; with the possible exception of that lowest of all human life... the lowly pedophile. The CHILD MOLESTER may be the last thing on earth of whom it is perfectly acceptable to hate... (But unless we turn from this idiocy, your grandchildren will not hate the Child molesters... as they will have their place at the table right along with their ideological cousins the openly effeminate, unambiguous Fags.) but I digress...

But according to the ideological left, those that hate are not reasonable; thus where one can project the stigma associated with hate onto something; that something quickly becomes anathema to the culture; or at beat, something to be avoided.

Of course, in truth Conservatives are not hateful; we oppose the left upon solid, immutable reasoning. Which is born out, where the left is found engaging conservatism, the left is conclusively proven wrong and exposed as the hateful frauds that the truly are. Throwing pies at petite females and violently rushing the stage of their university to prevent invited guests from speaking… walking protests lines to prevent people from accessing their building, daring those fellow citizens to do something, so they can be sued, or criminally prosecuted… Violently assaulting those who were either going about their business or who were invited to debate or explain their position through public forums.

Such behavior is almost unheard of in the conservative community.

So… we have extended to this member a DIRECT CHALLENGE... This member is a leftists and as such they will not be able to advance A SINGLE POST FROM A SINGLE CONSERVATIVE WHICH IS BASED IN IRRATIONAL FEAR AND OR EXISTS ON THE BASIS OF THAT WHICH IS NOT REASONABLE...

Now what will be cool is that in order for our fellow member to maintain the use of hate, the BEST SHE CAN DO IS TO MINIMIZE THE CONCEPT OF HATE ... She will have to assign hatred as simply being that which adamantly opposes something... and yes, we can be sure that she feels that her adamant opposition is not based in hate.
Sarah Palin may be a good wife and mother, but she is NOT presidential material...

The woman is an empty vessel IMO

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