The possible "dark cloud" of investigating Trump too much..


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Please don't get me wrong, because I am ALL for investigating the very shade and fraud-laden background of the orange clown.....

My fear, however, is that when a narcissistic,insecure (low self-esteem) and soul-less individual, as Trump surely is, has his back against the wall and his whole charade is falling apart, MAY resort to divert Americans attention from his failings by starting a war.

Certainly that must have been Cheney's advice to GWB (perhaps not so crudely phrased.) When the electorate turns against you, the very sure-fire way to get them back into the fold is to give them an even more pressing situation to stop their dissent......and wars are always easy to start.

Of course I hope that I'm wrong.....for all our sake.
That why Obama didn't get us out of any wars? He did promise he would on both counts.
Please don't get me wrong, because I am ALL for investigating the very shade and fraud-laden background of the orange clown.....

My fear, however, is that when a narcissistic,insecure (low self-esteem) and soul-less individual, as Trump surely is, has his back against the wall and his whole charade is falling apart, MAY resort to divert Americans attention from his failings by starting a war.

Certainly that must have been Cheney's advice to GWB (perhaps not so crudely phrased.) When the electorate turns against you, the very sure-fire way to get them back into the fold is to give them an even more pressing situation to stop their dissent......and wars are always easy to start.

Of course I hope that I'm wrong.....for all our sake.
Part of the reason the rubes voted for him was the promise of war. Every month that goes by without hundreds of our soldiers dying for nothing, is a slap in the face by the GOP to its current constituents.
The op is such a degenerate idiot. Trump is not going to start a fucking war to divert attention from some fictional scandal.

I sincerely hope you are not as fucked up in your head as your posts suggest. I prefer to believe that you are merely a troll.
Please don't get me wrong, because I am ALL for investigating the very shade and fraud-laden background of the orange clown.....

My fear, however, is that when a narcissistic,insecure (low self-esteem) and soul-less individual, as Trump surely is, has his back against the wall and his whole charade is falling apart, MAY resort to divert Americans attention from his failings by starting a war.

Certainly that must have been Cheney's advice to GWB (perhaps not so crudely phrased.) When the electorate turns against you, the very sure-fire way to get them back into the fold is to give them an even more pressing situation to stop their dissent......and wars are always easy to start.

Of course I hope that I'm wrong.....for all our sake.

Schadenfreude. :badgrin: In case you didn't get the message: Asshat liberals are the clowns.

The Schadenfreude is glorious! The nonsensical douches have relegated themselves to the annals of history.
Sometime in 10 years the subject will come up and it will be said " They didn't care about anybody, only the agenda" and took the position that the ends justify the means.

In some symposium on "How to lose" :badgrin:
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The op is such a degenerate idiot. Trump is not going to start a fucking war to divert attention from some fictional scandal.

I sincerely hope you are not as fucked up in your head as your posts suggest. I prefer to believe that you are merely a troll.

Think what you wish........In 2003 there were NO....ZERO.....reasons to attack and invade Iraq, and GWB's ratings for reelection were in the toilet.....A war took care in assuring a second term....
If the liberals continue to plot a coup d etat' against this administration, Nat, you'll see a war alright only this time it will be right here on American soil. Don't think that Russia and China are not watching what is going on right now. They know all about the May 1st march against Washington, the online recruitment that is ongoing to raise up against this administration. Obama dismantled the military, fired 147 or more of our best military leaders or forced them into retirement /resigning. Our nation has never been so vulnerable as it is right now thanks to Barack Obama. President Trump is trying to turn all of that around but it will take time and in that period we are facing a very dangerous situation. If the liberals do listen to Soros, Obama, and co. and plan a coup it won't be any time before China will make her move to invade Taiwan drawing USA into response and then Russia is going to retaliate and do a nuclear strike on us which will activate every Islamic and Communist cell waiting on standby right now for that day.

You'll think you woke up in hell. Tell your friends they better be very careful for what they wish for because they just may get far more than they bargained for. Once that tiger's head pops out of the bag it's coming all out, all the way. It's a done deal.
Please don't get me wrong, because I am ALL for investigating the very shade and fraud-laden background of the orange clown.....

