The Price Of Food And Energy Going Up And Obama Won't Lift A Finger


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Obama says he can't do a thing about the price of gas/diesel and he continues to attempt to jack up the price even more by proposing the removal of what he calls 'subsidies' for the oil companies. So the price of food is up the last 12 months about 4.5%. Gasoline went up 12.6%. How many of you are getting a pay increase to match this?

First of all, the subsides he talks about are actually tax breaks.
Secondly, Obama is steadily trying to increase the overhead for American oil companies while he's helping fund foreign oil companies.
Thirdly, after helping those foreign companies we aren't going to benefit from it. Brazil's top oil company Petrobas got billions from the US thanks to Obama and yet what did they do with the money? They sent more oil to China instead of the US.

Mr. Obama was saying that while he was drastically slowing down leasing and permitting in the US and whining about “subsides” to US oil corporations. We apparently can subsidize government controlled oil companies in foreign countries, but not here (and I’m not arguing for subsidies here – just pointing out the usual Obama contradiction – kind of like he’s against bailouts, except for Chrysler, GM, Solyndra, etc.)

Well, that little jump-start of ObamaDollars has indeed helped “develop these oil reserves”. And the beneficiary?

The United States wants it, but China is getting it.

Less than a month after President Obama visited Brazil in March to make a pitch for oil, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff was off to Beijing to sign oil contracts with two huge state-owned Chinese companies. Obama’s $2 billion to Brazil ends up helping send oil to China « The Greenroom


This has been the routine all over the world. Democrats are in a position to work out deals with foreign suppliers and the Chinese undercut us and get the deal behind our backs. One would think that our representatives would do it right at least once in awhile....but they don't seem to have their hearts in it. They want to develop alternative sources of energy......not oil, an energy source Obama says is an "energy of the past". It's too dirty, and just not cool enough for someone as forward thinking as Obama. (Then he gets in his armor plated limo and drives off) Try getting Air Force One off the ground with anything else.

Well, I've got news for you........oil is the energy of the present and while everyone else is getting it the Libs in Washington are doing their best to wean us off it before alternatives are ready. One would think these folks had a Deathwish. I just wish for once we had a government that wasn't always doing their thing kissing up to their special interests rather than taking into account what is best for their own country. But what can you expect from people that deep down inside hate the country they represent.

And guess what, Obama has once again tried to raise gas taxes. You see, he's framed it as being punitive against the big, bad, greedy oil companies, but what it ends up being is a direct tax on you and me.

Eventually Obama wants to squeeze American oil producers out of the American market and into friendlier foreign markets. This is what is so screwed up about his ideas. Regardless how much he tries to act like he's increasing domestic production, he's making it harder and harder for them to sell their product here in the United States. Unfortunately while he's crying about the GOP passing budgets that he claims are so evil (they want to starve little babies) he's assuring the price of that food is jacked up to ever higher levels.

Amazing isn't it? Unbelievable isn't it? That's why he might just get away with it.



Obama, Menendez Push Economically Painful Anti-Energy Bill - On Energy (

Consumer Price Index Summary

Gasoline Prices Are Not Rising, the Dollar Is Falling - Forbes

Electric Cars Are An Extraordinarily Bad Idea - Forbes

CPI Inflation Calculator
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"How many of you are getting a pay increase to match this?"
It's the President's job to make sure you get a raise?

And explain to me why it's OK to funnel money to the very PROFITABLE oil companies through TAXPAYER DOLLARS, but eliminating the government middleman will COST US MORE?
Since when do we subsidize PROFITABLE industries?
Don't we usually subsidize things which we want to accomplish, but aren't cost effective for private enterprise to fund? Like going to the moon?
Why do you want government to collect money from us, to pay to the oil companies? So you can grow the government more?

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There is no inflation....

Or so we've been told......

Not recently we haven't. Average inflation is about 2.9% since last year:
Food and Beverages: 3.8%
Housing 1.8%
Apparel: 4.2%
Transportation: 5.6% (includes 12.7% increase in motor fuel)
Medical care 3.4%
Recreation: 1%
Education and Communication 1.9%
Other goods and services: 1.5%
Personal Computers have gone down 11% but that's the only major downward trend.

