The private email accounts


Oh yes it is too!
Aug 25, 2008
Here are two articles about Palin's private email accounts and that she used them for personal business. She also apparentlly cc'd Todd on a number of official mails, innappropriately (they say) as he does not hold elected office.

I am probably even less comfortable thinking about Todd as a 'shadow VP' than Sarah because of his alaskan independence "Damn flag secede from the union" party membership. (THough, he is cute.)

Anyway, article 1:

The administrative appeal filed yesterday by McLeod's attorney, Donald C. Mitchell, argued that by copying Todd Palin on sensitive state correspondence, the governor and her aides shattered the privilege rightly afforded elected officials.

"She has allowed Todd Palin -- who has not been elected by the people of Alaska, who is not a state employee -- to entangle himself apparently as he sees fit in the operations of the executive branch of the state government," Mitchell said.

And article 2 is more of the same PLUS an indication that Palin's polar bear stance is at complete odds with the state's scientists assessment, and that her communication with them was entirely through the private accounts:

The governor and her top officials sometimes use personal e-mail accounts for state business; dozens of e-mail messages obtained by The New York Times show that her staff members studied whether that could allow them to circumvent subpoenas seeking public records.

Rick Steiner, a University of Alaska professor, sought the e-mail messages of state scientists who had examined the effect of global warming on polar bears. (Ms. Palin said the scientists had found no ill effects, and she has sued the federal government to block the listing of the bears as endangered.) An administration official told Mr. Steiner that his request would cost $468,784 to process.

When Mr. Steiner finally obtained the e-mail messages — through a federal records request — he discovered that state scientists had in fact agreed that the bears were in danger, records show.

“Their secrecy is off the charts,” Mr. Steiner said.

THis hasn't been on the news cahnnels, I don't think, but comes up when you google news with specific terms.
Here are two articles about Palin's private email accounts and that she used them for personal business. She also apparentlly cc'd Todd on a number of official mails, innappropriately (they say) as he does not hold elected office.

I am probably even less comfortable thinking about Todd as a 'shadow VP' than Sarah because of his alaskan independence "Damn flag secede from the union" party membership. (THough, he is cute.)

Anyway, article 1:

And article 2 is more of the same PLUS an indication that Palin's polar bear stance is at complete odds with the state's scientists assessment, and that her communication with them was entirely through the private accounts:

THis hasn't been on the news cahnnels, I don't think, but comes up when you google news with specific terms.

I bet she could change her e-mailing behavior in a heartbeat and thinking it's enough to disqualify her from consideration is over the top--even if she has a cute hubby.
I don't think it's enough to disqualify her either, but this part really cheeses me:

Ms. Palin said the scientists had found no ill effects,


state scientists had in fact agreed that the bears were in danger, records show.

And she worked with the scientists thorugh the private account, which smells rotten since she lied about their findings.

Transparency and honesty anyone? I'd go for just one of them at this point. She's got neither.
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I don't think it's enough to disqualify her either, but this part really cheeses me:


And she worked with the scientists thorugh the private account, which smells rotten since she lied about their findings.

Transparency and honesty anyone? I'd go for just one of them at this point. She's got neither.

There is so much heresay and third party claims that I would be hard pressed to take any of this information without a huge grain of salt.
Too many people digging in obscure little corners to discredit her imho.
I know there's not a snowball's chance in hell that you or anyone will read through this (it's too much fun bashing the abortion issue instead!) but I googled for something more beefy. There's a whole listy of environmental stuff, written up by the guy in the article above that wanted the polar bear emails. Don't read it cuz it's long and it's late! But I'll bold a few points if you feel like skimming.

A particularly worrisome aspect of the Palin candidacy is her abysmal record on the environment during her two years as Alaska governor, and how that would translate into national environmental policy if she became vice president. Her environmental record as governor of the nation's "last frontier" deserves close examination.

Climate change. Although Alaska is ground zero in the crisis of global warming, Palin has done virtually nothing to address the problem except hold meetings and appoint a "climate sub-cabinet" that likewise has done little. Lots of talk, no action. Although in the past two years the Arctic summer sea ice shrunk to the lowest levels ever recorded, Palin apparently does not believe it is human-induced or cause for alarm. She was asked to establish an Alaska Office on Climate Change, an Alaska Climate Response Fund (based on a tax on Alaska oil production) and emissions reduction targets for Alaska, but has taken no action on those requests.

Polar bears. This summer, Palin filed suit against the Bush administration over the federal listing of polar bears as threatened, saying that her opposition was based on a "comprehensive scientific review." But when asked to release the scientific review, she refused. The document, later obtained by the public (from the federal government), clearly shows that, contrary to Palin's assertions, the state of Alaska's marine mammal scientists agreed with the federal conclusions that the polar bears are in serious trouble because of global warming and loss of their sea ice habitat, and that they would be gone from Alaska by 2050. Palin clearly decided to oppose the listing in order to protect Arctic oil and gas development, then publicly misrepresented the basis for her decision, and then tried to conceal all of that. Having run for office on a platform of honesty and transparency, this behavior was neither. Her extreme position here puts her to the political right of the Bush /Cheney administration.

