The problem with radical Islam.


Senior Member
Aug 11, 2005
The Christian world seeks to change the world by influence via peaceful means. Reaching out, helping, talking, rationalizing, presenting the word of Jesus. Yes, there are exceptions, but for every exception, I can show you tens of thousands of non exceptions.

Now, speaking on behalf of Osama Bin Laden, this is how the Muslim world will convert the world.

We will continue suicide bombings of innocent people untill the mighty US bows down and quits, retreats to its own shores and leaves Muslim nations alone.

We then take over Iraq by force.
We take over Saudi Arabia by force.
We then take over the entire middle east by force.
We expand this to Europe, with Europe seized, we can over run Russia and Mongolia, killing and murdering anyone who will not convert.

Simultaneously, we go east from the middle east, and conquer the Hindus of India, and the Chinese, then spread our deadly tentacles into all of southeast asia, Philippines and of course we already have Indonesia (kinda, they are a peaceful Islam, we will get to that later).

At the same time, we have been spreading through Africa, CONTINTUING massacuring anyone who does not recognize Allah as supreme being. From there we jump over to South America, and work our way up to Mexico.

Now we have the mighty Brits, Americans and Aussies cornered. With virtually all of the worlds oil reserves in our control, they will fall like dominoes and subnmit to me, OBL, and hail allah as god.

Those who do not, will have their heads severed.

After we have final conversion of the world, allah will be happy

Opps, except one thing,,,,

Kurds are not TRUE Islamists. We must convert them all, or kill them.

After cleansing the world of those who chose the Kurdish brand of Islam, we should be pleased,oppps, except one thing

those pesky little shitte's,,,,ummmm, ok, we eliminate them also....

Oppps, just a few more groups and we should be finished,,ahhh,there, a world full of mujahedeens,,,yes, perfect...

oppps, except some of them just dont practice allahs laws perfectly, we must kill them, look some of them have tv's, radios, phones, we must kill them all, all except those who live in caves, like me, OBL.

Ok, finally, finally, finally, well, at least we dont have to worry about overpopulation anymore, we are down to 500 people

hmmmm, uh-oh,,,,look at that group over there, they have trimmed their beards, OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!!!!!

untill finally it is only OBL and Al Zawkari (or however you spell that dipshits name) and the battle for the last man standing begins....

On the other hand, we can all follow OBL's basic logic, if a country does things you dont agree with, just attack them, yes, India and Pakistan, Russia and China
Britian and France, and on and on and on. If you even THINK a country isnt behaving properly, you have the right to commit suicide attacks, untill the entire world is at continual war, launching suicide attack after suicide attack, ahhh, yes, paradise....

makes sense to me...
LuvRPgrl said:
The Christian world seeks to change the world by influence via peaceful means. Reaching out, helping, talking, rationalizing, presenting the word of Jesus. Yes, there are exceptions, but for every exception, I can show you tens of thousands of non exceptions.

Now, speaking on behalf of Osama Bin Laden, this is how the Muslim world will convert the world.

We will continue suicide bombings of innocent people untill the mighty US bows down and quits, retreats to its own shores and leaves Muslim nations alone.

We then take over Iraq by force.
We take over Saudi Arabia by force.
We then take over the entire middle east by force.
We expand this to Europe, with Europe seized, we can over run Russia and Mongolia, killing and murdering anyone who will not convert.

Simultaneously, we go east from the middle east, and conquer the Hindus of India, and the Chinese, then spread our deadly tentacles into all of southeast asia, Philippines and of course we already have Indonesia (kinda, they are a peaceful Islam, we will get to that later).

At the same time, we have been spreading through Africa, CONTINTUING massacuring anyone who does not recognize Allah as supreme being. From there we jump over to South America, and work our way up to Mexico.

Now we have the mighty Brits, Americans and Aussies cornered. With virtually all of the worlds oil reserves in our control, they will fall like dominoes and subnmit to me, OBL, and hail allah as god.

Those who do not, will have their heads severed.

After we have final conversion of the world, allah will be happy

Opps, except one thing,,,,

Kurds are not TRUE Islamists. We must convert them all, or kill them.

After cleansing the world of those who chose the Kurdish brand of Islam, we should be pleased,oppps, except one thing

those pesky little shitte's,,,,ummmm, ok, we eliminate them also....

Oppps, just a few more groups and we should be finished,,ahhh,there, a world full of mujahedeens,,,yes, perfect...

oppps, except some of them just dont practice allahs laws perfectly, we must kill them, look some of them have tv's, radios, phones, we must kill them all, all except those who live in caves, like me, OBL.

Ok, finally, finally, finally, well, at least we dont have to worry about overpopulation anymore, we are down to 500 people

hmmmm, uh-oh,,,,look at that group over there, they have trimmed their beards, OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!!!!!

untill finally it is only OBL and Al Zawkari (or however you spell that dipshits name) and the battle for the last man standing begins....

On the other hand, we can all follow OBL's basic logic, if a country does things you dont agree with, just attack them, yes, India and Pakistan, Russia and China
Britian and France, and on and on and on. If you even THINK a country isnt behaving properly, you have the right to commit suicide attacks, untill the entire world is at continual war, launching suicide attack after suicide attack, ahhh, yes, paradise....

makes sense to me...

Unfortunately many religions are not based on any form of logic.

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