My fear, however, is that when a narcissistic,insecure (low self-esteem) and soul-less individual, as Trump surely is, has his back against the wall and his whole charade is falling apart, MAY resort to divert Americans attention from his failings by starting a war.

Certainly that must have been Cheney's advice to GWB (perhaps not so crudely phrased.) When the electorate turns against you, the very sure-fire way to get them back into the fold is to give them an even more pressing situation to stop their dissent......and wars are always easy to start.

Of course I hope that I'm wrong.....for all our sake.
Part of the reason the rubes voted for him was the promise of war. Every month that goes by without hundreds of our soldiers dying for nothing, is a slap in the face by the GOP to its current constituents.
Republicans never met a war they didn't like.
You watch... whenever and wherever the Thin skinned president decides to attack, his sheep will approve. Even if it's Sweden or Australia.
My fear, however, is that when a narcissistic,insecure (low self-esteem)......... as Trump surely is,
Trump has low self esteem?? :lol:

Surely you jest. He has an ego the size of a MAC Truck.

But that is what makes him a great leader, and able to overcome extreme adversity. ..... :thup: .. :cool:
A great leader?
Surely YOU jest.
He has no experience and it's showing that he has no idea what he's doing.
Please don't get me wrong, because I am ALL for investigating the very shade and fraud-laden background of the orange clown.....

My fear, however, is that when a narcissistic,insecure (low self-esteem) and soul-less individual, as Trump surely is, has his back against the wall and his whole charade is falling apart, MAY resort to divert Americans attention from his failings by starting a war.

Certainly that must have been Cheney's advice to GWB (perhaps not so crudely phrased.) When the electorate turns against you, the very sure-fire way to get them back into the fold is to give them an even more pressing situation to stop their dissent......and wars are always easy to start.

Of course I hope that I'm wrong.....for all our sake.

The only war he need currently be concerned with is the one you people are in the process of starting.
Please don't get me wrong, because I am ALL for investigating the very shade and fraud-laden background of the orange clown.....

My fear, however, is that when a narcissistic,insecure (low self-esteem) and soul-less individual, as Trump surely is, has his back against the wall and his whole charade is falling apart, MAY resort to divert Americans attention from his failings by starting a war.

Certainly that must have been Cheney's advice to GWB (perhaps not so crudely phrased.) When the electorate turns against you, the very sure-fire way to get them back into the fold is to give them an even more pressing situation to stop their dissent......and wars are always easy to start.

Of course I hope that I'm wrong.....for all our sake.
You're not wrong about a war coming our way. Our enemies are watching the liberals who are trying to bring on a full revolution / civil war in this country. It will be the perfect opportunity for our enemies (Russia, China, communist nations that are allied with them) to blindside us and then you'll be full of regrets but it will be too late. Too late.
The op is such a degenerate idiot. Trump is not going to start a fucking war to divert attention from some fictional scandal.

I sincerely hope you are not as fucked up in your head as your posts suggest. I prefer to believe that you are merely a troll.
Fictional scandal?
18 intelligence agencies say differently.
Please don't get me wrong, because I am ALL for investigating the very shade and fraud-laden background of the orange clown.....

My fear, however, is that when a narcissistic,insecure (low self-esteem) and soul-less individual, as Trump surely is, has his back against the wall and his whole charade is falling apart, MAY resort to divert Americans attention from his failings by starting a war.

Certainly that must have been Cheney's advice to GWB (perhaps not so crudely phrased.) When the electorate turns against you, the very sure-fire way to get them back into the fold is to give them an even more pressing situation to stop their dissent......and wars are always easy to start.

Of course I hope that I'm wrong.....for all our sake.

Trump will use any excuse for starting or greatly expanding a war. In fact, he doesn't even need an excuse. However, I want as many "credible" investigations as possible - and I want them to be as public as possible.
Please don't get me wrong, because I am ALL for investigating the very shade and fraud-laden background of the orange clown.....

My fear, however, is that when a narcissistic,insecure (low self-esteem) and soul-less individual, as Trump surely is, has his back against the wall and his whole charade is falling apart, MAY resort to divert Americans attention from his failings by starting a war.

Certainly that must have been Cheney's advice to GWB (perhaps not so crudely phrased.) When the electorate turns against you, the very sure-fire way to get them back into the fold is to give them an even more pressing situation to stop their dissent......and wars are always easy to start.

