The real climate story of 2010

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
A stunning year in climate science reveals that human civilization is on the precipice Climate Progress

This week marks the one-year anniversary of what the anti-science crowd successfully labeled ‘Climategate’. The media will be doing countless retrospectives, most of which will be wasted ink, like the Guardian’s piece — focusing on climate scientists at the expense of climate science, which is precisely the kind of miscoverage that has been going on for the whole year!

I’ll save that my media critiques for Part 2, since I think that Climategate’s biggest impact was probably on the media, continuing their downward trend of focusing on style over substance, of missing the story of the century, if not the millennia.

The last year or so has seen more scientific papers and presentations that raise the genuine prospect of catastrophe (if we stay on our current emissions path) that I can recall seeing in any other year.
A stunning year in climate science reveals that human civilization is on the precipice Climate Progress

This week marks the one-year anniversary of what the anti-science crowd successfully labeled ‘Climategate’. The media will be doing countless retrospectives, most of which will be wasted ink, like the Guardian’s piece — focusing on climate scientists at the expense of climate science, which is precisely the kind of miscoverage that has been going on for the whole year!

I’ll save that my media critiques for Part 2, since I think that Climategate’s biggest impact was probably on the media, continuing their downward trend of focusing on style over substance, of missing the story of the century, if not the millennia.

The last year or so has seen more scientific papers and presentations that raise the genuine prospect of catastrophe (if we stay on our current emissions path) that I can recall seeing in any other year.

OH......MY.....GOD We have reached tipping point number 15,201! AHHHHHHHH!
Oh my, Walleyes has nothing at all to rebut what the scientists have found, so he resorts to mindless derision. But mindlessness is his normal state.
A stunning year in climate science reveals that human civilization is on the precipice Climate Progress

This week marks the one-year anniversary of what the anti-science crowd successfully labeled ‘Climategate’. The media will be doing countless retrospectives, most of which will be wasted ink, like the Guardian’s piece — focusing on climate scientists at the expense of climate science, which is precisely the kind of miscoverage that has been going on for the whole year!

I’ll save that my media critiques for Part 2, since I think that Climategate’s biggest impact was probably on the media, continuing their downward trend of focusing on style over substance, of missing the story of the century, if not the millennia.

The last year or so has seen more scientific papers and presentations that raise the genuine prospect of catastrophe (if we stay on our current emissions path) that I can recall seeing in any other year.

Geee..........on the heels of Climategate? What a fcukking shocker!!!:eek::eek::eek: Of course, no correleation whatsoever!!!

s0n.............been saying it for awhile now. You have the political IQ of a small soap dish. Always have. Those people who sell fad stuff in the early AM on the cable networks? They have morons like you in mind, the old adage being, "There is sucker born every minute".

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Why the climate debate is an exercise in futility!!!


Poll: Less Than 1/3 Of Americans Believe “Most Scientists Agree” On Global Warming
Majority oppose cap and trade if it means higher energy bills

Steve Watson,
Tuesday, Dec 15, 2009

An Associated Press-Stanford University poll (PDF) released today shows that just 31% of Americans believe that experts agree on the science behind global warming.

Question 22 in the poll asked “Do you think most scientists agree with one another about whether or not global warming is happening, or do you think there is a lot of disagreement among scientists on this issue?”

66% of respondants said that in their opinion “most scientists disagree”.

The figures suggest that the public is not buying into the notion that a “scientific consensus” believes global warming is caused by human activity.

As we know, the establishment likes to engage in regular mass public deception by claiming the debate about global warming is over and any dissent is tantamount to holocaust denial, despite the fact that hundreds of scientists have challenged the contention of the UN’s International Panel on Climate Change.

Unsurprisingly, the AP chose not to report on this figure in its write up, instead focusing on a figure of 40 percent, still a minority, saying they thought U.S. action to slow global warming in the future would create jobs, and quoting “a self-described fan of environmentalist and former Vice President Al Gore.”

The poll also indicated that a majority of 59% would refuse to support cap-and-trade legislation if it meant paying $10 extra a month for electricity.

75% of respondents said they would oppose the cap-and-trade system if it raised their electricity bill by $25 a month.

Overwheling majorities of 78% and 77% respectively said they opposed increasing taxes on electricity and increasing energy prices as a way for the Federal government to try to reduce global warming.

Poll: Less Than 1/3 Of Americans Believe “Most Scientists Agree” On Global Warming

This is the grim reality faced by every single environmental nut who spends 14 hours a day posting up drivel about this temperature and that heat wave............this glacier melting and that lake warming. Fcukking total morons.............might as well be all gathering for an exercise in fcukking navel contemplation!!!

Go look at any poll............they all say the same thing.:fu::lmao::funnyface::boobies::slap::funnyface::boobies::fu::lmao::fu::boobies::eusa_dance::2up:

So think about it............Ive said for a long, long time, these people so consumed with this stuff are fcukking mental cases. It would be akin to me walking out to a snow back every day for several months and sticking my head in the snowbank for 10 minutes in the hopes that my next door babe neighbor will come over and ask me to bang her.

Separating the science from the politics s0n................might as well be walking up Main Street buck-naked shaking a bannana at people announcing loudly, "The End is Near!!!"

Few have browsed the “Harry Read Me” file, the electronic notes of a harried programmer trying to make sense of the CRU’s databases. They have never read for themselves how temperatures in the database were “artificially adjusted to look closer to the real temperatures” or the “hundreds if not thousands of dummy stations” which somehow ended up in the database, or how the exasperated programmer resorts to expletives before admitting he made up key data on weather stations because it was impossible to tell what data was coming from what sources.

