The Preamble


Gold Member
Jan 10, 2009
So much discussion of the Pledge, here is the beginning of another interesting American writing:

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Yet the first three words were a fallacy. Less than 20 % of the population of the colonies could vote let alone own property or hold office. So who's country was it? It was not even the majority.
Yet the first three words were a fallacy. Less than 20 % of the population of the colonies could vote let alone own property or hold office. So who's country was it? It was not even the majority.
The drafters had fistfights over such issues. It laid the groundwork for the finest nation on earth. By signing, the men created a most RADICAL nation. Most of Europe LAUGHED at it. As with the Declaration of Independence, the signers also condemned themselves to death, in the eyes of the British ruling class.

And to top it off, from the late Barbara Jordan:

"MY faith in the Constitution IS WHOLE, IT IS COMPLETE, IT IS TOTAL."
Yet the first three words were a fallacy. Less than 20 % of the population of the colonies could vote let alone own property or hold office. So who's country was it? It was not even the majority.

It was a different world then.

The mere fact that these guys used the words they used set the stage for the flow of the real power from the top to the base.

Now the mind numbed masses strive to support those who would rob the power from the base to maintain and strengthen the top.

One great thing about giving away all of your rights is that you are left with no responsibilities. This is the end result of Democrat policy.
You're all right... Bring the Brits back over here and let's fight for this country again. Start it off on a better footing next time we win our independence.
You're all right... Bring the Brits back over here and let's fight for this country again. Start it off on a better footing next time we win our independence.
It has worked out great; name ONE country better.
Now the mind numbed masses strive to support those who would rob the power from the base to maintain and strengthen the top.

One great thing about giving away all of your rights is that you are left with no responsibilities. This is the end result of Democrat policy.

Fundamental democratic policy, as with liberals in general, is to restrict government authority and protect individual liberty as intended by the Framers. Conservatives for the most part fight for the opposite, to subject our civil liberties to the rule of the majority, rather than the rule of law.
Now the mind numbed masses strive to support those who would rob the power from the base to maintain and strengthen the top.

One great thing about giving away all of your rights is that you are left with no responsibilities. This is the end result of Democrat policy.

Fundamental democratic policy, as with liberals in general, is to restrict government authority and protect individual liberty as intended by the Framers. Conservatives for the most part fight for the opposite, to subject our civil liberties to the rule of the majority, rather than the rule of law.

You really believe that load of hooey, don't you? Does ACA fit that description? OWS?
Yet the first three words were a fallacy. Less than 20 % of the population of the colonies could vote let alone own property or hold office. So who's country was it? It was not even the majority.

It was a different world then.

The mere fact that these guys used the words they used set the stage for the flow of the real power from the top to the base.

Now the mind numbed masses strive to support those who would rob the power from the base to maintain and strengthen the top.

One great thing about giving away all of your rights is that you are left with no responsibilities. This is the end result of Democrat policy.

LOL. Well, Code, you were doing all right until you came to the last sentence. You idiots support the 1% and the greatest re-distribution of wealth the world has seen. You support every policy that would limit the rights of the working man. Your GOP is the enemy of all of the working men and women in the US.

Union busting, cutting minimum wage, destroying the most successful social programs in this nation, Social Security and MediCare is what you support. Three quarter of a million families go bankrupt every year due to our medical system, but you think that it is the best in the world. Even when it costs double what the costs are per citizen in other industrial nations, and we don't even cover all of our citizens. Not only that, our longevity and infant mortality ranks below most other industrial nations. In fact, even behind little Costa Rica. But we have the richest Health Insurance CEO's in the world. I am sure all of you approve of that.

Time to redistribute that wealth in the other direction for a while.
Now the mind numbed masses strive to support those who would rob the power from the base to maintain and strengthen the top.

One great thing about giving away all of your rights is that you are left with no responsibilities. This is the end result of Democrat policy.

Fundamental democratic policy, as with liberals in general, is to restrict government authority and protect individual liberty as intended by the Framers. Conservatives for the most part fight for the opposite, to subject our civil liberties to the rule of the majority, rather than the rule of law.

You really believe that load of hooey, don't you? Does ACA fit that description? OWS?

For all the foolishness and anarchy, yes, the OWS does fit that description. What they are protesting is the theft of wages by the already very wealthy. For thirty years wages, in real money terms, have been stagnant. While the wealthy that control the money flow have been making money hand over fist. The American Worker is the most productive in the world, yet his wages do not reflect that productivity. And the continued extreme payouts to the people at the top, even when they actions are destroying the the company that they work for, are proof that our economic system has gone seriously awry.

Fundamental democratic policy, as with liberals in general, is to restrict government authority and protect individual liberty as intended by the Framers. Conservatives for the most part fight for the opposite, to subject our civil liberties to the rule of the majority, rather than the rule of law.

You really believe that load of hooey, don't you? Does ACA fit that description? OWS?

For all the foolishness and anarchy, yes, the OWS does fit that description. What they are protesting is the theft of wages by the already very wealthy. For thirty years wages, in real money terms, have been stagnant. While the wealthy that control the money flow have been making money hand over fist. The American Worker is the most productive in the world, yet his wages do not reflect that productivity. And the continued extreme payouts to the people at the top, even when they actions are destroying the the company that they work for, are proof that our economic system has gone seriously awry.

I don't see liberals as trying to restrict government authority and protect individual liberty at all. I think the health care bill serves as proof of that. Of course, I don't see conservatives doing it, either. I don't trust either side of the aisle with doing this, because neither side has given me a reason to trust them. I also don't see conservatives pushing 'the rule of the majority', although I do see that from the liberals.

I do agree that the corporatism of the last 30-40 years has been decidedly unfair to workers, but that's because the workers have shirked their responsibility to be good citizens. We've allowed the government to whisper sweet nothings into our ears as they and their corporate conspirators have sold us out to China in the name of the Almighty Dollar. I see BOTH parties guilty of these crimes, but they can only do what we let them get away with.

I think trusting one party or the other to FIX the mess, when they've been equally complicit in creating it, is naive. I think we need to get back to our roots, the Constitution, and the words of our Founders, the Authors of it, to regain that which the corporatists have stolen from us.

George Washington warned us about the evils of party politics, and begged us not to fall under it's spell. I only hope that enough of us will come to our senses and save this country before it really is too late.
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