The ‘Pro-Israel’ Network Behind the Innocence Video


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
Adjuntas, PR , USA
"The ‘Pro-Israel’ Network Behind the Innocence Video

Public records show a filming permit was taken out by “Media for Christ,” an outfit run by one Joseph Nasrallah Abdelmasih. His group sponsors Christian programming in Arabic, including “The Way,” a production that has featured such prominent Islamophobes as Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer. The Geller-Spencer collaboration goes back to the protests against the New York City “Ground Zero” mosque in which the duo achieved national notoriety: Nasrallah was one of the speakers at their rally. The idea for just such a movie as Innocenceshowed up on Geller’s blog in February, in a post entitled “A Movie About Muhammad: An Idea Whose Time Has Come.” Ali Sina, an ex-Muslim and board member of Geller and Spencer’s “Stop the Islamization of Nations,” exhorted Geller’s readers to support his movie project: "

Yeah. It is pretty funny that bigots from the right are defending a convicted criminal. An identity thief and drug dealer. Who knew they would be soft on criminals? Now we know their bigotry trumps their principles against worshipping crooks.

When the media was reporting the death of the Ambassador and the riots around the Middle East were caused by this film, the criminal Nakoula decided to capitalize on that news. He called the media and tried to get the angry mob to start targeting Israelis.

What a gigantic dick move that was! Attempting to set up innocents to be murdered.

Identity thief. Drug dealer. Liar. Attempted murderer by proxy. Coward.

Yeah. Let's hold THIS guy up as the Christian ideal!

Yeah. It is pretty funny that bigots from the right are defending a convicted criminal. An identity thief and drug dealer. Who knew they would be soft on criminals? Now we know their bigotry trumps their principles against worshipping crooks.

When the media was reporting the death of the Ambassador and the riots around the Middle East were caused by this film, the criminal Nakoula decided to capitalize on that news. He called the media and tried to get the angry mob to start targeting Israelis.

What a gigantic dick move that was! Attempting to set up innocents to be murdered.

Identity thief. Drug dealer. Liar. Attempted murderer by proxy. Coward.

Yeah. Let's hold THIS guy up as the Christian ideal!



Muslim agitator Steve Klein — Klein says he hoped the video would “smoke out” Muslim radicals in the US, who he is convinced have organized secret “cells” that will strike on command. "

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"The ‘Pro-Israel’ Network Behind the Innocence Video

Public records show a filming permit was taken out by “Media for Christ,” an outfit run by one Joseph Nasrallah Abdelmasih. His group sponsors Christian programming in Arabic, including “The Way,” a production that has featured such prominent Islamophobes as Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer. The Geller-Spencer collaboration goes back to the protests against the New York City “Ground Zero” mosque in which the duo achieved national notoriety: Nasrallah was one of the speakers at their rally. The idea for just such a movie as Innocenceshowed up on Geller’s blog in February, in a post entitled “A Movie About Muhammad: An Idea Whose Time Has Come.” Ali Sina, an ex-Muslim and board member of Geller and Spencer’s “Stop the Islamization of Nations,” exhorted Geller’s readers to support his movie project: "


It appears that , Bibi Netanyahou, continues to do everything possible to smear, lie, spread false innuendo, conduct character assassinations, and hate towards Iran and Muslims:

PNC, U.S. Bancorp latest bank websites to face access issues

The attacks happened after a posting on the Internet on Tuesday by an unknown person, calling for cyber attacks this week against Wells Fargo, U.S. Bancorp and PNC. A similar posting last week warned of attacks against Bank of America Corp. and the New York Stock Exchange.

The person who posted the message on a site called said the attacks will continue until the anti-Islam video, Innocence of Muslims, is removed from the Internet. The video has sparked anti-U.S. protests across the Middle East. The post called for attacks on PNC on Thursday."

Yeah. It is pretty funny that bigots from the right are defending a convicted criminal. An identity thief and drug dealer. Who knew they would be soft on criminals? Now we know their bigotry trumps their principles against worshipping crooks.

When the media was reporting the death of the Ambassador and the riots around the Middle East were caused by this film, the criminal Nakoula decided to capitalize on that news. He called the media and tried to get the angry mob to start targeting Israelis.

What a gigantic dick move that was! Attempting to set up innocents to be murdered.

Identity thief. Drug dealer. Liar. Attempted murderer by proxy. Coward.

Yeah. Let's hold THIS guy up as the Christian ideal!


Hey dipshit ! We are not supporting the person! We are supporting the right to free speech.
Yeah. It is pretty funny that bigots from the right are defending a convicted criminal. An identity thief and drug dealer. Who knew they would be soft on criminals? Now we know their bigotry trumps their principles against worshipping crooks.

When the media was reporting the death of the Ambassador and the riots around the Middle East were caused by this film, the criminal Nakoula decided to capitalize on that news. He called the media and tried to get the angry mob to start targeting Israelis.

What a gigantic dick move that was! Attempting to set up innocents to be murdered.

Identity thief. Drug dealer. Liar. Attempted murderer by proxy. Coward.

Yeah. Let's hold THIS guy up as the Christian ideal!


Hey dipshit ! We are not supporting the person! We are supporting the right to free speech.

Oh, I see.

You are supporting the (1787) Constitution .

Well, where does the Constitution authorizes the federal government to use US Treasury funds to defend a foreign government?

Yeah. It is pretty funny that bigots from the right are defending a convicted criminal. An identity thief and drug dealer. Who knew they would be soft on criminals? Now we know their bigotry trumps their principles against worshipping crooks.

When the media was reporting the death of the Ambassador and the riots around the Middle East were caused by this film, the criminal Nakoula decided to capitalize on that news. He called the media and tried to get the angry mob to start targeting Israelis.

What a gigantic dick move that was! Attempting to set up innocents to be murdered.

Identity thief. Drug dealer. Liar. Attempted murderer by proxy. Coward.

Yeah. Let's hold THIS guy up as the Christian ideal!


Hey dipshit ! We are not supporting the person! We are supporting the right to free speech.

Democrats found the perfect dupe! Some low life petty criminal that no one would have any sympathy for that could be used to manufacture massive muslim riots. The poor innocent little muslims, they were just forced into killing people. They couldn't help themselves really. If it weren't for Christians, Jews and the evil Constitution, it would be so much better.

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