Source: Table 1. Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U): U. S. City Average, by expenditure category and commodity and service group
^Rejected XL pipeline which would of increase gas prices in the Midwest by as much as .30$ per gallon

^Mandated that all government buildings reduce energy use by 30% by 2015

^Coal power as a percentage of US electricity has dropped from 48% to 39% under Obama

^2011 used 4 billion in energy savings to further improve energy efficiency for federal/private buildings will save 40 billion dollars yearly

^Loan Guarantees have created/saved 40,000 jobs

^More than 7 million homes have fitted with solar panels

^Added trucks and other transportation vehicles to be subject to MGP standards.

^Increased car and trucks fuel economy standards to 55 MPG by 2025 which will save consumers 1.7 trillion dollars.

^Increase fines for drilling and safety violations by 15%-20%

^Obama’s energy secretary has released 30 million barrels from the strategic reserve in order to lower inflated oil prices caused by unrest in oil producing countries. Empirical evidence from the early 90’s showed that releasing 30 million barrels caused oil costs to decrease by 1/3 or by $11 per barrel. The day of announcing this plan oil prices dropped 5%.

^Increased energy research by 125% once, and 5% a year

^A 10% tax cut for homeowners whom increase the energy efficiency of their home, and deductibles for energy efficient appliances.

^Cut solar panel, fuel cell, and wind turbine taxes by 30%

^Cut geothermal, micro turbines and CHP’s taxes by 20%

^New Federal government energy efficiency such as retrofitting residential buildings and a manufacturing grant created/will create over 600,000 thousand jobs over a 2 year period.
----1) BBI (better building initiative) would/will create 115,000 jobs and save 40 billion a year
----2) The Home star (cash for claunkers) program would/will create over 160,000 jobs over a two year period and save consumers .735 billion dollars a year, sand increased GDP by 120 billion, and lowered CO2 emissions by 850,ooo tons
----3) The Building star program which offers businesses rebate for energy improvements would/will create 190,000 jobs over a two year period and save consumers lots of money.

^Obamas DOI began collection 10 billion in unpaid fees from oil/coal companies.

^Obama’s DOE has mandated certain consumer items be more efficient saving the nation a net of 275 billion dollars over a period of 20 years (this will exponentially increase as time goes on).

^Obama increased the amount of energy; energy companies get from clean sources to 80% by 2035.

^Required all government vehicles to use clean energy by 2015; and he required that all cars/trucks have MPG standards up to 35 miles per gallon saving 61 billion and creating 250,00 jobs a year starting in 2020.

^Required government buildings to adopt the most energy efficient and water efficient standards. If these standards were applied to all buildings it would save the country a net of 20 billion a year.

^Required power plants to produce 15% of their energy from renewable sources.

^Stimulus grants for the DOE will create 170,000 jobs over two years by increase energy efficiency.

^Provided a 1,500 energy tax cut for goods that increase in energy efficiency,

^7 billion for increase energy efficiency at government buildings

^4.3 billion tax cut for increasing homes energy efficiency

^13 billion for renewable energy production a year for five years

^DOE extended battery efficiency saving consumers 0.16 dollars – 40 dollars on all types of batteries.

^Provided tens of billions in funding for energy efficiency programs.

^Increased light bulb energy standards saving consumer more than 12 billion a year.
^Required states to provide people and companies with incentives for reducing energy consumption, and increasing energy efficiency

^Created fuel efficiency standards for tractors and other large vehicles saving at least 2.2billion a year by 2014
obama intends that food and energy prices increase. It is part of his master plan to transform the nation.

obama will give a speech about how prices haven't increased, they have actually gotten lower. Even if they have increased, it's for your own good.

Liberals will believe him.

Obama says he can't do a thing about the price of gas/diesel and he continues to attempt to jack up the price even more by proposing the removal of what he calls 'subsidies' for the oil companies which will only raise the price even more. So the price of food is up the last 12 months about 4.5%. Gasoline went up 12.6%. How many of you are getting a pay increase to match this?

First of all, the subsides he talks about are actually tax breaks.
Secondly, Obama is steadily trying to increase the overhead for American oil companies while he's helping fund foreign oil companies.
Thirdly, after helping those foreign companies we aren't going to benefit from it. Brazil's top oil company Petrobas got billions from the US thanks to Obama and yet what did they do with the money? They sent more oil to China instead of the US.

Mr. Obama was saying that while he was drastically slowing down leasing and permitting in the US and whining about “subsides” to US oil corporations. We apparently can subsidize government controlled oil companies in foreign countries, but not here (and I’m not arguing for subsidies here – just pointing out the usual Obama contradiction – kind of like he’s against bailouts, except for Chrysler, GM, Solyndra, etc.)