Few have read the 2005 email from Climategate ringleader and CRU head Phil Jones to John Christy where he states “The scientific community would come down on me in no uncertain terms if I said the world had cooled from 1998. OK it has but it is only 7 years of data and it isn’t statistically significant.” Or where he concludes: “As you know, I’m not political. If anything, I would like to see the climate change happen, so the science could be proved right, regardless of the consequences. This isn’t being political, it is being selfish.”


In late November of 2009, just days after the initial release of the climategate emails, the University of East Anglia was in the hotseat again. The CRU was forced to admit they had thrown away most of the raw data that their global temperature calculations were based upon, meaning their work was not reproducible by any outside scientists.

Climategate &#8211; still the issue | Watts Up With That?
do you see how you come across as a tool, rocks? you're posting celebrity gossip on global warming now. :doubt:

Global phytoplankton decline over the past century : Nature : Nature Publishing Group

In the oceans, ubiquitous microscopic phototrophs (phytoplankton) account for approximately half the production of organic matter on Earth. Analyses of satellite-derived phytoplankton concentration (available since 1979) have suggested decadal-scale fluctuations linked to climate forcing, but the length of this record is insufficient to resolve longer-term trends. Here we combine available ocean transparency measurements and in situ chlorophyll observations to estimate the time dependence of phytoplankton biomass at local, regional and global scales since 1899. We observe declines in eight out of ten ocean regions, and estimate a global rate of decline of ~1% of the global median per year. Our analyses further reveal interannual to decadal phytoplankton fluctuations superimposed on long-term trends. These fluctuations are strongly correlated with basin-scale climate indices, whereas long-term declining trends are related to increasing sea surface temperatures. We conclude that global phytoplankton concentration has declined over the past century; this decline will need to be considered in future studies of marine ecosystems, geochemical cycling, ocean circulation and fisheries.
Extensive Methane Venting to the Atmosphere from Sediments of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf | Science/AAAS

Natalia Shakhova1,2,*&#8224;, Igor Semiletov1,2,*, Anatoly Salyuk2, Vladimir Yusupov2, Denis Kosmach2 and Örjan Gustafsson3
+ Author Affiliations

1International Arctic Research Centre, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK 99709, USA.
2Russian Academy of Sciences, Far Eastern Branch, Pacific Oceanological Institute, Vladivostok 690041, Russia.
3Stockholm University, Bert Bolin Centre for Climate Research and Department of Applied Environmental Science, Stockholm S-10691, Sweden.
&#8224;To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]
Remobilization to the atmosphere of only a small fraction of the methane held in East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) sediments could trigger abrupt climate warming, yet it is believed that sub-sea permafrost acts as a lid to keep this shallow methane reservoir in place. Here, we show that more than 5000 at-sea observations of dissolved methane demonstrates that greater than 80% of ESAS bottom waters and greater than 50% of surface waters are supersaturated with methane regarding to the atmosphere. The current atmospheric venting flux, which is composed of a diffusive component and a gradual ebullition component, is on par with previous estimates of methane venting from the entire World Ocean. Leakage of methane through shallow ESAS waters needs to be considered in interactions between the biogeosphere and a warming Arctic climate.
Long-term ocean oxygen depletion in response to carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels : Abstract : Nature Geoscience

Long-term ocean oxygen depletion in response to carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels
Gary Shaffer1,2,3, Steffen Malskær Olsen3,4 & Jens Olaf Pepke Pedersen3,5

Top of pageOngoing global warming could persist far into the future, because natural processes require decades to hundreds of thousands of years to remove carbon dioxide from fossil-fuel burning from the atmosphere1, 2, 3. Future warming may have large global impacts including ocean oxygen depletion and associated adverse effects on marine life, such as more frequent mortality events4, 5, 6, 7, 8, but long, comprehensive simulations of these impacts are currently not available. Here we project global change over the next 100,000 years using a low-resolution Earth system model9, and find severe, long-term ocean oxygen depletion, as well as a great expansion of ocean oxygen-minimum zones for scenarios with high emissions or high climate sensitivity. We find that climate feedbacks within the Earth system amplify the strength and duration of global warming, ocean heating and oxygen depletion. Decreased oxygen solubility from surface-layer warming accounts for most of the enhanced oxygen depletion in the upper 500 m of the ocean. Possible weakening of ocean overturning and convection lead to further oxygen depletion, also in the deep ocean. We conclude that substantial reductions in fossil-fuel use over the next few generations are needed if extensive ocean oxygen depletion for thousands of years is to be avoided.

Coupling of CO2 and Ice Sheet Stability Over Major Climate Transitions of the Last 20 Million Years
Aradhna K. Tripati1,2,*, Christopher D. Roberts2 and Robert A. Eagle3
+ Author Affiliations

1Departments of Earth and Space Sciences and Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, and Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA.
2Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, CB2 3EQ, UK.
3Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA.
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]
The carbon dioxide (CO2) content of the atmosphere has varied cyclically between ~180 and ~280 parts per million by volume over the past 800,000 years, closely coupled with temperature and sea level. For earlier periods in Earth&#8217;s history, the partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) is much less certain, and the relation between pCO2 and climate remains poorly constrained. We use boron/calcium ratios in foraminifera to estimate pCO2 during major climate transitions of the past 20 million years. During the Middle Miocene, when temperatures were ~3° to 6°C warmer and sea level was 25 to 40 meters higher than at present, pCO2 appears to have been similar to modern levels. Decreases in pCO2 were apparently synchronous with major episodes of glacial expansion during the Middle Miocene (~14 to 10 million years ago) and Late Pliocene (~3.3 to 2.4 million years ago).

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