The Predictions of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family)


Senior Member
Nov 23, 2014
I speak of the traditional knowledge in Islam and the knowledge of the saints of Islam.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) made a great many predictions, and the Qur'an which is the Word of God revealed to Muhammad, His beloved, also made predictions.

Muhammad predicted that Islam would spread to a great extent. He said this one day as his Companions asked him to pray to God for help against the persecutors, but he refused.

Muhammad predicted the Holy Qur'an would one day enter every home. Nowadays, every one has access to the Qur'an from his home, whether in his bookshelf or in his computer, or through internet.

Muhammad predicted that the Arabs would one day be accustomed to raising tall buildings. Today, you do find some of the tallest towers in the world in the Middle East. The tallest control tower in the world (in the airports) is found in Saudi Arabia.

Muhammad predicted that adultery will be widespread, and immediately after saying that he said men will die. Today, one who has unprotected sexual relations may get Aids, and consequently die.

Muhammad predicted that one day a kind of smoke would cover the whole world. Today, all these many people smoke.

Muhammad talked about the Antichrist. Today, the world is indeed very evil, so that people use the word "devilish" and actually mean by this to make a compliment. Today, in business, between people, everything is wicked.

Muhammad predicted that Al Mahdi, who is currently the king of the whole world, (peace be upon him and his family) would break the cross (among others) and so he did. He actually said Jesus would do that but he meant Al Mahdi, but since he is a teacher he used to talk in a way not to make people confused.

Muhammad made many more predictions. I wanted to talk about the predictions of Muhammad since I have come to realise that Americans are greatly fond of predictions.
I speak of the traditional knowledge in Islam and the knowledge of the saints of Islam.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) made a great many predictions, and the Qur'an which is the Word of God revealed to Muhammad, His beloved, also made predictions.

Muhammad predicted that Islam would spread to a great extent. He said this one day as his Companions asked him to pray to God for help against the persecutors, but he refused.

Muhammad predicted the Holy Qur'an would one day enter every home. Nowadays, every one has access to the Qur'an from his home, whether in his bookshelf or in his computer, or through internet.

Muhammad predicted that the Arabs would one day be accustomed to raising tall buildings. Today, you do find some of the tallest towers in the world in the Middle East. The tallest control tower in the world (in the airports) is found in Saudi Arabia.

Muhammad predicted that adultery will be widespread, and immediately after saying that he said men will die. Today, one who has unprotected sexual relations may get Aids, and consequently die.

Muhammad predicted that one day a kind of smoke would cover the whole world. Today, all these many people smoke.

Muhammad talked about the Antichrist. Today, the world is indeed very evil, so that people use the word "devilish" and actually mean by this to make a compliment. Today, in business, between people, everything is wicked.

Muhammad predicted that Al Mahdi, who is currently the king of the whole world, (peace be upon him and his family) would break the cross (among others) and so he did. He actually said Jesus would do that but he meant Al Mahdi, but since he is a teacher he used to talk in a way not to make people confused.

Muhammad made many more predictions. I wanted to talk about the predictions of Muhammad since I have come to realise that Americans are greatly fond of predictions.

Please give Quranic quotations, or they are not true. In any case is sounds like you are stretching the thinnest quotes into something they do not really mean.
do you do standup comedy often? "muhummad predicted that people would die" <<< gee I am so impressed.
over then in his tents in a world in which "who could
build the biggest building (think pyramids and tower of babel
stories and huge churches ) muhummad said "we are going to build big buildings" whilst puffing on his hookah he said---
"there is going to be lots of smoke". ROFLMAO
watta genius!!!!
I speak of the traditional knowledge in Islam and the knowledge of the saints of Islam.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) made a great many predictions, and the Qur'an which is the Word of God revealed to Muhammad, His beloved, also made predictions.

Muhammad predicted that Islam would spread to a great extent. He said this one day as his Companions asked him to pray to God for help against the persecutors, but he refused.

Muhammad predicted the Holy Qur'an would one day enter every home. Nowadays, every one has access to the Qur'an from his home, whether in his bookshelf or in his computer, or through internet.

Muhammad predicted that the Arabs would one day be accustomed to raising tall buildings. Today, you do find some of the tallest towers in the world in the Middle East. The tallest control tower in the world (in the airports) is found in Saudi Arabia.

Muhammad predicted that adultery will be widespread, and immediately after saying that he said men will die. Today, one who has unprotected sexual relations may get Aids, and consequently die.

Muhammad predicted that one day a kind of smoke would cover the whole world. Today, all these many people smoke.

