The Real 1%

The Irish Ram

Apr 10, 2011
diagonally parked in a parallel universe
The real one percent has us going after Wall Street, Main Street, the few companies we have left, while they Obamas, Clintons, Bushes, Kissinger, Soros, Buffet, live like Kings and construct a Global Gov.

While the country bleeds:

Spending on White House Dinners Soars Under Obama
(Friday, October 26th, 2012)

President Obama has spent far more lavishly on White House state dinners than previous chief executives, including nearly $1 million on a 2010 dinner for Mexico’s president, according to documents obtained by The Washington Examiner.

Presidents have long used formal dinners to court foreign heads of state and to dish out fine food and wine to reward political, financial and show business celebrities and supporters.

But current and former government officials said the documents obtained by The Examiner point to an unprecedented upsurge in White House spending on such events.

The Obama extravaganza two years ago for Mexican President Felipe Calderon, which included a performance by pop star Beyonce, cost $969,793, or more than $4,700 per attendee, the documents show.

The Calderon dinner was held on the South Lawn in a massive tent adorned with decorated walls, hanging chandeliers, carpeting and a stage for Beyonce’s performance.

Guests rode private trolley cars from the White House to the tent. Celebrity guest chef Rick Bayless from Chicago’s Topolobampo restaurant was imported to prepare Oaxacan black mole, black bean tamalon and grilled green beans.

The dinner for the prime minister of India — which was famously crashed by Virginia couple Michaele and Tareq Salahi — cost nearly half a million dollars.

A knowledgeable government official who made the documents available to The Examiner said the extravagant spending seemed unfair with so many Americans out of work.

“It just kind of takes your breath away to see the expenditure of money that has occurred since 2009,” the official said.
Let's get something straight: Higher tax rates encourage people to seek tax shelters instead of increasing their incomes by expanding their businesses (i.e., hiring more employees). The way to deal with obscene compensation schemes for corporate executives is by having the SEC severely restrict membership on the boards of publicly traded companies to individuals who have absolutely no personal or business connection to those executives.

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