Well, that little jump-start of ObamaDollars has indeed helped “develop these oil reserves”. And the beneficiary?

The United States wants it, but China is getting it.

Less than a month after President Obama visited Brazil in March to make a pitch for oil, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff was off to Beijing to sign oil contracts with two huge state-owned Chinese companies. Obama’s $2 billion to Brazil ends up helping send oil to China « The Greenroom


This has been the routine all over the world. Democrats are in a position to work out deals with foreign suppliers and the Chinese undercut us and get the deal behind our backs. One would think that our representatives would do it right at least once in awhile....but they don't seem to have their hearts in it. They want to develop alternative sources of energy......not oil, an energy source Obama says is an "energy of the past". It's too dirty, and just not cool enough for someone as forward thinking as Obama. (Then he gets in his armor plated limo and drives off) Try getting Air Force One off the ground with anything else.

Well, I've got news for you........oil is the energy of the present and while everyone else is getting it the Libs in Washington are doing their best to wean us off it before alternatives are ready. One would think these folks had a Deathwish. I just wish for once we had a government that wasn't always doing their thing kissing up to their special interests rather than taking into account what is best for their own country. But what can you expect from people that deep down inside hate the country they represent.

And guess what, Obama has once again tried to raise gas taxes. You see, he's framed it as being punitive against the big, bad, greedy oil companies, but what it ends up being is a direct tax on you and me.

Eventually Obama wants to squeeze American oil producers out of the American market and into friendlier foreign markets. This is what is so screwed up about his ideas. Regardless how much he tries to act like he's increasing domestic production, he's making it harder and harder for them to sell their product here in the United States. Unfortunately while he's crying about the GOP passing budgets that he claims are so evil, that they want to starve little babies, he's assuring the price of that food is jacked up to ever higher levels.

Amazing isn't it? Unbelievable isn't it? That's why he might just get away with it.



Obama, Menendez Push Economically Painful Anti-Energy Bill - On Energy (

Consumer Price Index Summary

Gasoline Prices Are Not Rising, the Dollar Is Falling - Forbes

Electric Cars Are An Extraordinarily Bad Idea - Forbes

CPI Inflation Calculator

So, are you suggesting wage and price controls, Comrade?

Obama says he can't do a thing about the price of gas/diesel and he continues to attempt to jack up the price even more by proposing the removal of what he calls 'subsidies' for the oil companies which will only raise the price even more. So the price of food is up the last 12 months about 4.5%. Gasoline went up 12.6%. How many of you are getting a pay increase to match this?

First of all, the subsides he talks about are actually tax breaks.
Secondly, Obama is steadily trying to increase the overhead for American oil companies while he's helping fund foreign oil companies.
Thirdly, after helping those foreign companies we aren't going to benefit from it. Brazil's top oil company Petrobas got billions from the US thanks to Obama and yet what did they do with the money? They sent more oil to China instead of the US.

Mr. Obama was saying that while he was drastically slowing down leasing and permitting in the US and whining about “subsides” to US oil corporations. We apparently can subsidize government controlled oil companies in foreign countries, but not here (and I’m not arguing for subsidies here – just pointing out the usual Obama contradiction – kind of like he’s against bailouts, except for Chrysler, GM, Solyndra, etc.)

Well, that little jump-start of ObamaDollars has indeed helped “develop these oil reserves”. And the beneficiary?

The United States wants it, but China is getting it.

Less than a month after President Obama visited Brazil in March to make a pitch for oil, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff was off to Beijing to sign oil contracts with two huge state-owned Chinese companies. Obama’s $2 billion to Brazil ends up helping send oil to China « The Greenroom


This has been the routine all over the world. Democrats are in a position to work out deals with foreign suppliers and the Chinese undercut us and get the deal behind our backs. One would think that our representatives would do it right at least once in awhile....but they don't seem to have their hearts in it. They want to develop alternative sources of energy......not oil, an energy source Obama says is an "energy of the past". It's too dirty, and just not cool enough for someone as forward thinking as Obama. (Then he gets in his armor plated limo and drives off) Try getting Air Force One off the ground with anything else.

Well, I've got news for you........oil is the energy of the present and while everyone else is getting it the Libs in Washington are doing their best to wean us off it before alternatives are ready. One would think these folks had a Deathwish. I just wish for once we had a government that wasn't always doing their thing kissing up to their special interests rather than taking into account what is best for their own country. But what can you expect from people that deep down inside hate the country they represent.