Endangered species. Earlier this year, Palin approved a $2 million state appropriation for a conference on the "economic impacts" of the Endangered Species Act, designed to persuade the public that ESA listings were too costly and unwarranted. Recently she agreed to use the money instead to fund the state's lawsuit against the Bush administration over the polar bear listing -- a likely violation of the state constitutional provisions on appropriation. She opposes additional species listings and other protections in Alaska, where many species are at risk because of climate change and other threats.

Predator control. Palin approved and expanded the state's aerial predator control program, where wolves are shot from aircraft and bears hunted from aircraft and killed upon landing. This year, her state biologists even dragged 14 newborn wolf pups from their den and, having already shot their parents, then shot each of the pups in the head at close range. Last year, her administration offered a $150 bounty for each wolf killed until the bounty was ruled illegal by the courts. Hundreds of wolves are killed each year by this antiquated state program that has no scientific justification whatsoever, but rather is designed to appease Palin's urban sport hunter supporters.

Pebble mine. Palin aggressively opposed the "clean water initiative" on the August ballot in Alaska (which then failed), favoring instead foreign mining company desires for fewer government regulations controlling their toxic effluent into salmon streams. She has supported virtually any and all mining proposals that have come her way, even likely the enormous Pebble gold and copper mine proposed in the Bristol Bay watershed. That plan put at risk the largest runs of sockeye salmon in the world, where this summer fishermen caught more than 27 million salmon.

Oil and gas drilling. Palin has supported oil and gas drilling plans anywhere in Alaska, including in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, the central Arctic, the entire Arctic Ocean, and in fish-rich Bristol Bay and Cook Inlet. On her watch, regulation and government oversight of Alaska oil facilities is terribly lacking, and she has declined to establish a citizens' advisory council to provide more effective public oversight of the expanding oil and gas operations in Arctic Alaska.

Exxon Valdez oil spill damages. Palin refuses to push Exxon to pay the government for the unanticipated environmental injuries from the disastrous 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill. Almost 20 years later, the private case is still unresolved and the governments likewise have yet to collect full payment from Exxon. Shortly before Palin took office in 2006, the governments presented Exxon with a demand to pay $92 million for this additional environmental damage, but her administration has since not pressed the issue nor taken Exxon to court to collect the money. Meanwhile, Exxon reaps record profits from Alaska.

Trans Pacific shipping. Palin repeatedly has been asked by coastal residents and organizations to enhance the safety of merchant shipping through Alaska's Aleutian Islands, a primary shipping route between Asia and North America, but she's done nothing. Citizens want better vessel tracking, powerful rescue tugs along the route and a risk assessment. While her predecessor funded a scoping study, the Palin administration has not appropriated one dime to improve shipping safety through the Aleutians, and says it will take no further action to reduce risk for several years into the future.

Sarah Palin's record on environment is abysmal
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I know there's not a snowball's chance in hell that you or anyone will read through this (it's too much fun bashing the abortion issue instead!) but I googled for something more beefy. There's a whole listy of environmental stuff, written up by the guy in the article above that wanted the polar bear emails. Don't read it cuz it's long and it's late! But I'll bold a few points if you feel like skimming.

Sarah Palin's record on environment is abysmal

You retard !! :lol:

Ok-- I see an article that says "blablaba is abysmal". It's already biased no matter who it's about.
Geeze louise you moron! ;)


The state Legislature is looking to hire a few good polar bear scientists. The conclusions have already been agreed upon -- researchers just have to fill in the science part.

A $2 million program funded with little debate by the Legislature last month calls for using state money to fund an "academic based" conference that highlights contrarian scientific research on global warming. Legislators hope to undermine the public perception of a widespread consensus among polar bear researchers that warming global temperatures and melting Arctic ice threaten the polar bears' survival.

Legislature wants polar bear study: Top Stories |
Ya and she communicated with those research scientists through private email accounts which she hoped would not be accountable..... And she misrepresented the findings .... Evidently because ES status keeps us from drilling in ANWR.

Steiner (who brought it to the press) had to get the records from federal records, because the governors office would not comply with a records request.

That's my understanding of it.
Ya and she communicated with those research scientists through private email accounts which she hoped would not be accountable..... And she misrepresented the findings .... Evidently because ES status keeps us from drilling in ANWR.

Steiner (who brought it to the press) had to get the records from federal records as the governors office would not comply.

That's my understanding of it.

Not so fast there, call girl ! She "HOPED" would not be accountable ? ??
Sorry, I have images of dudes beating off causing mass murder going through my mind....

From the OP:

The governor and her top officials sometimes use personal e-mail accounts for state business; dozens of e-mail messages obtained by The New York Times show that her staff members studied whether that could allow them to circumvent subpoenas seeking public records.

ie she is not transparent.
YAY ME!!!!!


I'd like to thank my parents, without whose support I could not have made it this far. And my lovnig husband and children who mean the world to me. And I'd like to thank the academy for providing the platform. Thank you, thank you.
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YAY ME!!!!!


I'd like to thank my parents, without whose support I could not have made it this far. And my lovnig husband and children who mean the world to me. And I'd like to thank the academy for providing the platform. Thank you, thank you.

get the hook and cut the mic -------------------------
It seems that Palin is one of those politicians who believe they own it when they win office. That it is a public office, not a private one, seems not to occur to them and I mean Palin as well. That's dangerous.

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