Muhammad talked about the Antichrist. Today, the world is indeed very evil, so that people use the word "devilish" and actually mean by this to make a compliment. Today, in business, between people, everything is wicked.

Muhammad predicted that Al Mahdi, who is currently the king of the whole world, (peace be upon him and his family) would break the cross (among others) and so he did. He actually said Jesus would do that but he meant Al Mahdi, but since he is a teacher he used to talk in a way not to make people confused.

Muhammad made many more predictions. I wanted to talk about the predictions of Muhammad since I have come to realise that Americans are greatly fond of predictions.

To be clear it was Khadija's Catholic cousin who interpreted Muhammad's visions for him. He was directed straight from the Vatican on how to accomplish it. Khadija was in it from the beginning as Dr. Alberto Rivera a former Jesuit saw the files for himself in the Vault of the Vatican and also was told the true history of how it happened from Cardinal Bea. (Khadija was a wealthy widow who gave her fortune to the Roman Church and entered a convent - later she was given the assignment by the Vatican to fulfill the "prophecy lie" Augustine had started many years earlier - in order to deceive the children of Ishmael and rob them of their salvation in Christ) She then took the assignment left the Vatican - they gave her the money she needed - and she met Mohammad. The rest is history.

You need to read Dr. Alberto Rivera's 6 part series on the Jesuits and you also need to read the one called - The Prophet - which tells how they manipulated your prophet, Muslim75. You're in for a rude awakening.
Muslim75 is simply yaking until he sources his statements.

I read the Koran-----I don't remember those idiot "predictions"---
"a Koran in every house"----the silly book did not exist
whilst the meccaist "king" was alive.-----
Having read the Bible and the Koran, I don''t need Muslim 75 or Dr. Rivera's nonsense.
I speak of the traditional knowledge in Islam and the knowledge of the saints of Islam.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) made a great many predictions, and the Qur'an which is the Word of God revealed to Muhammad, His beloved, also made predictions.

Muhammad predicted that Islam would spread to a great extent. He said this one day as his Companions asked him to pray to God for help against the persecutors, but he refused.

Muhammad predicted the Holy Qur'an would one day enter every home. Nowadays, every one has access to the Qur'an from his home, whether in his bookshelf or in his computer, or through internet.

Muhammad predicted that the Arabs would one day be accustomed to raising tall buildings. Today, you do find some of the tallest towers in the world in the Middle East. The tallest control tower in the world (in the airports) is found in Saudi Arabia.

Muhammad predicted that adultery will be widespread, and immediately after saying that he said men will die. Today, one who has unprotected sexual relations may get Aids, and consequently die.

Muhammad predicted that one day a kind of smoke would cover the whole world. Today, all these many people smoke.

Muhammad talked about the Antichrist. Today, the world is indeed very evil, so that people use the word "devilish" and actually mean by this to make a compliment. Today, in business, between people, everything is wicked.

Muhammad predicted that Al Mahdi, who is currently the king of the whole world, (peace be upon him and his family) would break the cross (among others) and so he did. He actually said Jesus would do that but he meant Al Mahdi, but since he is a teacher he used to talk in a way not to make people confused.

Muhammad made many more predictions. I wanted to talk about the predictions of Muhammad since I have come to realise that Americans are greatly fond of predictions.

If Mohammed and his family are now in Paradise, why do they need people wishing them peace? Isn't that sort of a given being there already?
The Roman Vatican arranged the story of Fatima - in order to draw in the Arab world - who knew Mohammad's daughter's name was Fatima. It was all very well planned out and the world should be expecting some future "visions" of Fatima in the future - to close the deal with the Muslim World. The deception they have crafted is straight from the pits of hell. The Christians should be praying for the children of Ishmael that their eyes would be opened to the truth.
I speak of the traditional knowledge in Islam and the knowledge of the saints of Islam.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) made a great many predictions, and the Qur'an which is the Word of God revealed to Muhammad, His beloved, also made predictions.

Muhammad predicted that Islam would spread to a great extent. He said this one day as his Companions asked him to pray to God for help against the persecutors, but he refused.

Muhammad predicted the Holy Qur'an would one day enter every home. Nowadays, every one has access to the Qur'an from his home, whether in his bookshelf or in his computer, or through internet.

Muhammad predicted that the Arabs would one day be accustomed to raising tall buildings. Today, you do find some of the tallest towers in the world in the Middle East. The tallest control tower in the world (in the airports) is found in Saudi Arabia.

Muhammad predicted that adultery will be widespread, and immediately after saying that he said men will die. Today, one who has unprotected sexual relations may get Aids, and consequently die.