And guess what, Obama has once again tried to raise gas taxes. You see, he's framed it as being punitive against the big, bad, greedy oil companies, but what it ends up being is a direct tax on you and me.

Eventually Obama wants to squeeze American oil producers out of the American market and into friendlier foreign markets. This is what is so screwed up about his ideas. Regardless how much he tries to act like he's increasing domestic production, he's making it harder and harder for them to sell their product here in the United States. Unfortunately while he's crying about the GOP passing budgets that he claims are so evil, that they want to starve little babies, he's assuring the price of that food is jacked up to ever higher levels.

Amazing isn't it? Unbelievable isn't it? That's why he might just get away with it.



Obama, Menendez Push Economically Painful Anti-Energy Bill - On Energy (

Consumer Price Index Summary

Gasoline Prices Are Not Rising, the Dollar Is Falling - Forbes

Electric Cars Are An Extraordinarily Bad Idea - Forbes

CPI Inflation Calculator

So, are you suggesting wage and price controls, Comrade?

why would that be the first solution that comes to mind?

Doesnt it bother you that you think of that first?
Thanks for that release from OIRA, comrade.

It's a waste of time to respond to these 'non-governmental experts' with their bogus facts and figures.

It's total horseshit.

Energy is what drives the economy and the price of gas is up almost 13% (as of Feb 2012), most of that increase in the last few months of that period, and even a higher increases in March.

Some of the increases we're seeing aren't directly reflective in prices......but I'm sure this will change......after the election. Obama hopes the increases don't hit us too fast. He doesn't want alarm anyone.
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Obama says he can't do a thing about the price of gas/diesel and he continues to attempt to jack up the price even more by proposing the removal of what he calls 'subsidies' for the oil companies which will only raise the price even more. So the price of food is up the last 12 months about 4.5%. Gasoline went up 12.6%. How many of you are getting a pay increase to match this?

First of all, the subsides he talks about are actually tax breaks.
Secondly, Obama is steadily trying to increase the overhead for American oil companies while he's helping fund foreign oil companies.
Thirdly, after helping those foreign companies we aren't going to benefit from it. Brazil's top oil company Petrobas got billions from the US thanks to Obama and yet what did they do with the money? They sent more oil to China instead of the US.

Mr. Obama was saying that while he was drastically slowing down leasing and permitting in the US and whining about “subsides” to US oil corporations. We apparently can subsidize government controlled oil companies in foreign countries, but not here (and I’m not arguing for subsidies here – just pointing out the usual Obama contradiction – kind of like he’s against bailouts, except for Chrysler, GM, Solyndra, etc.)

Well, that little jump-start of ObamaDollars has indeed helped “develop these oil reserves”. And the beneficiary?

The United States wants it, but China is getting it.

Less than a month after President Obama visited Brazil in March to make a pitch for oil, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff was off to Beijing to sign oil contracts with two huge state-owned Chinese companies. Obama’s $2 billion to Brazil ends up helping send oil to China « The Greenroom


This has been the routine all over the world. Democrats are in a position to work out deals with foreign suppliers and the Chinese undercut us and get the deal behind our backs. One would think that our representatives would do it right at least once in awhile....but they don't seem to have their hearts in it. They want to develop alternative sources of energy......not oil, an energy source Obama says is an "energy of the past". It's too dirty, and just not cool enough for someone as forward thinking as Obama. (Then he gets in his armor plated limo and drives off) Try getting Air Force One off the ground with anything else.

Well, I've got news for you........oil is the energy of the present and while everyone else is getting it the Libs in Washington are doing their best to wean us off it before alternatives are ready. One would think these folks had a Deathwish. I just wish for once we had a government that wasn't always doing their thing kissing up to their special interests rather than taking into account what is best for their own country. But what can you expect from people that deep down inside hate the country they represent.

And guess what, Obama has once again tried to raise gas taxes. You see, he's framed it as being punitive against the big, bad, greedy oil companies, but what it ends up being is a direct tax on you and me.

Eventually Obama wants to squeeze American oil producers out of the American market and into friendlier foreign markets. This is what is so screwed up about his ideas. Regardless how much he tries to act like he's increasing domestic production, he's making it harder and harder for them to sell their product here in the United States. Unfortunately while he's crying about the GOP passing budgets that he claims are so evil, that they want to starve little babies, he's assuring the price of that food is jacked up to ever higher levels.

Amazing isn't it? Unbelievable isn't it? That's why he might just get away with it.



