The proof that ObamaCare will cover illegal immigrants!


Gold Member
Jul 16, 2009
" Does Not Require Proof of Citizenship to Obtain Health Services: While Section 246 (page 143) of the bill expressly prohibits illegal aliens from receiving government-run healthcare, the bill does not include a specific requirement that a person prove his or her citizenship in order to obtain affordability credits, which means that illegal aliens could obtain coverage."

The proof that ObamaCare will cover illegal immigrants

Section 246 of the bill prohibits "undocumented aliens" from receiving health care, but does not prescribe a method for preventing illegal aliens from receiving health care. This provision, designed to con the American people into believing illegal aliens will not receive taxpayer-funded health care, is nothing more than a fig leaf to give the Democratic Party political cover. We both know that if the bill does not prescribe methods for verifying the legal status of an individual seeking taxpayer-funded health care illegal aliens will have no problems accessing this health care.

Because of the lack of immigration verification requirements in the House health care bill, an estimated 6.6 million illegal aliens could be covered because they meet the financial criteria. Those 6.6 million currently cost the public $4.3 billion in emergency rooms and free health clinics but would cost $31 billion under the House health care system.
" Does Not Require Proof of Citizenship to Obtain Health Services: While Section 246 (page 143) of the bill expressly prohibits illegal aliens from receiving government-run healthcare, the bill does not include a specific requirement that a person prove his or her citizenship in order to obtain affordability credits, which means that illegal aliens could obtain coverage."

The proof that ObamaCare will cover illegal immigrants

Section 246 of the bill prohibits "undocumented aliens" from receiving health care, but does not prescribe a method for preventing illegal aliens from receiving health care. This provision, designed to con the American people into believing illegal aliens will not receive taxpayer-funded health care, is nothing more than a fig leaf to give the Democratic Party political cover. We both know that if the bill does not prescribe methods for verifying the legal status of an individual seeking taxpayer-funded health care illegal aliens will have no problems accessing this health care.

Because of the lack of immigration verification requirements in the House health care bill, an estimated 6.6 million illegal aliens could be covered because they meet the financial criteria. Those 6.6 million currently cost the public $4.3 billion in emergency rooms and free health clinics but would cost $31 billion under the House health care system.

That's because if a mother takes her baby to the emergency room and the kid just fell out of a three story window, the hospital will do everything they can to save her. Because we are not A-Holes. Remember, Republicans always say they have "Christian" values. Helping the sick? See a connection?

Obama can't stop the sick from going to the emergency room, but Republicans seem to want to. Don't get that at all.
Really? How are Republicans preventing ppl from going to emergency rooms? Remember Michelle is the one who re-routed non-paying clients to different hospitals....
And churches and Catholic hospitals do more to help the sick, here and abroad, than every Dem on the face of the earth.
What's the big surprise? Half-truths are what the liberal Democraps and Obama specialize in. You don't for a minute think the US is going to deny an illegal alien anything in this country do you?????
Does everyone here agree that illegal residents should receive urgent medical care?
a better question is do all you a-holes believe they get it even today, have a paper work SNAFU even with 100% insurance and see how you get treated
your high priced insurance is only as good as that mim wage clerk on the key board, remember that the next time you go to the hospital
" Does Not Require Proof of Citizenship to Obtain Health Services: While Section 246 (page 143) of the bill expressly prohibits illegal aliens from receiving government-run healthcare, the bill does not include a specific requirement that a person prove his or her citizenship in order to obtain affordability credits, which means that illegal aliens could obtain coverage."

The proof that ObamaCare will cover illegal immigrants

Section 246 of the bill prohibits "undocumented aliens" from receiving health care, but does not prescribe a method for preventing illegal aliens from receiving health care. This provision, designed to con the American people into believing illegal aliens will not receive taxpayer-funded health care, is nothing more than a fig leaf to give the Democratic Party political cover. We both know that if the bill does not prescribe methods for verifying the legal status of an individual seeking taxpayer-funded health care illegal aliens will have no problems accessing this health care.

Because of the lack of immigration verification requirements in the House health care bill, an estimated 6.6 million illegal aliens could be covered because they meet the financial criteria. Those 6.6 million currently cost the public $4.3 billion in emergency rooms and free health clinics but would cost $31 billion under the House health care system.

That's because if a mother takes her baby to the emergency room and the kid just fell out of a three story window, the hospital will do everything they can to save her. Because we are not A-Holes. Remember, Republicans always say they have "Christian" values. Helping the sick? See a connection?

Obama can't stop the sick from going to the emergency room, but Republicans seem to want to. Don't get that at all.

There's a big difference between EMERGENCY care and COMPLETE health care. When you grow up you may understand this. Ask your mother, maybe she can explain it to you.

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