Muhammad predicted that one day a kind of smoke would cover the whole world. Today, all these many people smoke.

Muhammad talked about the Antichrist. Today, the world is indeed very evil, so that people use the word "devilish" and actually mean by this to make a compliment. Today, in business, between people, everything is wicked.

Muhammad predicted that Al Mahdi, who is currently the king of the whole world, (peace be upon him and his family) would break the cross (among others) and so he did. He actually said Jesus would do that but he meant Al Mahdi, but since he is a teacher he used to talk in a way not to make people confused.

Muhammad made many more predictions. I wanted to talk about the predictions of Muhammad since I have come to realise that Americans are greatly fond of predictions.

If Mohammed and his family are now in Paradise, why do they need people wishing them peace? Isn't that sort of a given being there already?

in fact-----"peace" is not an accurate translation of the semitic
root S L M -----it really is a word with a connotation of ---
"all is well" sorta
Having read the Bible and the Koran, I don''t need Muslim 75 or Dr. Rivera's nonsense.

The King James Bible is the truth and Dr. Rivera has expose the Jesuits plot to deceive the Arab people from the beginning with the assignment given Augustine by the Vatican and later the assignment given Khadija and her cousin to deceive Mohammad. The real liars have been exposed already - the Jesuits - look at this video and see for yourself, Starkey. I didn't realize you were a Catholic. You need to get out of that institution as fast your feet can carry you!

I speak of the traditional knowledge in Islam and the knowledge of the saints of Islam.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) made a great many predictions, and the Qur'an which is the Word of God revealed to Muhammad, His beloved, also made predictions.

Muhammad predicted that Islam would spread to a great extent. He said this one day as his Companions asked him to pray to God for help against the persecutors, but he refused.

Muhammad predicted the Holy Qur'an would one day enter every home. Nowadays, every one has access to the Qur'an from his home, whether in his bookshelf or in his computer, or through internet.

Muhammad predicted that the Arabs would one day be accustomed to raising tall buildings. Today, you do find some of the tallest towers in the world in the Middle East. The tallest control tower in the world (in the airports) is found in Saudi Arabia.

Muhammad predicted that adultery will be widespread, and immediately after saying that he said men will die. Today, one who has unprotected sexual relations may get Aids, and consequently die.

Muhammad predicted that one day a kind of smoke would cover the whole world. Today, all these many people smoke.

Muhammad talked about the Antichrist. Today, the world is indeed very evil, so that people use the word "devilish" and actually mean by this to make a compliment. Today, in business, between people, everything is wicked.

Muhammad predicted that Al Mahdi, who is currently the king of the whole world, (peace be upon him and his family) would break the cross (among others) and so he did. He actually said Jesus would do that but he meant Al Mahdi, but since he is a teacher he used to talk in a way not to make people confused.

Muhammad made many more predictions. I wanted to talk about the predictions of Muhammad since I have come to realise that Americans are greatly fond of predictions.

If Mohammed and his family are now in Paradise, why do they need people wishing them peace? Isn't that sort of a given being there already?

Not likely to start a new religion if you go around telling everybody "this isn't likely to ever catch on or expand beyond our own town here." :) Of course he said it would spread everywhere, what's he supposed to say?

Adultery was widespread already when Mohammed "predicted" it would become so. As were STIs, thus why the ancient Romans invented condoms using animal skin to protect them.

Much of what religious "prophets" did by way of "predictions" and "prophecies" are what we now call past-posting. Where a conman bets on a race or other betting event that's already been decided. He's no more predicted the outcome than a phoney prophet is saying things they know are already extant will come to be.

A valid prediction using divine sources will give precision god enough to protect peoples lives. Any non-specific, open ended predction will of course come true given unlimited time. But that doesn't require prophesy or gods. Just ignorance and stupidity.
The Roman Catholic Institution - original Crusaders - responsible for 62 million lives in the Inquisitions alone - is the greatest enemy of Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible on the face of the earth today. They are the greatest enemy of the Jews on the earth today. Their goal is to take Jerusalem.

They are also the greatest enemy of Islam but the Islamists do not realize it. YET. I pray they realize it before it is too late for them. History Does Repeat Itself. The Muslim world needs to WAKE UP.
I love the Catholic people. So does Jack Chck. So did Dr. Alberto Rivera before he died and went to heaven. Speaking the truth - exposing the dangers these people are in - is an act of love. Not hate, Delta. Learn the difference. Speaking truth is love. Leaving someone in a lie that will destroy them eternally is the ultimate act of hatred. Indifference is not love.

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