Obama, Menendez Push Economically Painful Anti-Energy Bill - On Energy (

Consumer Price Index Summary

Gasoline Prices Are Not Rising, the Dollar Is Falling - Forbes

Electric Cars Are An Extraordinarily Bad Idea - Forbes

CPI Inflation Calculator

So, are you suggesting wage and price controls, Comrade?

We've had wage and price controls in the form of cheap foreign labor and goods in place for some time now.
Everyone, except the RW who just want to blame everything on the President, knows that it is speculators that are driving up the price of fuel (which drives up the price of every fucking thing else).

So, what would the RW like the President to do about the speculators? Won't he need Congress to get anything passed that would rein in this rampant speculation?

"It is similar to the gambling Wall Street did on whether or not people would pay their subprime (below-market rate) mortgages in the mortgage meltdown," said Michael Greenberger, a law professor at the University of Maryland and a former federal regulator of financial markets. "Now they are betting on the upward direction of the price of oil."
Because of our massive debt the value of the dollar is falling.
If obama would drill for oil here, if he would release the oil reserves he could put the brakes on speculation. There's no way this all isn't his fault.

Obama says he can't do a thing about the price of gas/diesel and he continues to attempt to jack up the price even more by proposing the removal of what he calls 'subsidies' for the oil companies. So the price of food is up the last 12 months about 4.5%. Gasoline went up 12.6%. How many of you are getting a pay increase to match this?

First of all, the subsides he talks about are actually tax breaks.
Secondly, Obama is steadily trying to increase the overhead for American oil companies while he's helping fund foreign oil companies.
Thirdly, after helping those foreign companies we aren't going to benefit from it. Brazil's top oil company Petrobas got billions from the US thanks to Obama and yet what did they do with the money? They sent more oil to China instead of the US.

Mr. Obama was saying that while he was drastically slowing down leasing and permitting in the US and whining about “subsides” to US oil corporations. We apparently can subsidize government controlled oil companies in foreign countries, but not here (and I’m not arguing for subsidies here – just pointing out the usual Obama contradiction – kind of like he’s against bailouts, except for Chrysler, GM, Solyndra, etc.)

Well, that little jump-start of ObamaDollars has indeed helped “develop these oil reserves”. And the beneficiary?

The United States wants it, but China is getting it.

Less than a month after President Obama visited Brazil in March to make a pitch for oil, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff was off to Beijing to sign oil contracts with two huge state-owned Chinese companies. Obama’s $2 billion to Brazil ends up helping send oil to China « The Greenroom


This has been the routine all over the world. Democrats are in a position to work out deals with foreign suppliers and the Chinese undercut us and get the deal behind our backs. One would think that our representatives would do it right at least once in awhile....but they don't seem to have their hearts in it. They want to develop alternative sources of energy......not oil, an energy source Obama says is an "energy of the past". It's too dirty, and just not cool enough for someone as forward thinking as Obama. (Then he gets in his armor plated limo and drives off) Try getting Air Force One off the ground with anything else.

Well, I've got news for you........oil is the energy of the present and while everyone else is getting it the Libs in Washington are doing their best to wean us off it before alternatives are ready. One would think these folks had a Deathwish. I just wish for once we had a government that wasn't always doing their thing kissing up to their special interests rather than taking into account what is best for their own country. But what can you expect from people that deep down inside hate the country they represent.

And guess what, Obama has once again tried to raise gas taxes. You see, he's framed it as being punitive against the big, bad, greedy oil companies, but what it ends up being is a direct tax on you and me.

Eventually Obama wants to squeeze American oil producers out of the American market and into friendlier foreign markets. This is what is so screwed up about his ideas. Regardless how much he tries to act like he's increasing domestic production, he's making it harder and harder for them to sell their product here in the United States. Unfortunately while he's crying about the GOP passing budgets that he claims are so evil (they want to starve little babies) he's assuring the price of that food is jacked up to ever higher levels.

Amazing isn't it? Unbelievable isn't it? That's why he might just get away with it.



Obama, Menendez Push Economically Painful Anti-Energy Bill - On Energy (

Consumer Price Index Summary

Gasoline Prices Are Not Rising, the Dollar Is Falling - Forbes

Electric Cars Are An Extraordinarily Bad Idea - Forbes

CPI Inflation Calculator

Nice rant - what would Romney do? Wage and Price Controls as did Nixon in 1971?
The EPA is closing power plants. Skyrocketing energy costs was one of his main camaign promises. He's keeping it.

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