Of course I hope that I'm wrong.....for all our sake.
You're not wrong about a war coming our way. Our enemies are watching the liberals who are trying to bring on a full revolution / civil war in this country. It will be the perfect opportunity for our enemies (Russia, China, communist nations that are allied with them) to blindside us and then you'll be full of regrets but it will be too late. Too late.
You have it 100% wrong. Let this tweet educate your dumb ass:
The op is such a degenerate idiot. Trump is not going to start a fucking war to divert attention from some fictional scandal.

I sincerely hope you are not as fucked up in your head as your posts suggest. I prefer to believe that you are merely a troll.
Fictional scandal?
18 intelligence agencies say differently.
Yet there is no evidence.
Please don't get me wrong, because I am ALL for investigating the very shade and fraud-laden background of the orange clown.....

My fear, however, is that when a narcissistic,insecure (low self-esteem) and soul-less individual, as Trump surely is, has his back against the wall and his whole charade is falling apart, MAY resort to divert Americans attention from his failings by starting a war.

Certainly that must have been Cheney's advice to GWB (perhaps not so crudely phrased.) When the electorate turns against you, the very sure-fire way to get them back into the fold is to give them an even more pressing situation to stop their dissent......and wars are always easy to start.

Of course I hope that I'm wrong.....for all our sake.

Trump will use any excuse for starting or greatly expanding a war. In fact, he doesn't even need an excuse. However, I want as many "credible" investigations as possible - and I want them to be as public as possible.
Trump won't be the cause of this coming war. This will be fully on you and those like you who are determined to not honor the will of the American people and accept the President that we elected. When that day comes and the Russians do attack us (after China invades Taiwan and we are forced to respond) on our own soil and a full on invasion by land, by sea, by air ensues you will see bloodshed such as you have never witnessed in your life and there will be no place for you to run. Then what will you do? Will you call upon God in your day of trouble after having rejected Him and mocked His servants day in and day out? Who will you call upon?

Laugh now if you want to but the day will come that you will remember this warning and realize you should have listened and repented while you had the opportunity.
Please don't get me wrong, because I am ALL for investigating the very shade and fraud-laden background of the orange clown.....

My fear, however, is that when a narcissistic,insecure (low self-esteem) and soul-less individual, as Trump surely is, has his back against the wall and his whole charade is falling apart, MAY resort to divert Americans attention from his failings by starting a war.

Certainly that must have been Cheney's advice to GWB (perhaps not so crudely phrased.) When the electorate turns against you, the very sure-fire way to get them back into the fold is to give them an even more pressing situation to stop their dissent......and wars are always easy to start.

Of course I hope that I'm wrong.....for all our sake.
Another day, another silly rant by a lunatic. So predictable.
View attachment 114591
Please don't get me wrong, because I am ALL for investigating the very shade and fraud-laden background of the orange clown.....

My fear, however, is that when a narcissistic,insecure (low self-esteem) and soul-less individual, as Trump surely is, has his back against the wall and his whole charade is falling apart, MAY resort to divert Americans attention from his failings by starting a war.

Certainly that must have been Cheney's advice to GWB (perhaps not so crudely phrased.) When the electorate turns against you, the very sure-fire way to get them back into the fold is to give them an even more pressing situation to stop their dissent......and wars are always easy to start.

Of course I hope that I'm wrong.....for all our sake.
You're not wrong about a war coming our way. Our enemies are watching the liberals who are trying to bring on a full revolution / civil war in this country. It will be the perfect opportunity for our enemies (Russia, China, communist nations that are allied with them) to blindside us and then you'll be full of regrets but it will be too late. Too late.
You have it 100% wrong. Let this tweet educate your dumb ass:
I have nothing wrong. I'm telling you that our enemies (Russia and China and the communist nations who have aligned themselves with them for a future attack on the USA) are waiting for this coming revolt against the White House in order to blindside us with an a massive invasion. They have been planning it for many years now. The only reason you cannot see it is because you are not living for the LORD. You are wicked and none of the wicked can see what is coming because God has blinded their eyes to it. You need to repent of your wickedness and call upon the Lord Jesus Christ to save you.

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