
Gold Member
Jan 10, 2009
A diverse set of states, with unemployment in the oil/gas states low to high in the non energy producing stats. Any predictions?
A diverse set of states, with unemployment in the oil/gas states low to high in the non energy producing stats. Any predictions?

I will be voting in the Commonwealth later this morning.
Romney will slaughter Ron Paul in the Virginia primary.
A diverse set of states, with unemployment in the oil/gas states low to high in the non energy producing stats. Any predictions?

I will be voting in the Commonwealth later this morning.
Romney will slaughter Ron Paul in the Virginia primary.
Thank you Warrior; though I still doubt a FIX is in. With Santorum AND Gingrich not on the ballot, Va., my state of birth, has too few choices.


Run your party so far to the right that NO ONE will vote for a republican!


Run your party so far to the right that NO ONE will vote for a republican!
Thus Obama WIN by default? No thanks. According to a few Americans at least, there is no difference between Romney & Obama anyway. If Romney is nominated, and loses votes because of his religion, we ARE in trouble.
A diverse set of states, with unemployment in the oil/gas states low to high in the non energy producing stats. Any predictions?
Yes, the voters will eventually catch on and hammer the perpetrators of the oil/gas assault without mercy for generations, and Obama can't spin his' puppetmeisters' avarice for this industry away with sweet words followed up by sundry punitive legislations.

The American people eventually smell out the rat hiding in the socialists' burlap bag.
A diverse set of states, with unemployment in the oil/gas states low to high in the non energy producing stats. Any predictions?
Yes, the voters will eventually catch on and hammer the perpetrators of the oil/gas assault without mercy for generations, and Obama can't spin his' puppetmeisters' avarice for this industry away with sweet words followed up by sundry punitive legislations.

The American people eventually smell out the rat hiding in the socialists' burlap bag.
Perhaps becki.............................still, I have heard that a few countries laugh at our partisanship. They see both parties as the same.

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